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    Saturday, January 25, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Anyone else in love with the weapon models in Origins? This is a pic of my favourite bow, Khryselakatos. I also love the detailing on Bayek's armour and outfits. Show me your favourite weapons from any AC games, no spoilers for Oydessy though please as I haven't played it yet!

    Assassin's Creed Anyone else in love with the weapon models in Origins? This is a pic of my favourite bow, Khryselakatos. I also love the detailing on Bayek's armour and outfits. Show me your favourite weapons from any AC games, no spoilers for Oydessy though please as I haven't played it yet!

    Anyone else in love with the weapon models in Origins? This is a pic of my favourite bow, Khryselakatos. I also love the detailing on Bayek's armour and outfits. Show me your favourite weapons from any AC games, no spoilers for Oydessy though please as I haven't played it yet!

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 03:08 AM PST

    I feel like the next assassins creed should have dismemberment.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:27 AM PST

    I wanna be able to smash heads flat and fight dudes with one arm gone. Scars, cuts, and gaping holes. Spill guts and cut nuts. Idk I just feel like the games hasn't been showing realistic enough animations.

    submitted by /u/SkyAir457
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    Recently started replaying AC2

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 09:17 PM PST

    Realizing now just how clunky the parkour in this game is. I haven't played any of the newer games (Played AC2, Brotherhood, 3, 4, and Unity), but now that I've gone back to the older games, it feels pretty aged. I haven't played Revelations, so I was wondering, which game did the parkour and core mechanics start feeling more smooth to all of you?

    submitted by /u/Nayhd_Dragon
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    How do you feel about an Assassin's Creed game with samurai and ninjas?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 06:00 PM PST

    I feel like assassins and ninjas would be really cool.

    Hear me out. It could be a setting in some Asian country (forgive me I'm drunk and I can't remember if it's China or Japan) where the ninjas and samurai are fighting each other. I can't remember what movie it was, but it had the poor people training as ninjas to fight the samurai who were basically royalty. While it wasn't the best movie, I like that theme.

    You would be able to choose which faction you helped similar to the Spartans and Athenians. I'm not so sure about mystical creatures, but I'm sure there's something along those lines.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/kushglo
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    Which feature do you wish was in all the games even retroactively?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 08:44 PM PST

    It's Friday night, I'm high and drinking a beer playing Unity. As I'm climbing a church in broad daylight to assassinate someone, I suddenly really wanted the feature in Origins and Odyssey to advance time to morning or night. That's one feature I wish could be in all the games, even retroactively.

    What's yours?

    submitted by /u/TyrantLobe
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    Daughter of Artemis quest - AC Odyssey

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 08:26 PM PST

    I've completed the quest and when I tried to clear the village no one was attacking me and I couldn't identify the head huntress. After looking it up online, turns out it's a bug that doesn't just affect the village on Chios, it affects all the huntress villages on the map. And I'm guessing it still hasn't been fixed? So I think I'm going to reload right before I turned in the last pelt and leave the quest there until I'm literally done with everything else in the game. Unless someone has a work around? I'm wondering though, if I complete the question marks and other quests on Chios but leave the artemis quest where it is, will that cause any other type of bug?

    submitted by /u/heryea42
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    Playing the mobile games

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 09:45 PM PST

    Are rebellion and identity canon? Are they worth playing for lore? Is there any good story in them?

    submitted by /u/SummrSoldier
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    Why did they defect to the Assassins? (Question, Theory, Discussion) (Origins, Odyssey, Fate of Atlantis DLC, The Last Descendants series and Heresy SPOILERS)

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:30 PM PST

    Question: does anyone know the exact reason behind Victoria Bibeau's defection from the Templar Order to the Assassin Brotherhood?

    I've read The Last Descendants novels and Heresy. As far as I am aware, in all of them, there is not one moment that signals any distrust in the Templar Order from Victoria. She seems to vehemently agree with the Templars' pursuit of order through control. Though she says she doesn't despise the Assassins for their goal, which is the exact same as the Templars' (a world at peace), she despises their approach; a world at peace through "chaos" (in her words).

