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    Wednesday, December 25, 2019

    Assassin's Creed More small Assas--, uhh, Greek warriors

    Assassin's Creed More small Assas--, uhh, Greek warriors

    More small Assas--, uhh, Greek warriors

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 05:44 AM PST

    Shaatish Rajendran did a brilliant drawing of the real, timeless Grandmaster of the Assassins. Santa hides in plain sight, fighting the templars control by reminding children that nothing is true.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 08:55 AM PST

    Work in Progress of Edward, Pencil, 2019.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 09:00 AM PST

    Ac3/ac4...are they worth it?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 10:53 PM PST

    Decided to play my favourite ac games for the holidays. Currently on the Ezio collection and have origins/odyssey next on the list. However I'm thinking about getting ac3/4 (never played them before) and they're both on sale right now. Should I buy?

    submitted by /u/RazR_
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    How is AC kingdom going to work?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 04:13 AM PST

    Not to be the bearer of bad news, but seeing a few posts about people wanting this game to be gory, and have raiding etc,

    I'm not sure about the rest of you but commiting mass slaughter and mass rape because you want a power trip and wealth goes against all the ideals of the assassins creed.

    If they are setting this up to be a viking main character, wouldnt he be someone who is hunting the vikings? Even in odyssey Alexios/Kassandra were honorable even fighting against their own people if they got out of line.

    Not really sure how else it could work?

    submitted by /u/MisterrWorld
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    AC4 nassu crash xbox one is there a fix?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 10:08 PM PST

    Hi wanted to get in to AC for a while got AC4 on christmas since everyone seems to say thats the most fun one.

    So i got it and i now can't enter nassu so how do i fix it.... or should i just return the game and get something that actually works?

    submitted by /u/H311LORD
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    Assassin's creed kingdom (Ragnarok) what we know?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 11:17 AM PST

    (Don't read this if you doesn't want to know anything about the next Ac)


    I am here so we can collect all the Intel we need to understand the next Assassin s creed...

    Viking : Why?

    Because of the Easter egg in the Division 2. And because the guy who leaked perfectly the two previous Ac said it too.

    Also, Otso Berger became the prisoner of Layla and he has Viking ancestor...

    Also, the guy who works at Ubisoft who drown and artwork with Vikings and Viking boat. By the way he said he didn't mean the next will be a Viking game... who knows?

    The place :

    As we talk about a viking, we suppose the game will happen next in Great Britain but also in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland etc. They traveled far away from this area but they will focus on this part.

    Time :

    750-850 AD... So it match with the existence of the Assassin.

    The personage: name, place, story

    We know thanks to different leak we will be able to incarnate a guy of a girl (it will be the same story for both of them).

    The name is Jora. The name will be the same for the girl and the guy because it was simply a name for a both sex .

    So the game will take place in Scandinavia then we will move towards Great Britain to master our Assassin s skills to take revenge. Indeed, they will kill our village, family ( we dont know yet). So we will be forced to leave.

    Crops (edit : I mean raven) will replace the eagle... the blade is coming back.

    We will have power like we used to have in odyssey (I hope not). We assume he is a descendant of Odin Apparently the character will have some vision of mythological fights etc thanks to the isu things.

    Sorry for my English...

    submitted by /u/samsung5010
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    What about a Nordic setting?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 08:14 PM PST

    So I've been watching Vinland saga and the mc is so quick on his feet and it made me think that a Nordic/Viking setting would be kinda cool. I thought it could have a little of black flags sailing and such. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/baker857
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    On your initial Odyssey game, did you buy any extra skins, gear, ship stuff, etc?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 04:24 PM PST

    I just started the game on Nightmare, only level 2, very very weak, finally acquired the horse (tedious walking everywhere).

    Meanwhile I looked at the store and many of the stuff, while only aesthetical, were very interesting! I got a free horse skin, yay?

    Did you bother spending your hard-earned gaming budget on helix cash?

    Or the free stuff from Ubi Club?

    Or simply nothing at all (nothing at all, NOTHING AT ALL!)?

    submitted by /u/TomaVanPey
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    All I want for Christmas is a nice, good ol' Bayek Sequel!

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 07:01 AM PST

    but unfortunately that'll never happen, big F. But Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone in this sub!

    submitted by /u/lunasstro
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    TIL that if you just keep running Phobos will always catch up to you and you can Mount when that happens for a seamless transition

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 04:00 PM PST

    I just always stood around like an idiot waiting for the horsey

    submitted by /u/bbbbbap
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    Wishes for coming games from an Odyssey lover

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 04:09 AM PST

    I see a lot of posts about expectations for the new game(s) where it usually is that we need to go back to the old style of games. While I liked the old games (especially Black Flag) I do prefer the "new style" over the old. So here are my wishes for the coming games and how I think Ubisoft could build upon Origins and Odyssey.

