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    Wednesday, January 22, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Playing the Ezio Collection back to back made me realise

    Assassin's Creed Playing the Ezio Collection back to back made me realise

    Playing the Ezio Collection back to back made me realise

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 04:25 PM PST

    In AC2, parkour and fighting is a little bit more clunky, as Ezio is younger and inexperienced, though he is still quick. He can't combo execute enemies, for example, and counter kills are harder to perform.

    As you go into Brotherhood, you play as peak Ezio, top performance, almost unbeatable in combat with technique and experience which makes it ridiculously easy. His parkour skills are also improved and he becomes faster.

    In revelations, older Ezio shines through. He isn't that fast at free running, he takes more time to recover when knocked down, he is a fully master assassin in combat, but he has trouble counter killing enemies instantly, due to physical aging. His eagle vision also is evolved, but takes time to work for the same reason.

    This might have been obvious, but no matter how many times I played those games, I only realised this just now. It goes to show how little details can make those games so much better.

    submitted by /u/ZedGenius
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    People didn't get "bored" of the old formula, they got bored of ubisoft's shitshow.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 06:11 AM PST

    It's like ubisoft likes to intentionally piss off their fans.

    ▪"Oh you like multiple continuous games featuring one character which has been proven to be successful? How about no"

    ▪"You like playboys and funny characters? Lol not gonna happen again"

    ▪"You don't mind if we release an unfinished game do you?"

    ▪"Oh and that unfinished game had the best city ambience and character customization... cringe"

    ▪"We know you don't like us dwelling in the more modern history but how about a little trip to Victorian London?"

    And then when people stop buying their games they COMPLETELY change the franchise model from stealth based to hack and slash and make a science fiction game into fantasy.

    Sorry if I ranted like a little bitch

    submitted by /u/arashz02
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    why did machiavelli say "no thing is true, everything is permitted" in Arabic ?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 11:10 PM PST

    there is a scene in AC brotherhood where claudia joins the assassin's and ezio is promoted to mentor, before that machiavelli starts with the assassin's code "no thing is true, everything is permitted" but in broken arabic which made me chuckle.

    submitted by /u/GiantCockTroglodyte
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    You know, I love Assassin’s Creed Unity, but...

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 10:33 PM PST

    The loading times are just wack to be honest. It always takes a bit for the game to load me up into the main menu, and the simulation with Arno. I know that probably an SSD would solve this, but just wanted to let it out there. The game is good, not gonna diss it, but it ain't perfect and there was certainly some things Ubisoft could've done better. Thanks for reading my rant

    submitted by /u/EzioAuditore176
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    Was Arno planned to be the hero of a trilogy ?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 11:07 PM PST

    In ACU, if you read about Arno's biography, he is mentionned three times in Napoleon's diary : - 1792 (when they meet in ACU) - 1795 (beginning of Napoleon's campaigns in Bordeaux) - 1808 (invasion of Spain by Napoleon)

    We can see when Arno and Napoleon meet that Napoleon gets an Apple of Eden from the King's office. We can also see in the end that Arno comes back many years later to hide Germain's body with Napoleon so he certainly saw something (like an artefact that indicated him that he had to hide his body).

    We can notice that Napoleon went to Egypt between 1798 and 1801. Egypt... where the next "big" production (AC Origins, because Syndicate is more like a derivative episode of Unity) stands.

    And don't you think it's strange that Ubisoft have put so much energy to develop (ACU's development was 4 year long) a new graphic engine, a new gameplay design for only 2 games ?

    Here is my theory : I think Arno was planned to be the hero of a trilogy. The first game would have been ACU. The second one would have stand in Egypt around 1800 searching for an artefact, and the third one around Europe with Arno trying to stop a Napoleon out of control who got an artefact in Egypt.

    But as Unity didn't work as they planned and as Arno was very unpopular, they thrown away the idea of sequels. They though fans were mad about the ancient Gameplay system but people were just mad about how unfinished was this game.

    They kept the idea of making an AC in Egypt but during a more bankable period : Antiquity. And then they turned the game Osiris which was supposed to be a new franchise as an AC (not the first time they do that, AC1 was supposed to be a PoP for example).

