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    Tuesday, March 17, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed Unity was one of the best-selling games in the world last month

    Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed Unity was one of the best-selling games in the world last month

    Assassin's Creed Unity was one of the best-selling games in the world last month

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 08:26 AM PDT

    Playing Origins for the first time in two years and...

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 11:04 PM PDT


    Just wow. The emotions of Bayek and Aya expressed by their minor facial movements and just the amazing voice work done by Bayek's voice actor really send me chills every time. I'm specifically talking about the intro where Bayek says:

    "Sleep? I never sleep. I just wait. In the shadows. And I will kill you all, everyone who sniffed the air that day in Siwa!"

    And when he bashes Medunamun's face in with the Apple of Eden while yelling:

    "Here! Here! And here's your nobody!"

    Just the raw emotion and roars of rage from the performances in my opinion feels more impactful than any of the performances I got from Odyssey

    submitted by /u/gakikou
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    What Odyssey did wrong with the Nemesis system, and what Shadow of War did right

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 08:54 PM PDT

    Having played all of the assassin creed games from 1 to Odyssey, and also having played both shadow of mordor and shadow of war, the addition of a nemesis system into odyssey with the bounty hunters had me excited but what we got was kind of, disappointing.

    In reference the nemesis system in shadow of war has a few differences, some that could work in an assassin's creed game, and some that obviously could not. What obviously can not work is your character dying to a bounty hunter, and thus the other bounty hunter becoming more powerful as a result. It doesn't make sense in the concept of an Assassin's creed game.

    But there are still other aspects of the nemesis system that could've been implemented.

    First, the bounty hunters basically never interact with each other. To other bounty hunters they don't exist. In Shadow of Mordor, orc captains act differently around certain orc captains. They would have their own rivals whom they either feared or hated and would act on that instinct in game by either attacking the other captain, or fleeing from him. I see no reason that this couldn't have been added to the game as bounty hunters are sure to have rivalries from past interactions.

    Second, higher level captains in Shadow of mordor would have lower level captains as bodyguards. Again, something easily implemented as bounty hunters have created groups or gangs or whatever you want to call it, and there were already tiers of bounty hunters in the game. just simply group them up occasionally.

    third, captains in shadow of mordor had clear strengths and weaknesses. They either were immune or strong against certain playstyles, or were absolutely destroyed by certain playstyles. With assassin's creed origins and odyssey introducing these different damage types with hunter, assassin, and warrior, and then even going a step further in adding fire, poison, and animals, shouldn't the mercenaries have strengths and weaknesses against these traits, and shouldn't, as an "assassin" (techncially) you have to figure out what they are and exploit them? no, instead all they have "traits" which is basically just a description of what they use, what weapon they fight with, what type of damage they might do, do they have an animal.

    Last, and this would've been a nice interactive change, there were events in shadow of war where you see rivalries between captains play out, and you could pick sides, just kill everyone, or even recruit everyone. Odyssey could've replaced the incredibly grindy quest system with nice interactive, short mercenary quests, where bounty hunters interact with the world by either hunting each other, or hunting bounties and you attempting to beat them at their game.

    submitted by /u/Onfire477
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    What’s your favourite thing about your LEAST favourite AC

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 01:20 AM PDT

    A spin on a previous post:

    Just was wondering if anyone thinks there's anything redeemable about their least favourite AC game

    Personally, I quite like the homestead and Haytham section at the beginning of AC 3

    submitted by /u/Spartan_RS8
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    [SPOILERS] AC Od Ending - Kassandra's fate

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    Since Kassandra lived for 2500 years after AC Odyssey (plus she was wearing a modern outfit in the main story ending), do you see her doing cameos in future outings? What do you think? She's canon btw, sorry Alexios fans.

    I've never been this invested in an AC character since Ezio. Kassandra's design and personality is a treat and the voice acting is pretty decent.

    Damn this game's so fun lol 120+hrs in and I'm not yet bored with it.

    Edit: For those who don't know which character is canon, find it out from the actors themselves: https://youtu.be/FY-0Ot7rVq0

    submitted by /u/niarut
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    All the assassins unique fighting styles really adds to the games.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 08:29 PM PDT

    All the assassins in the game have wildly different styles of combat even if the actual fighting system is often very similar.

