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    Saturday, July 4, 2020

    Assassin's Creed AC timeline infographic.🙌🏻Hope it helps anyone curious about the story .

    Assassin's Creed AC timeline infographic.����Hope it helps anyone curious about the story .

    AC timeline infographic.����Hope it helps anyone curious about the story .

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    The most exciting prospect of Valhalla for me is Jesper Kyd

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    Mr. Kyd is behind some of my favorite scores in gaming, especially AC 2; every one of his music felt magical in that game, like first time visiting Venice for example. Also I wish music in general is more prominent in Valhalla like it was in AC2. Recent AC games have put music too far behind ambient sounds and very rarely you would hear a score. I want the music to play the role of a companion in the game, just like in AC2 or Elder Scrolls.

    submitted by /u/rock1m1
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    Ubisoft Forward: World Teaser | Ubisoft [NA] some beautiful Valhalla shots by official ubisoft

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    Hopefully Valhallas Main Story doesnt split up in 3 storylines

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 02:35 AM PDT

    It was interesting Idea what Odyssey did with its main story. But the split up hurted the overall story and gameplay in my opinion.

    It took you away from the main narrative to 3 different storylines wich doesnt affect each other. Take as example the family story, no matter wich one you save it doesnt effect any of the other endings or storylines from Cult or Atlantis.

    Also the only important things storewise that happen in Atlantis or Cult are at the beginning of them and at the end.

    The revelation of the Ghost of Cosmos isnt that exciting because it gave no build up or climax to care for it and it also ends very abruptly.

    Atlantis only became important when you have all seals of the mythical beasts.

    Gameplaywise you also see that most of the effort from the dev team went into the family storyline, after it came Atlantis wich has the beasts fights but the missions to get to them are the same as any other side quests in the game and then Cult. The Cult Storyline really feels like side content it give some different unique quest lines but most of the members feel like any other side content and have no story.

    What I want to say with this is that I think that a overall story with a strong narrative and writing would be much better than 3 storylines that aren't fully evolved to their potential and play completely different from each other. So I really hope that Valhalla returns back to that and give us a great Main Story with unique missions.

    submitted by /u/JKAC2013
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    How do i make Connor have a mohawk in assassin's creed III remasterd?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 02:04 AM PDT

    Can you help me please, I don't know how to get connor a mohawk haircut in assassin's creed III remasterd. I will be very happy if I would help me with this one.

    submitted by /u/vlad-theodor_gg
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    Why does Bayek say "I'm sorry my son" at the end of the scarab's lies quest?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 03:06 AM PDT

    No matter how I look at it, the interjection comes out of nowhere.

    submitted by /u/alien_platypus
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    Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag- I cannot get into the atmosphere of the game due to the lack of logic in the story.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 12:56 AM PDT

    It might include small spoilers up to 10% of the story if you haven't played the game yet.

    I haven't played any AC games for years due to my hectic work life even though I am a huge fan ever since the first AC game released. I have all AC series except for Valhalla. So I took advantage of the pandemics period and decided to continue where I left. After installing AC4: Black Flag, I realized the game considers you as a veteran player and does not show you basic fight tutorials, etc but that is fine as you can find them in the game settings. What bugs me is the story though.

    I am into about 10% of the story and I still feel like I am lost. First of all, how come a skilled pirate, Edward, can do everything as good as (if not better) the previous legendary assassins even though he is not a trained assassin. All previously legendary assassins such as Altair, Ezio, Connor were trained to be one.

    Just by wearing the garments from the Assassin he killed, Edward all of a sudden becomes a legendary assassin with all kill techniques, acrobatics, climbing talents, ffs even leap of faith. When he reaches the city he can even take assassin contracts about killing templars while he has no idea what templar or assassin orders are. I played all the previous assassin's creed games and I always immersed in the story. This time I feel like I am playing a half baked arcade game with no story behind. I don't know if the story will reveal some things ahead but I don't feel like an assassin with a solid motive behind my actions so far.

    Not to mention that lack of Desmond Miles just feels like I am playing a fictitious game rather than a story also involving modern-day people.