    It's too bad because even if a lot of people (even me) disliked Arno's behavior during the game, he became interesting in the end of the game. He reached a maturity and becomes darker and less naive than before (it was the same for Connor that became interesting at the end of AC3 but didn't get a decent conclusion). In the DLC Dead Kings we can even see that he becomes suspicious about Napoleon.

    submitted by /u/Montreuilloiss
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    I hope Vikings brings back replayable memories

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 12:37 PM PST

    As much as I enjoy the new games, the idea of having to restart the entire world's quests just to replay some missions is a little tedious to me. I wish, just like in the good old days, we could go into a menu and pick which quest we want to play again and just do it. As many times as we want. Does anyone else hope that we can do this in the next game?

    submitted by /u/InmemoryofDW
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    Never played an AC game before - what basic stuff (storywise) do I need to know?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 09:58 PM PST

    I jumped in with AC Origins, bought it on sale. At first I just thought it was an action game set in ancient egypt. But why does the loading screen have matrix style computer graphics and when I die it says "Desychronization" ? Is the whole thing a simulation? Am I playing someone who is playing a game?

    submitted by /u/redryder74
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    Looking back at Assassin’s Creed (1)

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 06:40 PM PST

    Assassin's Creed (I) is probably the most underrated game of the Assassin's Creed franchise. It is the one game in the series that is known (and played) the least overall by the community today. And yet, those who have played it do not talk much about it. Rather, the game is often dismissed. I believe it is safe to say that only the most dedicated and diehard fans really appreciate the game for what it is. I know I do. It is an important—if not essential—game in the franchise. It is this game that paved the way for the franchise to grow and become one of the most popular video game franchises today.

    When Assassin's Creed (I) was first released in 2007, as the first major action-adventure stealth video game installment of its kind, it took many by surprise as a good starter game. It brought forth many new ideas and concepts to the video game industry not previously seen before. It was an innovative piece of art. Yet despite all of this, according to several online sources, it was meant to include much more than what was ultimately included upon its final release. For example, it was supposed to include a hunting system (such as the one introduced in AC3), a CO-OP feature (like in AC: Unity), and a vast open world without loading screens when travelling between cities (like the games that came later on). In addition to these features, it was originally supposed to be a Prince of Persia title known as "Prince of Persia: Assassins."

    However, it ultimately ended up becoming a spin-off of Prince of Persia and the beginning of a new series which we have now come to know and love as the Assassin's Creed franchise. Assassin's Creed (I) introduced much of what we know about the Assassin's Creed lore today. It introduced us to the Assassins' Creed itself, the Templar Order, and the Pieces of Eden. It introduced us to the game's renowned protagonist, Desmond, the modern-day story arc, and Desmond's first legendary ancestor, Altair, who lived in the Holy Land during the time of the Third Crusade in 1191 C.E.

    Taking place primarily during this historical time period, Assassin's Creed (I) enchanted fans with ancient cities like Jerusalem, Acre, and Damascus. Accompanied by an almost surreal soundtrack that filled the landscapes and cities with life, this game impacted me in a way that none of its successors managed to do. The tone was ominous, eerie, and haunting. This game took the concept of immersion to an entirely new level. Furthermore, this game alone truly focused on the literal title of the brand: we followed an Assassin and his plight for redemption within his Creed, unraveling a beautiful and rich world full of lore and backstory along the way—the backbone of what was yet to come.

    The stealth component in this game was by far one of the best in comparison to its successors. Playing as the great assassin, Altair, the player is given an order from a city's bureau for which their mission is to gather information discreetly throughout the kingdom. They then locate their target, assassinate them stealthily, and inevitably flee from the scene, avoiding as much combat as possible. The Assassin aspect is literally on-point in this game, because combat is not the main focus; stealth is. Altair may not have been so charismatic or wise in the beginning, but he most certainly accomplished his missions with commitment and stealth. Furthermore, he then revived the Assassin brotherhood from the ashes of corruption and began anew for the centuries to come; paving the way for future Assassins like Ezio Auditore. Upon gaining the Apple of Eden and studying it, Altair became the legendary mentor and master we know and love today.

