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    Thursday, July 30, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Me cosplaying as Ezio from Revelations

    Assassin's Creed Me cosplaying as Ezio from Revelations

    Me cosplaying as Ezio from Revelations

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    After more than a decade of wanting it, finally got my creed tattoo earlier this week

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    New AC manga called AC:dynasty set in Tang dynasty China likely to be announced in China Joy according to Weibo

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    Eivor 3d Print Axe Fanart

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    Nefertiti cosplay from AC Origin

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    Thoughts on an Assassin's Creed set during the Japanese Invasions of Korea (1592-1598)?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    I have been kicking this idea around in my head for the last week or so and feel like it's worth sharing. Asia has been avoided like the plague by Ubi, and I hold no delusions that they would ever pick this time and place, but I still think it deserves attention. The following are my thoughts and ideas for how to cover an Asian Assassin's Creed that fills in some gaps in the lore while simultaneously bringing together three distinct and unique Asian cultures (Ming China, Joseon Korea, and Azuchi-Momoyama Japan) in one place at one time. Hopefully, this idea appeals to some of you, because I'm under no illusions that it will appeal to Ubi.

    Note: what I didn't take from AC lore or real history, I tried to make clear in other ways.

    First, if you aren't already aware, there is already some lore surrounding the end of the Sengoku-jidai. I recommend reading these wiki articles to familiarize yourself with the lore up until this point. * Japanese Brotherhood * Japanese Rite * We also know of the existence of a Korean Brotherhood which exists in the modern-day.

    From the information above, we know that most of the Japanese Assassins could not have been in Korea during the Japanese Invasions of Korea (1592-1598)) due to various circumstances. But, we do know that a Korean Brotherhood exists today and presumably existed in the past. Thus, I think this game should tell the story of the creation of the Korean Brotherhood.

    This is how I envision it...

    Late 16th century Joseon Korea was a Neo Confucian state with strong ties to Ming China. It was a land unaccustomed to rapid changes and remained relatively untouched by anyone but Japan, China, and the Jurchens since Shao Jun defeated the 8 Tigers some 30+ years before. Filled with rampant corruption and negligence, the ruling class of Joseon Korea was weak and indecisive. Trusting in tradition, they still held onto the Templar-driven ideals of the 8 Tigers, without being Templars themselves.

    On the other hand, Japan had just recently unified under Toyotomi Hedyoshi, whose first wife, Kōdai-in, was the first Japanese Templar Grandmaster* (it is implied in the Lore that Hideyoshi wasn't a Templar himself, but had strong Templar leanings. Since the Templars in the lore are based on some of the first foreign Christian missionaries to Japan, (which were stationed at Nagasaki) and Hideyoshi famously persecuted Christians, it is unlikely that he was a Templar at all. Interestingly, however, is the fact that Hideyoshi's first wife was known historically to favor the Christian missionaries in Nagasaki; even going so far as to convince her husband to let them set up a mission in Kyoto... Hmmm?).

    *I think she fits the description of what a good Templar would be; smart, crafty, and manipulative. She would be perfect as a long-term villain.

    Now with an abundance of highly trained samurai at his beck and call, Hideyoshi took the advice of his first wife and decided to try and root out and destroy the Chinese Assassins, who had grown strong in the years since Shao Jun refounded their branch of the Brotherhood.

    Also, just ten years earlier, Chinese Assassin Liu Yan) transported a Sword of Eden "to a safe location" (the lore is silent on where this is). Thinking this safe location could be the quiet hermit kingdom of Joseon Korea, but otherwise Ignorant of the sword's whereabouts, Hideyoshi hoped that his agents could scout out the Korean countryside for hidden places the blade might be kept. The recovery of this object was Hideyoshi's primary goal in invading Korea. Hoping that once he found it, its power would let him conquer China.

    Thus, in 1592, Hideyoshi launched his campaign, spearheaded by the Christian daimyō Konishi Yukinaga, a stalwart and loyal Templar. The other Japanese armies arrive soon after, and the Japanese win land battle after land battle up and down the peninsula; while at sea, the famous Korean admiral Yi Sun-sin destroys the flimsily built Japanese navy with his superior Turtle Ships.

