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    Sunday, October 6, 2019

    Assassin's Creed I'm so sick of gaming companies thinking that hard hitting and spongy = better difficulty

    Assassin's Creed I'm so sick of gaming companies thinking that hard hitting and spongy = better difficulty

    I'm so sick of gaming companies thinking that hard hitting and spongy = better difficulty

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 05:12 AM PDT

    I booted up Odyssey for the first time and they described nightmare mode as full synchronisation, so I expected it to be everybody hits like a truck and personal skill + perks would be massively important. But instead it's just everybody deals realistic damage except you who deals pathetically low damage and has to tickle people to death. When I fight a random boar in the wild I want the potential to be skewered in one or two hits but I shouldn't be sitting there slapping its ass for 10 minutes to whittle down it's health. I just slashed you 20 times you should not be just mildly inconvenienced by that!

    So frustratingly I either pick nightmare and enjoy the tense damage intake but scream at the pathetic damage output, or easy and love the damage output but be bored to death by how many hits I can take.

    submitted by /u/Toa_Firox
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    Are there actually people here who prefer Alexios over Kassandra?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 10:06 PM PDT

    Kassandra was good but I preferred Alexios (he is more fun, sure he is more OTT but that fits Odyssey's tone more anyway), in the AC fandom (especially this sub) I barely see anyone agreeing.

    It doesn't help that Ubisoft made Kassandra canon which makes playing as Alexios feel invalid..in a RPG like this they should have kept things open. The books often contradicted the games so I don't get why they suddenly represent the real story.

    submitted by /u/Journey95
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    Why is Ezio's family shown throughout the framchise?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 07:30 PM PDT

    Main theme of AC: Rogue. I could be wrong but the main theme to AC3 sounds like it borrows from it a bit. La Roi Est Mort from Unity. Main theme of AC Chronicles India, Russia and China. "Family" from Syndicate.

    That's 7 (maybe 8) games that have nothing to do with Ezio that still use the repetitive DFGADFGF.

    It makes sense to have it throughout the Ezio trilogy as a leitmotif (a specific sound resembling a character) since the piece of music is personal to him and only his character. But having it dropped randomly throughout the series makes absolutely no sense.

    submitted by /u/CoffeeSlutt
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    I just listened to parting glass from black flag again

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 11:59 AM PDT

    Man, it makes me tear up every time

    submitted by /u/easyegg37
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    [Spoilers] Odyssey to Origins question

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 11:06 PM PDT

    I am just now finishing the last of the DLC in Odyssey. I was just thinking about the series as a whole. I am having trouble remembering the literal connection from Odyssey to Origins. Wasn't there some quest somewhere that sent somebody off to escape across the Mediterranean to Egypt. Then the cutscenes show them and their descendents grows into Bayek or Aya. Did this happen? Or am I just crazy? Lol

    submitted by /u/abyssmu
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    It's time for Assassin's Creed to be more adventurous in terms of setting.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 04:54 AM PDT

    I love Assassin's Creed, it is the one game series where I buy every instalment no matter what, but one thing that constantly disappoints me is Ubisoft's unwillingness to have a more radical approach in its choice of historical setting and location for each game. I mean, this is a series that kicked off in the Levant and the Italian Renaissance; two settings in gaming history that have rarely been utilised or visited - so why have Ubisoft gone down the route of "lowest hanging fruit" for each subsequent addition to the sequel? Why can't they escape Europe and North America? Of course, the historical flashpoints they have chosen for each game have made beautiful settings and backgrounds for the Assassin-Templar drama to play out on, but there are better, more artistic, more adventurous choices for settings than Victorian London (which has been done again and again and again in popular culture).

    Why did Origins make such an impression after two "disappointments" (I use that term loosely, everyone knows AC had hit a bit of a slump, hence the revitalisation of the series and the yearly gap)? Yes, it was a huge move in terms of gameplay and style but the choice to finally go to Egypt and deliver an amazing, beautiful crafted experience in a setting that wasn't European or North American helped to refresh the series as well.

    But it looks like instead of taking a leaf out of their own book, Ubisoft is reverting back to a ubiquitous choice for the 2020 game. Vikings? Really? VIKINGS? Yes, I fucking love Vikings. They're cool, the Nordic/Scandinavian aesthetic is awesome, but REALLY? Our movies, our TV, and our video games are saturated with Vikings and Norse mythology. How can an AC Viking game do enough to differentiate itself from, say, God of War (2018) which was labelled as one of the greatest games of the year?

