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    Tuesday, May 26, 2020

    Assassin's Creed PSA: New Reddit Flairs Available!

    Assassin's Creed PSA: New Reddit Flairs Available!

    PSA: New Reddit Flairs Available!

    Posted: 13 May 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    PSA: New Reddit Flairs Available!

    Hello everyone!

    We're excited to announce that user flairs are now available on New Reddit as well as Old Reddit. If you're using Old Reddit, these are the same flairs that we've transferred over! These flairs will show up on both new and old Reddit, so you can choose whichever option appeals to you.

    This guide is for New Reddit users:

    How do you set your user flair on desktop?

    1. Select "Community Options" on the main sidebar.
    2. Select the pencil next to "User Flair Preview" to pull up the flairs.
    3. Select any of the flairs available! If you don't want to scroll through all the options, select one and start typing the name of the character. For example, :ezio:. You can also add text next to the images if you'd like to!
    4. You can add more than one image to your flair just by typing the flair tag - so :ezio::altair: if you'd like both.
    5. Select "Apply" and you're done!

    Select Community Options

    User Flair Preview

    Selecting a Flair

    Editing a Flair

    How do you set your user flair on mobile?

    1. The flair menu is located in a different place (see below).
    2. Select "Change User Flair."
    3. Follow the same steps from above!

    Accessing Flair Menu on mobile

    This is a great way to show off your favorite characters so we encourage you to set your own! If you have any problems or want to request another character, feel free to ask!

    Note: We'll add female Eivor after we get clear pictures of her.

    submitted by /u/hugvvarts
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    I made an MCU-inspired Assassin's Creed poster

    Posted: 25 May 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    I just finished Black Flag for the I-don't-know-how-many-th time, still the best story of the whole series in my humble and honest opinion

    Posted: 25 May 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    It's just so full of fun, unique and memorable characters (I mean, Stede Bonnet, hello?!). Every character is voiced so well and you really get to know and form a bond with them over the story, making it all the sadder when...

    Of course let's not forget out main man, Eddy K. The most lovable and rogue-ish of all lovable rogues. Again a great performance, and believable character growth.

    Probably my favorite lead in the series.

    And given how both Ash and Darby worked on this game, my hopes/expectations have been set high for Valhalla!

    submitted by /u/G00bre
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    The Spartan War Hero armour I'm in the process of making for Kassandra!

    Posted: 24 May 2020 11:19 PM PDT

    Female Eivor Fanart I made using pens + some photoshop

    Posted: 25 May 2020 08:56 PM PDT

    brasidas was the coolest character in ac odyssey

    Posted: 25 May 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    I really liked him, especially in his appearance in the underworld

    submitted by /u/AshamedTarget
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    My favourite missions from AC2 we’re the assassin tombs

    Posted: 25 May 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    I have bought the ezio collection and every time I see an assassin tomb mission icon I get so excited, they are so much fun (and quite frustrating at times). Do you guys also like assassin tombs? Also do they make a return in brotherhood? Going to start brotherhood tomorrow, I'm so excited :)

    submitted by /u/RhombusRay
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    Darby talks about the team’s approach with Eivor’s gender choice and dialogue choice

    Posted: 25 May 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    Ezio had the most games but to me al-taïr is still the face of the franchise.

    Posted: 25 May 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    Even ezio was seaking wisdom from a dead al-taïr. Desmond and al-taïr will always be the face of the franchise for me. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Titan_Trainer
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    The impact of choices on the narrative and franchise as whole

    Posted: 25 May 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    Hi, I'll try to explain point by point why I believe choices are considerably damaging the narrative of AC games and the franchise as a whole.


    First of, choices put restrictions to the way you're telling the stories, the character has to be bland enough to fit both gender. No mention to his sexuality can be made (or a little) nor can it have an impact on the story or the features (think Ezio being a ladies man or Aveline using her charms when dressed as a lady).

    It also put restrictions to what kind of stories you can tell. No longer can we have love stories such as Bayek and Aya. Or Arno and Elise, or Edward and Caroline cause once again characters has to be bland enough for you to choose who to romance. Same for other relationships and filiations such as Bayek and Khemu.