    Like AC3 black flag and rouge all run on the same engine and have very similar combat systems but Conner Edward and Shay all have their own style to combat. Conner is just fucking brutal and unrelenting, hes the type of person that would be in a mortal combat game. Edward is still really brutal but feels a bit more precise and structured unlike Conner's unrelenting brutality. And Shay fights a lot more like Ezio with clean swift strikes while still being a lot more flowing then the ezio trilogy could be back when they were released.

    submitted by /u/broji04
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    I decided to replay all the AC games and rank them along with putting down some incoherent thoughts on each game

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    AC Origins=This for me is not only the best AC game but the best Ubisoft game. Bayek is such a great character and the amount of time put into fleshing him out in both the main story and side quest is crazy. The main plot is purely centered around him and if it wasn't it would just be going around Egypt killing people, but since the story stays focused it makes for a truly memorable experience. The same can be said for the side quest which I feel is just as important as the main quest because everyone either fleshes our Bayek, the main plot, or the world. They aren't always amazingly written but so many are that It always felt worthwhile to do them. My only complaint is when it focuses more on Aya it feels sorta sloppy and I just want to see more Bayek. The world of Egypt is pretty phenomenal in both size and beauty. There was a great variety in areas and each region felt distinct due to the side quest and the story within in them and the details put into the environments. There's definitely a lot of copy and pasted activities but I never got to tired of doing all the questions marks because how much I love Bayek and the world of Egypt and the vast amount of side stories made easier to visit each location.The tombs in the open world are also great with each one being unique and some having ISU temples mixed that seem to be hinting at some pretty heavy stuff to come in the future for Modern Day. Unfortunately the Modern day in this game is pretty bad I refuse to believe it was written by the same people who handled Bayek. The combat while looking a little weird sometimes is pretty good and takes a little bit of skill which is something lacking in other AC games. Unfortunately the stealth and parkour get the job done but definitely feel significantly downgraded. I loved the customization with all the outfits(OG Bayek's is still the best) and being able to upgrade gear while still Looking how you want. The same goes for all the weapons and their different move sets. The Hidden ones is more Origins, but actually getting to see what the brotherhood looks like. It has a powerful ending that's one of my favorite moments in the game. COTP brings some great new areas and actual boss fights but the story felt a little dragged out and the ending was sorta poor. Side quest also weren't nearly of the same quality, expect for the ones in the afterlife which were good.

    AC 4= I absolutely love this games story, it has ton of excitement, emotion, and depth too it. Edward is a perfect one game character and by the end of the story I was i completely satisfied with his arc, the side characters are also very memorable and certain deaths are quite emotional. The ship combat is tons of fun, Edwards animations is brutal, the world is fun to explore and sail around, the side content(can get a bit repetitive if you do everything)is all fun and I really enjoyed collecting everything and upgrading everything possible. I can see how boring this game can get if you don't enjoy the ship combat though. The Modern Day In this game is full of lore and great audio logs which I loved, Desmonds phone recording, Subject zero tapes, and subject 1 interview where fascinating. AC 4 dlc Freedom cry was essentially more black flag but with Ade and I have no complaints. It was a short and enjoyable story with a very unique soundtrack.

    AC Rev=a great story that manages to perfectly end Ezios trilogy and Altair's story in a emotional and satisfying way, by the end of revelations it seemed like Ezio had a perfect understanding of his place in the world along with being able to the past and future. It was a perfect way to leave his character, best gameplay out Ezio trilogy(hook blade is a cool edition)and it adds some fun set pieces, the tower defense is weird but not bad, adding more context to the codex Altair wrote that we get in AC 2 by going back and playing as him is great, expands the brotherhood systems and gives the assassins you recruit actual stories, modern day does a ton to flesh out Desmonds character and subject 13 with Dlc. The bomb crafting system does feel largely useless expect for the few time the game makes you use them. ( I also consider the embers short film to be apart of revelations and Ezio final speech was perfect)

    AC 2= Good story but feels very awkward because of time skips and Ezio not being a assassin for most of it which feels really odd and doesn't make to much sense why he didn't catch on but Ezio is great and develops a fair bit, being able to just play as a teenager before becoming a assassin adds a lot more emotional weight to the story, gameplay is huge step up from 1, it has some great lore in the the database that really helps expand the world and makes Altair a much better character, having your own ville to upgrade was a cool edition and I enjoyed putting money into it, modern day introduces characters that will become staples of AC and bleeding effect is interesting(this game did so much for the series which is why I like it so much even though a lot of the later games are objectively better)

