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    Sunday, February 2, 2020

    Assassin's Creed All it takes is one track from the Black flag soundtrack to inspire me. Hope you enjoy this lil art piece!

    Assassin's Creed All it takes is one track from the Black flag soundtrack to inspire me. Hope you enjoy this lil art piece!

    All it takes is one track from the Black flag soundtrack to inspire me. Hope you enjoy this lil art piece!

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 08:10 AM PST

    [S P O I L E R S] Dear Ubisoft, it’s time to retcon/reset things

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 08:19 PM PST


    Dear Ubisoft. It's time to retcon/reset things

    Honestly the whole fandom over the years has gone mad with how the plot is being handled recklessly after AC III.

    What an amazing moment too at the end, even tho Desmond died maybe some of us thought that there was going to be a bigger picture here, that we'd now be someone different who was worthy of being the player character in modern day to hopefully stop Juno and avenge Desmond Miles.

    That didn't happen.

    Instead we got a protagonist (or 2 because the one in Rogue is different I believe?) who say absolutely jack and are in on the ride as much as we are. And then another where we can't even play the damn person because we're being guided by some lady named Bishop (who actually turned out to be pretty cool but is pretty much missing from the plot at this point!)

    And finally, 5 years after AC III we get to be a real and voiced protagonist once again but unfortunately, isn't that great of a character.

    Now let's take a rewind. So Juno, big bad and scary goddess, (who was released by Desmond in order to save the world from literally burning) DIED IN A COMIC BOOK! And not only this but they even set her up at the end of Syndicate to be building an army of genetically grown clones. But nope. That ship went to ruins shortly after that comic came out. Modern day is left with no path. If you truly care about the fans and how this story is going, just start ret conning! You did it with the old comic books, I don't know why you can't do it now! Honestly I know that sounds bad but hell, after seeing this train wreck for so long, I'd rather see retcons and then finally making a precise well developed plan for the future instead of just going on with this.

    I started Odyssey after having it installed for over a year and nothing felt Assassins Creed to me. I'm not a huge fan of Black Flag but at least Black Flag kept the concepts of Assassins Creed with it! I just cannot go through with it. Please for the love of god, address the fans here on what is planned for the future, I honestly don't see the goal for modern day clearly as I did when Desmond was alive.

    submitted by /u/Chrisclaw
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    What actually makes Bayek being so likeable character - most liked assasin?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 02:24 AM PST

    Playing Origins, which is a great game , but i cannot help myself, i like this guy a lot.

    I prefer playing him to Ezio, who was a great character alone, but Bayek just need one game to beat him.

    I think it his humanity, kindness combined with cruelty if must, his caring for children, u really feel like this guy is caring for people of Egypt doing mission, he is a guy u would gladly have a beer with, and if i was in trouble, i would choose Bayek to help me from all main protagonists.

    submitted by /u/1982mathew
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    My one request for the next ac game

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 01:32 PM PST

    instant assassinations. an assassination with the hidden blade should be an insta kill. that was the main thing that i disliked from the last 2 games.

    submitted by /u/Eternal_gamer
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    I cross stitched Connor's armband onto a tshirt. fan sneak 100

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 03:18 AM PST

    So far I like Odyssey more than Origins

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 04:08 PM PST

    Odyssey was the first AC game I properly played through. I did the whole main story, all the side quests, and all the DLC. I was hooked. Considering that, I got Origins and all the DLC on sale recently. I'm pretty far into the game (level 36) and I gotta say I like Odyssey more. Don't get me wrong, Origins is a good game. My biggest issue with it compared to Odyssey is the world design. It all kind of feels the same. It's either desert with sand and rocks, or swampy grass and palm trees. The whole map feels like one of those two and it all kind of feels the same with the exception of Alexandria. In odyssey the map felt very different from area to area. Ancient Greece is just more interesting to me than Ancient Egypt. I also enjoyed Kassandra and her story a tad bit more than I am with Bayek and his story. Also what I've noticed is how I really like the ability to engrave your weapons and really customize your play style which Origins is lacking. It also has less memorable and useful skills. I haven't finished the main story yet or the DLC's in origins but that's just how I'm feeling so far. If it sounds like I'm hating on Origins I'm not, I like it, just odyssey is better and more interesting in my opinion. I'd give Origins a 8 and Odyssey a 9. Origins laid the foundation and Odyssey built and improved upon it in every way.

