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    Assassin's Creed My pitch for a WWII Assassin's Creed game

    Assassin's Creed My pitch for a WWII Assassin's Creed game

    My pitch for a WWII Assassin's Creed game

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    Assassin's Creed is one of my favorite gaming franchises and I've played every AC game on launch since AC2. Throughout all these years, I've seen fans suggest hundreds of different time periods that would be perfect for an AC game, but most seem to unanimously agree that a game set during WW2 would be a bad idea due to the overwhelming presence of firearms. I believe that if Ubisoft really wanted, they could make a great game set during this era that would still adhere to the core pillars of the franchise.

    Other than being a die-hard AC fan, the main reason why I would love to see this game become a reality is because I am fascinated by the WW2 period and I believe that Ubi could write a great AC story based on the many mysteries and conspiracies surrounding WW2. Furthermore, I think that this is the best time period to set Germany based AC game. Here is my pitch for Assassin's Creed: Victory


    Assassin's creed Victory would be primary set in Berlin and Munich from 1933 to 1945 and in terms of gameplay, ACV would feel the most like Syndicate in terms of the city design (Tall buildings and wide streets) as well as parkour and combat. It would also feature a customization system similar to Unity's.

    The plot would focus on the Assassin born protagonist, Hans, fighting against Templar/Nazi control in Germany whilst simultaneously searching for Hitler's apple of eden. Throughout this game you would meet and aid several famous members of the anti nazi resistance such as Sophie Scholl, Marinus Van der Lubbe, Wernher Von Braun (who would serve as this game's "Da Vinci" by supplying Hans with several prototype gadgets) , Oskar Schindler and the Edelweiss Pirates.

    Assassination targets would include Weimar Germany president, Paul Von Hindenburg, Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, Nazi party secretary Martin Bormann, Nazi commander and Hitler's brother in law Hermann Fegeleinn, Leader of the Hitler youth Kurt Gruber, SS general Reinhard Heydrich and of course, Hitler himself.

    Other characters you would encounter would be Joseph Mengele (The angel of death), Erwinn Rommel (The Desert Fox) as well as the Assassins Julia Dusk and Eddie Gorm

    In Assassin's Creed lore, Hitler was merely a templar puppet and was not fully aware of their plans for world domination so the main villain of this game would instead be Heinrich Himmler, the leader of the SS. In real life, Himmler was obsessed with occultism and secret societies so it would make sense for him to be a templar. Furthermore, he was in Hitler's close circles but not his close friend which would explain why he was able to influence Hitler to act in favor of the templar cause but never managed to fully recruit him into the order.


    The gameplay in terms of stealth, parkour and combat would be most similar to AC Syndicate as stated previously. The new parkour system would be fluid like Unity and Syndicate's and would feature the climb up/climb down feature. The sprint button and black box assassination missions would also return. Most of the RPG mechanics would be removed and the player would gain new gadgets and skills by progressing through the story and completing side activities.

    Traversal – Due to the tall buildings and open street's present in 20th century Berlin and Munich, Hans would have several tools to help him quickly move around the city. His most important tool would be a climbing hook that Hans would throw into the top of buildings which would allow him to climb and rappel down structures a lot faster, unlike Syndicate, the hook would not be automatic or attached to his hidden blade meaning the player would have to climb the rope manually. This would be a huge improvement on Syndicate's grappling hook as it would 1) not look silly and unrealistic and 2) would not make parkour obsolete. Hans can also throw his hook at horizontal bars to swing across the street's kind of like what Nathan Drake does in Uncharted 4. In places where using the hooks is impossible, Hans would use his modified hook blade to climb much faster like Ezio in Revelations. Berlin and Munich would also be dotted with several ziplines that would allow Hans to quickly cross the streets. Around the halfway point of the game, Hans would acquire special rubber boots that would allow him to walk on electric lines in order to quickly move about the city. Vehicles would also make a return in the form of cars, trucks, motorcycles and boats.

