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    Thursday, September 19, 2019

    Assassin's Creed From a pure gameplay, what do you prefer: Senu/Ikaros or old-school eagle vision?

    Assassin's Creed From a pure gameplay, what do you prefer: Senu/Ikaros or old-school eagle vision?

    From a pure gameplay, what do you prefer: Senu/Ikaros or old-school eagle vision?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 07:27 PM PDT

    If you do pick the old-school EV, what version of the older EV (ie which version from what game). Me personally I prefer the newer Senu/Ikaros style. I really like seeing exactly an overview of the area so I can see the location.

    submitted by /u/UrCasGamer
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    Ac Unity is one of my favorite AC games

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 05:11 AM PDT

    I've neglected this game for the longest time, and I've finally gotten around to play it. Holy shit, this game is fun. I've never been bored of playing it, even when running from mission to mission. The graphics are beautiful and fit perfectly for France at this time. I feel like an assassin in the brotherhood, which is pretty rare for some of the newer games. Arno, while not my favorite protagonist, is a witty character that I like decently enough. I just have fun with this game, which many would agree with me that's surprisingly a rare occurrence in games these days. My only real critique is the story is a little robotic and cut and dry and sometimes I find the game too easy. Besides that's I think AC unity is now my second favorite ac game.

    submitted by /u/HippityHoppityLifFam
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    For long time fans, what is the actual creed of the assassins?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 12:48 PM PDT

    AC Odyssey was my first AC game, and I love it. I generally prefer RPGs to action games, so this one may be a better fit than other games in the series.

    Anyway, I have often wondered what the actual creed, the statement of beliefs, is? I also wonder what am I missing out on from not having experience with the rest of the series?

    submitted by /u/kinkguy275
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    [Spoilers] How I would alter the story of AC Origins

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 11:35 AM PDT

    For a subreddit with supposedly 1k viewers on right now, the sub has surprisingly low activity. So I guess I'll make a post. Heh

    I recently finished Origins so I've been having it on my mind a lot so I might as well share some of my thoughts to maybe get something going on here.

    In short, I think Origins has all the basics for a really good story but those parts aren't utilized to their fullest or executed very well.

    The things I thought had a lot of potential were:
    * Bayek, a father turned killer
    * Bayek's and Aya's failed marriage
    * The turn of Cleopatra and Caesar
    * The creation of the Brotherhood

    First, I really didn't like the intro of the game. You were just thrown into an already established story with a bunch of timeskips and then a flashback.
    Instead of having Bayek already be on his quest for revenge, have the game begin from the flashback instead.

    Give us a reason to get invested in Khemu, aside of just being Bayek's son. And then have the Order come and kill him.
    So this still sparks Bayek's quest on finding the Order-member that killed his son.
    Let us see Bayek's gradual change from the compassionate well meaning father to this killer with no motives other than revenge.
    Have that be reflected how he interacts with people throughout the game. And maybe, towards the end, have him realize that he lost himself somewhere a long the way.

    The big difference would be to make that quest shorter. To me, it got old having to go through this shopping list of bad guys that I didn't really care about.
    So instead of having that span the entire game, have it be half the game, where the other half the game shifts focus from Bayek avenging his son, to taking down Cleopatra and Caesar.

    That way we get higher stakes, and an "oh shit" moment that isn't just resolved immediately.

    This is also when your new big quest is to form the Brotherhood. Instead of having it happen in a narrated cutscene, let us traverse Egypt to recruit people.

    So that's 3 points down on my list of things to alter. Now Bayek's and Aya's relationship to each other.
    I liked the idea of what they did with it in the game. A relationship ending because of bigger things going on around them. Making them drift a part.

    But I think it should have been shown instead of being told to us in a few cutscenes.
    Maybe have Aya take Cleopatra's and Caesar's side at the half way mark. Have her be Bayek's extreme, to show him what happens when you take things to far to get something.

    They could have been each others contrasts.

    Just as a disclaimer, I'm not a writer, and not an historian either so it's probably not perfect. This is also my first time on the sub so I might not have all the lingo down, I just want some fun discussions going.

    I should not that I haven't played the DLCs yet, and I've heard The Hidden Ones cover the Brotherhood stuff, so maybe that will scratch my itch.

    submitted by /u/skumdumlum
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    Is Unity enjoyable for someone who didn't like Syndicate?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 10:17 PM PDT

    I recently replayed AC games starting from the first game to the Black Flag, and I can't get enough. I need something else to fix my addiction.