    To quote from Heresy, during a conversation with Simon Hathaway about how the Order has functioned in the past, Victoria says this:

    "I've seen both sides of the Assassin/Templar conflict, In the Animus with the kids at the Aerie, and outside of it as well. In the end, I will always choose order over chaos."

    And from The Last Descendants Book #2 "Tomb of the Khan", Victoria seemed rather hesitant and wary of the Assassin Griffin upon meeting him to strike an alliance between the Assassin and herself to stop a rogue Templar. I quote,

    "I'm Griffin," he said. "And you, Dr. Bibeau, are probably the only Templar I would ever trust." "Those days are long past," she said. "I am a Templar, now, make no mistake of that. But it is true that I am probably the only Templar who would even consider speaking with you. Or working with you (…)"

    Both Hersey and The Last Descendants series take place from late 2016 to early 2017, roughly a year or so before the events of Odyssey.

    The Assassin's Creed fandom Wikia says Victoria left after the Ascendance Event, but there is no catch up or events shown after Isaiah was defeated to explain what exactly made her defect. In fact, she seemed completey at home as a Templar psychiatrist working at the Aerie when she was still monitoring Sean's health after the events of The Last Descendants Book #3 "Fate of the Gods".

    We know why Layla herself defected from the Order. First, she never really seemed to have much of a loyalty to the Templars to begin with, at least to their ideology and goals. She was more interested in being able to view history as it happened through the Animus and working as a technician for Abstergo than she did about stopping the Assassins and chasing down Pieces of Eden, unlike Victoria who was as much tied into the Assassin-Templar war as say, a field agent like Otso Berg or Animus specialist and PoE hunter Warren Vidic. And she had a resentment to certain people within the Order and it's bureaucracy.

    There however was an incident where Victoria "helped" the Assassins sometime after 2014 with the man who viewed Arno's memories, Fraser. But after that she went on to prove her allegiance to the Order who would accept her and trust her once again, trust her enough to lead a project in tracking down the Trident at the Aerie and to be contacted by Alan Rikkin as she, on Rikkin's orders, monitored Inner Sanctum member Simon Hathaway through his use of the Animus.

    So with all these examples of fierce loyalty to the Order, why and how did she defect and become a trusted member of the Assassins?

    I remember that u/ZedGenius in this post speculated that she might have been a double agent. For when Layla killed those Sigma agents in Atlantis, Victoria seemed concerned for the agents and rebuked Layla for doing so. But this is a war. In times of war, one has to kill the enemy before the enemy kills them and that is what Sigma Team were there to do. They were there to kill Layla and take the Staff. The ultimate goal of an Assassin other than bringing peace through freedom is to protect the Pieces of Eden and/or mission at any and all costs.

    I know the Staff and it's power was making Layla more aggressive and homicidal but at the end of the day, she did her job as an Assassin in stopping those Sigma agents from killing her and taking off with the Staff. Besides, this is not the first time an Assassin has killed someone posing a deadly threat to their health and the mission. Desmond killed many Abstergo military personnel on his hunt for the power cells in AC3. Shaun killed Ardant who herself wasn't a fighting threat to his team in London in Syndicate. Galina tried to kill Berg at the same time Shaun finished off Ardant. All targeted were Templars. All were threats, whether they were actively, physically fighting the Assassins or just wore the Templar cross. And thus it seems odd for a so-called Assassin to reprimand a fellow member for doing her duty in protecting a PoE.