    Does/Has anyone else felt the same or is it only me?

    submitted by /u/Remote_Nebula
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    Would anyone be super keen on a complete AC1 overhaul?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    The first time I played AC1 I played for 5 hours straight, I could not believe how enthralled I was in the movement, setting and characters. Would anyone else be really onboard with a complete overhaul? Like a completely new game based on the first AC. Updated graphics, an enhanced parkour system (I haven't played the most recent games, but maybe something like Unity's?). I think the hustle and bustle of the middle eastern cities could be incredible with hardware people have these days (like the crowds in Unity), I'd also change the story up, we all agree it's very repetitive, but the idea of gathering intel and assassinating targets was great. Here's some things I'd want them to change: - graphics - movement/parkour - story (or at least the repetitive missions) - weapons/gear customisation - more immersion (especially in the cities) - swimming...?

    What does everyone else think? Interested?

    submitted by /u/Wessell-Rustbrook
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    Which actors could play Connor and Haytham?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 04:03 AM PDT

    I was thinking Gerald Auger for Connor and Hart Bochner for Haytham buuut I'm limited with my choices since I don't know many actors.

    You guys have any ideas?

    submitted by /u/rl991
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    What exactly am I supposed to do for AC Rogue’s “Smashing” trophy?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 01:33 AM PDT

    So for this trophy, you have to destroy 100 icebergs. Do icebergs also count as the smaller chunks of ice we see more frequently, or does it mean like actual big icebergs?

    submitted by /u/Bruhurb69420
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    Game-breaking bug in S4M2 in AC: Unity

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 10:35 PM PDT

    So right after you kill Le Roi des Thunes, the Objectives doesn't update - it still says I have to Assassinate Le Roi des Thunes. Of course I can't because he's already dead. If I follow the "Escape the Area" objectives, a big set of bricks blocks me from completing the memory.

    I have tried: restarting checkpoint, restarting the mission, exiting the mission and restarting, restarting the computer, switching to controller/keyboard, and any given permutation of those, without any luck. The same thing always happens, and I can't complete the mission. I've fully upgraded the café théâtre, and want to finish the game but it seems like I can't. Am I SOL?

    EDIT: I also tried changing the language to French and English and back. No luck.

    submitted by /u/thighmaster69
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    Why Is Ezio The Only One With Dual Hidden Blades

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 04:30 AM PDT

    What if Ubisoft reboots the franchise?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    I think Ubisoft should reboot the franchise in 20-30 years with an alternate storyline, where Desmond is alive and becomes the ultimate Assassin. Nolan North once revealed that this was Ubisoft initial plan for Desmond. I think it would be interesting to see how the original storyline for AC was.

    submitted by /u/dan-sudo
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    What historical figure are you most excited meeting in Valhalla?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    Me I'm excited by the possibility of meeting Harald Hardrada.

    submitted by /u/Zombiepixlz-gamr
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    So what do you guys think about an AC Battle Royale?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 03:19 AM PDT

    I was watching Hyper Scape and the roof movement kinda reminded me of Assassin's Creed. So I got to thinking, what would an Assassin's Creed battle royale look like. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/lRenisenl
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    Just a quick appreciation post for AC

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    About 2 years ago, I realised my fiance was playing Black Flag which I eventually took over. I then started and finished Brotherhood before moving onto Origins.

    Origins really got me with how beautiful the game was and at this point, I was planning a trip with him and obviously chose Egypt. The game is incredibly historically accurate and by playing it I was able to learn a lot about the history before going. Sure, shouting 'Oh, I get to kill Sekhmet!' wasn't the best move while in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo but still loved it the trip and finished the game when I got home. It is still by far my favourite game.