    AC Unity= This game felt like it wanted to be the next Assassins Creed 2 and it certainly feels like what was the next step in a traditional AC game is would be. The story started off similar in structure and Arno is similar to Ezio. From there we get a rather safe Assassins V Templar story with betrayal and Romance all mixed in. The game definitely showed a much more complex and nuanced power struggle with the Assassins and Templar's which is why I like this game so much. All cutscenes in this game look great and actors give great performances. I really enjoyed the romance but if you don't then the story won't mean much to you. France feels so alive and is one the best worlds in AC. The gameplay is completely redone from combat to parkour and it's a big improvement. The combat when working looks great and has little more to it than previous game and the same can be said for parkour, I actually felt like a assassin when the last 3 game where more brawlers. The side content in this game is pretty bad with collectibles and boring missions that have you doing the same type of shit for hours. The murder mystery and armor puzzles aren't all to exciting either. The multiplayer aspect to this game is fun and he missions usually involve more what was actually going on at the time. The customization is some of the best the series has to offer with different pieces of clothing and lots of weapons. The dlc is short but has some brings in some isu which was largely missing. This could have been one of the best AC games if the story was a little longer and Arno was fleshed out more and side content was actually decent.

    AC 3= Decent story but is really boring until sequence 9 and has some big plot holes, the father son parts of this game is what makes me but it here because without it this would be one of the worst ACs. Haytham is a far more interesting character than Connor and I would have rather played as him,gameplay and animation is a noticeable step up, setting is extremely bland along with most side content expects for Kids treasure hunt and some naval, the homestead is a cool concept and it fun to grow it but most mission in it are bad, has the biggest and most involved modern day with actual playable set pieces and good character moment, the dlc was stupid

    AC 1= boring and repetitive gameplay that really starts to drag once you realize you'll be doing the same 3 things, getting a piece of your gear back after each Assassination is nice, Altair's character arc is simple but works, Al Mualim lectures are very interesting, it establishes a franchise, modern day is very good for what it is, overall for it's time it's not bad but doesn't hold up very well. I definitely respect this game for what it did and would love to see a remake with more mordern gameplay and with more story to it because we have Rev to flesh it out more

    AC brotherhood= Ezio is enjoyable as always and does a good job at carrying this game, story is bland and not much happens and just sorta feels pointless expect for growing Ezio into more of a leader, gameplay is just 2s but with better graphics, rebuilding and freeing Rome doesn't suck but isn't anything amazing,brotherhood system is fine but nothing great, modern day is only really interesting at the end, adds some new interesting lore, Rome feels low budget(kinda hard to explain), Feels like they didn't try that hard to change things up from 2 so I ended up getting bored.

    AC Syndicate= This games story is easily the most bland and uninspired in the whole series, when they aren't trying to make jokes or out of place references to past games it's bland and doesn't make much sense. That's not to say there aren't some good moments but it's drowned in a sea of filler and poor writing. Jacob and Evie are such one dimensional characters and Jacob is regularly acts like a complete idiot just so something can happen in the story. The gameplay has a functional stealth system but everything else is worse than unity and it turns the combat into a button masher and traversal into a chore with how spaced out everything is(which isn't something they could do much about)Customization is drastically reduced for both looks and weapons, skill tree is more standard but not exactly better than unity's. The side missions are just as bad as unity's expect they shove historical figures in your face and make you do the most boring things and are endless. The actual open world activities are good enough but definitely get very repetitive but it's better than having nothing like unity. The ww2 section is pointless and Juno just repeats things she already said. The modern day is nice but there's not much to it and they seemed to dropped what it was setting up. The first Dlc was absolutely terrible and completely broken with a terrible story. The Jack the Ripper was very enjoyable besides the concept of making Jack a ex assassin the tone and older Jacob and Evie are much better than the base game.

