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    Monday, March 23, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Bayek is my favorite of the characters we can play as.

    Assassin's Creed Bayek is my favorite of the characters we can play as.

    Bayek is my favorite of the characters we can play as.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    Brief overview of each assassin from the games i've played

    Altair- his resolve comes from disaster afflicting every day of his life, wants justice for all

    Ezio- strong resolve comes from death of family, wants revenge against the Templar order

    Connor/Ratonhnhaké:ton- resolve comes from destruction of village at hands of the Templar order, wants to see justice for the Native Tribes.

    Aveline- Resolve comes from seeing the horror of slavery, wants to emancipate the enslaved

    Edward- Resolve comes from poverty, wants both kinds of booty.

    Arno- Resolve comes from death of father, wants freedom for France

    Jacob- Resolve comes from his father's teachings, wants to stop the templars in britain to honor his father

    Evie- resolve comes from father's teachings, wants to stop templars in britain to honor her father

    Bayek- resolve comes from death of his son at hands of Order of Ancients, wants to kill them all to let his son's spirit rest

    Alexios/Kassandra- resolve comes from being thrown off of Mount Taygetus, wants to kill Cult of Kosmos as revenge as they are the ones who ordered that the baby be thrown off the mountain

    But what I love about Bayek is that he is only angry when he needs to be. Most of the time, he is actually very friendly. His interactions with non-enemy NPCs are fairly pleasant, and he leaped off of a tall building into a tiny pool of water because a group of children asked him too. When he returned to Siwa and saw that it had been razed by the Order of Ancients, his first reaction was to grieve. Before he left to destroy the rest of the Order, he saw to it his friend was buried properly. He is, in my opinion, the character we play as that has the most depth of any character.

    submitted by /u/Gunnery_SgtHartman
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    Any fans of AC: Rogue in here?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    The more and more i play Rogue, the more i believe it to be my favorite AC game. Shay's struggle with the Assassins, keeping all the good things about Black Flag, the fall of Achilles, etc. It's just fun to enjoy. Anyone else else really like Rogue?

    submitted by /u/McWaylon
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    What are your wishlist for the next Assassin's Creed game?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    Let's share our thoughts among fans. There are somethings in AC that we can only wish...........

    Anyway for me personally, the following are what comes up in my mind:

    Living and detailed world - alive towns, lively npcs, more distracting things we players can interact with between point A and B. Don't make moving around a world feel like a CHORE.

    Ambient music and sound - make it IMMERSIVE. Let us feel like we're there. Seriously, all title beside Odyssey has done it way better. (chat of npcs, noise of their activities, animals and fauna feeling alive and all of it enhanced by subtle constant music).

    Performance - can't stress this enough. How are we supposed to enjoy the game if it's unplayable smoothly? Optimise the game so that it doesn't stutter and freeze constantly because of HIGH cpu usage even on high end equipments.

    Modern day - I mean.....AC is basically modern day game where we just explore the past........We should really get a modern day playground. Our own base maybe and be able to explore that area and talk with other characters, old and new. The old modern day and conversations with first civ was so eerie and exciting.

    Underwater - just cause it's beautiful.

    Better stealth - ability to change outfit with that of the dead enemies to infiltrate? Social stealth? I want to be able to sit on benches again.

    Better interaction with NPCs - since AC is going rpg route, hope they allow us to interact with random npc. Give our character more personality by giving voice(example making remarks of the world spontaneuosly) and animation that interacts with the world.

    More diverse outfits that are available to buy with in-game currency (NOT MICROTRANSACTION).

    Less grinding - even if you make it hardcore grinding game, atleast make it fun and BALANCED (If you try to purposely make the game unbalanced to feed the grind mtx, I'm gonna lose hope.....).

    Better weather/season if appropriate - for immersion.

    Brotherhood system - It was fun in brotherhood, revelations and ac3. Gives an assassin master feel and more character.

    Improve combat and animation for immersion - while running, we players need to be able to feel as if we are running. Better running, breathing, shouts voices and random remarks of the surrounding world. As for the combat, I hope you keep exploring and not settle on the oddyssey one. Maybe more brutal like AC3 where you feel every hit made by your tomahawk.