    I just want to know why Victoria defected. It's all I've been thinking about since I "finished" Odyssey. She's obviously not a big part of the overall story anymore now that she's dead and didn't seem to have much bearing on the plot to begin with. But I find her history and behaviours odd in the way Ubisoft chose to write them. I would love an official explanation but for all it's worth, the only theory I've found is that she was a double agent who allowed Otso Berg to monitor the Assassins' communications and thus led Sigma Team to Atlantis who then begun to try and eliminate Layla's team with the objective of securing the Trident.

    submitted by /u/FightOrFightMode
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    Assassins Creed 4 Marooned Quest Bugged Help (Minor AC4 Spoilers)

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:29 PM PST

    I've been playing Assassins Creed 4 for the first time this last week and am currently on the quest Marooned in the 8th part, but the game isn't letting me finish it. I reach Vane at the end and assassinate him as the quest tells me to, I get Vane's death cut scene, then I leave and synchronize if I air assassinate him. However, it works fine if I assassinate him by climbing up to his vantage point and kick him off. Is this a bug or am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/The_Great_Gitrargle
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    How do you get bounty hunters in rogue?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 09:22 PM PST

    I've killed so many people to try to attract a bounty hunter and nobody comes except standard guards. Is there a specific way to attract bounty hunters?

    submitted by /u/phantomtoyfreddy
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    What would be the hypothetical worst historical period / place for an AC game?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:25 AM PST

    Since we've already discussed many times the best scenario that you could image (Ancient Rome, Samurai Japan, etc...) and Ubisoft is not famous for always taking the best decisions... I think it could be funny to play a game, and imagine what would be the worst setup for an AC game.

    I'll start:

    • The worst setup for an AC game would be Switzerland in the 1995: A country without enemies, without conflict, always neutral, pretty rich, during an era after cold war and before islamic terrorism risks.
    submitted by /u/yeskaScorpia
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    How sexual is Assassin's creed origins

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 12:11 AM PST

    I'm a fairly new fan to the assassin's creed games and so far I've played ac 2, brotherhood, revelations and syndicate coz my local game store was selling them for a cheap price. And now they're selling origins for a cheap price and I'm considering to buy it but I've seen a lot of reviews saying there's a fair amt of nudity in the game as compared to the others and since I use a family tv to play I want to be extra cautious when playing. So for those that have played origins how bad is the sexual content in the game?

    submitted by /u/Ashyybboii
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    Assassins Creed mobile game

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 08:22 PM PST

    A while ago I played an AC game on a Microsoft phone I don't have anymore. It wasn't AC identity, the AC black flag game or AC Rebellion. I think it was based of the first AC game, I might be wrong though. Also, do the mobile AC games (all of them, not just the one I'm looking for) have accounts? Or are the accounts just Uplay ones? If they are even connected at all. Do the mobile game just use Gamcentre or Google Play. If the mobile games use an account that's separate to Uplay? If so, how do you delete them? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Caroline547
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    Thoughts on the franchise and where it has gone?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 03:19 PM PST

    I've just been on Twitter and saw quite a lot of disagreements between Odyssey and what AC once was. I thought what better place to ask than here.

    So I'm just curious as to what people within the community actually think of where the franchise went.

    Personally I disliked Odyssey a lot and gave up after around 8 hours - game just didn't interest me at all. But recently I've replayed all the Ezio trilogy and loved the games. Even Unity is fun to go back to and just enjoy. Personally the RPG side just isn't AC imo.

    submitted by /u/DynamicPlays
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    AC Revelations, outside the map

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 04:08 PM PST

    I've been playing Assassin's Creed Revelations and been doing some trophy hunting, so I've been playing Desmonds Second Sequence but I managed to fall outside the map, I climbed back up to the map but I'm just stuck outside. I was halfway through and really don't want to be forced to restart, but am I going to half too? Is there any way back in?

    Has this also happened to anyone else?

    submitted by /u/Spazkick
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    Are there any questlines I should wait to complete? (POSSIBLE SPOLIERS) - AC Odyssey

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 05:35 PM PST

    Any questlines I should wait to do for any reason? With as little spoilers as possible.

    For example: the Artemis questline? Or the lost tales of greece? Anything?

    I'm basically wondering about side questlines. With the main story, I've heard finishing the cultists questline before the family questline can ruin things.

    submitted by /u/heryea42
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    AC:Syndicate Gold edition- is the bonus content on a voucher?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 03:57 PM PST

    I'm thinking about picking this up used since it's still $40 or $50 on the playstation store.