    I don't want my character to be me, I want my character to be his own, man or woman it doesn't matter. I want to see how he changes his fate, how he solves problems. I want to disagree with him sometimes, or hate him for some of his selfish or morally questionable actions.

    I want a character I could care and learn to appreciate in the end no matter what, think about how Connor gets much more relatable in some parts of the game despite you hating him most of the time, you can't have the same kind of relation if you're responsible for your characters actions.


    The choices having an impact on the story and it's ending is a considerable damage made to the narrative.

    AC has always been so far away from the duality between good and bad endings with ambiguous and sometimes bitter endings. BF was a good and a bad ending at the same time.

    Choosing to be a good guy will inevitably lead you to a good satisfying ending making the story less intense and predictable. You can easily spot the option that says: "Hey just be a nice guy with everyone and you'll have a good ending".

    It's such a narrative downgrade and the worst part is that most people don't even notice that.


    WE CAN NO LONGER CONNECT THE CHARACTERS. Altair and Ezio meeting ? The Kenway saga ? Can't do that anymore if there's a chance it contradicts the choices/gender/sexuality I made in the previous game... Also no mentions to the events either cause we all have different stories. (Unless they make a set canon, but then what's the point of choices ?)


    They chose the worst part of Odyssey instead of the best part of Origins... How can that be ? (Well I know, dialogue option).

    Look at Origins beautiful mocaped cutscenes in comparison to Odyssey. That was one of the things Origins did best and that's why Bayek's story was such a joy to follow, a living breathing character thanks to a linear written, and well acted dialogues. In comparison Kassandra feels like... an random rpg character... Using her angry voice when not happy and her sweet voice when nice and caring. It's just so linear. Such a downgrade to Abubakar Salim's job on Bayek.


    And the worst thing maybe is how it divides the community... We used to have common stories we loved to remember:

    - « Man that moment when Yusuf/Haytham etc dies »

    - « Oh yeah saddest moment ever »

    Turns into:

    - « Hey remember he let X dies... »

    - « No I saved X, oh and my character is a she »

    We can't gather anymore around those iconic moments. We can't all be moved together by a beautiful moment such as Ezio's speech or The Parting Glass cause not everyone made the same options.

    If you're still having troubles understanding why it's a huge attack on the franchise's narrative, try picturing AC2/3 or 4 with gender choices, story choices, branching endings... You can't, right ? These characters are too authentic, these stories unchangeable... That's why we used to care about those stories, the unchangeable and the inevitability of all those tragic stories and characters deaths...

    There are probably a lot of other arguments I could make but I hope that will be enough for people to understand why some of us AC fans feel betrayed and why we are voicing our disappointment...

    Thanks if you read it through.

    submitted by /u/Mistrvl
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    Did anyone find Black Flag's ending strangely....sad?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    Quarantine has given me the chance to catch up on gaming, and I played through AC BLACK FLAG for the first time. Wow what an experience. The locations, gameplay, and characters all kept me enthralled for a few weeks and wanting more. Finally beat the game last night and in hindsight feel a bit...unsatisfied almost. The ending was very abrupt but touching....Edward seeing visions of his dead friends, meeting his daughter for the first time, was all strangely emotional. Anyone else feel that?

    submitted by /u/JEROMEbeats
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    would like a darker story in valhalla

    Posted: 25 May 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    would like a story with more character deaths than just our enemies

    submitted by /u/AshamedTarget
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    AC:U - why didn't Arno become a Templar? SPOILERS*

    Posted: 25 May 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    Just finished unity for the first time and going through dead kings but why the hell is Arno an assassin? I get joining them for revenge makes some sense at the start but when he learns Elise is a Templar coupled with his banishment from the French brotherhood and Elise's death, it just makes more sense for him to join the Templars or create his own branch of them in order to honour her memory and bring about the peace in France she wished for. Yes his father was an assassin but he was young when Charles was killed by shay and for the most part, was raised by Templars, fell in love with a Templar and I feel would be better had he ended up joining them. We also don't see him rejoin the brotherhood, we're just told in the character history that at some point he rejoins them but how? What reversed his banishment? I'd have preferred Templar Arno keeping the peace with the assassin's rather than somehow rejoining them. Does anybody else agree or am I in the minority here?

    submitted by /u/Lou-Garou
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    The design team seems to have approached dialog options as more of a gameplay mechanic than a narrative one.