    Characters and story - Make us remember the moment and feel attached to the characters. Don't forget the lore.

    submitted by /u/We_Are_Star-stuff
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    Why does Origins look a lot better than Odyssey?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    This isn't an Odyssey hate post, I'm playing through it again and I'm enjoying more than the first run through, but why does so much of the game look worse than the game before it? Especially the mounts, they look very bad in Odyssey, the animations too are very bad, both how the mount moves and how you move when you're on it, it's so unrealistic looking on Odyssey, also the characters movement animations and facial animations, clothing textures etc. are much worse than Origins. As great as Odyssey is, does no one else think they took a step backwards?

    submitted by /u/DeathBat92
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    No more endless grinding and giant open world gameplay for next AC game plz.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    I don't mind what setting the next AC game takes place in, but I do mind the endless grinding. The first AC game and the Ezio trilogy are golden, and everything up to Origins felt like a Assassin's Creed game with a story based gameplay.

    Origins was good. I loved Bayek and he is one of my favourite assassins. Origins was a break from the traditional games.

    Then along came Odyssey. Odyssey was meh. It didn't feel like a Assassin's game. It felt more like a generic RPG game. The reason I loved the Assassin's creed franchise so much was because of how unique it was.

    Now I'm hoping the next AC game would be more like a traditional AC game. I've heard some rumours about the next game and honestly, I'm not ecstatic.

    What I'm saying is, I miss the old games and hope the next one will be similar to them.

    submitted by /u/Xplosion0_0
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    [AC3 Remastered] Can’t get past Rooebeater fight HELP

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    This isn't about how to beat him. I know exactly how and in fact I did it several times... and that's the problem. When I beat him the objective display disappears but nothing else happens and the music even keeps playing. The next fight is supposed to take place in New York but it won't spawn. When I go back to Boston the Ropebeater fight respawns as if I hadn't done it already

    submitted by /u/joujoubox
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    Why isn't Elijah the modern day protagonist?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    He's Desmond's son, has Isu genes and is a Sage. Why aren't we playing as him instead of Layla? He should be around 15 now, no that far from when Ezio saw his family die and became an Assassin. It also shouldn't be a problem since he would spend most of his time in the animus with only an occasional parkour or a puzzle out of it.

    submitted by /u/DariusStrada
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    Caroline Kenway and Black Flag Plot Hole: Why did Caroline hide her pregnancy from Edward?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 09:38 PM PDT

    Caroline Kenway and Black Flag Plot Hole: Why did Caroline hide her pregnancy from Edward?

    Looking back in retrospect, Caroline's decision to move back in with her parents does indeed bear sense.

    However, why is it that she, whilst not wanting Edward to go to the West Indies as a privateer, simply did not divulge the true reason as to why she did not want him to go, as well as why she left him and the Kenway homestead to begin with?

    Kingdom of Great Britain, Bristol, cerca late 1712; Edward makes his intentions known much to an awestruck Caroline.

    Moreover, why is it that when Edward, in a flashback, goes to Caroline's parents house in a failed attempt to win the her faith is he met with a response of "I can't promise anything... if you go on this fool's errand", when by then, she had already agreed to Edward's West Indies vision, lending capitulation– "Alright, no more than two...promse me."

    submitted by /u/bulltree6
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    Liberation was actually amazing