    submitted by /u/zstrafekiller
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    How about an Assassin's Creed game taking place in the 1920's New York?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 09:07 AM PST

    I've seen a lot of post about different eras you guys want AC games to take place in, but how about an AC game taking place in the 1920's or 30's America? In the time of great depression and mafia? This came to my mind after I saw a friend of mine play L.A. Noire the other day (I know it takes place in the late 40's but still). What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/schimpynuts
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    I haven't played Assassins Creed in 5 years, is it really worth it getting back into the franchise?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 11:08 PM PST

    Sorry for the long read, but some context is needed...

    The last entry in the franchise I experienced to its fullest was Assassin's Creed Unity, which came out in November of 2014. While I didn't hate Unity as much as the gaming community did, it was still a disappointment when compared to what the trailers promised, and especially when compared to the Assassin's Creed that came before (AC Black Flag is one of my Top 10 games of all time).

    The game also made me open my eyes to Ubisoft's scummy practices of downgrades and false promises, as well as those gross micro-transactions. I decided to give the series a break since it didn't seem like it was going anywhere, plus the whole "One game per year" made me think that Assassin's Creed would eventually lose its touch. I also didn't want to give Ubisoft any money.

    When 2015 arrived at the door, I got my hands on this masterpiece of a game called "The Witcher 3", since then, i've been extremely obsessed with RPG's, deeply layered stories and complex combat mechanics such as those found in NieR: Automata and Nioh. Then five years passed like a flash of light.

    I almost forgot the series existed until a few weeks ago, when some random YouTube channels started appearing in my recommended. These channels dealt mainly with topics of the lore of AC, and just because I had nothing better to do, I began watching them out of nostalgia.

    Man, I quickly remembered why I used to love this series so much. The interesting lore behind the assassins and the templars; the exciting settings in which the games took place in; the feeling of being a merciless vigilante that fights for the people, searching for pieces of ancient civilizations; and of course, the most ba**ss weapon of all time: the hidden blade.

    Curiosity hit me like a truck and I watched some trailers as well as gameplay for both AC Origins and AC Odyssey, and to be honest, both games look like a hell of fun, particularly the RPG mechanics that Ubisoft seems to have implemented in inspiration of The Witcher 3 (My fav game of all time), but then again, I also thought the same for Unity and nonetheless it was a let down. Not to mention that i've seen mixed reviews for both games, especially Odyssey, which appears to have divided the AC community really hard; even more so than AC III did back during it's time.

    I will repeat the question presented in the title: Is it really worth it getting back into the franchise? In all honesty, I am a bit afraid I won't like it as much as I did back in the good ol' days of Ezio and the Kenways, but still, I wanna know what you AC fans think...

    submitted by /u/K-LA-K-Godrich
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    Tip for low level players in odyssey that may be struggling.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:50 PM PST

    So I found a tactic that is 100% cheese.

    If you're trying to kill a high level enemy, or a group of enemies, and you find yourself extremely under leveled, use the rush assassination skill!

    Simply activate the skill, attack as many enemies as you can(depending on how upgraded the skill is) and then run away and hide.

    Your adrenaline will eventually fill up, allowing you to yet again activate the rush assassination skill. Keep repeating this process until everyone is dead. This could take a while depending on how high the enemy is leveled, but this will keep you from getting one shot

    submitted by /u/CheapAddictol
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    AC: Embers somewhat confusing ending?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 03:36 AM PST

    So I know the short movie is quite old already, but I've never seen it before and just watched it, even though I finished the Ezio trilogy a few years ago.

    Who was the young man who sat next to Ezio on the bench at the end, right before Ezio died? I've seen different theories, but didn't find a confirmation on any of them.