    1) bring the 'over the shoulder' closer or have different options for it like RDR2. It bothered me in Odyssey how far away the camera was even during normal walking.

    2) better parkour. I liked the climbing system from the new games, but that seems to have replaced the parkour system we had. I'd like to see a mix of both, where you can climb on most walls but it is slower than parkour, but there are set parkour routes like in the old games. So you can go in slow and climb anywhere or you can go in quick but that would require you to scout the place a bit beforehand so you know where to go.

    3) higher damages/ lower health (or an option to have that as a difficulty). The new combat is fun but it is too easy on lower difficulties but on nightmare the health of enemies is way too high. I'd like an option where both you and enemies have way lower health so you die in 3 hits but so does almost every enemy

    4) a mix of old and new combat. I miss the block counter attack instakills, but I did find it to be kind of boring when the entire combat was just block-counter. I'd like a mix in combat where if you have a perfectly timed block you can have a high damage counter attack, or a perfect dodge-special attack combo that does way more damage.

    5) more violent combat (or an option for it). If I smash someone with a big hammer, have their head be smashed. Show cuts on the body, let decapitations be a thing for heavy axes. Have finishers that are really brutal. Cut off a leg or stab someone in the face. Seems appropriate to a viking.

    6) ditch Layla or, less likely, have her actually do something other than argue with her doctor and say dumb stuff. The end of the Atlantis dlc had her do something (i wont spoil) but let that be the entire modern day segments.

    7) a smaller world. There was way too much stuff in Odyssey. There are so many cities that feel empty and useless. The game world itself doesn't need to be smaller, but have less stuff in it. Have 4 cities instead of 40. Not everything needs a question marker on the map, let there be some proper exploration.

    I am curious about your opinions on my ideas and if you have any ideas of your own. Also don't think that I'm hating on people who want to go back to the old style, I just really like the new games.

    submitted by /u/Hkrlje
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    What was the BEST and the WORST Modern Day Segment in AC?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 09:36 AM PST

    For me the best was in Brotherhood. They Story was pretty nice and I liked that add climbing and puzzles in the Modern Day. The atmosphere was also very good because we where in locations that we know from the past and it was awesome to see them in the present. This made an very nice connection. Also that you could freeroam whenever you want in monteriggioni made the MD so much better.

    The Worst for me was in Unity. The turned the unique and mysterious Animus in a gaming machine and this time you were playing really as yourself nothing special. Also that the MD only happened in cutscenes was so bad while Syndicates Cutscenes have brought something forward and show us Shaun and Rebecca again we just watch in Unity Bishop typing in her computer and a Project Phoenix cutscene. In the End Unitys MD is totally pointless even the game tells this to yourself. Because the Bones of the Sage what you are find in the end where so damaged that the assassins couldn't use them anymore so your entire Adventure with Arno was for nothing....

    submitted by /u/JKAC2013
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    Question for non-english speakers: Do you play AC games in english with subs? dubbed? Or it depends?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 04:32 AM PST

    I ask this because normally AC Games have full audio option for French, Italian, German and Spanish. And they are usually good, but you may lose some jokes that are difficult to translate. So if you have a good level on english, maybe you prefer to switch to V.O.

    P.E.: For me, it depends. I'm a spaniard, with fluent level of english. Playing in Italy, France or Greece with everyone talking in english was kind of artificial, so I've switched to spanish, as language seems closer. But in AC3 or Syndicate, I've played in English. In AC4, I would say it's mandatory to switch to V.O. for spanish speakers, otherwise you will not distinguish Spanish/British zones.

    Language is an important role in Assassins Creed adventure setup. It feels more realistic when NPCs talk the native language of the region. But also, you need to be able to fully understand (even when you're focus on fighting scenes) to catch all words.

    submitted by /u/yeskaScorpia
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    AC Rogue: Does taking down gang headquarters remove the ambushing assassins?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 03:25 AM PST

    I'm willing to leave the headquarters alone if it means I can keep them in the city, it makes it feel more alive.

    submitted by /u/Icalor94
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    Syndicate - Missed opportunity? (Lucy spoilers)

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 04:49 PM PST

    I dislike syndicate for the usual reasons. Worst game of the old series. Hey, at least it gave me the love for unity back.

    Anyway...there is one think I have to write down and share it, to get it out of my mind. Since syndicate has such a cliche story, I really expected one thing with her, that never came into play.

    So lucy is the occultist. Her portrait is right before the big baddy. But we kill her way before that. And I just waited for her, to turn up again. Raised from the dead. Free from starricks orders even more evil. Has the artifact raised her? Is there really supernatural stuff involved? Of course at the end it is simply her twin sister no one knew about and we have to kill her too.

