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    Assassin's Creed So do people still hate Unity and if so why?

    Assassin's Creed So do people still hate Unity and if so why?

    So do people still hate Unity and if so why?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 09:40 PM PDT

    I just got finished with my second playthrough (my first being in 2015) and I know I'm in the minority here but it's pretty fucking good. World, missions, weapons, outfits, combat, story, it's all good and I haven't encounter game breaking glitches of any kind.

    submitted by /u/YUNGLAMBSAUCE
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    What's your favorite outfit?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 07:08 AM PDT

    First, we have Altaïr. No fancy stuff, just a simple white robe with hood similar to the robe of the local monks so he (and the other assassins) can easily blend with them. Come to think of it, the "blending walk" is only a feature in the first AC and gone in the subsequent games as you can blend with pretty much any crowds, would love to see some form of "blending walk" to return, like maybe to blend in without the help of a crowd.

    Second, we have Ezio. Probably the one with the fanciest outfit, start out with simple short robe on top of shirt in AC:II, the robe became longer and fancier stuffs were added (plus armors), like the AC emblem belt in AC:Brotherhood, in AC:Revelation it's just more of the same but with... experienced kind of feel to it. This outfit has become a meme on how inept the guards are in Ezio trilogy as they can't find the one guy with the fanciest robe around when he's blending in with common people who wear clothes that look nothing like what Ezio's wearing. "Hey, who's that guy with fancy robe, armor, and assassin logo belt sitting on the bench surrounded by two commoners?", "probably just a guy".

    Then, we have Connor. I don't remember he's wearing a robe, just a long coat(?) with the iconic hood. Not much to say about this one, it's simple, fits the guy, and actually pretty cool.

    Next, we have Edward. Same with Connor, not much to comment, it's a simple clothing but more like a coat and vest rather than robe from the classic ones.

    In AC:Rogue, we have Shay with outfit that I can describe as... nobleman's attire? It looks like what a noble would wear if he's an assassin compared to the rough Edward that looks like a thug (which in line with the pirate theme).

    After that, we have Arno with another vest / long coat combination, but I feel that Unity's outfit seem a bit... tight? compared to previous ones.

    In Syndicate, we have Jacob and Evie. While Jacob has that thug looking coat (which isn't too long to be a long coat for me) that blends pretty well with the game's setting (even though he also has the more 'gentlemanly' outfits that you can unlock), his sister Evie has a more elegant outfit. I see that Jacob kinda try to blend in with the thugs, while Evie want to be assassin 24/7.

    I haven't played Origins and Odyssey yet, but from my google-fu

    Bayek seem to blends with the era, with clothes enough to cover the vital parts (and hood) but not the torso.

    Alexios and Kassandra just straight wearing body armor.

    My favorite is Ezio in Brotherhood with onyx color scheme, my brothers and sisters need to wear white, but me as a master assassin wants to wear black, baby.

    I of course didn't mention shit ton of outfits you can unlock, and more in some non-main series, so please add more, and what's your favorite outfit?

    submitted by /u/mujhair
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    If you could build the perfect AC game using one or two core mechanics from each entry, how would it look?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 11:27 AM PDT

    1 - The setups to missions. I actually like the idea as an optional side quest to make your assassinations easier or just ignore them and go gungho.

    II - The world, tone, characters, and music; mission variety. No AC has really captured the epicness and fun that AC has just through the tone and setting like this game. As clunky as the gameplay was, it never felt too arduous because you got to employ different tactics in nearly every

    Brotherhood - The parkour puzzles. I actually don't like Brotherhood as much as others, but goddammit do I love the parkour lairs in this game specifically. Probably my favorite gameplay element across all AC games.

    Revelations - Story. Simply put, like 4-5 of the best AC moments ever came in this game. The subtlety of the character development. One of the few games to not have a hit list. One of the few games to actually challenge the idea that the Assassins may not always be right.

    III - Recruiting. The idea that all of your Assassin brothers have legit stories and you can select each one to send. I'd take it even farther with the idea that you can build each one in specific categories like stealth, strength, long range, etc.

    IV: Black Flag - The naval battles. Honestly, the really just got this one really right.

    Rogue - The hunting. I don't like Rogue too much, so, there's not much for me to choose, but I really enjoyed the hunting in this.

    Unity - The stealth; detective mode. Although I much prefer bushes over crowds to blend, the multitude of hiding areas, the Arkham like distraction to draw people and the ability to crouch around a corner. I love the detective missions. They need to be incorporated even more.

