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    Thursday, June 11, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Today, my wife and I finished playing through the main line assassin's creed games. Here's our thoughts.

    Assassin's Creed Today, my wife and I finished playing through the main line assassin's creed games. Here's our thoughts.

    Today, my wife and I finished playing through the main line assassin's creed games. Here's our thoughts.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    Well about 4 years ago my wife, then girlfriend, was watching me play through black flag and asked if we could play through the entire series. I warned her there were more than a few and it would take quite some time. She agreed upon the condition that I played them while she just enjoyed the story as she isn't a gamer and knew she just get frustrated by playing the games themselves. I agreed and we set about with assassin's creed 1, all the way through to finishing odyssey just today. We played on and off throughout the years and she went away to school, we bought a house and got married, so while it took a while for us to finish we both enjoyed every minute of it and are both sad we have to wait for the next. Here's mine and hers thoughts on our favourite and last favourite games in the series. (quick note, we missed liberation because I wasn't aware of its existence, it is the only game we didn't play)

    Her favourites:

    Setting - ac2, which surprised me as before all of them she was most looking forward to playing in France in unity. She found Italy the most engaging

    Story - she loved origins story, Bayek makes a strong character and she cried at a very specific few plot points I'm sure you can figure out which. This was her overall favourite.

    Main character - Connor, while this is one of my last favourite installments it's not because of Connor, she found his anger and how he gets molded into an assassin really satisfying

    Her least favourite game was syndicate, and I echoed this thought, the story felt disjointed because of constantly switching between the twins, the combat was horrible and the stealth was boring. The parkour also took Step down from unity and felt very clunky.

    My favourites (I'll include a gameplay section here because I was the one playing them)

    Setting - black flag, being still my favourite ac game I love the idea of being a pirate and just sailing the caribbean plundering other ships.

    Story - I agree with origins, i was pleasantly surprised at how good and how easily the story grabbed me. This skyrocketed to a close second favourite to me

    main Character - Bayek and Edward tie here, with Bayek possibly edging out the other, his story of vengeance felt real to me.

    Gameplay - origins/odyssey because they are very similar in gameplay, while there felt like a lot to do in odyssey I felt like it all went by very quickly with how smoothly everything preformed.

    My least favorite game in the series is tied between syndicate and ac3. To be fair my only real gripe with ac 3 is probably just how long it takes to get to play Connor, it just feels like a good third of the game is spent playing as Haytham. After that things get much better imo.

    Honorable mentions: unity for the parkour, God it feels so good to just jump around in that game. Odyssey for surprising me just how much I enjoyed it despite everyone saying how garbage it was.

    It's been quite the journey that I think we both really enjoyed and she just asked me what's next, and I think we'll give the witcher series a shot while we wait for Valhalla. Thanks all for reading!

    submitted by /u/silver0113
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    Took a screenshot from an early cutscene on my replay and it looked so poetically descriptive to Bayeks life. It’s now my phones wallpaper.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 04:00 AM PDT

    I did a flute Cover of the shanty "Randy Dandy O" from Black Flag!! Tutorial in comments below

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    What was your favorite assassins creed and why.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    Mine was AC3 or Odyssey. I know Odyssey is technically not a AC game but I love the time period and story line. AC3 was the first AC game I played and I still play to this day. I love the fighting mechanics and I loved the revolutionary war. If it was less buggy and you could remove weapons without glitches it would be above odyssey.

    submitted by /u/iNeed_help11
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    A Twist Ubisoft Could do for the Next Game

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 08:38 PM PDT

    I thought of what could be a very interesting twist AC could have for the game after Valhalla. Odyssey made no difference between playing as Kassandra or Alexios and I doubt Valhalla will have that difference between mEivor and fEivor but what if they do in the next one? What if during promotions they make it seem like the same 'choose the gender' but in actuality it's choosing whose story to play first? It would be like getting two games in one. Heck the twist could only be realized once the game is released and players start realizing not everyone is getting the same stuff and one person would check with a second play through and sees that it's two stories being told.

    Does anyone think this would be interesting or is it a dumb idea?

    submitted by /u/ldboy1990
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    What is the most average daily task you’ve imagined any assassin doing?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    Hi all, the local pen killer here wanting to work on a humorous project this weekend - with your help! Looking forward to your answers, and seeing how I can portray the lesser talked about assassin activities haha.