    My theory is that the young guy was a hallucination (as in, he wasn't really there) resembling death (think grim reaper but in a human form) who had the mindset of young Ezio. What makes me think the guy wasn't a real person is the fact that he says "get some rest" (rest is often associated with death) and leaves and right after he leaves Ezio dies and when the camera kinda zooms out, we don't see the young guy in the crowd of people. So I think the guy was part of Ezio's imagination.

    submitted by /u/Kebabiukass
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    So you the weapons slots hit differently..

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:32 PM PST

    Anyone notice how the left side has higher damage output even though it's the off hand?

    submitted by /u/fizzbish
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    Multiple settings in one AC game. Is that possible in Ragnarok?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 04:32 AM PST

    Source: https://www.ign.com/articles/2018/07/05/assassins-creed-new-technology-could-allow-multiple-time-periods-in-one-game

    This is once said by the Ubisoft interview after the Odyssey announcement. By the newer technology, they can do two settings (multiple time frames) in single game to be seen. Is that really possible with the next rumored game? Why they never talked about it? This is also cited to happen with other franchise like Far cry and watch dogs (not for Legion btw). Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/msfnbf20629
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    Assassins Creed IV - Black Flag Social Events

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:32 PM PST

    Why are these things so damn hard to find? I've been looking everywhere and I can't find any

    submitted by /u/izzyobro
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    Is Layla Hassan an Isu Descendant?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 07:27 PM PST

    I get that Layla is supposed to be the end all character, the one to finally fulfill the isu civilizations wishes, but I don't see anything to point out that she isn't just piece of eden fodder and is getting mind scrambled by the staff (not that she wasn't a high functioning sociopath anyway). We haven't seen her doing much of the supernatural side of being an assassin, though bleeding effect tides her over. We know that there are people involved in the conflict who are not descendants, but we never saw a major character deal without the inherent resistance deal with prolonged use of the artifacts. Heck, in odyssey there's objects that turn you into mythical monsters just by touching them, that do nothing to our Misthios, just like how the assassin's we played as were a-ok against eden pieces unless they fired pure energy. She's not related to the samples she's using, so how do we know that she's not just being used by the isu artifacts that she keeps getting her hands on?

    submitted by /u/fieryhothate
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    Does Orichalcum respawn in Odyssey?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 03:31 PM PST

    I recently bought the Season Pass since it was 50% off and figured I'd start over with new game just for fun. I was wondering if the map orichalcum respawns when you start a new game? I've been going through and trying to pick it up, but I cannot for the life of me remember which ones I got in my old game from a year ago. I haven't been able to find an answer by searching, so thought I'd ask here before I waste a ton of time poring over maps for something that won't even be there!

    submitted by /u/ErynChocoFiend
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    Assassin's Creed 2 asking for activation code from my desktop icon, working fine from Uplay app ?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:28 AM PST

    Has anyone else experienced this? I bought the ezio bundle the other day and when I click to start the game from my desktop, it asks for an activation code... When I go into Uplay, it works fine.

    I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling. It asks even if I have Uplay open first.

    Anyone know of a fix for this? It's not the end of the word but it sure is annoying

    submitted by /u/BEAVER_TAIL
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    Sarah Schachner - Legions of Blood (AC Origins) | METAL COVER

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 07:51 AM PST

    Some thoughts after recently replaying Black Flag

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 02:52 AM PST

    I've always had fond memories of Black Flag aka Assassin's Creed IV. It's not necessarily a favorite, but it's up there. Edward Kenway is easily one of the best video game protagonists around - nothing about him is simple. His character arc feels truly earned by the end of the game.

    Random thoughts:

    • I'd forgotten how much time Edward Kenway spends as decidedly not-an-Assassin. Most of the game he's completely mercenary, opposed to the Templars only because he feels they took what he rightfully stole, and treating the Assassins he meets with a kind of tolerant contempt.

    • Those eavesdropping missions can go die in a fire please and thank you.

    • I always loved Blackbeard's line 'In a world without gold we would've been heroes', but I felt these should have been his dying words. It's a bit weird that he screams them out in the middle of a pitched melee.