    Ubisoft - be more inspired! Why regulate the Russian Revolution to a comic-book and 2D platform game when a full flagship game involving St. Petersburg, Moscow, Lenin, Stalin, the Bolsheviks, the Romanovs, Rasputin would be a home-run in terms of appeal and the perfect fit for Assassin's Creed! Why waste the mindblowing potential of China and India on said 2D platform games? What about Japan which fans have been clamouring for years? And that is just the tip of the iceberg. Dig through history and so many ideas can become fully-fledged AC games. Even in Europe, Ubisoft have glanced over some cool choices. What about Prague, the beating heart of the Holy Roman Empire in the eighteenth century? It's called the City of a Hundred Spires, amazing history and architecture, including legends such as the Golem and famous for intrigue, the occult, alchemy etc.

    Look - I'll play a Viking game. Of course I will. But Ubisoft, you have the WHOLE FRICKIN WORLD to inspire you.

    submitted by /u/stressedalmostwriter
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    The main problem with the writing of the more recent games.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 02:24 PM PDT

    So to get to the point, there's almost no plot. In the earlier games we had a pretty clear story line with Desmond and his team trying to save the world from the toba catastrophe while also trying to stop the Templar's plans. It was a simple plot line that worked. And, at the same time, we were discovering the story of Desmond's ancestors and how their stories went which contributed to entirely different plot lines with characters and their own character arcs.

    With the more recent games there's almost no plot nor developed characters. They've made an attempt I'll give them that. The sage was already set up in AC3 as the reason for Juno turning evil. And they've actually tried with characters and done somewhat well this time. But their a problem no plot.

    All of the bigger stuff in the present world is going on with none of our personal involvement. The stuff with the sages and Juno as well as the Templars. Before the character arcs and stories of the real world were beautifully interwoven into each other.

    Example: we were directly influenced by ezio's past actions with the Apple he left behind as well as the message he left behind in monterigionni.

    The story of the present world is basically no longer an important factor part of a linear plot line. It's no longer interwoven with two threads of plot and character development.

    Now of course there are many other problems. But this is just one. Anyone agree?

    submitted by /u/EMB1981
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    No Adéwalé Legacy Outfit?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 01:44 AM PDT

    So I haven't seen many people talk about this, but am I the only one that wishes they included Adéwalé's outfit in games?

    We see Edward's a lot through the titles. They even include Aguilar from the movie, but I'm surprised they left out Adéwalé.

    Was hoping it would've maybe have been in AC3R.

    Idk, it's almost 2am and I was just having a random thought.

    submitted by /u/SynLaCeL
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    Why has Odyssey no blackbox missions anymore?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 10:28 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    Did you remember die Black box missions in Unity and Syndicate? Even Origins had some kind of that in die Main Questline.

    It was very cool to plan the way to your target und use unique ways to eliminate them. But Odyssey had nothing of that, in most of the quests in odyssey you only must get to the target talk with them and then fight.

    I liked the cult system very much but think it is kind of disappointing that when it came to the Cult leaders. They are just like some ordinary mercenary, stronger than standard enemies und you only have to fight that's all.

    I think this is pretty sad because Ubisoft Quebec did a great job with the black box missions in the past in syndicate, that missions where some of my favorites in the franchise and i was pretty disappointed as I see the remove them from Odyssey.

    But what's your Opinion, did you want back the black box missions?

    submitted by /u/JKAC2013
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    What do you think the next Assassin’s Creed setting should be and why?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 12:34 PM PDT

    This is my first time on this sub reddit so I apologize if this is already a common question but I'm just curious what people think. Personally for me it would be China during the Three Kingdoms period of their history. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/RobbySledge
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    AC Unity - The Gem That Never Quite Was

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 12:08 PM PDT

    I guess my question is are there any fans of Unity here? Like, 'best for you in the series' fans? I only ask because I don't think an AC game has ever hand more hype than Unity. The trailers were the best the series has known. The promise of co-op play and extensive customisation was exactly what people wanted in an AC game. I like many others was hella excited for Unity to drop. Then it did, and, well, we all know the rest.

    I won't go into it's many flaws here, enough people have already. I 100%ed it when it first came out, mainly because I'm just one of those players, and have tried to go through it a few times since, but it always looses me before the half way mark. i'm just curious if anyone here has a different view on it. A way to look past the problems, if you will. I'm always interested in opinions people have where they can find and hold onto aspects of a game they like and what opinions Unity has forged in that regard, be it story, gameplay mechanics, etc.