    Melee combat – The hand to hand combat in this game would be very similar to Syndicate's. Since melee weapons were rarely used in WW2 and weapon control was strict in Nazi Germany, Hans would mostly use concealed weapons when in close combat. He would have access to several types of knives (such as Khukris), brass knuckles, police batons, and a combat rope as well as his fists and hidden blades in combat. The combat system would control similarly to Syndicate, with the player being able to use light and heavy attacks, counter and break defense. Unlike Syndicate, however, Victory's combat would be significantly slower and more brutal in order to avoid looking cartoonish like Syndicate. Furthermore, there would be an emphasis on using the environment against your enemies such as throwing them against destructible objects (like in AC3), walls and out of windows. Hans can also use his rope dart to disarm enemies with guns (like batman in the Arkham games) When hurt, Hans would use morphine shots to restore health.

    Ranged Combat – AC Victory would be the first third person shooter AC game and would have a cover-based shooting and dodge system similar to Uncharted. but would feature several restrictions that would encourage the player to seek a stealthier approach to objectives rather than going in guns blazing. Since firearm use was restricted in Nazi Germany, guards would investigate or become hostile against Hans if he openly carries a gun while walking around. Because of this ammo would also be severely limited as Hans would not be able to carry huge amounts of bullets without raising suspicion. Furthermore, Hans cannot simply pickup weapons from dead guards and use them and must instead unlock them by progressing through the main story, playing side missions (kind of like how you only unlock new weapons by playing through the story in The last of Us) or buying them from the black market.

    Hans would also be extremely fragile, dying to only a few bullets at the start of the game (though he is able to unlock bullet proof vests to improve his resistance). Guns would be also extremely loud and would instantly alert all guards in the area. The player would only be able to carry 2 guns at a time, a main weapon and a sidearm. Victory would feature various classes of guns such as sniper rifles, carabines, heavy machine guns, automatic rifles, sub machine guns and shotguns as well pistols, revolvers and sawed-off shotguns as sidearms. Hans can also shoot his sidearm whilst driving.

    Hans can modify and customize all of his guns. Mods are earned by completing side quests or by buying them and each gun class would have several modification types. For example, the player can modify his/her sniper's scope, barrel and silencer.

    Stealth – Of all AC games to date, Victory would be the most stealth based of all. As described above, alerting enemies would practically be a death sentence, especially at the start of the game. Therefore, Hans would have a variety of tools to help him remain undetected including several types of bombs, poison, rope darts, throwing knives, sleep darts and gun silencers. The time of day would also greatly affect your playstyle as guards would sleep and change patrol at night as well as taking longer to detect you in the dark. At one point in the story, Hans would learn to sabotage machines which can help him in several ways. The player can rig cars to explode once someone turns them on, sabotage radios so that guards can't call for reinforcements, destroy generators in order to make entire buildings dark or poison food trays to kill guards going for a snack.

    Social stealth would also return, but with a twist. Hans would have a conspicuousness meter that would increase or decrease based on what weapons you are carrying. For example, if you are equipped only with your hidden blades, guards will ignore you and won't be detected when blending in with a crowd. If you are carrying a larger gun however, guards will detect you from further away and blending won't be as effective. If your conspicuousness meter is maxed, you won't be able to blend at all.

    Disguises would be the new stealth mechanic and would be extremely useful when infiltrating restricted areas. Like in the Hitman games, Hans can kill guards and steal their uniforms to easily bypass guard posts and patrols. Once Hans kills a guard, he needs to find a hiding spot to change. Disguised, Hans is invisible to regular guards who won't detect him unless he does something suspicious (eg sabotaging or drawing a weapon) or if they find a dead body. Officers, however, can still detect him though at a slower rate. The downside to wearing a Uniform is that Han's movement is restricted, and he cannot climb buildings unless he switches back to his assassin robes. Also, guards in different bases and camps use different badges so stealing a uniform from one camp won't work on another.

    Finally, the bomb crafting system from Revelations will return and Hans would be able to craft a multitude of different bombs with different effects such as smoke bombs, electric bombs (which silently and instantly destroys electrical equipment), caltrops bombs (slows down guards chasing him), coin bombs (draws a crowd around you and distracts certain guards), poison bombs (silently kills enemies), berserk bombs (makes guards attack each other), sleep bombs (puts enemies to sleep), cherry bombs (lures guards away), shrapnel bombs (basically grenades) and incendiary bombs. He can also use four different types of shells, regular shells which detonate 3 seconds after being thrown, impact shells which detonate automatically, landmines which detonate once enemies' step on them and remote explosives which can stick to any surface and needs to be detonated manually.

