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    Thursday, March 5, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Opinion: the 1500s-1800s is the sweet spot for the Assassin aesthetic, gameplay, and narrative

    Assassin's Creed Opinion: the 1500s-1800s is the sweet spot for the Assassin aesthetic, gameplay, and narrative

    Opinion: the 1500s-1800s is the sweet spot for the Assassin aesthetic, gameplay, and narrative

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 04:17 PM PST

    First off, the style. It's hard not to look at Arno, Haytham, Edward, and Ezio and think they look pretty damn fashionable, especially by today's standards.

    I think that modern block of time is a particular sweet spot for aesthetic, at least for me. I can see why other people prefer Ancient or classical eras, but to me, those don't evoke as much of an assassin feel as the first AC but more importantly the 2nd, because that is the game many consider to be the pinnacle of what AC should be all about.

    Second, the gameplay. I think more modern cities with dense populations and more varied architecture lends far better to AC's signature social stealth and parkour systems.

    The vast countrysides and open seas of Odyssey are beautiful, but I don't feel like much of an assassin traversing through them. Which I suppose is an intentional departure on Ubisoft's part.

    Additionally, the firearms in that 400 year timespan are just the right amount of janky to not always be very viable in every combat situation. It kinda gets less that way when it gets to the late 1890s.

    Lastly, the narrative. The presence of so many recent, relatively modern political or creative historical figures opens the door for so many interesting stories and scenarios, that could potentially be relevant to current affairs and make a statement. Tooling around with dudes like Charles Darwin, Napoleon, and Blackbeard was something I always cherished.

    submitted by /u/k0mbine
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    My Ideal Storyline For a Viking Age Inspired Assassin's Creed Game

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 09:47 AM PST

    Alright let's get a few things out of the way, this isn't a leak (duh). Nor is it a prediction. I just figured it would be fun to speculate on what could be done with a setting like this. I am also not a lore expert on this game so I am going to try and keep out of the Isu stuff. Anyways here goes nothing.

    My ideal storyline will begin in 845 CE during the Siege of Paris). Our main protagonists, Jura, then a moderately trained Hidden One followed the army led by Ragnar Lodbrok (yes that one) with 3 other Hidden Ones in an attempt to find the Crown of Odin. The Crown of Odin is an Isu artifact hidden beneath Paris in a huge cavern. The Hidden Ones of course before 1050 are all part of different secular groups that were aware of each other, but they didn't communicate well with each other. This storyline will feature four different sects of the Hidden Ones. I'll get into them as they appear.

    When you and your Hidden One buddies arrive in the countryside outside of Paris, you see the carnage and destruction brought on by the Viking army, but, not wanting to reveal yourself, you simply play along with the charade until the time is right. You'll do this by completing minor sabotage missions for Ragnar Lodbrok and his son, Bjorn. One of these missions will involve you having to distract the army of King Charles the Bald with his son, Bjorn, while Ragnar defeats half of Charles's army on the other side of the River Seine. Here you and Bjorn will pick off small groups of Charles's men while they watch on in horror as their army is crushed by Ragnar across the river. This battle, in particular, was fought so that the Viking army wouldn't demolish the Abbey of Saint-Denis (just some background knowledge). You and Bjorn are ambushed from behind by Hidden Ones from Paris. Bjorn narrowly avoids getting a hidden blade strike to the back while also dodging an arrow from the side which after this will earn him the name of Bjorn Ironside after the story gets around. You and Bjorn then kill the Hidden Ones. After looting the bodies, you find a manuscript telling the Hidden Ones from Paris to meet them at a scorched tree in the fields outside Paris after the deed is done. The mission will then end as Charles's army retreats after watching Ragnar hang the bodies of the Frankish soldiers on trees in the aftermath of the battle.

    You'll then arrive back at the Vikings' camp where you debrief on what happened to your Hidden One bros. You and one other Hidden One will then go to the meeting place where you confront the Hidden Ones from Paris. After a tense conversation, y'all agree to a cease-fire as long as you keep the Vikings out of Paris. In exchange, they'll help you find the Crown of Odin. Now your new goal is to sabotage the Viking army while also keeping the Franks from attacking their camp. This can be done by doing missions for both Bjorn and the Hidden Ones from Paris.

    It won't be long though until Ragnar plans an attack and during the chaos of Ragnar's army attempting to breach the walls of Paris, you sneak into the city and find King Charles the Bald. You'll corner him in a room while one of your Hidden One bros watch the door. There you'll convince him to come to a truce with the Vikings by giving them 7,000 livres, in exchange though you'll have to betray the Hidden Ones in Paris to King Charles the Bald who hasn't been on good terms with them lately.