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    I like the idea of having multiple personas that have advantages and disadvantages based on the situation. Assassin is good for all out fighting but quickly is suspected, slave persona is good for infiltration but has reduced combat ability, and lady persona is good for tailing, but has the least combat ability, can't freerun, and can get mugged. Also, the trading system is excellent. you get a ship, buy goods, send goods, buy more ships, send more ships. Using your own weapon shop instead of a rival's shop is beneficial to you, and you can kill rival business owners and take over their shops. Also, the combat and freerunning felt so streamlined, and it runs very smooth. My only complaint is they eyes (which are hard to get right in a video game). Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Gunnery_SgtHartman
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    Why do the Templars always win?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    Let me preface this by saying that I believe in the assassins and I will gladly die for them. We know that the assassins and Templars have been fighting forever, since Cain and Abel if the stories are to be believed, but it seems like the Templars always have the upper hand. Sure, we win sometimes, especially seen with the master assassins Altaïr and Ezio, who triumphed in their areas. But those are just battles, and it seems like the Templars have always been winning the war. Their circle of influence is wider and their armies are always bigger. Especially with the creation of abstergo, a worldwide super corporation that secretly destroys our allies. It seems like every other day, another sect of the order has been slaughtered by Templar task forces. It kind if makes sense with their whole control humanity thing, but they've only truly had complete control a handful of times, usually with a piece of Eden. So how is it that they seem to kick the assassin's collective shit nine times out of ten?

    submitted by /u/Brainiac7777777
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    The tournament mission in Unity

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 11:13 PM PDT

    so i just finished screaming over the flag step, and now i have to raise 4 flags... easy enough. until you run out of medicine and youre doing well in a fight and some dude that thinks hes tough sh*t shoots you with one of the many overpowered guns in unity... really makes the game unenjoyable.

    submitted by /u/Alkosimus
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    The new AC should be about the berber/amazigh people

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    Like I said this tribe was before the farao's and could give a glimps what was happening before bayek's time. They rule approximately the half of africa in their prime time and they still live now in some places like Morocco, algeria,mauritania... and so on. Because they lived before the egyptians and they are still living now that could give a variety of choices, from the conquest of north africa or the time they helped the muslim to conquer spain en south of france. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Remopair
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    Why they say Connor dont have a personality?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 07:06 PM PDT

    Did you guys at least PLAYED the Homestead missions? Man, when I played those I saw Connor with another eyes

    submitted by /u/joaosimoes4034
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    Can’t seem to discover Hermippos as a cultist.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 06:51 PM PDT

    The items I'm supposed to find aren't highlighted as they're supposed to be. This a bug? Do I need to restart?

    submitted by /u/TheSebtacular
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    [Spoiler] About one of Arno's outfits in Unity

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    Does anyone else find it kind of disturbing that you can wear Shay's outfit, the man who killed your father? I understand that Ubisoft put it in because it's cool, like with the other outfits, but it seems a little inappropriate even if Arno wearing it isn't canon.

    submitted by /u/17bithero
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    [Spoilers] The aftermath of Fate of Atlantis Episode 3 is eerie.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 09:49 PM PDT

    After flooding and destroying Atlantis if you go back to it everything is normal of course, however, one thing is different and that is there are a lot fewer people around before, the streets were bustling with humans and Isu now there is more Isu and some humans. So yeah just wanted to say that.

    submitted by /u/turtle1081
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    Camera flickering/shaking on assassins creed 3 any time I fall or Haytham moves rapidly. Any fix?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 01:00 AM PDT

    So trying to go through a playthrough of the Kenway storyline, started and beaten 4 which was excellent as always, but no problems running exception of some audio glitches that I noticed most experienced. Thus ignoring it. But coming to this older title I am experiencing this bug that kinda makes it unplayable. I had this same issue on an older pc and remember it getting progressively worse especially on the naval bits. I just figured it was running a low end pc but it's happening now and I'm at 60 fps on max settings now. I5 7400 GTX 1050 TI 4GB 16 GB DDR4 ram

    Surely in 2020 there is a solution to this? Or should I just grab a copy of the remaster?

    submitted by /u/BIGBADPOPPAJ
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    Unity can you get all skills from main missions

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 12:59 AM PDT

    Is it possible to get all the skills without doing any of the coop missions? Or can I still do the coop missions solo if I don't have Xbox live gold?

    submitted by /u/WMan1307
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    They should make a fight system like in Jedi: Fallen Order

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    I think it would be a nice compromise between the old and new fans. It is quite challenging, more than Odyssey in my opinion but also quite realistic. It doesn't take many hits to kill or to die. The focus isn't on hitting the enemy as often as possible but to hit them at all since almost all of your attacks are blocked by default and you have to find ways to hit them.

    submitted by /u/zuluportero
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    My Assassin's Creed Odyssey 3RD play through.. can't get the good ending

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    ... i guess where you kill the monger actually matters?

    submitted by /u/to3y
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    How did you got into Assassin's Creed

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    For me, it's a pretty long story

    I was aware of the series when I was a kid. I knew it was a game with some historic reference and stuff and a battle with Templiar and Assassins, but other then that nothing.

