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    Friday, June 12, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Kenway Saga Themes Remake

    Assassin's Creed Kenway Saga Themes Remake

    Kenway Saga Themes Remake

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 04:53 AM PDT

    My best friend drew this art for me on my birthday, thought I’d show it off

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    Assassin's Creed 1's combat mechanics and killing animations are so damn satisfying and really make the game much more enjoyable

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 05:12 PM PDT

    After playing Odyssey and Origins, starting the first game in the series had me wondering how the combat compares to the new gen titles. Both Origins and Odyssey go with hundreds of different weapons, perks and abilities to give the player many different ways to combat the way they like. In AC1, it's just you and your Hidden Blade, your Sword, some knives, and a few new combat mechanics after every killed target... And damn it works so well. Even tough you're basically doing the same thing with the same equipment over and over again, no fight feels lame. The counter attack killing animations are sick and so well animated for it being from 2007 and makes every random soldier kill make you feel like a total badass. I remember there being a camp in the Kingdom in front of Acre, beside some flags it had no real importance and was filled with like 50+ soldiers, and I couldn't help myself but challenge all of them at the same time and just slaughter trough the entire camp with just a single sword, a badass experience. I was afraid that you would really just rely on stealth for the majority of the game and have no real combat interactions, but I was quickly proven wrong and it makes the rather repetitive districts much more enjoyable to go trough. If all the games pre Origins follow the same or similar combat, then I am really in for a fun time.

    submitted by /u/niclaswwe
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    Thoughts about ACIII Remastered from someone who didn't really know much going in

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    I just finished my first playthrough 10 minutes ago, damn that was good. I know that this game is a hit or miss for some people but here are some of my thoughts after finishing:

    -I LOVE Haytham. The opening three hours were instantly captivating as I was interested in playing a templar (haven't played Rogue yet). I genuinely felt his cause and he made some great points about the templars. The best "villains" are the ones who you can genuinely feel for and who have perceptible motives, Haytham really embodied that.

    -CONNOR! After replaying a bunch of other AC games over quarantine, I found Connor to be so refreshing as he varies greatly from the other assassins. It was so enjoyable to see the events before he was born and then play through to his adulthood. I honestly loved how humble and moral he was throughout. I've heard people say that he's naive and has no character development, I don't believe that. I think his character development was more internal rather than displayed through his final actions. It may have been subtle but it was truly there.

    -I really enjoyed the prison sequence, it showed Connor in a different light (hehe cuz they added more dynamic lighting in the remaster...nevermind)

    -the modern-day wasn't bad and didn't drag on, except maybe the ending with Juno's cryptic talk.

    -the banter between Connor and Haytham was lovely I wish there was more

    -SOUNDTRACK. immaculate. so beautiful

    -I did come across quite a few bugs like the screen randomly turning white or background people disappearing during cutscenes

    Overall I really enjoyed it!

    submitted by /u/ku_1213
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    Just so you know, there's a free winged horse on the Helix Store in Odyssey

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    I'm sharing this because I found out randomly and was very happy. It's silly but also pretty cool.


    submitted by /u/Karkuz19
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    I would 100% prefer the modern day segments to be almost entirely optional compared to now.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 10:52 PM PDT

    Hear me out. Right now I'd say more than half of the sales ubisoft gets from assassins creed games are from fans who have never played the ezio trilogy or the kenway saga. Especially in oddysey which tried so hard to make people forget it was an ac game. These people naturally would have little to no interest in the modern day because it just doesn't make sense to them. Because of this the modern day had bean really toned back in recent games so new fans won't be confused. Its hard to continue a plot when a ton of people don't even know of the plot that existed before the game, that to me is a core reason on why the modern day has bean so soulless since 4. But if half the community won't care they should just really put it aside, that way they can go really in depth with the lore and plot while not alienating the players that just wanna run around medieval England. Hell they kind of did it in origins, aside from one all the Isu tenples are completely optional and that works in the stories favor, it is genuinely interesting and thought provoking but anyone who won't get it doesn't have to hear it. I would genuinelt love if valhalla has just 2-4 minutes worth of unskipable modern day at the beginning and end and after that you can exit the anemis if you want which will progress the story in meaningful way but if new fans want to just be a viking because vikings are fun than they can do that. It appeased both parties.

    submitted by /u/broji04
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    If you could get two of the main Assassins (or Shay) to meet and have a conversation who would you pick?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 06:51 PM PDT

    I would love to see Edward and Conner meet, Edward would be really proud of him. Or Bayek and Altair, the two who kinda shaped the Brotherhood

    submitted by /u/EoghanK24
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    Chibi Eivors and Their Polar Bear Friend-My fan art

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    I fell in love again with Ezio

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 09:17 PM PDT

    I just re-downloaded the ezio collection and forgot how much I loved it and why I fell in love with the series. Even though the graphics aren't what it is today it had everything, a perfect story, a cheeky main character, and collectibles that you didn't have to buy but rather worked for. Ezio will always be the best assassin to me.

    submitted by /u/aussie-boy-22
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    Days Off (fanart collage based off of user ideas; sorry if I didn’t get yours in this one!)