    We would play as an exiled Korean noblewoman/nobleman living in Japan at the start of the war. An Onna-bushi/samurai and emissary of Tokugawa Ieyasu (known in the lore as an Assassin affiliate), sailing with his vassal, the wisened old pirate-turn-admiral Ohama Kagetaka sent to try and sabotage Hideyoshi's invasion. And arriving in Korea just a few days before Yukinaga's arrival at Busan.

    We are not necessarily a member of the Assassins at the start of the game, but gradually build up the Korean Assassins à la AC:3 with the assistance of the Chinese Brotherhood and Japanese Brotherhood.

    We join Yi Sun-sin's numerous naval battles against the Japanese fleet with our own prototype Turtle ship, which we can expand and upgrade.

    We help the people of Korea resist the invaders while seeking vengeance on those who exiled us.

    We help in land battles for the Ming Expeditionary forces sent to retake Korea (led by the Chinese Assassins) and fight against the Japanese invasion forces. But we also fight for the Japanese Invasion forces when they are battling against those who exiled us.

    At the end of the day, I know this idea is idle fancy and will never be made a reality. Though I think that the period and location are perfect since the lore is already well established and it brings together the two most requested Asian settings (feudal China and Japan) in one mainline game. But we all know Ubi doesn't have the wits to make something like this happen.

    The game could lead into two sequels: one in Japan after Hideyoshi's death in 1598 and leading up to the Battle of Sekigahara in 1590; and one in Ming China during the start of its decline due to the actions/inactions of the "Worst Emperor in Chinese History," the Wanli Emperor; who threw such a huge hissy fit over his successor that the state ceased to function appropriately and assassination attempts and Jurchen raids followed.

    Timeline of the Japanese Invasion of Korea)

    Thought? Comments? Criticisms?

    submitted by /u/UpvoteDownvoteHelper
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    For the new fans, especially if you liked the Ezio trilogy, check this out: Assassin's Creed Lineage

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 10:53 PM PDT

    I just wanted to remind every ACU fan of the existence of this movie... brings back old memories :')


    Maybe one day we can get something similar on Netflix, what do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/reeds_139
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    Five reasons why I am low-key cautiously excited for Assassin's Creed Valhalla

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    For a long time I have been a bit jaded with the AC games, however it looks like there might be a chance that Valhalla could possibly bring back that lost love I once had for the franchise and here are a few reasons why I am keeping an eye out for it as a result...

    1- An open-world Viking game, especially since I love Vikings and their history

    2- Return of Classic elements from previous AC games

    3- No Level Gating (that was one of my gripes with Origins and Odyssey)

    4- Darby McDevitt as the writer for this game..... Besides Corey May and Jeffery Yohalem --- Darby McDevitt is probably the next best writer of the AC games working today. He puts a lot of thought and care into the writing of the story and lore, its practically why I enjoyed Revelations and Black Flag because of him... For that reason I am looking forward to the game's story

    5- The return of Jesper Kyd... YES the original composer for the OG AC games this is great and to see him working with Sarah Schachner (whose soundtracks in Origins is excellent) feels as though Valhalla is looking to bridge together Origins and AC1, making the series come full circle... They also got Einar Selvik working with them to create music that is authentic to the Viking culture. The soundtrack is really gonna be something special I feel...

    Does any AC fan here share the same thoughts as me?

    submitted by /u/ImmortalThunderGod79
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    Just started another playthrough on PC and it inspired the photographer in me. (some of these are from Xbox as well)

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    If Arno got kicked out of the Assassin Brotherhood, why did he still have his hidden and phantom blade???

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 06:21 PM PDT

    just found it interesting how he could still use it after.

    submitted by /u/CommunistTomato
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    This may seem stupid but I have to ask

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 12:27 AM PDT

    There's something about the lore that doesn't quite sit well with me. First, forgive my grammar pls, English is not my first language. Very well, what I don't really understand is how the Hidden Ones branch in Rome(founded by Aya) simply disappeared. You may be wondering, what is this dude talking about? Well, I was reviewing some old entries of the franchise when I came across some crucial information about the Assassins: the Guild was only established in Italy in the 13th century, by Marco Polo's father. But that makes no sense, right? I mean, the Hidden Ones were already there a thousand years before Altair was even born! What the fuck happened to all of those Hidden Ones spread across the Roman Empire? Did they just vanish? Was the Roman Branch destroyed at some point? Is there something I'm missing? Do any of you know what happened? I'm very curious.