    All that being said, it does have a killer final line: 'All that we do, all that we are, begins and ends with ourselves.'

    submitted by /u/J4ckC00p3r
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    Do I just suck, or is the Erymanthian Boar bossfight really shitty?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 04:11 PM PDT

    The boar's hitbox just seems broken. I'll take damage even if the boar didn't actually touch me. It really hard to tell when he is about to attack, because it looks almost the exact same as when has is just moving normally. Also, the poison clouds are really fucking annoying. They are basically impossible to see, and they never disappear. After dying to him several times, I engraved all of my armor with +20% Armor, and he still deals the exact same amount of damage. Fuck this boar.

    submitted by /u/ObberGobb
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    When, in Rogue, do we stop getting new things? Spoiler.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 01:14 PM PDT

    Since I like to wait to begin 100% collecting until after we stop getting new items in these games, what sequence and mission does this happen in for Rogue?

    submitted by /u/casjr85
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    Assassin's Creed 3 Remastered PS4 Price

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 12:52 PM PDT

    I am collecting 1 copy from every game in the Assassin's Creed series to platinum. Only one missing is Assassin's Creed 3. Does anyone know of a website or place to get a physical disk copy for under $25?

    submitted by /u/wreythe
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    So I just finished Rogue for the first time...

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 12:30 PM PDT

    This game is such a huge waste of a potential! The concept of an Assassin turning to a Templar is great but it's executed so poorly. Why did Shay actually become a Templar? Because of the Lisbon earthquake. He blamed Achilles for everything, yelled at him and then he stole the Manuscript and ran away. Why? Why can't you just calm down and talk things out with Achilles? The entire game didn't have to happen if they just talked. This makes Shay look really stupid, one disaster happens and he immideately betrays his friends? How were the Assassins supposed to know that this happens?

    All of this probably happened because the game was too short, you can't do much better story in just 6 sequences. If the game was longer the betrayal could've been done much better. I still enjoyed the game but the story was really stupid imo.

    submitted by /u/Tommy_SVK
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    Whats the best fighting gear in ac unity?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 01:52 PM PDT

    I like to fight my enemies rather than stealth my way through. Whats the best gear for that?

    Theres just so many sets, that i lose overview.

    submitted by /u/Lesi159
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    Re-writing Modern Day arc since Origins. Expanding on an idea I've talked about here

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 09:43 AM PDT

    A new Modern day arc replacing the one we have


    We're introduced to a new female protagonist.

    She suffers from a genetic condition since birth and in this game we have Abstergo, who has been searching for a modern descendant of the creator of the Assassin and Templar order.

    Through genetic testing and treatments in the system, they discover MDP (modern day protagonist) and trace her lineage back to Bayek or Siwa.

    They are also aware of the Isu potential in her genes, were it to be untapped if her condition is cured, making her not only someone who's memories are of great importance due to her lineage but also a great templar agent.

    They offer her a job at Abstergo and treatment for her condition.

    Her job will be memory research of the memories of Bayek of Siwa based on found DNA.

    Of course it's a lie, they're actually just plugging her to an animus and there is no DNA, she is just researching her lineage.

    The reason for this nice approach from Abstergo is because of their new CEO, replacing the dead Alan Rikkin.

    This one is much kinder and tries to avoid forcing the character like they did with Desmond, knowing how that ended.

    Through out the game, she gets progressively better, exits the animus to train a bit under the guidance of the concerned CEO, who develops a close relationship with her, because she reminds him of his daughter, killed by the Assassins.

    As she gets better her abilities start to show. Great eagle vision, superb parkour and combat abilities.

    Zero negative bleeding effect as well, in terms of delusional effects that is

    Our protagonist, having lived a life of pain, however, has a very intimate relationship with philosophy and a great ability of compassion towards those who suffer.

    Either by disease or injustice.

    As she progresses through the animus, Bayek story touches her and she realizes the Creed is a much more valuable philosophy than Templar values.

    In the historical narrative, the piece of Eden the Templars want her to find is something that will give access to the Red Source.

    A message from the Isu in this game to her tells her to keep searching her lineage and she will find the answers to reality.

    It remains a mystery what this Source is in this game.

    The game ends with MDP being fully cured and offered a job at Abstergo's templar team. She agrees. Or does she?


    The main difference in Odyssey is that MDP is not researching just some random found DNA and exploring some cult origins.

    She is now aware of her lineage and decides to explore more of her ancestors life, the life of Kassandra, founder, in this version, of the Templar Order.

    However, she doesn't tell Abstergo this plans.

    She wants to research by herself and has no intentions on working for Abstergo.