    Posted: 25 May 2020 08:35 PM PDT

    We've already heard them all say that Eivor is a set character who won't be too massively changed by your choices. But that still leaves a ton of room for what dialog could be. It could be like the whitcher 3 or horizon zero dawn where you can decide how eivor responds but he'll always respond in character. And while what I'm about to say could be completely untrue I dont see any reason to think thats the way they're approaching it. It seems a lot more like a gameplay mechanic than something that will majorly affect the narrative. Look at the dialog options they've given as examples, choosing allies, deciding whether you want to catch someone on a lie, deciding on if you want to do something. All these things could have pretty minor to non existent effects on the narrative. You chose the political allegiances because you believe they'll best suit your gameplay style, if you want to berate someone on a lie that could be a mental test where you half to weigh the good and the bad and see if it's worth it, there's a deliberate right choice that you need to deduct. None of these things inherently effect the narrative in major way but could be interesting mechanically. Again I could be wrong but that's just how this all is feeling to me.

    submitted by /u/broji04
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    How big is the brotherhood?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 11:18 PM PDT

    How big does the brotherhood get to at its peak, and has it ever shrunk down to only a few members? Are there multiple groups at any given point around the world that vaguely know of eachother? I would love to find out more about this and if anyone has good lore sources I'd love to read about it.

    submitted by /u/Pixil147
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    Based on the popular opinions I bought the Ezio collection and played AC 2 and Brotherhood. Then jumped into Unity because I was really fascinated by the idea of Revolution-era Paris. I'm 25% way through and the mechanics, gameplay, combat, and parkour are far superior. I'm pleasantly rejoiced!

    Posted: 25 May 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    Now I know it's not fair to compare an older generation game to a recent generation game but honestly the mechanics, combat and parkour were far superior. They really do make or break a game. Especially the parkour. Unity and Ubisoft execute parkour beautifully. It's smooth and it flows. I sometimes find myself exploring Paris for the sake of exploring. The parkour complement the exploring and open world aspect instead of making it feel like a chore. Parkour and traversing in AC2 and Brotherhood was a hassle. Ezio would jump in the wrong direction or get stuck on a ledge. It really pulls you out of the experience.
    Also in Unity, it the graphics are beautiful and the attention to detail is amazing compared to other PS4 exclusives and other current generation titles released in 2019 considering Unity is a 2014 game. The combat is diverse and the animation movements are eloquent. The sandbox assassination are truly elite. The freedom to explore assassinations as we see them fit. I hope it gets better from here because I really do wanna enjoy this game.

    submitted by /u/pickleless_burger
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    New to the series, does the subject 16 “truth” stuff get explained later?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    Hey all! I'm new to the AC series for the most part. I played Black Flag back in the day but never tried to understand the modern day story. I decided recently to play through the entire series and I have some questions. I just finished 1 through Brotherhood and unlocked the "truth" subject 16 stuff in 2 and brotherhood. I'm a little confused though as to what subject 16 is talking about at the end of brotherhood. Does this get explained more later on in the series or am I missing something? He talks about my son and that he'll be with me in the darkness and stuff.

    I don't want any spoilers if this gets explained more later on. But if I'm just missing stuff from the first three games feel free to fill me in


    submitted by /u/TheWykydtron
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    An Assassins Creed Insignia I designed.

    Posted: 25 May 2020 02:15 AM PDT

    If you had your own Hidden Blade and had the opportunity to personalize it to you, What would you add to it or change?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    I've been seeing different renditions of the hidden blade in both the Assassin's Creed games and as Fan-art or Real Life Builds, and I've been wondering. If you had your own Hidden Blade and had the opportunity to personalize it to you, What would you add to it or change?

    submitted by /u/droflaj
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    I really hope Valhalla has side quests just dedicated to developing side characters. Many AC games have suffered from having these characters just exist to drive the story forward with no real personality for themselves

    Posted: 25 May 2020 05:34 AM PDT

    As the amount of content in each AC game seems to be getting bigger with each installment, with more and more side quests especially, I think it would be a real shame if we continued with just having one dimensional side characters. I know we already have side quests involving a lot of them, but they tend to just be limited to doing some random task to help them out and further their own goals for the sake of having a small story away from the main quest.