    Side activities and side quests.

    The side activity system would work similarly to Syndicate as well, you would have different contacts that would reward you for doing different activities, Oskar Schindler for example would reward you for liberating Jews from detention centers. Contact would give you different rewards based on their loyalty to you and their type of side activity.

    Some of the side activities would include: Taking down propaganda posters, destroying towers transmitting nazi propaganda, liberating children from the Hitler youth, assassinating templars, raiding supply depots, attacking army convoys, stealing arrest lists, freeing jews from detention centers and helping the resistance.

    Berlin and Munich would have several bars that function similarly to taverns in AC4. Hans can bribe the barman to gain intel or play several minigames such as billiards, darts or checkers

    Victory would also see the return of the brotherhood system much like it was featured in AC3, Berlin and Munich would be divided into several districts, each with one potential assassin recruit, that would be liberated before Hans can convince them to join the brotherhood. Like AC3, each recruit will have a unique personality and backstory as well as unique abilities that can be used during stealth or combat such as providing sniper fire, assassinating enemies, distracting guards or Resupplying Hans with ammo. Hans can level up his recruits by calling them during combat or sending them to undermine Nazi authority throughout occupied Europe.

    Like Origins and Odyssey, Victory would also feature regular sidequests and optional story arcs that would reward Hans with new weapons, gadgets, outfits and money.

    After liberating a district, Hans can invest money to renovate shops and landmarks to increase his income like in the Ezio trilogy.

    The customization system from Unity would also return, with the player being able to customize Han's hood, coat, breeches, boots, gauntlet and outfit color. Unlike Unity however, Victory's customization would be 100% cosmetic as this game would not feature stats of any kind.

    The coolest side missions in Victory would be the what I like to call "Battle memories". These missions would be similar to the Leonardo's machines missions from AC Brotherhood. In these missions, Hans would travel to various parts of Europe and North Africa and fight for the allies in major battles from WWII. These memories would serve as action heavy set pieces where Hans would face unique combat scenarios such as piloting a plane in the battle of Britain (1941), captaining a destroyer in the battle of the Atlantic (1943), Driving a tank in the battle of Kursk (1943), parachuting behind enemy lines in D-Day (1944), fighting in the desert in the battle of El Alamein (1942) or in the Italian mountains during the gothic line (1944). These missions would be completely optional as I understand many people much rather play as a stealthy assassin rather than a soldier.


    (Note – I took some historical liberties with the dates and order of events, as well as locations. I tried to not change anything too major but remember that AC is historical fiction and thus not meant to be 100% accurate)

    The main character Hans (Born 1915), was an assassin from birth, his father Karl joining the brotherhood during the first world war. In his youth, Hans would grow to resent the restrictions imposed on him by order and would frequently skip training to drink or womanize. At the start of the game, Hans is initially stubborn, brash and arrogant but also charismatic (a mix of Altair, Ezio and Arno) but would grow to become wise and likeable by the end of the game.

    Sequence 1 would start in early February 1933, shortly after formally being initiated into the assassin brotherhood, 18-year-old Hans is tasked with investigating Paul Von Hindenburg, the president of Weimar Germany. The assassins suspect that Hindenburg is the templar grandmaster of the German rite. At this point in time, the Assassins are mostly unconcerned about the rising Nazi party, seeing them as bunch of lunatics with little public support rather than a threat. They also believe that Hitler is merely a populist puppet, following Hindenburg's orders from behind the scenes.

    Hans informs the council that he believes that he can find evidence proving Hindenburg's allegiance by stealing some confidential files from the Reichstag (German parliament). Hans is sent with fellow assassin Marinus Van der Lubbe to retrieve the files. The pair manage to find the evidence, but the mission goes downhill once Hans chooses to expose himself to the guards against Lubbe's protests. A short firefight ensues which accidentally starts the 1933 Reichstag Fire. Hans is barely able to escape the burning building alive and Marinus is captured by the authorities.

    The Reichstag fire decree is passed after the fire, giving the Nazi party unlimited political power and the right to suspend civil liberties.