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    [Spoiler Atlantis DLC] You can get a second cyclop's eye

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    ... in the Atlantis DLC

    On the 2nd part of the DLC (hell), once you kill the cyclop and rescue Phoibe, you can find a goat in the fields. It's pretty hard to see, but if you kill it, you'll get another eye

    Don't know if that's known, but I found that cool !

    P.S. Sorry if the english isn't perfect, not native

    submitted by /u/Slime_De_Feu
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    Road to Valhalla, fan art by me (twitter: mattyszee)

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 10:04 PM PDT

    A possible link between Rogue and Valhalla?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 08:11 PM PDT

    I started a playthrough of Rogue and after completing a hacking minigame I got the video titled Lindsifarne and it sounded alot like the trailer for Valhalla. It was Otso Burg talking about his only experience in the Animus and it seemed almost exactly like the trailer I know the game takes place neerly a hundred years later but it s it possible it's still part of Bergs family tree, or just where they got the idea for the trailer? Sorry just if this is a repeat or if I got something wrong.

    submitted by /u/Silicon_Leviathan
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    How repetitive do you think the AC game series is?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 10:45 PM PDT

    I just came to the realization after finishing Origins + DLC's and Odyssey (so far without DLC's they are to expensive at the moment), that yes the AC game series of course is repetitive in many ways.

    The ways you perform kills, the tasks you have to fulfill, that there are almost zero to none missions which you can solve without having to resort to violence or fleeing from someone to avoid being killed and so on. But that's just the nature of games.

    You always have repetitive features, especially in long time running series like the AC series or for exmple the GTA series.

    Currently i am playing Uncharted 4, after skipping 2 and 3. Being a little more than halfway through the game i realized very early that yes it is very repetitive too but directly compared to the AC series i got bored waaaaay quicker. The difference here lies within the games itself. Uncharted is a strictly linear game with not many side possibilities as AC has become a really huge and massive open world game with so much details and possibilities.

    I will finish Uncharted 4, because i want to see how the story develops and there are cool puzzles, but having to climb every two minutes or so with the same style, looking for a lever to hang on to and so on just gets boring easily.

    So in conclusion: Yes all games are repetitive and the AC series is really repetitive too as mentioned above, but it does not feel that way. The same amount of time i spent playing any of the AC games so far compared to Uncharted 4, feels like i spent my time a little better.

    submitted by /u/MathBloke
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    Eivor in the ways of Bayek

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 08:56 PM PDT

    A game set in Middle Ages Iran (alamut and Mongolia ). With the protagonist being Altaïr’s illegitimate son.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    The game starts of with Altair traveling the Middle East and mourning the death of his wife Maria and son sef. As he is mourning he meets a woman who helps him get over the tragic murder of his family, one thing leads to another and the rest is history.

    The protagonists name is Arian, and since Altaïr has left long before his lover knew she was pregnant. He and his mother live in poverty and can barely make ends meet.

    At age 15 (1219) Arian finds out his mother is terminally ill, and puts her mother on a horse and takes her to town. They get caught up in the mongol invasion.

    He pleads the mongol army for medicine and heal his mother. Instead of help the mongols kidnap the sick elderly woman and rape her, ( or just murder if its to extreme for Ubisoft)

    The game skips forward many years and the troubled teen is a drunk living in the streets of alamut. As he wander the lands drunk, he discovers the ruined castle of alamut, and an old stubborn man still living in the ruins.

    As the drunk Arian approaches the old man to find out more about the history of the fabled castle, the old man cries out in joy and hugs him. He says: Altaïr! Is that you old friend!? It's been so long. You look so young!

    It's revealed that the old man used to be an assassin of masyaf, after altaïr was exiled, he traveled with him and darim, the trio wander the land looking for the apple of eden, until mikhail (the old man) settled down and trained a new generation of assassins in Iran. During the invasion the temple was ravaged and mikhail was left alone.

    Arian explains his identity and the tragic rape/murder of his mother, Once he says the name of his mother to mikhail, mikhail recognizes the boy tells who he actually is.

    Once Arian realizes the opportunity at hand, for years he trains with mikhail.

    Years pass, and he earned the rank of master assassin at age 25. (Just like altaïr)

    Now Arian has developed an ego. He makes a ridiculous assassin robe, with an over the top hood. And starts his crusade against the mongols.