    For me it's imagining Ezio doing his laundry constantly!

    submitted by /u/Ikuless
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    How many of you guys go around killing guards in any Assassin's Creed game?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    I usually just go around trying to kill guards in awesome ways, but I am curious to know if any of you do this and if the others just finish the game and put the game in the storage, never to be touched again?

    submitted by /u/Thec-untmug
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    [Spoiler] What is one thing you don't like about your favorite AC game?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    I'll start. My favorite game in the series is Origins and though side quests are fun and varied in terms of story, what I don't like is that a ton of them always send you to clear out a bandit or soldier camp.

    submitted by /u/m00nstrike
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    In the North Atlantic of AC Rogue I've run into two spanish captains who were smugglers/stalkers

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 05:46 PM PDT

    here's a video where you'll see the first instance in the perce assassin interception right at the beginning of the vid. kinda made me chuckle when i ran into it on my own playthrough earlier. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoX9TCMk9Lo

    EDIT: found another instance in the st anthony assassin interception after seeing a stalker in the settlement in the same location with the spanish captain outfit.

    submitted by /u/ivarthebrainless
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    Do you guys think the AC series would be a better or worse series if the whole animus idea never existed?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 09:59 PM PDT

    Like to specify, it's just the different assassins at different points in time in each game and how they've dealt with Templar's etc. no going to present time and all that. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/junkymonkey123
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    My most unpopular/controversial opinions about Assassin's Creed

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 11:27 PM PDT

    1. Syndicate is amazing. I love everything about it. I only wish Evie had more story missions.

    2. Revenge stories aren't that interesting. I've played and thoroughly enjoyed every game in the series, but if I were to rank them, AC2 and Origins would be at the bottom. Not because I dislike the games, Ezio, or Bayek (quite the contrary), revenge stories are just very cliche.

    3. AC3 did viewpoints and fast travel points better than any other game in the series. Viewpoints reveal the map but you still have to explore to find things, and fast travel points aren't automatic, you have to explore a whole new map to unlock them.

    4. AC3's naval missions are pretty good. The ship mechanics aren't as fleshed out as they are in Black Flag or Rogue, but it's still very straightforward and a lot of fun.

    5. Nassau wasn't very well done in Black Flag. There was no emotional connection to Nassau and the escape after Woodes Rogers shows up was hard to care about.

    6. I don't like the sea shanties in Black Flag. I'd much rather listen to the game's music when I'm sailing.

    I have a lot of controversial opinions about Odyssey but I've made a couple of posts about them already and I don't want to beat a dead horse. Other than that, I can't think of any other opinions I have that I know are controversial on this sub. Please share yours, I want to know what unpopular opinions you guys have!

    Edit: Added another one.

    submitted by /u/mylegismissing
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    Finished AC 1, AC 2 Next!

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 06:21 PM PDT

    So, last year I decided to play through all of the AC games, I ended up skipping Rogue/Liberation (more on that later) and stopped just after Origins. I didn't want to play Odyssey because there wouldn't be anything else to play after so I ended it there lol.

    Well, since Valhalla is coming out at some point I started my marathon again (I'm gonna play Rogue/Liberation this time though). I Started AC 1 like three weeks ago and just finished it today.

    Can I just say that I've played through the first game like a million times and I still really really enjoy it. Sure it's dated, and it's super repetitive. Altair's story mixed with Desmond's really keeps me engaged It's not my favorite, but at least top 5. Thoughts?

    On to Assassin's Creed 2!

    submitted by /u/DionW15
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    Is Odyssey's combat historically accurate?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 08:48 PM PDT

    Do the characters in Odyssey actually fight like the ancient Greeks? Aka as Hoplites in formations with shields locked and shoulder to shoulder? Or does everyone just run around and do single combat like in all the previous games?...

    submitted by /u/teutonicnight99
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    What happens to ezio's original hidden blade from ac2?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    When you go to Rome in brotherhood you get a completely new hidden blade even though ezio took the original in his journey to Rome.

    submitted by /u/aboullkhill
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    AC: Odyssey's Naval Combat is not good

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    Especially compared to Black Flag, it's just very tedious, and it's so easy to get damaged. It's also really fucking annoying how hard it is to lose a ship once you've given up. You'd think the game design was smart enough to recognize that you're not trying to escape a fight. This ship has been chasing me for the last 20 miles.