    Syndicate - Parkour; assassination mission structure. I know people didn't like it too much, but the grappling line made traversing much easier. Also, it kept Unity's "up and down" mechanic. Also, the mission structure of multiple avenues in which to kill as well as aids to help you.

    Origins - Combat; variety of weapons. I prefer Origins combat to Odyssey. The enemies are less spongy and I like that you can't just annihilate 20 dudes in one go and might need to recover. Also, I liked the simplicity of just a fuckload of weapons and some you can infuse.

    Odyssey - The variety of assassinations. Not a huge "hit list" fan, but it's a staple of the series. I love that you have to break shit down through 40+ Cultists. And what's great is that some are discovered through random side missions, some are just chilling in the ocean, some are just random mercenaries, and some are integral to the plot.

    submitted by /u/dmkicksballs13
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    AC Odyssey feedback from a fan of the series after 100%ing the whole thing. What I liked, what I hated. [Spoilers for ALL DLCs]

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 12:36 PM PDT

    So, having played Odyssey for hundreds of hours and 100%ing it, I felt like doing something akin to review. Or rather, this is just my collection of feedback as a fan of the series. I will be mostly comparing ACOdyssey on the standards set by the previous AC games (as I have platinumed those as well, even Brotherhood and its online trophies)

    The good stuff in Odyssey

    - Cult of Kosmos. This was by far the best mechanic of the new game. Concepts of this were in Origins, but Odyssey really outdid itself with the separate branches and guessing who could be the Sage. It made me feel like I was actually unraveling a conspiracy. So I really hope this makes a comeback.

    - Loadout switching. While added later, I really liked the ability to switch loadouts on the fly, cause until then it was really weird, whenever stealth would fail, you'd just have to open up your inventory and swap out all of the Assassin gear for Warrior gear. And incidentally, all of the Hunter gear was pretty much relegated to Mythical Beast bosses. So while the whole divide of gear into 3 categories did mean I would be running Assassin, then switching to Warrior and using Hunter only in situations… the flexibility to change that instantly was nice.

    - Sidequest choices. The story choices were a really nice touch. And honestly, not so much in the main story, as I loathe the "Good ending means this, bad ending means this" cliché, as it was super obvious of what you needed to do to get the good ending. But all of the small side quests and how differently they played out was great.

    - A proper female protagonist. I'm glad Ubisoft finally had the money to animate a female protagonist /s. And Kassandra was way better realized than Evie, who honestly, felt like she was tacked on as an afterthought and quickly given a romance subplot with Henry.

    - Mercenaries. Another fine addition, as having them show up could quickly turn and easy fight with guards into a deadly duel. Although, clearly not the Nemesis system, I loved how they were different and some of them even with lore tidbits here and there. Definitely would love to see it come back in the new AssCreed

    - Torment of Hades DLC. This was one of the best DLCs in AC history. And specifically Torment of Hades and not Elysium or Atlantis. Meeting characters who you killed back in the main game… Consequences of your actions which you forgot a while back. It was great.

    - Going full on magic. Like, I love that they went full-on Mythical Beasts and magical abilities in this. Not sure if this can go as well in the other games, but it worked very well here.

    - Symposium mission. That was great. In general, I loved that the game was not just combat, but also a battle of wits of sorts at times, where you'd have to play your cards right. Reminded me of the minstrel mission in Revelations.

    Bad stuff in Odyssey

    - Legacy of the First Blade DLC. What can I say about this mess that hasn't already been said? The whole thing felt like a bloated cancerous story growing out of a single plot point who nobody cared about. What I am referring to, is of course, the "Aya is a descendant of Alexios/Kassandra" plot point. Like, nothing in the DLC felt like it mattered. And the plot of "making a family and settling down" felt extra thin and forced. Having gotten the good ending, Kassandra at that point had her dad, her mom, her brother and her adopted brother… And as the cutscenes of her shuffling hay around and talking about settling down played, I literally had Cultists left to hunt down. I was in the middle of a quest. Also the kid's dad, don't remember his name, was really uncharismatic. Like, if we HAD to go and breed for a descendant, I'd appreciate the option to pick with who. Like, Alkibiades seemed available. And fine, I guess the DLC writer wanted to make a point about "growing up" and settling down, but you hand off the kid and just wave it off as well. Like, I remember at some point, in the Hades DLC, someone was telling Kassandra what it's like to lose a child. And I was like "Oh wait, didn't Kassandra give up her son? I forgot that happened." and this NEVER got brought up again.