    • I'd also forgotten how janky the parkour was pre-Unity. Edward, no, don't jump on that chest I want you to loot it - in what scenario would jumping on a lootable chest help you?. Edward, you don't need to peer around that corner there is no-one to spy on. Edward, just do a little jump down off this roof NO DON'T LEAP FORWARD LIKE A BALLET DANCER. Edward? Edward! Just... climb in the direction I'm looking, okay? Wherever I've pointed the camera climb toward there. No, that's the opposite direction. Climb where I'm looking! CLIMB WHERE I'M LOOKING YOU DUMB BASTARD. UP! JUST GO UP!

    • A lot of the environmental music is underwhelming, and feels a bit corporate. I'm thinking particularly of the music that plays when you are wandering around town. The battle music is better, and the diegetic singing in taverns and on-board the Jackdaw is truly excellent.

    • Naval combat is good, but it feels undercooked. I had the same complaint with Odyssey, and I'm worried the next AC will have the same issue. You basically fight the same five ships over and over and over. Instead of having Level 23 and Level 29 Frigates (for example) they probably would have been better to use separate models so you can tell the difference visually.

    • So many cutscenes. And I'm not talking about the narrative cutscenes - they're great. It's all the others: Using the diving bell, boarding the whaleboat, taking prisoners and choosing their fate, etc. These are only intermittently skippable. Once was fine thanks.

    • So glad later AC title have dropped the minimap. I never realized how much time I spend playing these gorgeous games with my eyes fixed on the bottom-left corner of the screen.

    • The map, though large, feels cramped. I feel like I'm constantly in danger of running aground on sandbars or smashing into atolls. I wish things were spaced further apart.

    • Going ashore desperately needed some more work. Right now when Edward Kenway, Pirate Esq. wants to go ashore to loot a chest of pick up an Animus fragment from a tiny beach or sandbar he pulls the Jackdaw up as close as possible, jumps overboard and swims ashore. What was needed was to be able to click a jolly-boat stored somewhere on board and be automatically teleported ashore (probably with another effing cutscene). Then when you want to go back you click the beached jolly-boat again.

    • Wish some more work had been done with cargo types and Kenway's Fleet. I liked how in AC3 you went from simple to complex goods, and in Liberation you had a crude economic model.

    • While we're at it, I wish more work had been done with piracy in general. I shouldn't be raiding military ships for cargo, I should be raiding them for cannon, gunpowder, and other munitions. Saleable cargo I should be getting from merchant ships, preferably unescorted and undefended. There should be a whole system where I have to work out the trading routes and get tips and intelligence from spies and informants. Hitting a merchantman should be a combination of luck, planning, and preparation.

    • Oh man the lieutenant system in Odyssey would have been such a great addition to this game, except expanded for roles like Purser, Shipwright, Gunner, Cook, Surgeon, etc.

    • So, we're gonna mostly dance around the whole slavery thing? Okay, I can always play Freedom Cry for that hot machete-on-slaver action.

    Overall I guess playing Black Flag again has whetted my appetite for another nautical Assassin's Creed, as long as they flesh out the maritime and trading gameplay a bit more and enlarge the map so you're not constantly in sight of land. It might also be cool to not exactly know where you are at all times - you have charts but to figure out your location you have to rely on prevailing winds, currents, and the sun, moon, and stars. That way it would be possible to become lost, but it would make successfully navigating to your destination something to be happy about. And even if you ended up somewhere you didn't expect that could also be exciting.

    EDIT: Forgot to add: how cool was it that the McGuffin in Black Flag isn't a Piece of Eden but a person and a place? Awesomely cool, that's what.

    submitted by /u/zusykses
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    Sign the Petition to Ubisoft Fix the bugs and issues on Assassin's Creed III Remastered