    While she recognizes merit in some templar beliefs, they end up being too extreme for her to fully believe in them.

    The creed, while flawed, is more suited for her.

    She infiltrates Abstergo to steal a portable animus to continue her research on the Source, by herself.

    As she infiltrates Abstergo and gets an animus, the CEO that cured her catches her.

    Visibly disappointed he prohibited the other agents of killing her while she escapes.

    Otso Berg is stunned. The CEO says the plan is going perfectly.

    As she escapes the building, a van arrives and tells her to get in if she wants to live.

    Cliche I know. It's the Assassins, Shaun and Rebecca.

    They take her to a safe house.

    They found out about her story because they too have been researching the lineage of Bayek but Abstergo got to her first.

    We are introduced to the leader of the Assassin Cell, a new character. Let's call him Jack.

    To another animus she goes now to find the Templar origins and more about the Red Source.

    Midway through the game, their base is attacked by Sigma Team and we have a frantic gameplay escape sequence.

    However Rebecca dies in this sequence trying to save each Shaun.

    The team escapes to another safe house in a village that you actually explored in the animus narrative.

    In this modern day rural Europe city, you can explore it like Monteriggioni and send assassins on missions to other cities, like in ACB and ACR, except now in modern day.

    The money and XP gained from those missions allow you to improve the villagea and Assassin Headquarters.

    The game ends with the historical narrative revealing what the Red Source is and its location through the memories of Kassandra.

    Much like Desmond, this new protagonist is the 'prophet' chosen by the Isu to find this temple and deactivate it...or not.

    The Red Source is a device in a temple, created by some Isu.

    These Isu, while the human Isu war was happening, discovered in their experiments that reality is a simulation like the lore has established.

    With this knowledge, they secretly worked on decoding reality 's code, ordered by Minerva and Aletheia and Juno in order to send messages to the future and know about Desmond and that stuff.

    However, some Isu within that research group were negative utilitarian. They looked at the world and they saw suffering.

    They knew no philosophical value would ever put an end to suffering, either caused by man or nature.

    Therefore, they created the Red Source, a device that effectively ends the simulation. Ends all life in a second.

    This is based on the Red button dillema, in philosophy.

    That is, would you end the world if you knew there was more suffering than happiness. However their device was left unfinished.

    Two lost pieces of Eden were needed. They ran out of time.

    They need someone to activate them and end it all.

    MDP was chosen by those Isu because of her compassion.

    They believe she would make the 'right choice' and end the simulation.

    Aletheia also found out about this.

    She didn't agree with the negative utilitarians and planned on destroying the Red Source but ran out of time too.

    She knows only MDP can find it in the future and also sent messages to her in the animus.

    Basically it's two factions of Isu sending messages to MDP for her to find the Red Source.

    Some want her to activate it. Others to destroy it.

    Those are the pieces of Eden MDP must find. In order to find the temple and deactivate it. Why the urgency?

    Because there is a third faction growing.

    Includes former Assassins and Templars. It has infiltrated both orders. They know of the Red Source..

    They agree with those who built it. They find reality to be chaos and want the world to end to prevent more suffering.

    Non existence is better than suffering, they think.

    Abstergo 's new CEO is one of them. That's actually why he wanted MDP in his team, not just her skills.

    And so is the leader of the Assassin Cell, feeding information to the faction.

    submitted by /u/VerdArrow
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    I’m going a trip down my child hood. Playing all my old AC games, wish me luck

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 09:12 AM PDT

    Yeah so I'm just doing this. You think the old games are worth revisiting. Personally I've always felt they had immense replay value

    submitted by /u/EMB1981
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    Unsure about a decision I made at the start of the game (Spoiler) (Beginner Odyssey)

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 04:14 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    so I took a long break from this game, but now I started to play again. At the scene where we meet our father Nikolaus, I created multiple saves, so I can see the different outcomes. I totally DO NOT want to kill him. But now, after the break, I don´t know in which saves I spared Nikolaus. Can I see my decisions somewhere? Or when is the next dialogue that reveals if I killed him? I hope someone can help me :I.

    submitted by /u/GetWellSoonPlease
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    Chibi Assassins council collection

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 01:47 AM PDT

    Chibi Assassins council collection

    Do you have these guys in your collection as well?



    submitted by /u/vensak
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    Assassin's Creed Symphony Fan gathering Berlin

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 01:02 PM PDT

    Well, I'm curious if there are any plans for a fan gathering in Berlin?
    I read about some in Milan and London. What about Berlin? Does someone have information about this topic?

    submitted by /u/Narya92
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