    I've played Syndicate long time ago and didn't like it. I decided to replay it and I still don't enjoy it, I find myself forcing through it. Combat is just ridiculous. I mean, previous AC games have a very simple and easy combat, but they were enjoyable and cinematic at least. I'm ok with them making it more challenging, but for fuck's sake I'm sick of punching the same dude fifty billion times. I like the main characters, but just not enjoying the story at all. I don't know, something is missing for me I guess.

    Is Unity any different or more of the same?

    submitted by /u/Buzurg1789
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    So uh... I made a script for an Assassin's Creed Syndicate movie/tv show?!

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 07:36 PM PDT

    I know, I know, I'm weird, but I just really love Syndicate . I think the setting of industrial London is genius. Like many, I was disappointed in the Assassin's Creed movie they made. Why did they focus on the modern day so much! That's not the interesting part of Assassin's creed!

    So I decided to start writing a simple script for a sort of soft reboot. It's basically a Syndicate movie. Why start an Assassin's Creed movie franchise here (other than because I like Syndicate)? Well, because I think with a few tweaks Syndicate could have a really great story, and I think it's a good starting place for newcomers. Plus you could add a lot of steampunk elements, which would be really cool.

    Anyways, I thought I'd share the script I've been working on. It's not anything special (it's not even in the right format). It's not finished either, this is just like the first quarter(-ish). It might not even be very good, dialogue is kinda weird, certainly won't win an oscar. But it is pretty fun! It's called "A Vagrants Creed" (link below)

    (also it should be noted that the universe this takes place in is NOT the same one as the games. This is part of a completely separate movie universe that would be kicked off with this one. So if your confused about how this fits into the lore, don't be)


    submitted by /u/kdirmaier
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    No battle music for Assassin's Creed II?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 02:52 PM PDT

    I recently bought AC2 for the PS3 and have been loving the game, however one thing that stands out to me is that whenever I am being chased or in a battle the music continues to be the atmospheric music for exploration. Is this intentional, or is this a glitch, and if so, is there any way to solve this?

    submitted by /u/DanielBrent
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    What the next AC setting should be

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 01:05 AM PDT

    It's shaping up to be Scandinavia and maybe the UK. Vikings and all that. But I saw someone mention India as a setting and I couldn't agree more. You may dislike Origins and Odyssey, but one thing you can't deny is the sheer beauty of these incredible maps. A replication of India would be awesome. I know people want them to go to feudal Japan, but with Ghost of Tsushima coming, I'm not sure it would be such a great idea.

    In the meantime let's discuss: what the fuck would a Viking centered AC game even be like and what would you think of India?

    submitted by /u/RevelationsComeIn12
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    Lockpicking rage in AC 3

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 08:52 PM PDT

    OMG how has this not been fixed after almost 7 years? I spent at least 10 minutes on some random chest getting nowhere. Please tell me there's no part of this game where this is mandatory, I would throw this game out the window. Yes I read guides on how to do it, no luck, but I shouldn't need a guide when the game tells u what to do but then it doesn't work!

    submitted by /u/Mikecirca81
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    AC Origins few questions.

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 12:10 AM PDT

    How is the leveling? I remember I played it few times and even few level difference early on felt like impossible task to clear missions. In Odyssey I liked that there was the XP Boost. Is something similar in Origins aswell? I'm not a fan of doing every side mission before main mission, but instead I like to do them every now and then. Now that the game is on sale figured I could buy it, but wanted to make these things sure.

    submitted by /u/RJSSJR123
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    Please help me with AC 3

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 04:30 PM PDT

    no matter how many times I start this game, doesn't matter which console I use, the part at the beginning where haytham has to defend his guys by shooting the guards with his gun, it never works. my gun never comes out no matter what I do so I have to finish the mission by going up to the snipers and using my sword on them. I never have this issue anywhere else in the game. I've tried this on both a 360 and wii u, it's always the same

    submitted by /u/Mikecirca81
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    Help understanding the Fate of Atlantis [Spoiler]

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 10:45 PM PDT

    So I'm in Elysium, and I don't understand how it works.