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 05:08 PM PST


    With the release of Assassin's Creed III Remastered there was a huge disappointment and many of the expectations that the remastered version had were not met, and those who did not like the original game of 2012 but who decided to give a second chance were also deeply disappointed.And much, if not most, of the disappointment is due to these factors:
    . The exaggeration of attention in the redefinition of the illumination
    . The horrible redesign of the faces of the characters and the absence of shading of the faces
    The lack of synchrony of the lips with the speeches of the characters
    The clear evidence that the old unresolved bugs
    Honestly being a remaster you'd think they would fix all (ok that's expecting too much from Ubisoft), ok maybe just one bug? BUT NO. ALL the FREAKING bugs we have seen in PS3 and XBOX360 still appear in the remaster.
    I send this petition as a request, as a humble and faithful fan, for Ubisoft to correct the issues mentioned above, believing that Assassin's Creed III actually received when it was released in 2012, a deserving audience for a decent remastering at peak fan expectations liked the original game of 2012 and even those who did not like it but decided to give it a second chance.
    , believing that Assassin's Creed III actually received when it was released in 2012, a deserving audience for a decent remastering at peak fan expectations liked the original game of 2012 and even those who did not like it but decided to give it a second chance.
    o let it be well deserved and worth it.

    submitted by /u/JoaoDM2018
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    How Assasin's Creed during Viking Age could WORK!

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 05:32 AM PST

    So based on the leaks, it told us that the game will start during the event Siege of Paris (845 AD). For me I personally will choose the Viking raid on SEVILLE (844 AD) as starting point IF THIS SETTING IS TRUE because:

    • Before this, Vikings raid, colonize and rape blindly to expand their settlements. During this raid the protagonist fight alongside Bjorn Ironside but the Vikings lose. Protagonist is captured and encounter the early form of the Assassins brotherhood in Andalusia.
    • To avoid from being hang on a palm tree, he makes a deal with them to spare his life and eventually join the Creed.
    • At this point, he learns everything about the pieces of Eden, first civilizations and the order. One of the pieces is known to be in Paris. Kept safe by the grandson of Charlemagne at the time, Charles The Bald which also a member of an Order of Ancient branch.
    • Then the vikings retrieve their prisoners including the protagonist by trade and exchange of goods.
    • They return to Scandinavia and meet Ragnar Lodbrok. Protagonist convinces Ragnar to raid Paris in order to retrieve the treasure (Apple of Eden). Ragnar agrees. Then, the Siege of Paris (845 AD) happened.
    • After that, Viking raid serves with a real purpose behind it.
    • Fun Fact: The norse mythology mentioned that they have Idunn Apple or Apple of Idunn, Coincidence??? I think not. Hahaha...So they belived this apple is The Apple of Goddess Idunn.
    • Then, The apple is used to discover the secrets of the Norse Mythology and The Scandinavia such as Yggdrasil, Thor's hammer or maybe the nine realms idk and blah, blah, blah...
    • I'm thinking that the antagonists could probably be Ragnar or one of Ragnar's sons who want to gain the power of the apple for themselves or something...which i hvent think about it yet.

    This is just my ideas for the start of the game. I just wanna know which setting you guys prefer for AC Vikings and i dont really wanna talk bout gameplays. FEEL FREE to add your thoughts too guys!!!

    submitted by /u/PopsicleWarrior
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    What a long time fan thinks of the constant arguing of what is AC what is not.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 05:59 AM PST

    The so wanted change that people wanted because of the games getting repetetive doesnt justify Ubisoft giving up on actual Assassins Creed games.