    I am currently about 60% of the way through Oddessey and honestly can't wait to finish but I'm having a little trouble with getting my damage up. If anyone can lend me a hand on that I'd really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/beefcakesss
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    The Mughal Empire - India: Mildly Obscure Setting Discussions

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 05:11 AM PDT

    A common trait Assassin's Creed groups have is the constant theorizing about future settings, because historical tourism is one of the best parts of the series. Many fans want pretty cliche settings such as the American Civil War and Wild West, World War 2, Ancient Rome, and Feudal Japan. Most of these popular settings have been noticed by polls by Ubisoft that ask which settings we'd like to see next. Most of these have come true sooner or later, and I'm sure more will soon. While I would love to see some settings such as Carthage during the Punic Wars, the Sengoku Jidai, or Yuan Dynasty China, I want to focus on a few settings that are a little more obscure. The common thread between all settings in this series of posts is that they have not appeared on a Ubisoft poll or survey that can be easily found (China, Japan, Rome), they are not overly requested settings by the fanbase (see wild west and world war 2), and they all are relatively known enough to be marketable to a broad base. In each of these posts, I'll be discussing map areas, cities, architecture, culture, wars, historical events, historical characters, broad conjecture on how AC could work with this, and any existing lore in this area.

    Today's topic is exploring India, and more specifically the rise and fall of the Mughal Empire. While many people would love India, two eras that usually pop up are Ashoka the Great's Mauryan Empire and the Mughal Empire. The themes are far easier to explore in the Mughal Empire and can have a lot of connections to pre-established lore. With that, Ashoka lived 200 years before the creed was formed as well, so while it could be an interesting story about proto-assassins, right now I want to focus on real assassins in more modern history.

    Babur was a man born in modern-day Uzbekistan, a descendant of Genghis Khan and Timur (founder of the Timurid Empire that basically took over Persia). Starting in 1526 he raised an army and began invading and conquering much of the land in the northern Indian Subcontinent, lands that were then held by Islamic and Hindu Sultanates. Babur would die in 1530, and his son Humayun would inherit this new insecure empire. After a decade of clashes with his brothers and rebels in India, Humayun would flee to Persia for 15 years, before finally coming back and reclaiming the lands from the new Sur Empire in 1555 to 1556. Humayun married a Persian Princess while in exile and had their son Ackbar in 1542. After Humayun's death in 1556, Ackbar became emperor and expanded the empire from just northern India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh to include about 60% of the subcontinent during his 49-year reign. Jahangir began his reign next with fairly little change for the state, allegedly never having the temperament for it. His son Shah Jahan began his rule in 1628. Culturally, this became the peak of the Mughal Empire, with new buildings erected like the Taj Mahal and some artistic and linguistic revival. This, however, nearly bankrupted the empire. Shah Jahan would become extremely ill in 1658 with his son Dara becoming regent in his stead. Dara had the idea to fuse Islamic and Hindu cultures in India to create a more harmonious empire between two very different groups. This was despised by the Islamic Orthodoxy, and as a result, they opted to support Dara's brother Aurangzeb who was an extreme and dogmatic Islamist. Aurangzeb seized the throne and executed his brother in 1659.

    Here is where I believe Assassin's Creed should look to set a game. Following the execution of his brother, Aurangzeb would spend the next 5 decades expanding the Empire south, political executions and imprisonments, and enactment of strict Sharia Laws. This led to multiple uprisings, stricter taxations including the Jizya to oppress non-muslims following uprisings, and small scale wars with other nations including Britain who had begun to make a foothold in India. The destruction of temples and oppression of the Hindus was so severe that a rival empire, the Maratha Empire formed in the south, and despite only controlling 4% of the landmass, contained 300 forts and nearly 100,000 troops that were actively trying to combat Aurangzeb. Aurangzeb would die in 1707 and while the Mughal Empire remained in power for another 150 years until it was fully conquered by the British, Aurangzeb was considered the last true Emperor, as the empire fell into harsh decline after his death.

    During this same time, Sri Lanka was primarily under the rule of the Kingdom of Kandy, but Dutch and Portuguese ruled a large portion of the coastal lands, including the major hub of Colombo. The people from Sri Lanka were rising up against the Dutch India Company and the company was forcibly taking more land. This could make a fantastic DLC.