    Synchronization played a major role in Assassin's Creed (I) that many players didn't quite accurately grasp. Unlike in other games where a player could heal themselves upon getting wounded, the mechanic in Assassin's Creed (I) was unique in that if Altair got hit in the animus, then Desmond would lose a bar of synchronization to Altair. Desynchronization between Desmond and Altair, essentially, was a result of historical inaccuracy. What did that mean? It meant that Altair never got hit. It meant that Altair was just THAT good at what he did. In Assassin's Creed II, Brotherhood, and Revelations, the player could spam the healing button until they ran out of medicine, making the game less challenging as the character became almost invincible as long as they had medicine in their inventory.

    The game's side-content may have seemed repetitive for some as far as gameplay went, but that ultimately depended on how the player chose to approach each mission and objective. If one performed and played the same way for each mission, it would, of course, become dull and repetitive. Personally, I tried different variations and methods for completing my tasks which made the game more exciting and memorable for me.

    In conclusion, the first Assassin's Creed game was a hidden gem. Considering its breathtaking landscapes, immersive soundtrack, and intriguing story arc, this game was a real masterpiece for its time. It is honestly a shame that it no longer receives the recognition it deserves. As such, I personally would love to see Ubisoft produce a proper remaster/remake of this game. With improved graphics using perhaps the new engine utilized for AC: Unity and AC: Origins, one could only imagine themselves walking through Jerusalem in the immersion of today's next-generation graphics. Not only would this be a sentimental experience for loyal fans like myself, but it would also allow newer fans who joined later in the series the opportunity to experience this game in its full glory and truly learn where this amazing franchise all started. In addition, if AC: Bloodlines and Altair's Chronicles could be implemented into the remastered world, this would provide both old and new fans with the ultimate Altair experience. I honestly hope that one day this can be done.

    Well, I'll end it here I guess. Thanks for reading! Do you agree/disagree? Add something perhaps? Let me know what you think in the comments below.

    submitted by /u/SH3RIFFO
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    Is Syndicate a good game?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 11:54 AM PST

    I have heard a lot of criticism about Unity and Syndicate. I recently bought Unity and i really like it, I am considering buying Syndicate too. Is it good?

    submitted by /u/0nno1
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    How Old Is Arno Victor Dorian from Assassin's Creed Unity?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:27 PM PST

    Assassins creed 4 Edwards letter

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 07:00 PM PST

    I just played sequence 12 memory 1 and Edward sent a letter to what im pretty sure is his wife. Did we see him write the letter? Should I know what he wrote in it? Or is it explained later?

    submitted by /u/keatoniker1
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    Assassin's Creed RPG Odyssey Role Playing Game needs more Role Playing to give playing different roles meaning [spoiler]

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 09:45 PM PST

    So I'm playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey RPG and i'm RP'ing as an assassin. I'm about 40 hours in and Ive noticed a lack of meaning in dialogue choices.

    The first one that really stood out was the confrontation with Monger. You have two choices, public or silent death.

    The public choice: Combat in a theater. The silent choice: Combat in a cave.

    Why not assassinate him? Where is that choice? I play Assassin's Creed games to role play as an assassin, not a brawler. This game seems to out combat at the forefront.

    The latest one that occured is talking to the blacksmith during the mission "Family Values". I loved how they played with the dialogue between the two switching "and" with "or". However they both lead to the same task.

    I'm hoping in future AC Role Playing Games they give more meaning to dialogue choices so role playing is meaningful.

    submitted by /u/xxXBlueFalconXxx
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    Regarding the way historical events/figures were portrayed what would you improve or change ?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 08:05 AM PST

    As far as I'm concerned :

    Unity : Emphasize the role that the War of the first coalition (France vs Austria, HRE, Prussia, Britian, Spain, Portugal, Naples, Sardinia, Dutch Republic) had on the revolution and how it basically fueled the revolutionnary paranoia and help further the templar agenda without them needing to excessively frame the nobles . From what I understand, the constand threat of invasion and royalist and allied reprisal due to fighting so many nations at once was used to justify some of the atrocities commited during that time like the terror and also during the September massacresin which nobles insides prisons were killed because the prussian armies were closing in on paris and the population was scared of what might happen (the massacres happen in the game but the role of the war in those massacres is glossed over and it seemed like people were murdered just because). This will also help to show how the templars took advantage of that climate of fear instead of almost completely manufacturing the revolution as the game seems to show imo since the causes of the revolution just didn't appear in a few months but were the results of severals factors over several decades and i feel like the game didn't convey this enough imo.