    The Assassin council blames Hans for the disaster and decide to banish him from the order. Karl intervenes and the assassins give Hans one chance to redeem himself by infiltrating prison, recuperating the files and rescuing Marinus. Hans manages to find the files but Marinus is too wounded from torture to escape and chooses to stay behind. He is later executed, an event which Hans blames himself for the rest of the game.

    The files Hans steals clearly shows that Hindenburg is in contact with the templars but do not prove that he is the templar grandmaster. The council authorizes Hindenburg's assassination in in early 1934. Hans infiltrates Hindenburg's mansion and kills him in his office. Paul reveals in his memory corridor that he is not even a member of the templar order and calls Hans a fool, saying that he has doomed all of Germany, indicating that Hitler would now plunge Germany into war.

    Without consulting the council, Hans starts spying on Hitler and eavesdrop on a secret meeting between him and his subordinates. Hitler quickly covers up Hindenburg's murder and keeps it hidden from the public to avoid suspicion. He immediately declares himself "Fuhrer", effectively turning Germany into a dictatorship. Aware that Hindenburg was eliminated by assassins, Hitler orders a purge of the brotherhood (Hans later learns Hitler discovered the names of the German assassin by torturing Marinus) and all his opposition, initiating the night of the long knives. Hans is unable to prevent Hitler's order from being carried out and races to his home to save his father as all around him he sees SS officers arresting and executing dozens on the streets. Hans arrives in time to see his father being dragged from his home by the SS and brought before a hooded man and Reinhard Heydrich. The man reveals himself to be Himmler and admits to being the German templar grandmaster, as well as Karl's friend during WW1. Himmler gives a speech on how "Europe shall soon be his" and then shoots Karl on the stomach before throwing his body on a van and driving away. Hans gives chase, but his car is knocked into the river and he loses the templar's trail. Few assassins survive the purge and Hans swears revenge, promising to kill Himmler and avenge his father.

    The game then skips to 1940, a few months after WWII starts. Hans, now a master assassin is tasked by the sole survivor of the Assassin council – an old man called Franz – with rebuilding the brotherhood's influence in Berlin. Hans sabotages various small-scale facilities and assassinates petty gestapo officers to avoid drawing attention to the assassins. Hans eventually rids one of Berlin's districts by assassinating the local templar leader and recruits his first assassin into the order, a young sniper called Hannah. He also befriends a scientist named Werhner Von Braun who supplies him with various gadgets in return for favors. Braun eventually asks Hans to eliminate a female spy who he suspects is trying to steal his research, Hans obliges but she reveals herself to be Julia Dusk, an American assassin infiltrating the SS.

    Julia explains that her cell is trying to locate an apple of Eden which she believes is being used to create weapons of mass destruction. She introduces him to her fellow British spy, Eddie Gorm, who is trying to infiltrate the SS. Dusk informs Hans that Gorm is unaware of the assassins and templars and should be kept ignorant until the time was right.

    Hans decides to help the two spies against Franz's wishes, who sees Dusk and Gorm as too brutal and reckless. He helps Gorm earn the SS's trust by helping him secretly during missions (some of which result in the death of innocents, further straining Franz and Han's relationship). After Gorm is promoted, the trio learns that the Germans intend to use the apple of eden to develop an atomic bomb. In 1942 however, Gorm blows his cover by killing another SS officer and kidnapping Werner Heisenberg, a nuclear scientist who reveals that the templars are hiding the apple in Vemork, Norway. Hans distracts and holds off the SS while Julia and Eddie escape to secret safehouse. Hans is later informed that Gorm has joined the assassins and agree to train him. The two participate in several missions together to hone Gorm's skills.

    The pair decide to form a plan to infiltrate the Vemork facility and kidnap Joseph Mengele who reveals under torture that the base is impenetrable from the ground. Julia suggests parachuting into the facility so Hans and Gorm steal a plane from a Berlin airfield. Hans volunteers to go but Eddie and Julia refuse, stating that at least 1 assassin has to remain in Germany. Hans agrees and bids farewell to them.

