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    Monday, October 7, 2019

    Assassin's Creed Replaying Brotherhood and holy shit is 100% hard

    Assassin's Creed Replaying Brotherhood and holy shit is 100% hard

    Replaying Brotherhood and holy shit is 100% hard

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 08:45 AM PDT

    Theres a race to 100% you need like the perfect line, use 2 assassin signals, and you still only make it just barely 1 second before the timer runs out.

    Take 0 damage in the tank. The old forums show pretty much everyone using a glitch or exploit so either 1 tank doesnt move so you have 2 1v1s, or just glitch with the desync zone.

    And the crypt cult of romulus where if you fight so you can climb freely you take to long, if you just run you have to just hope they dont start throwing rocks to quick or you take to long

    There isn't even a reload checkpoint so if you screw up 100% sync an the very end you have to replay the whole memory.

    submitted by /u/ferret_80
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    Arno's Route in the Élise Reveal Trailer

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 03:04 PM PDT

    For the past 20 minutes or so, I've been trying to figure out Arno's route from the Élise reveal trailer. What I've managed to find so far is the place where Arno drops down, and the place he is at at 01:02-01:03 (but, the chimney things are placed further the left in the game. Use the L shaped house as reference, and note, in game, the L house is taller).

    This is as much as I can gather. I know that the rest is most likely made up for the trailer, but still, I found it interesting that you can retrace these steps to actually find something in game. Just wish those shops weren't there...

    submitted by /u/ArtoTime
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    Playing through the Ezio collection again with my wife. Can we have AC feel like AC again?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 09:30 PM PDT

    Climbing be an important part of the game again. Add puzzle rooms again. Add Eagle Vision puzzles back into the game. I want to see pick pocketing returned. And dirty moves, like the ability to throw dirt into people's eyes.

    submitted by /u/XBgyManX
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    They should have build on Unity.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 06:19 PM PDT

    I think Ubisoft should haven been building on Unity instead of making a RPG Game like Origins.

    Unity had a amazing parcour system (i personaly think it's the best).

    Unity had the best graphics even for today.

    Unity had a very good customization system.

    Unity had the best stealth system.

    Unity had Coop. (I liked it for the most part it was a little buggy but extremly cool)

    Unity had/should have had (was advertised but not in the game) a inteligent crowd.

    Unity had a good fighting system. It was balanced. It wasn't just a 1 Button couner system like in Brotherhood-4 but it isn't such an RPG based System like in Oddysey where a Enemy could take 50 Arrows to the Head and didn't die if he was a higher level.

    When they had worked a few more years on it it could be the perfect game.

    submitted by /u/_Dennis-
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    [SPOILERS] My Hopes for Post Launch Content and DLC in Kingdom/ Ragnarok

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 09:06 PM PDT

    Assassin's Creed Odyssey, contrary to popular belief, is far from the best selling AC title. It does, however, have a longer average playtime and is one of the highest-earning AC games due to microtransactions. A large reason for this is due to the high volume of post-launch content and DLC. Despite commercial successes, many people have been critical of the tactic, and I wanted to add some solutions to this.

    For the sake of this post, I will be assuming a few main things about Ragnarok (part of which I'll be discussing more in a VERY comprehensive medieval post in the coming weeks). First is that we will explore Britain and Scandinavia. Second is that we will see both sides, Vikings and English. The third is that besides being similar to a northern European origins, it will feature co-op and some sort of radiant quests, likely focused around settlement management.

    Co-op and settlement management will hopefully spawn a dedicated community to help keep players engaged besides the now normal daily quests for the opportunity to gain store loot. Store daily quests can help get people coming back, while co-op and settlements will keep them in-game longer. Most people preferred origins method of complete a quest get a loot box, and I think that should return while keeping a secondary currency like orichalcum that's mildly easier to find so PC users can't easily grant themselves money by using cheat engines.

    Mythical beasts will likely return to Ragnarok, with rumors of a Kraken being in the base game. Odyssey promised many new bosses, but only brought 2 new bosses, both cyclopses that played very similar to the first one. Origins had a similar problem, where despite having 3 unique fights, each boss played very similar to the last.