    AC3 : Have Connor come from a tribe historically allied with the french rather than the British. From what i read, his tribe were historical allies of the british during that period so for him to openly support the revolutionaries should have caused a rift between him and his tribe way sooner than what is shown in the game and in a more brutal fashion. Plus having him be part of a french allied tribe will better justified his initial naivete regarding the patriots true intentions and it will make more sense that washington might have burned his village during the seven years war as his tribe would have been on a side opposite of washington at that time.

    I may come back and edit this post later but these are the 2 biggest changes i would make. What about you ?

    submitted by /u/TheCanadianBat_
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    Assassins creed odyssey visual customization/transmog not working

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 05:06 PM PST

    I just got ac odyssey and heard about the customization feature, I went to try it and it dosent work, there is no prompt for me to right-click on the main inventory menu.

    I have already reached lvl 8 and gotten well past the part where you leave the first island.

    I've also read that I can right-click and left-click at the same time to make the customization menu pop up, and that worked but it didn't show any gear customizations

    submitted by /u/poggyroyal
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    Which actors you guys think could perform as some ac characters

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 04:24 PM PST

    I'm 100% sure a movie like that would never happen but just thinking, so which actors could look like some AC characters

    Altair - ??? Ezio - ??? Connor - idk but achiles could be Morgan Freeman Edward - Chris Hemsworth Shay- Keanu Reeves

    submitted by /u/M-o-r-p-h
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    Actually beat the dumb tank mission on my first try

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 06:54 AM PST

    Here's to not having to do that again (at least on this playthrough). Also fuck the guy who designed that mission.

    submitted by /u/quanticbolt
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    How does the mercenary system work in Oddessey?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 07:38 PM PST

    So I'm hunting mercenaries for sport right and I keep moving up in the rank thing. However, there are always more and more behind me even when I keep killing them. How does this system work? What happens when I get to the top? Will they keep just filling the slots or what?

    submitted by /u/Kwimchoas
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    The Official Collection magazines

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 02:32 PM PST

    Has anyone signed up for this? I tried ordering a single issue (39 Germain) and they never shipped it and haven't responded to any of my emails. Did anyone successfully get their issues and I'm just a freak occurrence?

    I love the idea and I'm so happy that the more "obscure" characters got collectibles but I'm getting nervous about actually getting the item.

    submitted by /u/midnightauro
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    Just got Black Flag, Syndicate, and Unity

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 09:58 AM PST

    All for the low price of free 99 with a gift card.

    Never played any of them. Took a break from the series after Assassin Creed 3 for a while and looking forward to diving back in to the series and the old school style of game.

    I played odessy but it made want an old school original AC experience. Now I just do not know where to start... Please advise!!!

    submitted by /u/Winged_Mr_Hotdog
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    What is your favourite AC quote?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 01:48 AM PST

    Assassin's Creed has some fantastic, memorable quotes. My favourite would have to be from Blackbeard in AC4:

    "For if a man plays the fool, then it's only fools he'll persuade! But appear to be the devil... and all men will submit."

    submitted by /u/wammes_
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    Is AC 2020 pretty much confirmed Vikings setting through leaks, or is the setting still not known since most leaks have been debunked?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 10:44 AM PST

    I was just thinking last night that the Vikings setting is far from set in stone. Are there things that point to Vikings? Sure, but one is a Easter egg in The Division 2 that could easily be a misdirection and the other is Jason Schriers AC: Kingdom leak. Everything since then has been debunked all leaks have pretty much been shot down. So do we really know anything about the new game?

    submitted by /u/GoodfellaJoey
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    Just bought AC Origins, having a blast and was wondering about side missions...

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 07:35 AM PST

    I finally beat the main story at Siwa. I am playing on nightmare difficulty atm. I was thinking of completing all side quests before I leave Siwa. Would this make the game too easy as I'll be too overleveled vs the main story line and side missions from other areas?

    submitted by /u/TheHotshot1
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