    Is part, or all, of the dlc on a voucher in the case?

    And if so which parts since I'm sure it will have been redeemed already if I get a used copy.

    I started itching to play this for some reason but don't want to spend a lot since I've become an AC curmudgeon (not a fan of the series direction) and not sure if I'll be into it.


    submitted by /u/time013
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    Assassins Creed III Remastered Sale

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:30 AM PST

    Assassins Creed III Remastered on sale in XBox store for $15.99 US. One of my favorites and includes Liberation all solo DLC if interested.

    submitted by /u/JayOutlawz24
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    Can't zoom in(aim) while running in ac 3 remastered

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 06:17 PM PST

    In the original, when you hit the aim and Sprint button it would bring your camera closer to Connor while he was running. It seems you can't do this in the remastered version as it just makes you walk like it did in the Black flag sequel. Anybody know if you unlock this ability down the road? I've only just started playing and I'm still at Connor's young phases but I remember this ability being available since the beginning with Haythem(correct me if I'm wrong)

    submitted by /u/Strategyofanarchy
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    Uplay update ruined AC Origins

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 04:49 PM PST

    There was an update (about 60 mb) for uplay a few days ago. It automatically downloaded when I booted up AC Origins, and ever since what was once a perfectly smooth game on max graphics is constantly lagging. The graphics now take a long time to render, and the game will sometimes crash. I am wondering if anyone else is experiencing this and has discovered any solutions? This is seriously ruining my experience and is causing a lot of frustration. Any suggestions to fix this are welcome.

    submitted by /u/Master__B0b
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    The present storyline should end

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 11:05 PM PST

    First of all hear me out, I love the Assassins Creed lore, and I have been a fan since ac2, I have played every game, and read the comics, I love the ancient fight between Assassins and Templars, but I think Ubi should give up on the present, why?

    Because Ubi doesn't care about it, they just invent some crazy and stupid plot twist to extend the present day stuff (It should have all ended with Desmond). The worst of all is that they doesn't even care about their own lore, because, you are reliving memories, you are not time traveling, you are just "remembering stuff" and because of this, choosing character doesn't make any sense, having multiple options doesn't make any sense neither. And Ubi has said that their primary point is not to make sequels and have developed characters (like Ezio) but rather just jump from setting to setting, Ubi has also said that they want games where the players can create their own story, rather than presenting the player a linear story.

    So my idea is this: Ubi should make a game where the Assassins are destroyed and the Templars win, then Abstergo releases software where you can relieve the past, and the cool thing about this software is that you play as someone who was a part of a secret cult (that way we can still play as an assassin, or Templar), then the game should break the fourth wall, presenting us a game "made" by Abstergo. Or it can be the other way around, the Assassins win so they don't have to be a secret society anymore and they create softwares where they can show the people how the Templars controlled things in the past on how the Templars where the baddies.

    that way Ubi will have full control, there will be no lore restraining them nor you over what you can and cannot do, so they should would not give us half-assed explanations of how something works because of the lore, that way you can be an ancient superhero fighting medusas and everything is cool. And new fans have an easier time entering the franchise (I know a lot of people who haven't played any AC because they feel like they don't understand what the hell is going on so they get bored and stop playing)

    In the end of the day I just don't want them to screw up the lore even more than they already have. I mean you can be mad at me for wanting the Assassins V Templar fight to end, but we all know that Ubi doesn't give a rats ass about the present story and they will continue to give us more nonsense content/characters that no one really likes (yes Layla I'm looking at you).

    submitted by /u/andazo122
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    After playing Odyssey after Origins, what's the little changes you find annoying?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 02:40 AM PST

    God, why the hell do characters in Odyssey not follow you properly. Either they are in full sprint or moving at all. In Origins, the NPC following or being followed changes pace on how fast I move.

    Just a small gripe i have.

    submitted by /u/Niley14
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