    Assassin's Creed's bosses having generally been lackluster, but going down this RPG route can really make them shine. Besides needing some mildly lore-friendly explanations, having a larger variation in monster bosses would help create more unique encounters. Beowulf, for example, had a monster and a dragon for example. If the plot has to do with Ragnarok, Jorgumandad the world eater and Fenrir could make great bosses, or perhaps raid bosses to bring co-op into the mix. Perhaps a first civ temple is guarded by some beasts, or like Atlantis requires apples (or whatever the Olympos project used) that when neared project a monster to be slain as a self-defense mechanism. This reasoning gives us a lore-friendly reason why we need to fight monsters and can do so repeatedly. Variety is the spice of life and is a huge bonus for boss fights.

    Odyssey released a new set of free missions every couple of weeks, often tied to an achievement. Most of these were less than good, and one broke the ability to finish Artemis camps for about 2 months. Besides inconsistent writing, a huge problem I saw was their lack of importance. Everybody praised Heir of Memories for the importance and relation to the main story. Origins had 2 solid quests leading up it's DLC which were both good and praised. The theme here is that the quests were important to the story being told.

    One of the best and most unique things Syndicate did was the focus on post-game content. There was a full 10th Sequence after killing Starrick tied to aiding the queen and being Assassins. They may be side missions, but we're more narratively important. I think Ragnarok should take the same approach with its free missions. Tell a new, episodic, story that we can be invested in for a long period of time. If Ragnarok ends around 880 with the conversion of Guthrum by Alfred, have the post-launch missions form a new Sequence around his struggles with later Viking raids or his death and the civil war between his son Edward the Elder and cousin Aethelwold from 900-903. These are long and intriguing political plots that may not deserve to be in the main game but can help flesh out the world, history, and characters more than some random side characters we'll never see again.

    The final part of the post-launch is DLC, and origins did it right. Legacy of the First Blade was an overpriced DLC that marketed itself on lore, but never delivered in story, not did it deliver enough new content. For $25 you got 6 hours worth of missions in the world you already completed. Origins Hidden Ones was 8-10 hours for all content, 3 for the story only, for $10 plus a new location of Sinai. The Curse of the Pharaohs DLC brought not only new skills and a story for $20 but a new historical area and 4 afterlives over the course of an 8-hour story and 15 hours of content. While Fate of Atlantis did take nearly 30 hours to 100%, it's almost entirely fluff content filled with bad lore and inconsistent writing.

    Ragnarok needs to take the Origins approach. It needs to focus on 2 (or more) tight stories, introducing new locations and gameplay besides a few new missions. One smaller DLC for $10 say in France showing Rollo's siege of Paris and the forming of Normandy years later. The other could be focused on mythology, using a new location of Iceland to house Yggdrasil to transport players between the nine realms, for $20 for instance. This will help show real value in the DLC by itself while letting other content keep players engaged in between.

    TL;DR: Rather than splitting the DLCs into 3 Episodes, keep single well made DLCs and leave episodic content to story-based free missions and new mythical beasts bosses.

    submitted by /u/nstav13
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    I think Odyssey and Origins are the two best Assassins Creed games.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 04:43 AM PDT

    After perusing this sub for quite awhile this seems to be a generally unpopular opinion, especially among the more passionate fanboys/girls of the series.

    I grew up playing Assassins Creed, from 1 all the way up to Black Flag, didn't much care for Unity and Syndicate as I was getting tired of the same old formulaic AC game (even with some of the innovations both games brought).

    I skipped over Origins as well but decided to play Odyssey and I had an absolutely amazing time. To me, its easily the best AC game I've played. It completely commanded my attention and I thought it was a huge breath of fresh air.

    I've just started to play Origins and I enjoy it as well. Much closer to the older style but still has a lot of the RPG-lite elements that Odyssey has. I prefer Odyssey but Origins is a close second.