    1. If it's just a simulation from Alethia, does anything that I do even have an impact? And why do I keep my stats and stuff when I go back into the real world (ancient Greece)

    2. Am I actually talking to the real Gods and Goddesses? Because they look like Isu, and I thought it was made clear that Isu aren't the Gods from the stories

    2b. If they're only Isu, why are they taking the roles of actual the Gods and Goddesses they're named after (Ie, Persephone ruling Elysium)

    2c. If they're actually the real Gods, why do they look like Isu, and why do they have Isu soldiers?

    1. The Elysium I'm in, is it the actual Elysium that would exist were the Gods real, or is it all from the mind of Alethia?
    submitted by /u/Resident_Brit
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    I hate camera perspective in Odyssey

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 07:03 AM PDT

    Ubisoft made to tend more like Witcher 3 or RPG game, but they need to head back to the default Origins or Unity style of camera

    Quebec always set their games like this and same for Syndicate, but or either they should have been set some camera options, but nothing

    submitted by /u/Abr1236
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    I think, story is shorter in Origins

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 07:09 AM PDT

    It was really interesting and really impressed by it's setting, graphics and story

    Bayek's story is filled with anger, revenge and grief, but the core story feels little shorter than it should be, there's a ton of side quests to complete, but there's almost parallel, in main story, it's just focuses on eliminating those masked men's, but they should have been made the core story little longer and unique other than eliminating the murderers

    I am talking only for base game, but not dlc's

    submitted by /u/Abr1236
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    Thoughts on an Assassin's Creed 1 Remaster or port?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 04:21 AM PDT

    I personally only beat AC1 once and that was years ago, lately I've been wanting to revisit it and im not keen on having to buy a ps3 or xbox 360 again to play it. I understand that the first in the series isnt nearly as popular as the later entries, but with just about every other game receiving a port or remaster of some sort why not the first game?

    submitted by /u/natestanley17
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    How is AC3 on switch now?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 11:17 AM PDT

    Thinking about buying it. Read back and forth posts about it, did they patch things or is it day one quality? It's on sale for 30 so do you recommend?

    submitted by /u/RVOSU50
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    Whatever happened to that 'User-created xp missions' debacle in AC: Odyssey?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 06:39 AM PDT

    Like, at the time, there was quite a bit of coverage over the fact that user-created xp missions were banned because they weren't how the the 'player experience' was meant to be, while conveniently xp boosters were sold by Ubisoft themselves.

    But it seems like any news around it died so sudden while people were pointing out Ubisoft's response as being bullshit and them basically not changing anything further aside from banning the missions. Did I miss something?

    submitted by /u/DbzOrdie
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    Odyssey is one of the best games of this generation

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 05:41 AM PDT

    I went to this sub after spending some 80+ hours on a game for the first time in years. I just can't seem to get enough of the world and the gameplay. Stealthily picking off every guard in a fortress or going all in on a melee fight, it all just feels so good. Most of the skills are actually worthwhile and compared to many other games with similar systems you need to make use of them to win fights. But the best part is the world. It's so beautiful, and there's a constant sense of exploration. The new system where you don't just get a quest marker but you get some hints and actually have to travel to the place and look around added so much immersion to this game. There's also so much gamification that whatever you do in the world feels rewarding. I also think the game scales wonderfully and it's constantly challenging.

    I just needed to get this off my chest after seeing all the negativity here. Hopefully someone else agrees with me. But I guess that doesn't matter. Nothing could detract from the frankly wonderful experience I've had playing this game.

    submitted by /u/emildorbell
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    [SPOILERS] Movie Reboot’s Impact on Lore and the Possibility of a Future Game Reboot

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 07:26 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    So according to yesterday's rumor, the Assassin's Creed movie could get rebooted with a new cast. So if the reboot is indeed true, does this mean the new movie will be canon or start a new canon exclusively for the movies? Does this mean the events of the first movie will be undone? Because if the story of the first movie is considered never happened, then Alan Rikkin didn't die and we don't know who Sofia is.

    Accordingly, everything that is mentioned about Sofia Rikkin and Alan Rikkin's death that is mentioned in Origins and Odyssey and their impact on Layla, never happened. So what medium should we rely on regarding Layla being in touch with Sofia during the time she worked on the Animus in the movie and her own Animus?

    Does this mean we could be getting a reboot for the games too after the next game? Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/RinoTheBouncer
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