    In early 1943 Hans is sent by Franz to Munich to help Sophie Scholl's underground resistance movement, the white rose. The Scholls are long time assassin allies and ask for their aid. Hans quickly falls in love with Sophie, but they disagree on how to properly oppose the Nazis, Sophie believes in peaceful resistance by educating people and distributing fliers condemning the third Reich. Hans on the other hand continues his modus operandi in Munich, sabotaging supply depots and eventually assassinating a templar SS officer. Hans learns that Heydrich (who faked his death in 1942) himself is in Munich and plans to kill him while he inspects a local base against Sophie's protests. Hans infiltrates the base and assassinates Heydrich only to find it was a decoy. The Nazis blame the attack on the white rose and arrest all the members including Sophie who is tried and sentenced to death. Hans attempts to save her during the execution but is captured and forced to watch as his lover is beheaded.

    Hans spends a month in prison being tortured by Heydrich himself before he is rescued by his assassin recruits. Enraged, he steals a heavy machine gun and goes on a rampage against the prison guards before killing Heydrich. Before dying, Heydrich reveals that Han's father is still alive.

    Hans returns to Berlin where he is banished from the brotherhood by Franz for his reckless and violent actions and Munich and is warned to abandon his personal vendetta which he refuses. Hans befriends businessman Oskar Schindler who tells Hans that a Jewish man named Frederick might know his father's whereabouts. Hans rescues Frederick from an SS detention center who reveals that he met Karl in Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland from which he escaped a few months prior. By 1944, Hans steals an Auschwitz prisoner uniform and infiltrates a wagon full of prisoners sent for the camp armed only with his hidden blades. Inside, he witnesses the several atrocities being committed and narrowly avoids execution before meeting his father.

    Hans tells his father everything that has happened over the last years and voices his displeasure with the brotherhood to his father and reveals his banishment much to Karl's displeasure. The pair plan a revolt to cover their escape and on October 1944 Hans murders the SS guards protecting the camp's armory and arms the prisoners.

    As a rebellion erupts throughout the camp, Karl and Hans attempt to escape. They eventually stumble upon a lab containing hundreds of mutilated and dissected corpses, some even belonging to children. Inside, Hans finds Mengele who admits on experimenting on the camp's prisoners. Enraged, Hans attacks Mengele and the two men fight as the lab is destroyed by explosions from the riot. Hans eventually overpowers the doctor and stabs him in the abdomen. With his dying breath, Mengele mocks Hans and informs him of Julia and Eddie's deaths and that they failed to retrieve the apple which was once again Nazi hands. Hans tells Mengele that he is not an assassin anymore and that the apple is no longer his concern before leaving him to die, though Mengele later survives his wounds.

    Hans and Karl escape the camp but are chased by the SS guards through the woods where the latter is shot and dies in his son's arms after telling Karl how proud he was of him. With his final words, Karl begs his son to rejoin the assassins and safeguard the apple from the Nazis to which he agrees.

    Hans manages to escape back to Berlin where he reconciles with Franz, though he does not officially rejoin the assassins. The former assassin then works with Von Braun to discover the apple's whereabouts and both discover that Wehrmacht Marshall, Erwinn Rommel was ordered to hide the apple. Rommel however, was currently under house arrest, accused of participating in the July plot which nearly killed Hitler. Hans sneaks into Rommel's mansion and finds him locked in his office. Hans offers to help the Marshall escape which he refuses as he does not wish to be remembered as a traitor and outlaw in his own country, preferring to die a hero on his own terms. Rommel reveals that he hid the apple inside Dresden's cathedral in a secret chamber. Hans thanks him and gives him poison to kill himself before quietly leaving the house.

    Hans travels to Dresden in February 1945 and eliminates the SS unit guarding the cathedral. After solving a puzzle and finding the secret entrance to the chamber, the assassin finds that the apple is missing. He interrogates one of the defeated SS guards who tells him that Himmler himself had stolen the apple the day before. Seconds later, he hears a loud siren blaring. Hans rushes outside and watches as dozens of bombers crowd the sky. The planes begin shelling the city with explosive and incendiary bombs as the assassin desperately tries to escape the hellfire through the rooftops. Hans narrowly dies and leaves the city as it burns, disappointed he failed to find the apple.