    People wanted change because Ubisoft stopped putting enough effort in the series and just changed the setting not the gameplay. But great franchises build up on what they were good at and what made the games special. Unity tried new things that also belonged to the series but messed up not because of these innovations but because of Ubisoft's poor management. The first change that started the chain reaction was killing Desmond. This is because the series was supposed to end in 3 or maybe a grand finale after that. The story was built this way and they changed it, now im not criticizing killing Desmond and changing the bigger storyline but how they handled what came after. I keep seeing people claim that they always released games one after another but this is misleading. Not counting the side games released the first two games had a good two years between, giving them the chance to make a succesful sequel. Brotherhood came so soon because it was already planned to be a dlc for the second game and improved what the second game lacked. People didnt complain that much then because the games were similar but the Assassins Creed games were something new by themselves back then anyway. It was a game set in the past that dealt with philosophical ideas while giving you the entire history and setting as a place you could parkour your way through. The games took themselves seriously and that is such a risk because if a game doesnt achieve the sincerity it needs, being serious becomes cringy. But they went for it and pulled it off. Revelations was also released again in a short time because it had to fill in the absence of an AC game caused by the long development of AC 3. Now these games were succesful at many things but by gameplay means people were starting to get tired because regardless what you add, in 11 months its not possible to deliver a faithful and innovative sequel. Black Flag was a great attempt at seeing how far you could go with different elements but still staying true to the games essence. However as they started to release games without a bigger picture this led to the games recieving literally no construcive criticizm from its predecessor. This concept of a series constantly putting out games set in different countries and time periods let the disconnection hurt the series more. Different studios putting out these games that didnt have anything made from what the played thought of the game before just gave us repetetive similar games. For the first 3 games it was understandable but for whatcame of later it was obvious they didnt know what they wanted to do with the series. Then comes Unity. Actually manages to build on what the series were good at but fucks up beyond imagination. This is because the game was released at an unfinished state and was filled with bugs while its story felt rushed and lacked polish. The poor mismanagement of the series by Ubisoft caused a good and wanted shot at saving the series and letting it evolve from its roots, die. Syndicate was a fun game but jokes aside it was obvious that it was made in the hopes of giving ubisoft enough time and money as they were panicking over what to do with the series that were basically the main income of the company and i actually mean that. Though Ubisoft is company with so many studios and series AC has been its main player. So they released Syndicate, a game set in a really wanted time period and place with dumbed down unity mechanics. I would like to also mention that Ubisoft wasnt only effected by unity but also by how rogue was pretty much not know by anyone and the game that they hyped to death and put so much faith in it, Watch_Dogs, flopped. So they made Origins and people fucking loved it. Because it tried many new to the series but already succesful in the market elements. Even people that would have prefered a game with the old formula didnt complain about the game because it was, after all a game about the origins of the series. But origins also had many things that old fans didnt think it felt true to the series which Ubisoft didnt address like assassinations not being one hit kill moves, the parkour and climbing being simplified, and social stealth getting removed but as i have said people didnt complain that much because it was mostly believed that as the series contunied these things would come back. Oh boy were they wrong. Not to mention that it was around these times Ubisoft started to just copy paste any succesful elements they had into every game they had making different games from different genres feel similar.

    After origins, the biggest villian of the realm had been created. A game that quite literally destroyed any chance of peace in the AC community. Odyssey didnt have anything of what made the franchise special in the first place. Now i dont mean to go "odyssey bad old games good". Odyssey is a good game and was my third most played game last year. Eventhough its a good game it almost doesnt have anything original. It also didnt have anything that made the previous games shine and feel the way they were. The game was filled with side quests that except for a few were identical. The map was too big and mostly the same. The game had shown you everything you could do with it in the first 2 hours of it and though it was fun it felt like a fast arcade game that you would play to simply spend time not to experience a good story or unique gameplay. Its story or characters never presented the depth previous games had and the game even felt aware of how much the immersion part was taken as a joke. After a decade the modern day story still hadnt given us anything satisfying and it was obvious that ubisoft didnt care about it either. A game with a story that didnt feel like it belonged to the franchise with a gameplay that was watered down popular elements from succesful games simply enraged a lot of people who had fallen in love with what the series was once was. So the reason im writing this right now isnt to force an opinion on anyone but to show that most arguments that defended the RPG change arent simply true. If you like the new games then thats great but this community is a place where people who have put so much of their time and attention to what was once AC felt they fit in. Now a lot of people who have joined the franchise with the last two games seem like they dont like people constantly discussing how the new games arent AC but im here to tell you this franchise was always a place where amidst the leaps from hundreds of stories high to haystacks and being able to cut through armies, its also a place where people geniunely discussed philosophical themes and a secret history narrative that cover so much. Im not saying that people who like the old and the people who like the new should be seperated but just felt like a lot of people dont get to express their thoughts with the intent of helping the other party understand.

    submitted by /u/neonlookscool
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    When did Galina first appear?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 08:30 AM PST


    I'm trying to follow the AC continuity by playing the games and finally getting the comics. Problem I'm having to ensure I'm doing this right is figuring out when Galina first appeared. Was it in the comics or Syndicate?

    submitted by /u/TheNerdWonder
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