    - No Ships in Atlantis. Like, the Atlantis DLC being set in…Atlantis, I was really hoping we'd get to use our ship. But the ship and its lieutenants felt pretty much useless in that DLC.

    - Romance? Like, I am very happy that we got romance options, this was interesting. But… this came with a few problems. For starters, all of the romance scenes seem…super tame and even childish. I recall the Catherina Sforza sex scene in ACBrotherhood and that was spicier than anything in the game which was making a big emphasis on romance. Also, strangely, there was no nudity in the game emphasizing romance. You might be surprised, why I'd expect such a thing, but Origins had lots of casual nudity on the streets. And then the game immediately after it, dropped it. Like, Ubisoft, the game is rated Mature already, you could have gotten away with nudity in a game about Ancient Greece. Also unlike, Witcher 3 or Mass Effect, the romances never amount to anything. There is no romance path you can choose and no one to settle down with. Like even the romance options you recruit into your crew just disappear from the narrative.

    - No central base. I always love the home bases in Assassin's creed games and how they fill up with trophies of your successes. Like, even Black Flag, the one with the boat, had a home base with all of your gear and stuff. So I was disappointed when the tool tip "The Adrestia is your home" rung very-very hollow. There was nothing to do there. At all.

    - Lack of cosmetics. So… you know how there are no good horse skins? Like, it's just the base 3 horses and then the unicorn and the burning horse. It's almost like all of the good and normal horse skins were dropped in favor of doing all of that as DLC packs. And don't get me wrong, the DLC horses are fun and all, but the base game selection was truly barren when compared to Origins. Same goes for the ship ornaments, they saved most of them for DLC.

    - Season Pass does NOT include the gear packs. Like, isn't the Season Pass supposed to be "All of the DLC together and cheaper"? Fair enough, I did not buy every gear pack as some looked kinda janky, but still, when I buy a Season Pass, it's to "get all the DLC."

    - XP boost for sale. Like, I never bought it. I honestly was OVERleveled for each quest I approached, but I also cleared every locale before moving on (as per my 100% strategy). But still, selling XP boosters? Like…why? This is clearly only going to appeal to people who want to beeline through the game (ironically, probably the reviewers who will also find it shady). And honestly, if it's something that makes the game easier, like an easy mode. Why is this something I have to pay for? Shouldn't I just have a difficulty select at the start? Where Easy Mode gives you more XP and marks your map?

    - Weapon leveling. This got super old, super fast. You reach a new level, you level up all of your fave gear to match it and you're low on gold and resources… Like, no.

    - New Game+. I have no idea why this is a thing with how the original game takes hundreds of hours to 100%. Like, honestly, I prefer to complete an AC game to completion and move on to the next one. I will not begrudge anyone for wanting or liking the NG+ mode, but I am really happy there is no reward for completing it, as that would just taunt me. The game is massive enough as it is. There is no need to replay it.

    And finally, two characters, who I wish I could have killed in the story.

    - Xenia. This pirate queen is obnoxious. For starters, she is a friend of your mother Myrrine or so she says. But she charges you money for the information… So Xenia knows that her dear friend is heartbroken over her presumably dead children and when approached by her long lost child, she refuses to help until paid. Like, as soon as she told me the information, I felt like killing her for this clear disrespect of her "friend" and the fact that she has hanged people all over her camp, something Kassandra even remarks as being brutal. And to add to her being unbearable, her "romance" option is weird. When handing her treasure, you have two options: hand her the treasure or hand her the treasure and romance her. So due to my aforementioned HATE of the woman, I always picked the option to JUST hand her the treasures. Which instead triggers Kassandra to compliment her and get rejected. Like…what? Apparently if you pick the actual romance option, you demand money and Xenia likes that? Honestly. I wish I could have killed this evil character. Also the whole "here's a badly drawn map of SOMETHING, go find it!" questlines are the WORST in the game. You need a youtube guide for it, as it is impossible to recognize those bits of land from just looking at the map, without at least a region specified.