    submitted by /u/Cole966
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    Saw that we're posting our assassins creed tattoos so here's mine from a while back. Went with the one from The Fall with a slight tinkering :)

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    [Spoiler] Where do we learn what happens to Layla between games?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    Just started Odyssey after 100%ing Origins and was wondering if I missed something in Layla's story. Was there some kind of comic that told us about her officially working with the assassins or were we supposed to infer that based on William Miles' appearance? It kinda seemed like there was supposed to be one more cutscene or at least an email/log talking about it. She doesn't even really comment on the founding of the hidden ones or any of the DLCs. Loved the game but can't help but feel like I missed something.

    submitted by /u/TheZacef
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    The Richest Man Who Ever Lived - Mansa Musa and the Mali Empire: Mildly Obscure Setting Discussions

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 04:26 AM PDT

    A common trait Assassin's Creed groups have is the constant theorizing about future settings, because historical tourism is one of the best parts of the series. Many fans want pretty cliche settings such as the American Civil War and Wild West, World War 2, Ancient Rome, and Feudal Japan. Most of these popular settings have been noticed by polls by Ubisoft that ask which settings we'd like to see next. Most of these have come true sooner or later, and I'm sure more will soon. While I would love to see some settings such as Carthage during the Punic Wars, the Sengoku Jidai, or Yuan Dynasty China, I want to focus on a few settings that are a little more obscure. The common thread between all settings in this series of posts is that they have not appeared on a Ubisoft poll or survey that can be easily found (China, Japan, Rome), they are not overly requested settings by the fanbase (see wild west and world war 2), and they all are relatively known enough to be marketable to a broad base. In each of these posts, I'll be discussing map areas, cities, architecture, culture, wars, historical events, historical characters, broad conjecture on how AC could work with this, and any existing lore in this area.

    Around the 7th century, the Ghana Empire began to decline as the Arab Caliphates swept across Northern Africa, and the usefulness of the camel declines due to new trade routes along the Niger River. This led to the creation of one of the richest empires in the history of the world: The Mali Empire.

    Sundiata Keita founded the empire along these new trade routes and quickly began a policy of expansion that would be unmatched for nearly a century. He and his successors quickly managed to subjugate and conquer most nearby Kingdoms including the Mossi, Gao, Ghana, and Tekrour (though there were 14 tributary provinces of the Empire). The empire stretched to 1.29million square kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean to the border of the Kanem Empire which is modern-day Chad and Nigeria.

    Following Sundiata Kieta's Death his underage son, Ouali Kieta seized the throne for himself and followed his father's tradition of military expansion. At some point, he adopted his generals' sons to raise as his own, a practice created to help keep Generals loyal to the empire. They would claim the throne next after Ouali's death in 1270. This, however, led to turmoil, and in 1275 court officials began to rule the empire, starting with Abubakari Kieta I. He would soon be usurped by a court slave turned General; Sakoura. Sakoura brought the empire to a new height with his military might. It was recorded that there 100,000 troops at the ready in his army, and 10,000 cavalry. Despite this, he was killed on his way home from his Hajj in 1300 leading to the sons of Sundiata's Sister to take the throne. Abubakari II took the throne in 1310 and using the resources of the empire built 2000 ships to sail into the Atlantic Ocean. He decided to go with his new fleet in 1311 and left Musa Kieta I in charge of the empire while he was gone. He never returned, and in 1312, Musa was crowned the new Mansa.

    Mansa Musa was left in one of the best situations. The kingdom was worth literal hundreds of billions in today's currency due to extensive gold and salt mines. With this, they also implemented a heavy tax system for trade along the Niger River, which was a necessity for those living in sub-Saharan Africa. Mansa Musa has been credited as being the richest man to ever live, and some estimates put his wealth at over 403 billion US dollars (about 3x the worth of Jeff Bezos) while most historians just consider his wealth to be incalculable. And if you look at the image in the link above, you'd see a historical painting depicting Musa holding a golden orb. Perhaps an Apple of Eden?