    His journey quickly transforms from a journey of vengeance to an journey of honor and justice.

    This is pretty much Act 1 of the game. Act 2 is all about him destroying the grip of the mongols in zagros (where alamut is located in Iran).

    By act 3, he is much wiser like his father and adopt stoicism into his philosophy.he becomes much more collected and mercilessly continues his crusade against the mongols.

    the climax is him uniting with his blood brother darim, (neither know who the other is) But mikhail knows, and keeps it a secret.

    The trio travel to Mongolia and Arian single handedly, breaks into the capitol and comes face to face with ghengiz khan. And assassinates him.

    Arian realizing that the death of the khan brings him no peace, and he goes into hiding trying to make sense of his deep depression.

    Mikhail returns back to masyaf after many decades and finds Abbas (Altaïr has still not returned from exile), by this time, the death of the khan has spread all over the world, and his death is a mystery. Mikhail being a stubborn old man, climbs a tower and screams: THE SON OF ALTAÏR KILLED THE KHAN OF THE MOGOLS!

    Arian being an unknown figure gets no recognition and the honor goes to darim. Abbas finds out that and old assassins in yelling out the name of Altaïr and has mikhail executed.

    The lieutenants of the mongols armies hear word of "darims assassination"

    And invades masyaf a decade later.( after 90 year old altaīr is the mentor.

    Arian now in his 30s brings himself to masyaf to finally meet his father and finds it in ruins and his father missing.

    This is supposed to be more motivation and hate toward the mongols, to make more sequels about Arians story. (Something like ezios story)

    submitted by /u/ARIBABINO2003
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    I wish Rogue dove into the Seven Years War a bit deeper.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    I beat Rogue for the first time a few weeks back, and I was disappointed to say the least. I always had a fascination with the Seven Years war and so to play the game and only have a few missions with it in the forefront was disappointing. When you look at AC 3 which had missions where you actively took part in major events and it felt like you were a part of history. Rogue didnt really have that so it felt like an afterthought when you had missions with the war taking place. And that game could've used som filler and it would've been perfect for it.

    submitted by /u/JellyJohn78
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    Unity, ac1 and chronicles ranked as the worst ac games by kotaku

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 06:16 PM PDT


    I think its a bit harsh for ac1 to be so low but its a bit dated these days

    submitted by /u/Rd19900312
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    The Syndicate OST is one of the best in the franchise

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    This is obviously very subjective, so I'd like to say beforehand that this is my opinion. If you disagree, that's okay!

    But, like: Syndicate's soundtrack is absolutely gorgeous. Sure, the game itself had plenty of flaws, but in my opinion the OST is not one of them. I love how some of the songs have lyrics, I love how you can hear people in pubs and buildings singing those songs, I love how they're tied into the story, I love them all. (Give me the Cure & Jokes Jokes Jokes are the best dont @ me) And even regarding normal songs without lyrics, theyre still wonderful. Sometimes i just chill in the game to listen to the music, its so wonderful. Also: special shoutout to the Jack the Ripper soundtrack, too. It's genuinely amazing and does a wonderful job of immersing you into Ripper-era Whitechapel, I genuinely got chills listening to it.

    submitted by /u/Relative-Pride
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    Are you the same character in black flag and rogue?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    In the modern day story from black flag and rogue everything feels so similar and I felt like I could have perfectly been the same character, but I started having doubts when they explain who Olivier Garnau is. You meet him in black flag so if you're the same guy you'd already know who he is. So does anyone know of you're the same character?

    submitted by /u/Gilles_0111
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    Does ending of assassin creed odyssey feel weird and boring?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    SPOILER WARNING, kind of

    Assassin creed odyssey ending was kind of weird.

    Just finished the game and the play through was pretty good. So good in fact that there was no real ending feeling. No ending credits or anything. I just finished all three endings which were cult , family, and Atlantis . I have say when the ending feeling will come.

    submitted by /u/Johnxxnn
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    AC game battle of two siblings from opposite orders.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    I was thinking if they made a another game in the future (idk which time period) between two siblings with a close bond which then comes into conflict or risk of breaking it when one becomes an assassin and the other a templar and the story will develop from then on. That you can play one of the siblings and choose a side from each side to get different sides of the story and also endings from who you choose and actions from playing through the game. And in the end that the siblings band together or fight each other in the belief of their order. Inspiration or idea came from AC3 with Connor and Haytham missions.

    submitted by /u/es_theocho
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    Why are some areas still incomplete? (Assassins Creed Rogue)

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 10:29 PM PDT

    I've done all the collectibles in some of these places and side activities and yet they're still incomplete? Do i have do some other objective like the treasure maps (like the spot the maps mark) that I'm supposed to do?

    submitted by /u/Frost_Archive
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