    submitted by /u/MovieMuscle25
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    Bug that prevents you from winning a naval conquest battle? I've reloaded a save like 4 times and Spartans always win even though I always beat them.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    Does anybody actually like naval combat?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    Does anybody actually like naval combat? Every time I hear that it's going to be in a future AC title, I groan and I'm not excited for it, but obviously I play the hell out of it because ac is my favorite series. But I feel like naval combat is just a downright chore, not fun. It's a way to add time spent in game and adds microtransactions to level it up. It feels clunky and forced in Odyssey. Ac4 was cool to see it in and I was excited about that, but I've never actually seem anyone that says "yes!! I am so excited for naval combat! I love it!!"

    I am interested to see, because I feel like Valhalla has it in the sweet spot where you use it for travel, but you can still upgrade and use it for more than just travel. I just would much rather be climbing buildings and exploring and fighting than sitting in a boat. At least when you are running around in a forest or a city, things at least are different, even if only a little bit. There's always going to be slightly different landscape, trees, people, whatever it is. But on your ship all you ever see is a big blue empty ocean on a hunk of wood that doesn't turn well and feels like it goes slower than running. Just stop giving us the exact same recolored gimmick Ubisoft!

    submitted by /u/SquareClerk2
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    AC3R and the Mystery of Exposing Powder Kegs

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 12:25 AM PDT

    On my way to 100% on AC3R there was this last privateer mission #12 "The Giant and the Storm" where for full sync you need to sink all 3 ships by shooting at their powder kegs (This optional obj also exists in a main story mission). AC3 naval combat isn't exactly fleshed out and I searched forums but all workarounds either weren't reliable or they were just very hard to pull off.
    By playing the mission something like 10+ times I figured a reliable and -EASY- way to expose the powder kegs.

    All you have to do is focus 1 good shot in the front third (or even half) of the ship. The shot must be mid to close range I think for this to work. I used heat shot for it, perhaps the standard round shot works too but I didn't test it.

    It was very easy and fast to do in an otherwise very frustrating mission for completionists since the original AC3 came out. I hope this helps someone.

    One other solution that works but is hard to do : [For the fully Upgraded Aquilla] Ram the frigates nose to nose (or generally on the bow) but just before impact stop your ship completely, otherwise you ll drown them instantly.
    For the Aquilla without the Ram upgrade maybe ramming it at the bow normally works, I read many people use chainshot first to disable them and make it easier.

    Very unreliable mechanic, I wish AC3 had either far superior naval combat or none at all.

    94% and counting...

    submitted by /u/DarkSnowElf21
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    Any Far Cry fans in here? Do you think the settlement system in Valhalla will be like the one from Far Cry New Dawn or AC 2 Monteriggioni?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 06:25 AM PDT

    Assassin's creed and Far Cry are probably my most favorite game franchises. I enjoyed the settlement system in New dawn. I thought it was an excellent addition to the series. Though it was a little light. I would like to see them add more to it. Maybe make it to where there's some actual expansion to the settlement. I'd just really like a beefy settlement system to get lost in. That being said I've spent probably over a thousand hours building settlements in fallout so I have a bit of a problem with that type of game lol. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/ScottieBones217
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    Ok so I finally bought all AC mainline titles on my Xbox. I’m going to be playing them all.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    So, the ones that I already played are Syndicate, Black Flag, Origins, Odyssey, AC2, and Brotherhood in that order. I'm starting revelations now, but it's kinda weird and not like the other two games, Brotherhood is definitely my favorite of the Ezio Trilogy so far. I think after I finish the trilogy I'll play either the og or AC3, lemme know what you guys think. But I wanna finish them all before Valhalla comes out this holiday. I'll post each time I finish a game, so I'll see you guys when I finish Revelations!

    submitted by /u/Kachiggamaboi
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    Fan Cast for Old Man Ezio

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    I'm sure this is posted month to month but I think there's only one person capable of playing a character such as Old Man Ezio. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/perspective_artist_
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    [spoiler] I playing ac unity now and I can not understand something.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    how arno can sees memories of enemies who killed by him? He even says he saw the memory himself. Is he has some special ability like alex in prototype?

    submitted by /u/HeeGuu
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