    By April 1945, the red army has surrounded Berlin and Hans is working overtime to save as many civilians as possible from the soviet onslaught, remembering his role as an Assassin rather than seeking revenge against the Nazis. Hans sneaks into the soviet forward camp on Berlin's outskirts and meets with Soviet General Georgy Zhukov and begs him to stop shelling the city. Zhukov denies the request, claiming there is still heavy German resistance inside the city and that he will only stop the bombing once Berlin surrenders. Hans makes a deal with Zhukov, promising to assassinate several high-ranking Nazi so that Berlin would surrender as soon as possible.

    Over the course of a few days, Hans assassinates Bormann, Goebbels and Fegeleinn in quick succession. With only Hitler left, Hans infiltrates the Fuhrerbunker and kills Hitler only to find that it was a decoy. The decoy shows Hans the entrance of a secret underground tunnel the real Hitler was using to escape. Hans chases the dictator down the tunnel and eliminates his SS escort after a fierce firefight. Cornered and alone, Hitler tries to use his apple of eden against Hans only to find out it is a replica (the real apple is with Himmler) and is promptly stabbed. Hans demands Himmler's location from the dying man who reveals that Himmler is leading the SS's final stand at the Reichstag, the same place the game started 12 years before.

    Hans meets with Zhukov again and convinces the general to order an assault against the Reichstag. Hans leads the attack on the building with his recruits where they face fierce resistance but the team is eventually able to break through the German defenses. Once inside, Hans finds Himmler with the apple in the room where the fire started more than a decade ago. Himmler uses the apple against the assassin by mind controlling his own recruits to attack him. Hans is able to disarm and knock out each of his recruits but is forced to fatally stab Hannah after she pins him to the ground. Himmler then uses the apple to create various illusions of himself to fight Hans though the latter is able resist before knocking the apple from his hand and finally stabbing him. In his memory corridor, Himmler laughs and claims that his death changes nothing and that the templars already had what they wanted: the atomic bomb. He also states that the templars already control the allies and that his efforts were in vain.

    After Himmler dies, Hans accompanies the Soviet soldiers to the top of the Reichstag and witnesses as they raise their flag over Berlin.

    The final scene of the game takes place in 1961, now the mentor of the German assassins, an older Hans watches as the Soviets build the Berlin wall. In his narration he reflects on the events of the second world war whilst commenting on how a new war was about to begin.

    This was my pitch for Assassin's Creed: Victory, I would love to hear what you guys think below in the comments.

    (I wanted to include some links, but I wasn't able to for some reason)

    submitted by /u/PePe_0_5aP0
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    Dotwork Alexios from a while ago

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 01:12 AM PDT

    You can lead an army to attack forts for you

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    Ok so I just figured it out today, if you find a camp of Spartans or Athenians close to a fort, you can go up to them, hit one, and then lead the others to the Fort. Especially Fort Geraneia in chapter 1 because it's so close to a spartan camp. What makes it even better to test on Fort Geraneia is the fact that there are so many Spartans in the camp. On my first go I got 20-30 Spartans to follow me and take over the fort for me. Idk if this is old but I thought it was cool so I thought I'd share.

    submitted by /u/GSX130481
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    Leap of Faith on Monday (fanart)

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    Who wants Shawn and Rebecca back in an Assassin's Creed game ?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    I've been replaying the old Assassin's Creed games and I've started to notice that Shawn and Rebecca made the modern day gameplay more fun to play.I don't know if it's only me but I'm really starting to miss them in the newer games.

    submitted by /u/Vorgle0310
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    the location of every AC game

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 02:40 AM PDT

    I feel like because I played unity before rouge remastered, made the ending of rouge so much better

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    Unity starts with Arno witnessing his dad assassinated on the floor and at the time (because I didn't play rouge before) I didn't know who did it, and didn't know at the end. It was like he was remained anonymous. But then comes rouge. After sparing Achilles life I thought it was the end, but then I was in France before the revolution occurred. It seemed like some normal assassination mission you know, sneaking around and kill the target without being seen. But before I killed the target (Arno's father) you see Arno and Elise taking about stealing the apple. I didn't think much of it but just a cool thing. Then when the name of the target came up I started to recognise the hallway and location of this guys death. It was the same in unity. After piecing everything together I realised I was the assassin of arno's father and it literally made me speechless. Playing the games in the order I did made the end of rouge so so good compared to how the start of unity would've felt. It's a shame in unity you don't follow your fathers death as you do Elise but for the first time ever, I am generally happy I played the games (somewhat out of order) as it made it so much better.