    - The Kid on the Minotaur island. Now this may sound weird, but I really wanted to kill this kid. Not for a reasons of being annoying like Xenia. But because the kid draws tourists into a trap to get killed by two mercenaries. I was like "Well, this kid tried to kill me, he probably killed countless other people this way, so I best arrest him or kill him." But no, the game has him spout some nonsense and just pay you off. And whenever you arrive again, he is still there, no doubt luring other tourists to their death, showing no remorse. Shoulda killed him, or at least thrown him into prison.

    And that concludes that. Hopefully someone found this insight somewhat useful.

    submitted by /u/Shirokurou
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    The Assassin Killer outfit in AC Rogue might be the best outfit in any of the games

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 08:17 AM PDT

    Rogue actually has a lot of cool outfits, like the Templar 11th century outfit and the Templar Master outfit. But the Assassin Killer, damn it's sexy. The grey robes with red accents, the red cape with a faded Templar symbol on it, and the Templar mask. I know I know, it's a Ubisoft redeemable. But since I only get Ubisoft points through in game activities I figured I'm not playing into their greed too much.

    What're your favorite outfits?

    submitted by /u/redhjom
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    Ezio's robes told their own tale

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 01:14 PM PDT

    I loved all the robe choices they had for Ezio. In AC 2 his OG robe were the ones his father used to wear and they fit a young Ezio really well. In Brotherhood his robes were longer and more brighter and gave that leader feeling which was his role in the game. And to top it all off, revelations, where a grey-ish robe was perfect for an ageing and much wiser Auditore. If I had to pick a favorite from them based on looks then I'd pick the AC 2 OG robes.

    Honorable mention to the black Altair robe in AC 2. Just never understood how it fit the Altair era design when it was much similar to AC 2's robes with just a bit of color change. But still was cool to put them on in the latter part of my AC2 story and finish the game with it to get the canon start of brotherhood where Ezio is already in those robes.

    submitted by /u/z_ahmed523
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    Could the next AC games be set in the locations that feature the Legendary Assassins mentioned in the Sanctuary from Villa Auditore?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 08:26 AM PDT

    I ask this because when I was replying AC2, I decided to read up on the seals of the Legendary Assassins and to my surprise it mentions Darius who used the first Hidden Blade and Amunet who poisoned Cleopatra with a snake (but I don't know if she actually poisons Cleopatra in Origins)

    Now I haven't played AC Origins or AC Odyssey but I have watched bits and pieces, nothing to major or spoiler type but knowledge about some parts, and I do know these characters are in the games.

    So could this maybe mean that Ubisoft are following the settings where these Legendary Assassins were at?

    Im sure I could be wrong with how the timelines match up but I've been thinking this for quite sometime after replying AC2

    submitted by /u/RagerPager1177
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    We need an Ac game with old games mechanics

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 11:55 PM PDT

    Like Ac1 combat system it was so good it felt like a sword fighting simulation game then ac2 came which downgraded it but it was good till ac4 which is just so easy and arcade then unity came unity was the last game which ubisoft listened to its fans by improving stealth, parkour, combat,and better assassinations but because of day 1 glitches they just said this game sucks let's make Ac syndicate with batman arkham combat it was good but didn't felt like Ac but imo it had the best rpg-ish elements it was simple and effective the open world was amazing full of activities but they didn't improved that game either they just started to be witcher but we all know only few companies could make good rpgs, so I think ubisoft shouldn't make big rpg games they just can't make it let's hope the next Ac game will be better

    submitted by /u/modidos
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    I wish that Odyssey were more like Origins

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 07:16 AM PDT

    The level-matching and spongier enemies in Odyssey feels so insanely grindy to me. I get that Origins had this to some extent too, but I feel like Odyssey is doing it on a whole different level. I never got bored fighting enemies in Origins, but in Odyssey I'm yawning while just whacking away at them.

    I don't even know if I'll be able to continue with it, which really sucks because I like the world and characters a lot. It's a really magnificent game aside from the spongy enemies and level scaling. The special enemies, like base captains and bounty hunters, are by far the worst.

    It makes me sad to see such a beautiful game be marred with what is more than likely purposefully-induced grind in order to incentivise microtransactions.

    Microtransactions for progression in paid games is one of the biggest threats to gaming right now in my opinion.

    submitted by /u/hungoverlord
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    AC3 Ship Combat - Creating Weakpoints

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 03:31 PM PDT

    Does anyone have any good tips for creating weak spots on enemy ships in AC3? The fully upgraded Aquila is just too powerful and I can't manage to find a consistent method of doing it, because the ship combat in this game is just so damn unreliable.