    Despite the nostalgia of the old series I really think I enjoy this new style a lot more. It's made me realize I really want more historical-mythical epics with somewhat non-linear stories. I don't even care if they're under the AC name or not.

    submitted by /u/CorporateBolshevik
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    Ubisoft should incorporate the mechanics from their latest Ghost Recon titles into a Multiplayer AC

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 09:01 PM PDT

    I really hope we get a game like this at some point. The new assassins creed games (Origins, Odyssey) are already super similar to the two most recent Ghost Recon titles. Both have massive open worlds with a ton to do. If you haven't played the new Ghost Recon games, they are designed so that the entire game can be played with three other friends. It's a really cool concept for a game and really unique. It's not an AMAZING game solo, but if you have friends to play with the fun is limitless.

    The two games are so similar that a 4-Player assassins creed story would definitely be possible. Unity was a fun game, but lacked the story play through capability. If they designed a game like Ghost recon, built from the ground up for 4 players, they could really fix a lot of the complaints from Unity. You could have regions to conquer, high ranking enemies to assassinate with your team. They could also incorporate some mechanics from Syndicate and let players build a sort of underground empire with all sorts of fun side stuff to do. They could even use a skill tree system where you have to coordinate with your team to build a strong squad with complimentary abilities.

    I think a game like this could have tons of potential and give the franchise a new element of teamwork that Unity touched on but didn't perfect.

    submitted by /u/shaggy235
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    Did you enjoy the AC Brotherhood online portion?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 10:07 PM PDT

    I wondering if y'all remembered the online portion of AC Brotherhood? Did you enjoy it? I recently got the Ezio Collection and tried to play the online portion of Brotherhood....to no avail. I feel like it was only popular online for a short period of time, but I loved it. Revelations and AC3 online was just not the same imo. What are your guy's thoughts? If you didn't like it I'm also curious as to why you didn't enjoy it.

    submitted by /u/Livinlikelary11
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    Just picked up AC unity, what is companion missions?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 07:18 PM PDT

    Hi all, this is totally a newbie question but i cannot find the answer on the internet.

    I checked the mission type, the icon with exclamation mark is single player mission, the icon with assassin emblem is "Paris story", which is some kind of side quest i guess?

    There's is this third type which also has assassin emblem on it, but the color is cyan instead of grey, when i clicked on it, the type shows "companion mission". I'd like to know if this is any different than "Paris Story"?

    Thanks all.

    submitted by /u/cpeng03d
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    Additional interactions with assassin brotherhood in Origins post-credits?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 12:16 AM PDT

    So I know toward the end you get Bill showing up and basically telling you you're going on a road trip and then he comments about your magazine stash and that's it.

    Officially finishing the game, I'm wondering if there are any additional interactions with the brotherhood like dialogue or emails or something. Is that all on Hidden Ones DLC or something? Is it there at all?

    Or do you literally just have one encounter and then you're solo until Odyssey?

    Just trying to see if I missed anything before I officially go full-on into Odyssey.

    submitted by /u/RodneyRoller
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    Assassins Creed Brotherhood: The Davinci Disappearance coordinates

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 01:37 PM PDT

    Has any one on here ever visited the coordinates at 43 39 19 n 75 27 42 w? The google earth image obviously isn't to great, so I was looking to find some pictures of the area if anybody has taken any.

    submitted by /u/CyberSilverfish
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    Planning on replaying Origins, have a few questions though

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 09:29 PM PDT

    I was wondering if you can play the game without upgrading your gear, i.e. hidden blade, since i don't like 90% of the designs. Not upgrading the hidden blade worked but i'm not sure about the rest. In case it's possible, are the trials still up? Thanks.

