• Breaking News

    Wednesday, September 18, 2019

    Assassin's Creed Disney is planning to reboot live-action Assassin’s Creed with new cast

    Assassin's Creed Disney is planning to reboot live-action Assassin’s Creed with new cast

    Disney is planning to reboot live-action Assassin’s Creed with new cast

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 01:58 PM PDT

    I drew Kassandra( and Ikaros!) a few days ago!

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 12:18 AM PDT

    Say what you want about Odyssey but Origins still felt like an Assassin Creed game to me

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 08:45 AM PDT

    The Hidden Ones are The Brotherhood. Social stealth is gone, but Bayek had no real need or desire for such a tactic since he's a medjay but in the DLC we see a glimpse of Assassin Bayek. A lot of elements still remain of the old AC. The default look being very Assassin white hood and in the DLC you even get an eagle's beak on the hood. The Assassin's signature weapon, the Hidden Blade. The White Room scenes after you kill your targets, which are gone in Odyssey. And the tenets of the Assassins are even developed.

    I feel if the next game is like Origins with some of the old stealth elements added it would be the perfect game

    submitted by /u/BanditJagerMain
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    [SPOILER] Legacy of the First Blade, also known as 'That time Ubisoft became a 13 year old girl'

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 10:25 AM PDT

    Ubisoft: So the cool thing about this instalment in the series that you have complete control over your relationships and can romance whoever you like.

    Me: That's really cool, thanks Ubisoft.

    Ubisoft: Wow look at this handsome exotic man, how handsome. Isn't he handsome?

    Me: Who?

    Ubisoft: He's called Natakas. You like Natakas don't you Kassandra?

    Me: Not really...

    Ubisoft: OMG you totally like him, I bet you want to kiss him

    Me: He's really not my type.

    Ubisoft: It's okay you can admit your deep love for Natakas, I won't judge

    Me: He's mildly annoying

    Ubisoft: Look at all these cute romance dialogue options I made for you so that you can show Natakas how much you loooooove him

    Me: explicitly avoids the romantic options

    Ubisoft: It's okay I'll just pretend you clicked them winks. Wow I'm such a great wingman. Score one for Ubi.

    Me: No thanks.

    Ubisoft: I bet you really want to settle down someday at a stall in the Agora. I'm gonna ask you about that multiple times.

    Me: No thank you.

    Ubisoft: Well I made this cute cut scene of you falling in love with Natakas and starting a quiet life together so I'm including it anyway ok thanks

    Me: I've literally had sex with half of Greece since I started this questline

    Ubisoft: But Natakas is, like, totally your true love

    Me: No.

    Ubisof: Okay but here's a scrap book where I drew pictures of you kissing Natakas

    Me: Weird

    Ubisoft: And what about that Darius, huh? Total #dadgoals

    Me: Uh...

    Ubisoft: Are you excited about this deep and sensual relationship you have with Natakas? Where could it possibly go? I'll never tell...

    Me: I literally could not be less interested in Natakas.

    Ubisoft: Ok well he's the father of your child now, thank me later. gOD i'M SO GOOD AT WRITING CHARACTERS

    submitted by /u/Speech500
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    These wolves in Greece are doin too much.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 09:16 PM PDT

    I just saw the 17th pedestrian of the day eaten by a wolf while travelling down a main road. I'm going back to Egypt where it's safe.

    submitted by /u/SomeKindaMech
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    As a fan since AC1, I am no longer invested in the series.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 08:13 AM PDT

    Unless the devs go back to actually crafting a good MD storyline that spans across multiple games and adds a sense of progression and purpose from game to game, I will not buy anymore AC games. Aymar announcing how "What begins in a game will end in that game" just shows how much they don't care anymore about crafting a compelling overall storyline, and that was the final nail in the coffin for me. AC used to be my favorite video game series. My own reddit name is even inspired from AC. But I can't bring myself to play through Odyssey knowing how it's just its own generic storyline that won't matter for future or past games. I'm just sad about how this franchise that used to be something so unique has lost its way.

    Maybe AC will eventually go back to its roots but I don't have any hopes for that.

    submitted by /u/Eagleassassin3
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    Assassin's Creed Origins Sekhmet Fists only, Nightmare, No Damage

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 03:18 PM PDT

    (AC Unity) How do I free roam?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 10:35 PM PDT

    I may sound stupid, but there is no way to free roam because I can't see any in the game menu, I have already started a game.

    submitted by /u/BAD_Swiftbash
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    Now that everything's been released for Assassin's Creed THIS IS SPARTA this should be the last time I'm reposing these lists. All the gear in the game, with all the DLC and updates (not counting Online store gear). (SPOILERS)

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 01:26 PM PDT

    Here's all the weapons.

    Here's all the armour.

    Here's all the mounts and ship cosmetics.