    I mentioned a few of the conflicts, but truly, to mention everything about Aurangzeb would (and has) fill books. The Conflicts with Maratha starting in 1674 and the Anglo-Mughal War from 1686-1690 would be a fantastic 30-year timeframe to set the game. Indian architecture was its peak with ancient temples and pyramids still existing, and impressive new landmarks inspired by the blend of Hindu and Islamic culture such as the Taj Mahal. Many forts existed to raid, and the architecture on display everywhere is simply stunning (and looks great to climb/ parkour in AC). With a map as large as India, spanning from Kabul to Kanyakumari with big cities like Bombay, Delhi, Calcutta, Agra, Lahore, and Madura. India has an incredibly diverse landscape of thick wet jungles, arid forests, grasslands, valleys, high mountain ranges in the north, and plateaus in the south, even with a desert in the west. It's truly diverse with over 18,000 species of flowering plants and fauna to boot, including tigers, elephants, and monkeys.

    I think the culture of Mughal India could be extremely fascinating to explore. An Islamic empire ruling over primarily Hindu subjects, the caste system during a major transformative period, the renewed art, architecture, textiles, beautiful jewelry, and immense wealth. The Mughal Empire, during the reign of Aurangzeb, was one of the richest countries on Earth with a wealth of imports and exports, and an abundance of natural resources and people. This cultural clash combined with exterior influences from the British and Dutch makes for a great time period. And this time period has been virtually untouched by Assassin's Creed lore, making it rich with real history and creative freedom!

    submitted by /u/nstav13
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    History Timelines and Memory Sequences

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    So this is something that just needed to get off my chest.

    Considering Darby has stated that Valhalla will be more grounded and take a more historical approach, I hope the time periods and memory sequence system from the older games make a return. In that system, each set of plot and historical events took place within each 'sequence' made up of multiple memories and these sequences actually made sense lore wise as you had to synchronize with the ancestor/PoI's memories from the last stable one in proper order in order to be able to access their later memories. And each memory itself had to be done right away to avoid breaking the narrative flow.

    Speaking of time periods, this is another one of those sins of Odyssey... the time period is all over the place. We only get one timeline tag, that is 431 BCE, and are forced to piece together the game's timeline through in game events which if I recall correctly, there are only 4.

    Game start - 431 BCE.

    Plague of Athens - 429 BCE (Wasted as it was only used as a means to set up Perciles' assassination instead of being an entire Act in itself).

    Battle of Sphacteria - 425 BCE (Wasted, not depicted in a proper manner and felt like a generic conquest battle).

    Battle of Amphipolis - 422 BCE (Wasted, same as above).

    Persian advances and involvement in the Pelop War - Between 420 BCE and 410 BCE, LotFB. This one was fine I guess but it's vague.

    Odyssey story is all over the place and even feels contradictory at times when you factor in the DLC and other stuff.

    I sincerely hope Valhalla will have a proper cohesive plot structure with proper time and historical even representation.

    submitted by /u/_MeltedCheese_
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    Ubisoft forward what we know and what to expect. Also some predictions and speculation.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    So we all know that E3 has been cancelled due to Covid and Ubisoft can't show their games in person. This year they are holding their first event called Ubisoft forward. I think this is going to be a regular thing because this is the first time E3 was cancelled and after this summer I doubt a lot of people will go to E3 and companies will hold online events. Games are going to be shown obviously and I will go over each game we could see. I hope we get demos for at least Assassin's Creed Valhalla but I doubt it. All the other games being shown I'm pretty sure are for next gen exclusive.

    Assassin's Creed Valhalla. So since Asharaf left I feel like Darby or someone else will take his place as the director. Ubisoft has worked very hard on this game and I expect it to be amazing. I think we could get a story trailer, some game play videos and more info on the game. I wouldn't be surprised if Ubisoft gave out demos for youtubers to play. I wish we could get demos but we probably won't. Maybe we could see some new editions of the game. Hopefully Ubisoft will fix the 30fps by the time next gen consoles come out.

    Far Cry 6. I expect it for sure to be announced. Here are some details that have been speculated. The game is returning to an exotic setting, a narcos vibe, co-op, jetpacks, horseback riding/shooting on horseback and helping zoos. So it will probably be in the 80's or 90's. Also Breaking Bad actor Giancarlo Esposito will reportedly star in the game. He's an amazing actor by the way. So I expect to see a trailer and some game play. Youtubers will probably get demos for this game. Release date is probably spring 2021.