    AC Rouge= The story in this game is decent in concept and connecting together all these games was a smart idea but writing just wasn't very good. I know the colonial assassin are canonically pretty shit assassins but in this game their motivations and methods are just kind cartoonish. It felt very forced with the whole precursor sights and Shay leaving the Assassins. And after Shay was a Templar it wasn't all to interesting or different which is a shame because I liked the Templar's more than Assassins in AC 3. Characters didn't really act like themselves either, Haytham was very disappointing because he was easily the best part about AC 3. Gameplay is really just black flag but they tweak and change the activities to make them different, they aren't terrible and I thought environments were better put together than black flag but it still felt to samey. The moderen day was enjoyable because it dumped more lore which I love but wasn't black flag level, the war letters where very cool because it did a good job of tieing together events. I'd rank this game above brotherhood if Shay was a better character but he was just bland.

    AC Odyssey = I tried to replay this game but it's so bland and repetitive I just couldn't do it, plus doing everything took me 150 hours on my first run through and I didn't want to do that again. I honestly don't even find this game worth talking about it's just a bland stretched out game that feels designed by a algorithm and has zero heart.

    AC Liberation= This games story is bad and poorly voice acted, the modern day could have been interesting with the Abstergo cutting things out of the memories to serve their cause but the writing was so bad this feel flat, gameplay and animation(some of Aveline's animations are cool) wise it's AC 3 but toned down a bit, Disguises, chain kill, and whip are all neat editions but don't impact the game that much, the notoriety system is very annoying, there's a lot of side content but it's all very bad. It's a game for the ps vita so I knew it wasn't going to be high quality but that doesn't change the fact that it's the worst in the series

    submitted by /u/ImMrSprinkles69
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    Story behind the Truth (AC 2 + AC:B)

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    So I just beat both of these games and love the story. I was hoping someone could explain to me the plot that is contained in the puzzle sequences thought (audio recordings, sayings, pictures, riddles, etc.) I'm not referring to the video of Adam or Eve, just which historical figures are revealed to be Templars/assassins, what the Abstergo comms were about, all the stuff about capitalism etc.

    Any summary/clarification would be great.

    submitted by /u/VinceVance420
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    Constructive criticism to the Controller Mapping on Console [Odyssey]

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:44 PM PDT

    I am playing with a Warrior/Hunter build on Nightmare, I enjoy the game a lot, but feel the controller mapping could have been done much better to enhance user experience, with just a few minor tweaks:

    First, the 2nd ability wheel is effectively useless: it requires you to press LB + D-pad first, then LB + button to activate ability, then, you may have to swap back to the original wheel – all this time you cannot control your movement (or LS), leaving you as a sitting duck in the heat of combat. You may get away from easy enemies, but certainly the legendary animals will knock your ass out cold!

    I'd suggest two alternatives:

    1) Combine Hunter/ Warrior wheels, the arbitrary separation makes no sense at all. I use archery a lot in combat, but I only use one ability (Devastating Shot), the other 3 slots are wide open, which I can't use for Warrior abilities! Regardless what build you have, this alt design will guarantee all the 8 slots are fully used, instead of "wasting" some slots like right now.

    2) Instead LB + D-pad, use LB + LT, still kind of awkward, but it's better than current mapping, because you can still control movement.

    Second, why Dodge/Roll are mapped to the same button? It makes Roll unnecessarily harder to manage on Console, especially Odyssey is designed to reward the "perfect timing" of dodge/roll (slow-mo). Not all 4 buttons are used in combat, so it's not like there are no options. This is really "man-made" artificial difficulty, which serves no good purpose other than punishing us Console players, lol.

    submitted by /u/uvVER3000
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    Assassin’s creed multiplayer Trophies

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    I've recently been playing through all of the assassin's creed games on PS4 and aiming to get the platinum trophy on all of them. Unfortunately I'm stuck on the multiplayer trophies for black flag, and potentially the co-op trophies for unity (I'm currently working through that), if anyone still plays these I'd really appreciate the help. Add me on PlayStation, my PSN is Defender7310

    submitted by /u/Defender731
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    Idea for Assassin’s Creed 1 for current systems.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    I think it would be nice if Ubi decided to do a remake or overhaul for AC1. I like most of the newer games in the series, but the first had its own unique style and feel at the time. Compared to the other and more modern AC games, the first felt fairly clunky and somewhat difficult to master, especially with climbing and combat. I feel like an AC reboot, remake, remaster...whatever you want to call it, would be a nice change of pace from what we have now. Retell the story of Altair, Desmond, and the Assassin/Templar conflict in a new light for players who may have not experienced it at its original release.