    I'm doing the mission with two frigates and one man o war and on top of that there's a storm to deal with too with isn't exactly helping.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/J4ckC00p3r
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    Assassin’s Creed Symphony CANCELLED in Vancouver

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 11:57 AM PDT

    I just got the email from Ticketmaster. Did anyone else get this?? Very disappointing! I was looking forward to this. Has anyone heard whether it'll be rescheduled?

    submitted by /u/alyssabreck314
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    AC:R multiplayer help no people online

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 01:49 PM PDT

    Hello. We are 3 people that would like to Play AC:R multiplayer. Is there anyone that wanna help?

    My uplay name is Axcl

    submitted by /u/KingStaal
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    Why have we just stopped numbering assassins creed games?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 07:49 AM PDT

    It is just absurd. I understand rogue, syndicate and Odyessy but Unity and Origins should be assassins creeds 5 and 6. It feels like the franchise hasn't went anywhere since 4 because of it (overarching story wise it hasn't haha)

    submitted by /u/jackwarr123
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    Assassin's Creed has gone to shit

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 06:02 PM PDT

    Assassin's Creed 1 has repetitive gameplay but its strength was in its assassinations. 9 sequences that all build up to an assassination. It's also the one game where you feel most like a historical assassin. Stoic, subtle, reserved etc.

    Then comes AC:II. Everything gets flashier. Ezio doesn't look like an assassin but instead a flashy noble man with knives. The game completely retracts away from being a social stealth game. The main character becomes a Mary Sue. The assassinations become less intriquate. Half of the time you don't even know what's happening in the story. Like... It time skips 2 years and we're just expected to know what happened during that time skip.

    Brotherhood comes out and we start seeing things that have absolutely nothing to do with the main story. It started in AC:II with beating up husbands, now we're buying Rome because the game can't just reward us better equipment automatically like the original AC did. Nope, we have to buy it all by tediously viewing the same shop unlock animation 120+ times. We also have health now... You know, because it's apparently a game instead of a stimulation now.

    The Creed goes in the bin. Protagonists start killing innocents (Cappadocia and Lisbon), compromising the brotherhood (The beginning of Brotherhood and Rogue) and let's be honest... Hiding in plain sight just doesn't happen anymore. Try hiding in plain sight in Boston. Just doesn't work.

    Then ACIII drops and Ubisoft gets trigger happy on the tailing missions. As well as Desmond dies, marking the beginning of MD being shit. At least we're back to regenerating health. I can spend my money on buying materials to open up my own furniture shop now, because that's what I bought the game for. Definitely not the stabby throaty stuff.

    AC4 drops and useless collectables start littering the map. MD was still kind of interesting.

    AC Unity is released and we start seeing microtransactions. MD... just what are you doing? Please stop.

    And now we have an RPG with watered down parkour (compare it to Unity and you'll see what I mean) and absolutely 0 emphasis on being an assassin. Yep, because assassins Sparta kicked their enemies off rooftops.

    The original concept we fell in love with is dead.

    submitted by /u/CoffeeSlutt
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    Assassin's Creed Challenge Maps

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 04:52 AM PDT

    Okay so I was replaying the Batman: Arkham games, specifically the AR Challenges, when I saw someone's earlier post today about 100% in Brotherhood and how much people really didn't like that side of the game by the time Black Flag came out. Which got me thinking, what if we merged those two together? It's a great way to challenge yourself in the game, similarly to the optional objectives while adding a lot of extra playtime to the game. I thought "holy shit, this could be really cool in Assassin's Creed!".

    Imagine combat challenges where you fight waves of enemies, trying to get as many points as possible. Or perhaps free-running challenges where you run from point A to B as quickly as possible. But perhaps my favourite is the "predator" challenges, stealthily picking off rooms or areas of enemies as stealthily as possible while utilising different techniques and abilities.

    Not to mention, these challenges would be set in different maps from across the AC lore, with playable characters from all the games. Think about a combat challenge playing as Connor or Bayek but it takes place in Saint Mark's Square. Or pick enemies off one by one as Altair in revolutionary France, there's so many characters that can be used, in so many locations that are specific to each type of challenge! I know that there was something similar in Brotherhood with the training mode or whatever it was, but let's be honest, that was really half assed and barely scratched the surface of what I think they could achieve.

    submitted by /u/MrGiffster
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