    Watch dogs Leigon. So Ubisoft has been very hard at work and I'm excited to see the changes to the game. They are probably saving the game as a launch title for next gen consoles so they can show off the power of the game. I expect to see a lot of gameplay changes/ new gameplay elements. Maybe some new visuals. After CDPR showed off Cyberpunk with the night city wire I expect Ubisoft to really up their game with Watch dogs Leigon. The game is rumored to be a launch title for next gen consoles so I'm really not sure whether the public or youtbers get to play the game.

    Hyperspace. I don't know enough about that but I know we'll see some youtubers play the game. Their is no way the game is going to get up to Fortnite or Apex standards. Personally I don't play those battle royale games.

    Gods and Monsters. I have to do more research on the game. It looks good and I've heard that it's a lot different now. I expect some gameplay and new trailers.

    These three games NEED to be shown or at least have an update on. Skull and Bones, Beyond Good and Evil 2 and Rainbow 6 quarantine. These games have been through development hell. Skull and Bones and Rainbow 6 quarantine still have the beta sign up on the website. On Skull and Bones you can't explore the land and only stay on your ship. This made a ton of people mad and from what I've heard Ubisoft is almost completely redesigning Skull and Bones. Ubisoft needs to give us an update on these games. If they haven't been cancelled I expect these games to come out either in 2021 or 2022.

    These are my thoughts. Tell me on your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/DaneCz123
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    Some thoughts about the newer and older games

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 05:46 PM PDT

    I started assassins creed a while ago with Unity without really knowing what it was, I just saw it was on sale at game stop. After playing that i remember the trailer for origins and I bought it a year later and then when odyssey went on sale I bought that, then I saw on here everyone was talking about how amazing Ezio was so when the trilogy was on sale I bought that (after playing black flag and FOA DLC). I love it, the set up is amazing, I love how you keep discovering new parts of cities throughout the game even in the final sequences, the story is great, I love feeling like a part of the Assassins order instead of the previous games where you weren't technically an assassin. But the combat system is kind of a bummer, I knew going from Odyssey to AC2 I'd be a bit more frustrated with controls (like having to hold down a button to run) but I definitely under appreciated the combat even in Blackflag, it's easily my least favorite part of AC2. But overall I love the more assassin feel where you're forced to use stealth a lot more, and a good story is more important than combat and this game did come out a long time ago. I think as far as favorite characters my top spot is still Bayek, I haven't played the next two games yet (no spoilers please) but Ezio is definitely up there. Just some thoughts I had as I'm about to finish AC2!

    submitted by /u/bernp986
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    Why do Haytham and Connor run differently?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    I've recently started playing AC3 again and I noticed that Haytham runs slightly different to Connor. Connor has a simple, generic run, but Haytham does not really move his left hand when running. Why is that? Was he trained that way? I don't think that it's to keep his hand close to his sword because he is right handed. What could be the reason for it?

    submitted by /u/Grosstraktor
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    Getting 100% in Assassin's Creed (AC 1)

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    On September 14, 2013, I unlocked my first achievement and today, nearly SEVEN YEARS later, I unlocked my final one. That was a hell of a grind and I'm so glad that every entry after that fixed many of the issues I had with the original game. Of course, in this age of remakes and remasters of older games, should Ubisoft ever decide to give the original a facelift they NEED to add the collectibles to the map, or at the very least break them up by section so you can see where you might be missing a flag or a templar instead of just the total number you've gotten overall.

    submitted by /u/ace2532
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    Has the maya/aztec setting been used or discussed past Black Flag?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    And what would you like to see? Im just playing black flag so apologies being behind. Such a cool setting i would love an in depth caving and underwater system, while they are still on ancient world stories.

    submitted by /u/fitkistobiwan
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    Have some questions after finishing ac2

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    So i jsut finished ac2 and am preparing to go into BH and revelations in the coming days. Is it bad to just play the main missions? Im kind of burned out on side missions, and if they arent very interesting its jsut not appealing. The only side missions i liekd for ac2 was the tombs and glyph puzzles. And i want to wrap up ezios story and continue on to the third, but I dont know if its wise.

    submitted by /u/cowder
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