    My thoughts: Update the graphics engine, enhance the audio to current specifications, use current motion capture technology, create a better but similar user interface for the current or next gen consoles. Have a massive open world map like Odyssey, and have fast travel sync points at key locations. Update the social stealth mechanics, enhance climbing and traversal, and redesign combat to be more fluid. But it still needs to feel like the original AC. No ability trees or nonsense perks. No counter icons or slowdown in combat. Just good ole fashioned AC overhauled for current systems.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/BipolarShooter
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    (AC Unity) Is it possible to get the Initiates exclusive outfits in 2020?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    I just got the game used and am wondering if it's possible at all or if those two outfits will be locked forever for me

    submitted by /u/BTDxDG
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    Tips for Odyssey for someone that’s slacked on it because I couldn’t get into it..

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    Howdy! So mega fan here. I've read most of the comics and used to do the initiates website. My interest died down a bit after 3 but 4 fixed that. Then it was sort of hit and miss. I loved Origins but my last fav would be Syndicate.

    Anyway, Odyssey is huge, feels like Origins except they seen how amazing Witcher 3 was and decided to add some of that in. It's giving me a hard time fully getting into it.

    So just being curious when it comes to leveling can you eventually get it all or do I need to be picky and choose with what I want?

    Second, I mainly doing this for the modern day story as I assume there isn't much to do with Templar's or Assassins in this game since Origins took place after this.

    I know there are conquest missions. Does benefiting one side over the other do anything or should I just help the Spartans since I'm assuming you're the descendant of one.

    Also, guided and exploration mode. What exactly does guided do? Does it just add ALL the spots on the map right away or is this just for quests?

    I'm very OCD so I want to get all the treasures scattered everywhere. But it's pretty tedious having to bust out the bird constantly. I feel like it's breaking my gameplay rhythm after a bit. Origins did this too but it wasn't at such a huge scale.

    Anyway ty to anyone that answers I appreciate it. I have this guilty feeling over not beating this because it's the first AC game I haven't beaten, lol. Plus I'd feel strange when the next one I read might be about Vikings comes out if I don't beat this. I love me some Vikings and that would be a dream AC for me besides Syndicate because I always wanted one in England and they even chose an awesome time period for it.

    Ty in advance!

    submitted by /u/BetelGeuse1987
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    AC Origins on special on Steam.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    It is selling now for 14.99, 17.49 and 24.99 for the Base, Deluxe and Gold Edition.

    Now I need to figure out if Gold is worth the money.

    Edit: Is actually 75% off from Ubisoft titles!

    submitted by /u/AsiaSkyly
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    What is your favorite thing about your least favorite AC game?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 02:11 AM PDT

    Ok I got inspired by the opposite question but I was thinking about it. Every game has something special. For me it's probably AC liberation and how you could play as a woman for the first time and she could change into lady/slave and it was something totally different. If I had to choose from the main games it would be AC unity because I couldn't get through one mission, got so mad that I stopped playing but the city is great and I'll probably give it one more chance in the future

    submitted by /u/Legal_Sugar
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    AC3: Original or Remastered?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 02:25 AM PDT

    AC3: Original or Remastered? I have access to both, which version is better?

    submitted by /u/-Auditore-
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    What is in the gold edition of black flag?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    I have found almost no information as to what is in this, so I was wondering if any of you guys had it.

    submitted by /u/pcmasterrace1242
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    AC 1 remake or a Bayek sequel in Rome ?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    If you had to choose only one of the two which would it be ? I'd rather have the latter .

    submitted by /u/esiokles
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    I need help on ac liberation

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    I've been playing ac3 a lot lately and I got ac liberation with it. I haven't played ac liberation and feel like I should. Is it good?

    submitted by /u/legendofzelda356
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    Assassins Creed Syndicate Performance Issue

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 06:23 AM PDT

    Hey guys.. I bought AC Syndicate for my new PC since its my favourite title after the Ezio Saga.. But when Im riding with the carriage its lagging.. Its a still Image for a few seconds and then I drive normally and when Im pressing Space to fast up its again a still Image..

    My System is: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G 4,0GHz 8GB DDR4 RAM NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 OC- 4gb Windows10

    Currently I am playing everything on High

    submitted by /u/SinteX0407
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    What is the original language of AC2, Brotherhood and Revelation ?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    I'm not sure because they were made in Quebec (or Montreal)

    submitted by /u/AlexMad01
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