    In 1324 Mansa Musa began his famous Hajj to Mecca where he caught the eye of the Eastern Islamic scholars and Western historians, to such a point that it literally put the Mali Empire and the capital of Timbuktu on the map for many kingdoms. During his 2-year Hajj it was reported he brought 100 Elephants that each carried hundreds of pounds of Gold, which was all given away throughout North Africa. So much gold was given away that it devalued Egypt's Economy for 12 years. He had managed to build such a cult of personality during this time that he poached leading philosophers, architects, and artists throughout the Islamic World, including Spain. His return to Mali in 1326 saw a massive rework of architecture and art while his generals continued to expand the empire and Musa's riches. He was the first Mansa to attempt to enact Islamic Law and expanded Islam's role in the courts and turned the Sankore from a madrasah (informal learning institute) to a full-fledged Islamic University that contained the largest collection of books and knowledge since the Library of Alexandria.
    In 1330 the Mossi Kingdoms invaded and captured Timbuktu and Gao. Songhai and other nearby kingdoms would continue to harass Mali even after the swift recovery of the cities. And this is when I think it'd be best to set an Assassin's Creed. We could see Mansa Musa's cult of personality and immense riches. I'd imagine that rather than seeing him as a villain he'd be a figure more similar to the Medici in AC2, with us working in the shadows against those that'd threaten the Empire. Combining smaller scale political intrigue with the potential of Musa having a PoE and the unique blend of Mali and Islamic architecture, I think there's very good potential for the setting.

    Mali has some very interesting locations within its borders too. Most of the empire was in Savannah and grasslands, but the north was the harsher Sahara Desert while the south was the thick tropical jungles and rainforests near the Niger River. Some cities like Timbuktu contained large ornate palaces (most of which no longer exist) and others like Djenne and Kumbi Saleh had massive forts. Parts of Ghana and the Mali empire contained massive stone monuments and buildings akin to Egypt. Most of the buildings were made from mud, brick, and a little wood, which would facilitate great old fashioned parkour even though most houses were 1-2 stories at most. The population was nothing to scoff at either with 400 towns and cities and a population of 20 million, social stealth could definitely work in the denser cities, even if it's not as traditional as Venice.

    submitted by /u/nstav13
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    I think that Kassandra was meant to be a proto-Assassin-esque character

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    Think about it:

    Kassandra learned the abilities of stealth, and was able to sneak in and out of forts when necessary. She assassinated the members of a Templar-esque group, in order to save the Greek world from destruction/chaos. She had a weapon that she could use for stealth. She wore hoods (if that was your thing). I could go on.

    OP's Note: I used Kassandra because she's canon. If you chose Alexios, that's cool. More power to you. Also, if you disagree, then that's understandable.

    submitted by /u/NotASalamanderBoi
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    I did the Assassin's Creed Valhalla fanart - Eivor the Hidden One!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    "ps ad dmr st" in the Parisian Rite location of the Assassin Order.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    In Assassin's Creed Unity, inside the underground location of the Parisian Rite Assassin Order where the Assassin's Council is located, there is an inscription on an arch on the interior of a room that has a globe in the center. The inscription reads "ps ad dmr st". It's not Latin, at least I do not think, but I have looked all over the internet and cannot find a meaning. Does anyone know what this means?

    submitted by /u/G3N5YM
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    Playing AC: Brotherhood...I'm on sequence 8 and dont want it to end. How much more is there?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    There are 9 sequences but how long are these last 2? I'm wondering if I should time my time and do more side things before I go to the papal apartments...

    I dont want this game to end! No spoilers please

    submitted by /u/juststupid8970
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    My thoughts after finishing the Legacy of the First Blade DLC (AC Odyssey Spoilers)

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    "The Hidden Ones" DLC this was not.

    I wanted to give some thoughts regarding the Legacy of the First Blade having recently finished it. First off I want to establish that I did enjoy the main game of AC Odyssey however I felt that the writing, storytelling, presentation, and cinematography, outside of a few standout cutscenes was probably the weakest aspect of the game. Unfortunately, this is not only carried over into the DLC but magnified due to the treatment of the characters and AC lore. Much has been said about how Legacy disregards and retroactively ruins some lore within the AC universe and I have to agree. Darius was better left mysterious and unexplored, or should have been given his own game to really explore his character, as his interactions within the story are poorly handled. The titular "First Blade" is not explained nor explored, outside of Kassandra asking Darius about it briefly. It shows nothing of its legacy and how it shaped history, or the founding of the Hidden Ones, or how it ended up with Cleopatra, instead of explaining it only causes more questions and confusion.