    You, of course, carry out the betrayal. The Hidden Ones in Paris are rounded up and executed while you and your Hidden One bros go on to search for the entrance to the cavern. You wish Ragnar and Bjorn good luck as they pack to go back to Paris and before they leave Bjorn offers you what appears to be a stele he looted from the commander of Charles's forces across the river for Jura's ax (ax is the American English term for "axe") which your character begrudgingly gives up.

    You and your Hidden One bros stay back in Paris to look for the caverns where the Crown of Odin is hiding away in. You'll do some minor missions helping the people of Paris recover after the siege and soon enough one young child belonging to a civilian you help happens to know of a cave not far from the city. You ask the child to draw a map and once it is done you follow it to a small entrance covered in leaves. After exploring the cave, you find signs of people being in it not too long ago. You'll explore it until you find a large room covered in granite structures. There you are ambushed by many of the Hidden Ones from Paris who survived the inquisition against them. After a short struggle, one of your Hidden One bros is killed and the rest you are overwhelmed.

    This post has already been too long so I'll end it on a cliffhanger. Ha! got you there. My ideal storyline will, of course, carry on until 868 CE after the Great Heathen Army invades England. In my storyline, you'll not only assassinate Ragnar Lodbrok on orders from King Aelle, but you'll also take part in King Aelle's execution at the hand of Ragnar's sons. In the story, Bjorn is supposed to be your friend and the assassination of Ragnar Lodbrok was done in an attempt to save Bjorn from his father's madness after he wore the Crown of Odin. Bjorn will find out you killed him at the end and you'll have to run until you can make peace with him and he joins the Hidden Ones. Bjorn under the Hidden Ones will sail to the Mediterranean in search of Isu artifacts.

    Anyways I am getting a bit carried away here. I think with some clever dialogue and well put together cut scenes this could be an epic intro to the game. I'd imagine the Paris segment being the first 3-5 hours of the game. I really want to know what other people's ideal storyline is for a Viking inspired Assassin's Creed game is or what you think of mine. And for any lore masters out there, sorry, I only know the lore from the games, not from the comics or the books.

    submitted by /u/Boolos_Boi
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    An AC in Colonial Brazil

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 03:32 PM PST

    The time of the discovery of Brazil, in 1500, would be very interesting for a new Assassin's Creed. The main character could be an enslaved native or one of the africans that were taken there. It would be a really good premise that would open the door to vast exploration, an exciting story and good missions. Do you agree?

    submitted by /u/KaliBahia
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    What's your favourite era of Assassin's Creed?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 10:39 AM PST

    In my head I tend to break Assassin's Creed in to different eras. These are how I personally break them down:

    The First Era - Assassin's Creed

    The Ezio Era - Assassin's Creed 2, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Assassin's Creed: Revelations

    The Sea Era - Assassin's Creed 3, Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, Assassin's Creed Rogue

    The Modern Era - Assassin's Creed Unity, Assassin's Creed Syndicate

    The RPG Era - Assassin's Creed Origins, Assassin's Creed Odyssey

    As far as story goes I think "The Ezio Era" is my favourite. As far as fun to play it's gonna the "The Sea Era" followed closely by "The Modern Era"

    What's your favourite era? Do you have your own 'eras'?

    Edit: Had AC2 listed twice.

    submitted by /u/IrishMetal
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    Odyssey's Story Creator Mode is pure crap?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 08:08 PM PST

    I just checked it, and you cant even place your own loot in different locations or chests, place own items\chests, etc, or even place npcs to caves, cant write own scripts. Lol, what a joke.

    submitted by /u/xCantStopFap
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    Outfit question - Black Flag

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 06:51 PM PST

    I just unlocked the Templar outfit. Personally I don't like the look of it. I like my pirate captain outfit better. So if i change back to the captain outfit do i keep the damage resistance or do i have to wear the Templar one? Honestly I'll just take no damage resistance if i have to lol.

    submitted by /u/heryea42
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    Assassin's Creed Unity is $8.99 again on the PlayStation Store

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 08:54 PM PST

    I strongly recommend getting this if you have a PS4 Pro.

    submitted by /u/Cubegod69er
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    AC at Tsarist Russia about 1916-1920 or American Civil war 1861-1865

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 04:07 PM PST

    RUSSIA 1917

    - Beautiful snowy country with wooden villages as well as heavy populated Moscow

    - REvolutionary atmosphere , tense atmosphere on streets

    - LEnin, Rasputin, Tsar Nikolai and other historical figures

    CIVIL WAR USA 1861 -1865

    - Diverse beautiful settings and landscape but similiar to RDR2

    - Lincoln, Generals LEE and GRANT

    - MAss army fight

    - Presence of indians

    - Slavery problems, fight for the slaves freedom

    submitted by /u/1982mathew
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    What order do you prefer to play the games in?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 08:32 PM PST