    As it sounds like many quests will start and end in our settlement in Valhalla, and we will be living alongside many of the characters that give us quests, I think it would be great if we had side quests that really develop them as characters. Some cutscene heavy quests for example where Eivor just hangs out with them to give them some personality and build their relationship with the protagonist, or we learn more about their backstory. Think like how in AC:2 the first part of the game was almost all about just going about your life with your family, hanging out with your brother etc. just for the sake of highlighting their relationship with Ezio, and making their unjust fate all the more painful.

    I feel examples like that are too rare in the series, yet it would fit in the newer quest heavy game design seamlessly if done correctly.

    submitted by /u/AdequateAppendage
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    Apples of Eden already exists in Norse Mythology

    Posted: 25 May 2020 06:36 AM PDT

    One of the female gods in Asgard was called Idun, she had a tree which grew magical apples. These were not just any ordinary apples like the ones in Midgard but magical ones. Whoever ate on once again because youthful and courageous. She stored her apples in a box always close to her person and were always careful with them. When an Asgardian began aging she unlocked her box and gave them an apple, they immediately became younger and not soon after a new Apple appeared in her hand, she always had the same number.

    There are many Norse stories surrounding Idun's Apple one of which is the famous story about the Jötnar Tjasse.

    Loki har been threatened and if he were not to escort Idun outside of Asgard he would be eaten by Tjasse in the form of a giant eagle. Just like he was told, Loki helped set up the kidnapping. When the rest of Asgard started aging and asked after Idun they found out what had happened. They also threatened to kill Loki if he didn't bring her back. He transformed into an eagle and flew for Trymhem in Jötunheim. On his way back with Idun and her apples the Jötnar Tjatte realized what Loki did and hunted him in the form of an eagle. When Loki flew past the walls of Asgard tricking Tjatte to follow him the weight of all gods killed the blackmailing giant.

    In Assassins Creed lore the Apple of Eden grants mind-controls to whoever wields it. That obviously isn't what the Apples in the real Bible does so it would make sense different cultures/religions implemented these "real" apples in their stories. If Ubisoft decide to go make something of the lore once again this could be something intreating Eivor mentions.

    submitted by /u/soimn1
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    Little fan edit I made. Hope you all like it.

    Posted: 25 May 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    Any idea of Valhalla’s next reveal or update?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    We got the cinematic trailer and gameplay teaser trailer, any idea of when we'll see or hear about another new update to Valhalla? Just trying to stay in the loop of things.

    submitted by /u/CantFawkWitchu
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    AC Reddit, what objects from your culture would make perfect PoEs? Which groups from your history would parallel the Assassin v. Templar conflict? Any famous Isu Bloodlines?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 05:19 PM PDT

    The title pretty much explains itself. I'm curious what hidden sci-fi gems might be lurking behind your myths and legends. What kind of historic political climate would Hidden Ones/Assassins and OotA/Templars would find themselves in when they make contact with your people for the first time? Would they, perhaps, find a pre-established ally of sorts already active?(Similar to Cult of Kosmos and OotA making contact) Maybe you have ideas for certain families that would have Isu blood if your legends were to be believed. Imagine your people's place in AC Universe and give me your best fictional takes.

    Here is my answer to questions above:
    Culture: Turkish/Turkic (Probably contains coincident legends with all the other steppe nations.)
    Possible PoEs:

    • Red Book of Mergen:
      What is it?: Red Book is a big-ass report, a thick guideline that functions as the country's shadow constitution. It is a hefty list of national security details, including possible threats, possible ways of disposing of said threats, list of things that the parliament isn't allowed to enact... all the shady shit needed to ensure the country's survival. It's legal name is "The National Security Politics Document."
      PoE Version: Instead of being a document that originates in modern Turkey, it can be a precursor device, roughly in the sizes of an encyclopedia. RBoM might be built by Mergen, the Erudite God of Turkic mythology. Mergen might easily be another name of Consus. The device can be a timeline calculation device, predecessor to the Eye of Minerva. It might be simply interfacing with the wielder's concious mind to model a virtual political & military theater and calculate possible outcomes of certain choices for him/her.
    • The Yada Stone
      What is it?: A mythological set of dark stones that are rumored to have weather manipulating capabilities. Pre-Islamic Turks believed these stones were gifts from the gods to some clans. Only special shamans were allowed to carry and use these. They are believed to be able to summon storms, snow, rain, fog, etc. They also have a charge, so they don't last forever. Weirdly, some Chinese and even a handful of Arabic sources claim Turkic shamans used these weather stones to win battles.
      PoE Version: In AC Universe, they would be a remote control interface for an Isu terraforming network that spans across the Central Asian and Siberian steppes. Effective irrigation of massive plains means more to eat for Isu.

    • Ring of Bashat: According to Book of Korkut Ata(A compilation of legends), Bashat, a hero of Oghuz Tribe fought and bested a cyclops to win a ring from it. Its properties are pretty much the same with the Shard of Eden that Connor Kenway found.
      PoE Version: Shard of Eden.

    Both are imaginary organizations made up for AC Universe.

    • Aspanda Bürküt(Assassins): [TR: Eagle of the Skies] This Proto Assassin Turkic group would aim for the freedom of their people. Ironically, I believe they would strongly support the preservation of the old ways, taking a conservative stance, remaining in the Central Asian Steppes and continue their "You answer to no-one if you are strong enough, travel on a whim if you are not" lifestyle. They would welcome adopting "quality of life" ideas from other, settled nations but strongly refuse any system that divides the nation to rulers and subjects. Mongolian Brotherhood's actions in AC Lore was my reference while imagining how this organization would operate.

    • Jerde Böri(Templars): [TR: Wolf of the Lands] This Proto Templar Turkic group would be fascinated by the Chinese, Roman and Persian cultures they make contact with. They would aim to steer the Nomad Nations towards re-organizing their culture into a more orderly form. Establishing hierachy, lords, subjects would be crucial to their efforts of turning the Nomad Nations into a perma-mobilized army. After succeeding, they would then conclude that the rest of the world also needs some order and direction distributed to them and the best way of doing that would be through conquest.

    Possible Isu Descendant Bloodlines:

    • Sons of Oghuz Khagan: Oghuz Khagan was known for having affairs with goddesses. His grandsons were the founders of the 24 modern oghuz clans. Furthermore, some Pre Islamic Turks believed in guardian spirits/totems called "ongun" that they identify their clan with. Most of these 24 oghuz clans preferred birds of prey as their ongun and all of the oghuz onguns were birds.
      The table at the end of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oghuz\_Turks might help with onguns and runic "tamgas" they use as coat of arms. Apparently, they liked the Game of Thrones style house identification stuff and even worshipped clan-specific deities.

    • Ashina Clan: Founders of the Göktürk Khaganate. Although they were probably Wusun or Tiele in origin, legends surround their origin always involve boning with gods. The clan name itself is the namesake of Açina, the wolf goddess of the Turkic mythology. (Which Ancient Turks every so often have sex with in their legends, for some reason. I try not to judge.)

    • Ashida Clan: Cousins of Ashina, so likely Isu origin applies to them too.

    submitted by /u/turulbird
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    If Ubi went back and fixed/altered/changed a past title...

    Posted: 25 May 2020 10:51 PM PDT

    What game would you want changed and how? What would be added or changed around?

    Personally for me I'd say Unity should get a slight rework, work out kinks in the storyline, fix the voice acting from British to French accents, maybe even reevaluate how skill points are obtained or even the load out system itself. Hell add the Air Rifle from Rogue as a new gadget to pick up over other gadgets. Additionally maybe even adding the Mont Saint-Michel multiplayer map (from Brotherhood and Revelations) as a new location to explore via horse and buggy. How about fine tuning the coop system, or even adding a few open world mini games to play with friends in your world like death match, or foot races, etc? Or even little things like cleaning up the mini map, and condensing and getting rid of the nomad points or adding the random assassinate missions into a letter box at cafes to pick up instead of littering the street. Small changes would make Unity the best AC game in the series IMHO. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/gtnred13
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