    Man, syndicate had so much missed opportunities. The main storyline is so much straight forward without any surprises. At last for jacob. Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill the boss. First game I did not role play. Used fast travel, ran in the streets, klimbed buildings in front of the eyes of pedestrians, did missions the easy way and killed my way throught where I could. I hope it is like unity and the Addon (Ripper) is that, what the main game could have been.

    submitted by /u/Gleichgewichtel
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    Just bought season pass for Ac odyssey

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 04:21 PM PST

    Where do I redeem it, I bought it on the epic game store and I can't find jt

    submitted by /u/rapsandjays
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    I don’t have access to the quest Lore of the Sphinx

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 03:59 PM PST

    I've already killed the Cyclops, Medusa and the Minotaur. I've been double checking and triple/quadruple checking my quest log and I still don't have this mission. I'm currently standing in the location where it's supposed to start but can't interact with the old guy walking around.

    Is there a quest that's supposed to be tied to unlocking it or what? Please help, I've been stuck here for the last few hours.

    submitted by /u/ARedWerewolf
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    AC Rogue free on the Switch Eshop?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 08:41 AM PST

    Ok, I know this is probably going to make me look like an idiot but, I was browsing the Switches eShop just now to check the sales, and I saw that AC Rogue was a free download. I clicked into it assuming I had to have the Rebel Collection to let me download it, but for whatever reason it just let me download it for free. I know it'll probably tell me I need to have the Rebel Collection to play when it downloads but, if anyone knows if it's legitimately free or has any more info on this I'd really appreciate it

    submitted by /u/Geibheann2003
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    How do I download AC3 after purchasing it with AC Odyssey?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 02:19 PM PST

    Not sure where to go to be able to get it. Don't see it anywhere and it didn't automatically download.

    submitted by /u/HungryHippocrites
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    So what do i do with the online trophies for Black Flag?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 09:56 AM PST

    I'm not in a hurry to get those trophies,I still have four AC games to complete

    But is there anyone who actually plays the multiplayer anymore?

    submitted by /u/Wolzard73
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    Odyssey deserves more positivity.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 05:00 AM PST

    I just want to shed some positive light on the latest game inbetween all the 'hate' it gets. Now i'm a hardcore fan and have played all of them. I'm not saying i am right or wrong, but its a different perspective than what i usually see. Allow me to elaborate.

    First of all, customization. I remember getting better armor for ezio in ac2 and so on. Felt great. It felt like i worked on a character. This slowly faded out until unity released. It was a super fun element imo.

    The games that lacked these options also felt lackluster to me because of this. Now Origins didn't continue with this, instead you had some... outfits, which most of them were just recolors of each other, let's be real. The weapons are fine i guess? You just picked the highest quality and youre good to go, because the combat didn't have depth, more on that later.

    Odyssey allowed me to fully customize my character (which is not an assassin i agree, therefore "character") to specific playstyles, and these were pretty wild if you ask me. Within the 3 main styles you had different options to choose from. I always had 3 loadouts for assassin, warrior and hunter to switch on the go. Not only that but also the option to change the look of every gear piece to your liking.

    Next up: variety. The game is literally filled to the notch with content and mechanics and even after 20hrs of gameplay they still introduced new elements and they all made sense. Nothing felt weird or out of place. For example: mercenaries. A bit of a watered down shadow of mordor idea, but they also functioned as the like cops with the bounty system. All these elements are carefully designed and work well together.

    Then: combat. There are a lot of people that hate the abilities. Now even tho im not saying they should stay forever in all future games but it was definitely fresh and fun. Again lots of customization possible. It is the most engaging combat in any ac ever. When i came back to Origins after Odyssey it felt much more boring: spam and dodge some attacks, wait till your overkill or whatever its called bar is full, do that ability, repeat. I had a much more difficult time in Odyssey EVEN THOUGH you had pretty strong abilities, i agree.

    I'm not here to say odyssey is the best AC game cus as a superfan i do agree it severely lacked an AC feel. I also agree that Origins had a great atmosphere and compelling characters. BUT if i need to be real the story wasn't that special. Just another revenge story. I cared more about that very last scene where aya stood on the beach. That was a real AC-moment for me.

    I know that Odyssey isn't really an ac game. But it still felt kinda like it, thanks to the parkour and stealth gameplay.

    I could go on and on and as you can tell i admit and agree alot with counter arguments so please go comment your thoughts so we can discuss this together.

    I just feel bad for the team that worked on Odyssey as i think they do not get the praise they deserve.

    Odyssey might not be the best AC game. But its definitely the most fun one i've played and to me, it saved the series. With ofcourse thanks to the foundation that was made in Origins.

    submitted by /u/izeris_
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