    The first game I played was revelation at a friend house one day but I only played it once. I don't have a lot of memory of it. I do remember the first cutscene with Ezio was stunning for me back then.

    But let's get to what really got me into the series.
    In 2013, I got a Wii U for Christmas and the next year, my dad brought Assassin's Creed 3 on it. I was curious myself since it happen in a timeline I did study a bit in History class (yes, I like those class). I did play it a bit and I didn't get too far into it.
    However, my dad was playing it and I watched him play some bit of the game and... I was captivated.
    I begin to grow interest for the game from watching him play and then, I decided to continue where I left off and.... I enjoy it. I loved the game so much then I almost 100% it and even replay the entire game. I try to completed the side objective and I add a blast.

    Later, in 2015, I got Assassin's creed 4 on the same console. Yes, it lacked the DLC (Sad) but I still liked the game. It was really fun and discover some stuff about the pirates world was interesting. And the best part, in 2015 (or 2016. I can't remember well), we got into a cruse and one of our destination was... Nassau Island. One of the Island in AC4. Yeah, it was different from how it is in the game but when I saw the Queen's Stairscase, I just couldn't believe then that thing I saw in the game was in front of my eyes and I could walk on it. Yeah, I know, it's kind of dumb but when you never thought you would go there in your life, it's interesting

    I even disguised myself as Edward during Halloween (can't remember the years exactly). I do remember to have Cosplayed Ezio once for a Con. This was the first and last time I cosplayed something. (No, I won't show a pic of myself for privacy but I still have the costume). Also, I got a poster of AC Syndicate in my room with the autograph of some of the developers on it. It still posted in my room (I got it from a cons)

    However, my interest with the series have been down of the years, However, Rogue have always interested me because it happen not between 3 and 4. but it also happen in part of history I studied a lot back in my history class (I'm from Quebec so a lot of history was focusing on that period). I also bought Assassin's Creed Odyssey mostly because the special edition was on a sale so low then it was a steal. I haven't play it yet but I plan to soon.

    Also, sorry for my bad English. It's not my main language.

    submitted by /u/Antogames97
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    Assassin's Creed Odyssey crashing/freezing at splash screen. I have no ACO folder in 'documents'.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 11:31 PM PDT

    Should I have an Assassin's Creed Odyssey folder in my Documents section?

    My graphics card is an AMD Radeon HD 7500 Series, so I was never expecting anything fantastic. In fact, I really only use this PC to play older games (Left 4 dead 1 & 2, Dishonored 1 ect) while messing around with higher end games (I can get a wopping 18+ frames in The Witcher 3 at medium settings!!11 :^) ), so don't be afraid to tell me if I flat out can't run ACO.

    However, I felt that I should make this post because I technically can't try every fix that I was suggested to me. I noticed that I don't have an 'Assassin's Creed Odyssey' folder in my Documents, so I can't mess with any of the files there to try and force the game to run.

    Since many suggestions said to look there, I thought I should ask on this subreddit if that was normal.

    My Assassin's Creed 3 and Blackflags folders are there, but not ACO.

    On the odd chance that you do have some ideas on how to get me past the splash screen, please let me know.

    submitted by /u/LuckyBoneHead
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    So the Unity companion app is dead snd not functional anymore?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    I never got to use this companion thing and Im curious of the features even tho it was designed for unlocking things but then got patched. Now the app has been removed from the app stores but I still got it by going to my history library. Now I got the app to connect to my account but the app isn't able to locate Arno(I tried many times). The map is updated to what I do in game if quit and re enter in the app(and yes now I got to play the game cuz I always had a potato pc and like a month ago I got my new good pc still I had got the game for free from the Notre Dame incident)

    submitted by /u/ShadowShinobi2121
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