    submitted by /u/Kieserbill
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    I want throwing knives back from the Ezio Collection.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 10:23 PM PDT

    They just felt so good. I liked how the dagger and auto knife throw were the same trigger in those games. Its so much slicker than phantom blades or other projectiles. Just quick. No reload required. Looks badass.

    submitted by /u/Jezza262
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    My Thoughts/ Tips For Assassins Creed: Odyssey

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 11:41 PM PDT

    I have been playing Odyssey for about a year now and I love it. I know it gets a lot of hate for not following the same style/ vibe as the other games but on its own it is a very good game. If you know how to play it can be very fun.


    1. Don't feel rushed to complete the story, the game is based on exploration and playing how you want

    2. If you do a mission to kill some bandits or a bandit leader, ALWAYS complete the location. You get experience which is very important in Odyssey.

    3. If you are 5 levels below the recommended level for a mission, the bounty board is the best spot to get experience. You can get very large amounts of experience from simply walking a letter to a person 200 meters away.

    4. Even though the game is based on exploration don't feel like you need to complete every nation. If you have OCD like I do you will want to complete all the activities in the nations. If you do this you may accidentally complete something you are supposed to do later in the story. This is not the same as completing locations when you have a quest to be at them.

    5. Have at least of spot that you can fast travel to in each nation (more if you like).

    6. Have fun and enjoy yourself

    If you have any additional tips or thoughts, feel free to comment.

    submitted by /u/Gph8820
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    Running Around During Loading Screens Is An Important Part Of Assassin's Creed

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    AC1 Should play after AC Origin

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 11:51 PM PDT

    Do you think I should be playing AC1 currently?

    • Maybe this thread is like breaking a rule, but I want an opinion from someone who has already played AC1 and who has also played AC Origins

    I already played Origins now I play AC1 *

    submitted by /u/Luis_Madrid1
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    Which games contribute to the "present day" plotline? I feel like a small minority in thinking that it is the most interesting part of the series. Unfortunately, it's a total trainwreck in execution, and I am trying to figure out which games to focus on as I Leap of Faith back into AC.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    TLDR: played and finished 1-3 forever ago. Played a ton of 4 in college, but never without drinking rum straight from the bottle so I can't remember if I finished it. I know it introduced Rebecca and Shaun, and that's definitely the only game I played with them in it. Currently playing Origins.

    Longer mild rant about the modern plot:

    I'm not sure I can think of a more "WTF is going on" moment in my video game history than waking up from the Animus the first time in AC1. I was hooked on the entire concept, and still argue it is one of the coolest plot-bases in video games still. Nearly infinite options to visit iconic moments in world history and tell a "story behind the story" plot, all leading up to a full modern-day AC game where our boy Desmond.... oh wait.. shit... um.. sounds of train derailing

    I'm not sure what happened with the grand vision for AC, but it seems to have gone through a few revisions over the years. I can understand the desire to focus more on the historical story, because it's 95% of the game... but the present day stuff will always be the main plot in my perception.

    Origins gives some hope, but everything I read about Odyssey and Valhalla makes me worried that they are dumping off everything that actually makes it "Assassins Creed" in favor of "Dope historical kill game"

    I get it... stand alone they are great RPG games... but I want Assassin's Creed, dammit.

    submitted by /u/bstephe123283
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    Has your historical knowledge ever got in the way of your ac experience?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    For instance, I was just doing the case of the murder of Marat, and I already knew who the murderer was because I studied french rev in college and we covered it lol. I was wondering if anyone else has had similar experiences where you were somewhat 'spoiled' by preexisting knowledge of historical events.

    (Edit: I'm referring more to spoilers or impact on the gameplay than just getting frustrated at historical inaccuracies because I think that's more complex since things are normally left out intentionally to suit a modern day audience - anyway that's a whole debate of its own)

    submitted by /u/eltcreed
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    Assassin’s Creed Outfits in ACNH Album (Part 2)

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    I previously made an album of outfits I made in ACNH that were based around the robes worn from Assassin's Creed to Assassin's Creed: Black Flag.

