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    Friday, June 26, 2020

    Assassin's Creed That first man you had to beat up to interrogate in AC 1 in Masyaf

    Assassin's Creed That first man you had to beat up to interrogate in AC 1 in Masyaf

    That first man you had to beat up to interrogate in AC 1 in Masyaf

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    He pretty much spoils the end of the game. He says al mualim is a traitor and that hes corrupted them all. That they must see through his lies.

    And that is literally the plot of the game.

    Then you have him killed lol.

    So much detail.

    Can we make a meme about him?

    submitted by /u/One-Eyed-Mercenary
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    I had a bit of free time at the weekend, so I designed and had printed this ACV shirt.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 07:22 AM PDT

    [Odyssey] so I already knew you could change the aesthetics of your gear

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 08:26 PM PDT

    But I didn't even fathom to consider that I could change my weapons too, like why didn't I even think of that! All the time I thought I can only change my armor but right at the end of the game it dawned on me „huh how odd would it be if I could change my weapons aesthetics too" and it was right fucking there

    submitted by /u/awesomehuder
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    Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, Pixel art Fanart, Animated this time

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, Pixel art Fanart, Animated this time

    Few days ago, I posted a pixel art of Altaïr.

    I use it to practice a breathing/idle animation... Not the best as I am still learning but thought you might like it.

    Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad

    submitted by /u/DelireMan7
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    Assassins must be really good at spot the difference games.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    I was just thinkin about eagle vision and its other, 'less practical', uses. Like crosswords and spot the difference games. If you think of any other uses feel free to add! If someone has already pointed this out I apologize for only just now bringing this up lol

    submitted by /u/katdianaaa
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    Bayek and Kassandra/Alexios don’t like moving their arms I guess

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    Anyone notice how often Bayek and Kassandra/Alexios cross their arms during conversations? I don't know why but sometimes it comes off as weird. They'll do a hand motion and then immediately go back to have their arms crossed, like their arms are locked in that position.

    I know this is a nitpick and it doesn't ruin the games for me but I just noticed it now lol

    submitted by /u/RedLeader5480
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    I made the logo in minecraft <3

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    Story idea - A King who lost his Kingdom due to Templars conspiracy, finding his way to the Assassins brotherhood and killing the templar ruler. Thoughts?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    The Kenway Saga has the best Assassination Animations

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    Hot take, I know. A lot of people will disagree with me on this and will wonder why I hold this opinion. Truth is, I'm a very recent convert to this belief. The reason behind it is simple: consistency and predictability, as well as function.

    The Kenway saga animations were a big innovation for the franchise, because they allowed you to preserve your momentum while assassinating a target. Their visuals were also a large upgrade over those found in AC1-Rev. In terms of gameplay, they helped maintain flow much more efficiently, because of their speed. The animations are quick, to the point, and fluid. The low-profile single assassinations are actually low profile, giving the impression that the player simply bumped into the person while walking. The High Profile assassinations distinguish between attacks with running momentum and attacks from a walking speed/standing. The games added the ability to double assassinate from beside two guards instead of just from in front and behind (a feature which is actually unique to those games, so be sure to make use of it when you play them). And, most importantly, the animations are predictable and consistent. When you engage an assassination, you always know the exact animation that will be triggered and how long it will take.

    Now, why might this be important? Let's look at AC Unity, the game with the most popularly favoured assassination animations. In Unity, the animations are not consistent. When you engage an animation, there is no way to gauge how long the animation will take to perform or what animation will fire off. Sure, you can kind of control it a little bit with the distance between you and the enemy when you press the button, but outside of that, there is no decent tell as to whether Arno will take 2-3 seconds to do an animation or less than 1 second. Unity also has other drawbacks. Even low-profile assassinations result in instant detection if an enemy is close enough to you and looking in your general direction. You can no longer double assassinate from the side, and Arno no longer defaults to double assassinations, resulting in many annoying moments where Arno decides that only stabbing one of the two enemies directly beside each other is the most logical thing to do. The High Profile animations don't take into account the momentum behind the attack, and animate similarly from walking or from running. All of this is a part of one of Unity's biggest problems: it offers unprecedented visual customization for your actions, but it automates practically all of them. This creates a lot of inconsistencies in the system that can cause trouble for the player in many different scenarios. Visual customization is good. It helps play into the player fantasy that comes from playing an AC game, and increases depth to any system it's added to, but this must be accomplished manually, else the gameplay begins to suffer.

    I understand the visual appeal of Unity's assassination animations, but from a utilitarian/gameplay perspective, the Kenway saga animations are vastly superior in virtually every facet.

    submitted by /u/JcersHabs018
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    In your opinion, what is the best Assassins Creed game to date? And why?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 09:03 PM PDT

    What do you believe to be the very best AC game to date?

    submitted by /u/Bad_Vibes_Forever999
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    I think Aveline is a perfect example of a French accent done right

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    I think her accent is by far the most balanced one I've seen in AC, maybe in fiction in general. It's very clearly french but never seems to border on caricature, like Chevalier in Rogue for example imo. I think Gerald Blanc (Aveline's assassin teammate in Liberation) also has a great accent. It's really strange that Ubi considered the italian accents (who have also been ridiculed a lot throughout history) or even the french in Liberation Aveline's game , as alright but thought unity, which actually takes place in france itself needed to have english accents to be taken seriously. As a side note, Governor Torres' spanish accent is also well balanced in Black flag

    I know some consider this to be a tired debate but I thought this would be nice to mention. Then again you can always play in french but I can understand not wanting to read subtitles in a video game

    submitted by /u/TheCanadianBat_
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    AC Valhalla: Potential Isu Stonehenge

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 03:14 AM PDT

    I think that some of Ac Valhalla's story will take you to Stonehenge and it will reveal that it has something to do with the Isu like there might be an Isu vault under it or some other type of Isu device. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/MasonLikesPolarBears
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    What's your favorite thing about your least favorite game?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 05:11 AM PDT

    Don't know if any threads like this already exist lol, very sorry if they do.