    I'm not asking in what order do the games take place, but rather if you were to play them all in a row, what order would you do?

    submitted by /u/DJTacoCat1
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    Finally played Tyranny of King George

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 05:13 AM PST

    And it was awesome! Loved the use of Native American spirit guide based powers, flitting around rooftops, shadow stepping through cadres of enemies like they weren't even there, just WRECKING anything between me and my objective without a thought for social status. I'd love to see another game - not necessarily an AC game, even - which makes use of those mechanics. The only jarring part was that characters we knew from the main game (eg Big Dave, Warren, Godfrey) had totally different voices. Not a big gripe, but did throw me off a tad.

    submitted by /u/ben0318
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    The concept and aeshetics of modern day offer tremendous potential to the franchise

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 08:02 PM PST


    Key word concept and aesthetics, not talking about execution of modern day stuff as we all know has been rather lackluster... The vibe.

    But modern day AC on its own, I dunno, it just has a different, cooler, vibe potential, key word potential, than most espionage and vigilante tales out there... It's this mix of Arrow and Mr Robot and Uncharted or Tomb Raider.

    Assassins feeling the weight of their own order having existed for thousands of years..

    A 3000 year old philosophical debate still present today, for the assassins and Templars.

    The cyberpunk elements of Abstergo. Imagining assassins running around modern Shanghai rooftops and killing targets. Or taking a leap of faith from some high building in Lisbon or Las Vegas.

    Or even some Templars doing black ops in some third world country, looking for pieces of eden and finding secret underground vaults uncovered to this day in some forests of Guinea Bissau.

    Its just so cool, in theory. Go listen to Modern Assassin from AC3, tell me that track doesn't define what modern AC is.

    submitted by /u/Brandomd
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    Will I be spoiled about the story if I play the Jack the Ripper DLC in syndicate?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 03:18 PM PST

    I'm on sequence 5 right now and I'm really interested in playing the DLC.

    submitted by /u/Batman193o
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    How to see which invested shops (Brotherhood)

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 06:36 PM PST

    How do I keep track of which shops I've already invested. It seems like the game doesn't show you and I find it difficult to keep track after investing on quite a lot.

    submitted by /u/adsonn
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    Odyssey user made stories are worthy to play?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 02:05 PM PST

    Any great ones out there? How many?

    submitted by /u/xCantStopFap
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    When did Venice Rooftops play in AC 2?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 06:02 PM PST

    Was it during chases? Or was it scripted to play during some part of the story? I need to know

    submitted by /u/jazz59107
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    Is there any good AC lore videos on youtube or in form of a book or some other text for someone who dont know much about it?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 01:56 PM PST

    So I played first AC long ago, when it first came out. I also played second, and enjoyed it very much but didnt finish it because I had problems with my PC and couldnt afford to buy new parts back then (I was a kid). Then some time later I played Black Flag and that is one of my best games ever. I played also Origins and now I am playing Odyssey. But I would like to learn more about Isu and all that in some quick way, because I dont have time to go through it all, I am a father now, barely manage to play Odyssey. Thx for your recommendations

    submitted by /u/Aedan2
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    Steampunk and Victorian Legends Outfits for Syndicate

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 05:22 AM PST

    I got the game from the Epic store when it was free and when going on Uplay I had an option to install a couple outfits, Steampunk and Victorian Legends. I can't seem to find them anywhere in the game or do I need to be a certain level before they are unlocked? A couple outfits are grayed out when looking at outfits and say hidden until a certain level. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/matthewpsu17
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    Would a game based in ancient China with Ghengis Khan as the brotherhood be viable?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 02:17 AM PST

    If we were to take what he did and the disruption of the ancient Chinese government when his mongrel hoard moved through would make for a great and compelling story. Add in Marco Polo as an end tie to make the Mongolian hoard a branch of the assassin's brotherhood.

    What are your thoughts?

    Edit: I have yet to play revelations so I didn't know that Ghengis Khan was a baddie in that game

    submitted by /u/snatchsnuggler
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    Looking for a Revelations match

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 06:56 AM PST

    please, I need to play that shit again

    submitted by /u/guz_petricor
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    Does herodotos say or do anything in either dlcs?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 01:57 PM PST

    Trying to decide whether to do the every story has an ending mission before or after playing legacy of the first hidden blade and gates of Atlantis. Does herodotos do anything or say anything at all during either DLCs?

    submitted by /u/Toxic-x-Tardis
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