    This time around, I've decided to add in some Templars to the mix, which include such people as Haytham Kenway and a Crusader knight. Along with them, there are outfits from every later game after those in my other post and even one from the movie.

    So, here's the link to the album.

    Here's the link to the previous album.

    submitted by /u/King_Carlos_V
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    Can someone explain RPG as compared to older games.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 10:33 PM PDT

    So people are referring to the new games as Roleplaying Games yet I'm thinking and Isn't all the games roleplaying as you are playing and controlling a main character? I know older games are deemed action/adventure but what are the fundamental things that separate the two types of games. Someone please explain.

    submitted by /u/Jezza262
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    Selling cargo in black flag?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    Is there anyway to sell PART of your cargo instead of ALL of it at once. I can't seem to find an option to change this.

    submitted by /u/coolkid9223
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    [ SPOILERS] i just finished origins and i am kind of bummed at how they portrayed Caesar in the game ?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    So i am a big roman history buff and the way they made him kind of annoyed me as i was looking forward to him being it the franchise sense i first started playing it. He seems way to goofy and kind of clueless and not the nightly conquer that was feared and respected by all.

    First red flag was his reaction Pompey's death i mean he was really pissed about it he was almost at the point of removing Ptolemy all together but in the game he just blows over it like oh ok no harm done.

    Then there is his death where they make out the whole senate was against him when it was only a few and brutes was almost crying when he killed the man he largely considered his farther and then the way Arya talks about how the people want cleopatra dead because she was with a tyrant is such bullshit the mob wanted to kill half the senators after this.

    Anyway what were your thoughts ?

    submitted by /u/Jack1715
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    After Valhalla, Ubisoft should make an Origins Sequel

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 12:35 AM PDT

    I love Ezio. Everyone loves Ezio, and Ubisoft knows that. And I feel like Ubisoft also knows that Bayek was the only character almost as good as Ezio. So why shouldn't they make a sequel? It fits with the new RPG style, and Egypt is a super cool place to do an Assassins Creed game, and I would LOVE to play more of it.

    submitted by /u/heseeshisvictory504
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    Fan Theory Sites For Original Assassin's Creed?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 12:15 AM PDT

    I was wondering if anyone could find some forum posts or news articles about peoples original theories about the writing on the walls in Desmond rooms.

    submitted by /u/DirtyFlint
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    The timeline of the games

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 08:00 PM PDT

    What's the order of all the ac games again? I mean chronological order not order of release, thanks

    submitted by /u/sygyzy0
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    [Origins] Praxilla and Diocles never met during side quest

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 07:54 PM PDT


    I finished all main quests and side quests of the game (without DLC) and for some reasons I never got the event of Praxilla and Diocles engagement at the Shrine of Apollo.

    Did I make something wrong during one of the side quest or is it a bug?

    I finished this part here, but Praxilla is now healing people and I can't interact with her.

    submitted by /u/Nic727
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    Assassin's Creed: Rogue Remastered--Do weapon stats for "Sword and Dagger" matter? If so, how do they work?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    Just as the the title says. Do weapon stats (as for "Sword and Dagger") matter in this game, or is it like Assassin's Creed 4 where stats (as far as I am concerned) do not matter at all and a player can pretty much use any sword they want?

    submitted by /u/electroavenue5
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    Desmond's great-grandfather in World War 1.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 09:21 PM PDT

    I have a theory that Desmond's great-grandfather (the maternal grandfather of Desmond's mother) fought in World War 1, his name Tom Carter, he was born 1897, Tom was member of the American Brother, the Brotherhood sent Tom to the War to make sure the Templars would not win it, during the war, Tom learned the master Templar and French Soldier Trebuchon Augustin had a Piece of Eden, some Gauntlets of Eden, which gives it's welder great punches, can kill anything with just a few punches, and can dodge anything like bullets (pretty much like Wonder Woman's bracelets), Tom finally killed Trebuchon at the end of the War in a final battle and took the Gauntlets of Eden from him, giving them to the Brotherhood.

    so what do you all think of this theory?

    submitted by /u/TheHood2001
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