    Anyways, yeah, title explains it all. What's a thing you like about a game you hate?

    My favorite thing about my least favorite AC games, Odyssey and Black Flag, are how beautiful the landscapes are. Seriously gorgeous.

    submitted by /u/Relative-Pride
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    I think the modern day character of AC Valhalla is going to be Shaun from Ezio’s collection.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    I was trophy hunting AC Brotherhood when I came across a trophy where I have to access emails. When going through everyone's emails, I found one where shaun talks about how he wants to enter the animus because his ancestors are nordic.

    This is just my theory :)

    submitted by /u/chikibamboni43
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    What happened to Online AC games?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    All the old AC games had multiplayer up until Unity. So why did they stop? They've always been fun, and some are even still alive.

    So why did Ubi suddenly just drop the Online/Co-op aspect? Unity had a rough lifespan, but the idea and concept was amazing. The Heist, Missions, and Free-roam were great.

    And is it to far fetched for a AC game to be in the ballpark of a game like GTA 5 in its online?

    submitted by /u/BOS-Knight-Sergeant
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    I've had this question for a long time but when Desmond gets into the animus does he watch his ancestors or does he control them like we do when we play the game

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    I’m not gonna lie but I kind of miss minstrels/beggars that would sometimes harass you in the games.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 12:37 AM PDT

    I mean I very vividly remember how annoying they were but I also feel like that added something to AC. And to my knowledge not many games have a mechanic like this...where the player would have to watch out for these people especially if they are after a target and can't have attention be brought towards them...I remember trying to find a route in which I didn't have to encounter them so I wouldn't get caught...Idk it's just something that really caught my eye...

    submitted by /u/Yggraine
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    Will the PC version of AC Valhalla have a collectors edition?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 12:17 AM PDT

    Title, I really want the Eivor Statue but I don't have a console to buy it on.

    submitted by /u/PrumaHundr
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    Ubisoft responds to the recent sexual misconduct allegations by the former Assassin's Creed Valhalla director, Ashraf Ismail

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 12:01 AM PDT

    Ubisoft missed out on a great opportunity to make dlc for Syndicate

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 11:34 PM PDT

    With quests like Spring-heeled Jack it really makes me look back at how Ubisoft's general game and art design has evolved.

    Specially the fantasy elements which are so prevalent in the newer games it the missed opportunities for fantasy in a Victorian era setting just almost makes me wanna cry lmao.

    Imagine steampunkish gear upgrades, parkouring through London avoiding vampires/werewolves...

    Could've taken alot of notes from movies like League of Extraordinary Gentlemen...

    It really sucks when your favorite time period is kinda lost in the past with the ever fleeting thought of the likelihood of Ubisoft revisiting it :(

    submitted by /u/Castlear
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    Should games go bigger and more realistic in the future?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    As games move forward into new generations, we can see that companies are going bigger with each passing year. Games becoming more and more realistic, and bigger in all aspects more quest, more cosmetics things to do, more details, bigger map, etc.

    But in your guys opinion, should games continue to go bigger? Should games continue to add more things to do in the game? Should a game story last 80 hrs to complete or 15 hrs? Should games be considered art works or just games?

    What are some of your guys thought, and how would you balance ambition?

    Thank you all and be well.

    submitted by /u/Danlu100
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    The Braindance function that they announced for cyberpunk 2077 today is surprisingly like a portable animus.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:51 PM PDT

    I'm wondering if they got the idea from AC or if they just happened to come up with a similar concept.

    submitted by /u/zberston
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    My thoughts for a final 18th century ac game

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    Personally i think that a game with connor, shay, edward and arno, similar to revelations could be quite good, as these characters all appear around a similar time and still have parts of their stories yet to be told. I feel it could be a lengthy game, linking the 4 stories together, perhaps after or maybe even before dead kings arno decides to hunt shay to avenge his father, shay now an older retired man, with no interest in conflict. Meanwhile connor is following his grandfathers trail and story whci hcould take him to the observatory or maybe another precurser artifact edward discovered in his later life. The edward gameplay would be similar to altairs in revelations, capturing his later years but with perhaps a bit less play time so as to focus on the other 3. It could be set around 1800 or the late 1790s with both connor and shay being older. arno could perhaps be quite brash and angry in his hunt for shay as without elise he has very little left and connor now much wiser and having learnt from his mistakes tries to help arno let go. This game could fully complete the ambiguity of the 1700 assassin era by perhaps ending with the formation of a new and better order after the ignorance and lost ways of the american brotherhood.

    submitted by /u/eggsaladinyourbath
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    The Oracle of Apollo in AC Origins and the Staff of Hermes

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    So I was replaying AC Origins and came across this Oracle of Apollo named Phoebe. She gives you a quest but if you keep interacting with her she also gives various prophecies. At a point she says "The healer's staff is not what it seems. The viper uncoiled lies in whispers". Could this be a hint regarding the Staff of Hermes, maybe Aletheia led Layla to the Staff for a different reason, after all the Isu are not known for their honesty... (Also little fan fact, the Oracle is voiced by the same actress who voiced Kassandra in AC Odyssey)

    submitted by /u/alkis88
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