    PS: I'd still add visual customization to Origins if it were up to me.

    submitted by /u/ShenLongKazama
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    best ac soundtrack ?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 10:26 AM PDT

    all of the ac titles have incredible soundtracks , but my favorite is without a doubt the black flag soundtrack . i recall tons of times where i would spend countless hours just listening to sea shanties , or synchronizing viewpoints and intaking the small yet peaceful melodies that would play .

    submitted by /u/madfrvr
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    What’s this sub’s thoughts on Liberation?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 05:13 PM PDT

    I recently bought AC3 remastered and now I've completed that game and am moving on to Liberation... and I was wondering what the consensus of this game was since I never hear it talked about

    submitted by /u/LloydtheLlama47
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    AC Unity Stylish Stealth Kills | Ezio Outfit

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 06:39 PM PDT

    Troubles with the Encyclopaedia of the Common Man

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 02:49 PM PDT

    Ac3 is a game riddled with glitches and I'm imagined most people who have played through it have experienced more than a handful of them.

    The one I'm struggling with right now is scanning Lance (woodworker) for the Encyclopaedia. I've scanned 2/3 (planing wood and measuring cart) but he seems to be stuck in that loop and it's meaning I can't scan him a third time to complete the encyclopaedia and subsequently I can't get the achievement for completing it to pop.

    He will sit and sharpen tools which I've read online is one of the scannable actions but he appears in blue in eagle vision as opposed to gold and the hint comes up saying 'Invalid Target'

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/J4ckC00p3r
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    Why did Ubisoft Montreal scrap these AC series ideas?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 08:15 PM PDT

    For context, this is from one of the emails in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag. It's supposed to trace Desmond's Heritage. There are even some ideas for an Assassin's Creed game set it Egypt set after the events in AC1. But I guess they decided to make it an origins story later on. Apparently Desmond also has some Japanese in him, and I honestly wish they went along with this video game with Ninjas. Also, it appears that Desmond is also a descendent of Arno Dorian.

    I wonder, why did Ubisoft Montreal scrap these ideas?

    submitted by /u/KvotheG
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    Really missing the option to gently push people out of the way in Unity.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 02:32 AM PDT

    It was a fun little feature, not really used that much outside of first AC, where the game would really throw at you a bunch of people carrying stuff, wanting to ruin your stealth approach. I don't really remember at what point in the series it went away, it was there in first AC and all Ezio games, was it there in AC3 and Black Flag?

    Anyway, Unity has the biggest crowds out of all AC games, and man... do I miss this option to just gently push people out of the way, it is a little detail, but it would work so well in Unity, shame that it is not there, cause this is the game that could really use it.

    submitted by /u/Tomix3317
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    Origins vs. Odyssey ending? Opinions?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 01:57 PM PDT

    I get the feeling I'll be downvoted straight to the Duat for this, but I just finished playing through Origins again before I pick up Odyssey and.. My god the ending is twice as disappointing the second time around. I thought maybe I was missing some things, so I gave it another full go, but now I'm certain I didn't miss a thing.

    It's the best game I've played thus far in the series, right up until the last couple hours, and then even Black Flag's ending seems superior in comparison, imo. If the Brotherhood was something new to us, maybe it would have hit harder, but it feels like they skimmed us on any amount of wholesomeness in the ending in lieu of almost casually handing us what we already knew was coming anyway, but furthermore just under some of the most anticlimactic circumstances.

    So, to get to the point, I guess my question is this: Am I going to be equally disappointed in Odyssey's ending? Or did they learn their lesson from the many, many posts about Origins similar to my first two paragraphs? Does the story feel more complete and less rushed?

    submitted by /u/CorruptionIMC
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    The cursed Pharos dlc ending

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 07:29 AM PDT

    How does it end as I done all main mission but two side quests and defeated the level 55 guy and it does not feel like it ended

    submitted by /u/matts142
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    Prediction: if ‘AC Vikings’ is real, either the main title will be ‘AC Ragnarok’, or ones of the DLCs’ will be

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 03:06 AM PDT

    With all the mythological stuff they'll undoubtedly have in there (which I'm very much personally looking forward), it just seems too obvious a choice not to be used, one way or another.

    What do you guys reckon?

    submitted by /u/Altibadass
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    Purpose of Liberation's story

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 12:33 AM PDT

    Does Liberation's story serve any purpose to the series, or was it just Vita shovelware that got remastered? I'm replaying it and really font see much connection to the rest of the series.

    submitted by /u/TheOtakuAmerika
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