    Darius in general was uninteresting due to generic dialogue and boring interactions with the Eagle Bearer. Kassandra being the ancestor of Aya was unnecessary and strange, a weak attempt to tie Odyssey into Origins. Darius is essentially an Assassin already, instead of just using the hidden blade he has a hood, performs leaps of faith, blends in, uses stealth, and follows a code of ethics. This makes Bayek and Aya's founding of the Hidden Ones a simple retread of things that came before, and no longer important to the overall series. The story tries hard to make you care about your spouse and child, but I felt absolutely nothing for either of them. It was too rushed, choices made no difference, and it was extremely hamfisted and forced drama. I could go on endlessly about how poor the writing and storytelling are for this DLC.

    Gameplay wise it is more Odyssey. While The Hidden Ones did not substantially change the gameplay loop of Origins, you could tell while playing it that great care was put into the level and map design of the new areas, and the missions were crafted to make sense within the narrative and be fun to play. I was intrigued by the prospect of continuing Bayek's journey and learning the lore and history of the Sinai Peninsula. With the Hidden Ones I was invested in Bayek and was excited at the prospect of continuing his journey. I've said it before, but I prefer a preset character and story over "choices" anytime, as choices end up being largely useless and the plot meanders along trying to fit all scenarios within its suffocating scope and gameplay loop.

    Overall Legacy of the First Blade was incredibly disappointing and a slog to get through. AC has some of my favorite DLCs in gaming and this was by far a weak if not the weakest one in the series.

    submitted by /u/GemsOfNostalgia
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    We should have an assassin's creed in the 100 years war

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    So basic concept is that lets say your characters parents were killed in the early-mid 100 years war so you play as an adult in the mid-end of the war so you spend the game hunting down the commander of the unit that killed your parents but he could be french, English or bergundian. And kinda like odyssey you can pick your side and fight in battles to a deeper more flushed out degree

    submitted by /u/A_British_Lad
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    Is there an Assassin's Creed collection set game? [New to AC]

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    Hi all, just bought a PS4 (my first ever major console!) and AC is on the top of my list for games I want to play.

    From what I understand, there is ALOT of AC games... Is there a singular PS4 collectors edition comprising of the all/most the games released?

    Unchartered has a collectors edition which has the first 3 games, AC has an 'Ezio trilogy'? Not sure who Ezio is, but is it the first series of games or something?

    submitted by /u/_UA_
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    [ODYSSEY] Undoing the Kephallonian Plague

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 06:25 AM PDT

    A few dozen hours after sparing the family I found out that the plague had spread through the island, and that (despite what Barnabas says) there's nothing you as the player can do to fix it. At least, not in-game. Are there any mods that allow you to 'fix' this mistake? Otherwise I'm seriously considering reloading the game from nearly the beginning. I don't want my home to look so sad! :c

    submitted by /u/AmeliasTesticles
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    Assassins creed chronicles into actual rpg

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    Assassins creed chronicles is probably an assassins creed game that has interesting stories and such. Now imagine this we take those three stories and then them into rpgs instead of the 2d game which I personally think they deserve.

    Assassins creed China would work since it continues the story of Shao Jun and started off with a prologue of the fall of brotherhood in China and then after the title sequence it skips after she just met ezio. This serves a perfect connection to the ezio trilogy and gives a strong female protagonist to which we all love.

    Assassins creed India is a perfect game too since it takes place after unity but before syndicate so they could try making a connection or something and the main character Arbaaz Mir is the father of Henry green so it would be a perfect connection.

    The last is assassins creed Russia which is also a great game for everyone since Nikolai Orelov is a great character and to the people who kinda want a modern day assassins creed game this would be a perfect one since it takes place in the 19th century and serves a perfect trilogy to unity and syndicate since it was suppose to connect them but with unity glitch and syndicate low sales it was scraped.

    These 3 games are all great games with interesting character and will be a great place to explore after valhalla. These three games would also connect all the games perfectly.

    Idea- thefourpillars podcast

    submitted by /u/IronNinjaAG
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