    Any help finding missing items is appreciated, but before anyone says, yes I know I'm missing one lieutenant from the list.

    submitted by /u/CurrentlyEatingPies
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    Edward's survival in the Black Flag novel after the battle at Oracoke Bay

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 04:25 PM PDT

    I was wondering why we didn't get a clearer answer about Edward's escape in the novel, I mean the author depicted the battle in a lot more historical way than what we got the game, which is cool but how could he escape if the Jackdaw in the book wasn't even around? + Allegedly all surviving pirates had been taken prisoners, obviously even the ones who jumped overboard surrendered, but yeah Edward could have just swum ashore, in the cover of the early dawn's darkness? I just didn't quite understand this part.. the closer the book gets toward the end, the more rushed it feels. The secret crusade felt a lot more compact altogether.

    submitted by /u/zentec5699
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    AC Odyssey Pro-tip: Use high damaging moves when the target is knocked down

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 12:53 AM PDT

    Usign a move that knocks someone down such as Sparta Kick, Fury of the Bloodline or Hero Strike, will make it so special animations don't play, and rather than if it were to deliver 6 attacks, it all happens at once. That also means that the crit chance is only calculated once, so if you've got a pretty good crit rate, you can absolutely massive damage in one hit, where as if it were the full animation it would each have it's own crit chance, meaning that the average damage is lower.

    Best case scenario for proccing it is (with at least 5 adrenaline) Hero Strike, Overpower Attack, Fury of the Bloodline, Overpower Attack. Note, Sparta Kick as well as some other knock-downs don't work on high level mercenaries and enemies, so Hero Strike or Fury of the Bloodline is the best/only way to do it

    submitted by /u/Resident_Brit
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    My Ideas For Assassin's Creed 2020

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 05:19 PM PDT

    This is going to be assuming that it is indeed about Vikings, since that looks most likely.

    1) Have the base upgrading system from Black Flag. Upgrading your Viking fort, sending out ships to raid cities, recruiting people to join your town/crew.

    2) As a follow up to #1, have crew numbers actually matter. Have it so your crew numbers can deplete, so you have to recruit new people. In addition, have your lieutenants be actually characters. Be able to become friends with them (Maybe something like in Dragon Age), and be able to give them a ship of their own in your fleet.

    3) Have more stealth mechanics. Bring back crowd stealth, make stealth more necessary at certain points.

    4) Story improvement. Simple as that, make a big portion of the game be a compelling, emotional story. And remember, bigger isn't always better. An alright story that takes 80 hours is not better than a great one that takes 10.

    5) Have the actually Assassins and Templars be present in the game

    6) Revamp mercenary system. Make it so they have to track you (Ask witnesses and soldiers for info and stuff). No more teleporting mercenaries. Make it so you can make alliances with other mercenaries so you can take down a common enemy together.

    7) Bring back Origins style of outfits

    8) More collectibles

    9) Better modern day story

    10) I dont particular like dialogue options, so less of that

    11) Side activities that aren't just side quests (Something like that weird tower defense thing from Revelations, or the board games from Black Flag)

    12) Elaborating on #11 and #1, maybe something where you have to defend your fort from sieges from time to time

    13) Co-OP

    Do you like my ideas? What are yours?

    submitted by /u/ObberGobb
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    [Spoilers: Odyssey]Rant time!: The modern story has so many problems. Here's a review of sorts.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 06:39 AM PDT

    There are so many logical problems with the plot in the modern period but I need to get some basics out of the way. The Voice Acting is absolutely terrible. I felt more invested in the emotions of TES: Oblivion dialogue where actors were given their thousands of lines in fucking alphabetical order rather than ordered by character or quest. Characters like Kiyoshi, who are literally just a voice in the game, seem like their only purpose is an over-the-top racist accent to drive home their nationality. While we're on that, the pronunciations; these people over-enunciate every fucking foreign word like a 5th grader who just learned a sentence in "Spah-neesh". I feel like I'm listening to a bunch of self-described "experts" who are as competent as Peggy Hill was as a Spanish teacher. Victoria's speech is just constant whining and displays of idiocy.

    On that note, Plot illogicality:

    • When you travel to other parts of Greece in the modern period to find the symbols to unlock Atlantis, why? Why do you need to travel at all when those symbols, placed there 3,000+ years ago, would be there for Kassandra to observe. The Assassins are presumably being actively hunted by Templars. Why risk traveling hundreds of miles, multiple times? I even looked in the tomb as Kassandra and found the symbols right where I expected.

    • Same quest: When we get to the first tomb Victoria:"What are we even doing here Layla?!"(always over-the-fucking-top VAing) Really?! You traveled hundreds of fucking miles while being hunted and didn't think to ask where the fuck you were going and why before you got there?

    • Same quest but others as well: We only ever get hints at what makes something a "big discovery". In the tomb Layla comments about how awesome a discovery the tomb is but.... why? If they were studying Isu tech to improve their own electronics or armor or something, as Abstergo seems to do, why not tell us about that? That can be used to invest us more in the world and help bring to light the purpose of finding some of this stuff.

    • Abstergo agents attack!: So let's ignore the absolute shit communication of the team for another minute and talk about the fact that a group of agents, there to kill or capture people, attack with fucking swords! Not guns, not a stun gun or baton, no beanbag shotgun, they use METAL FUCKING SWORDS! Why?! if they're there to capture a sword isn't going to help. If you're there to kill people why not have a fucking pistol since that seems like it would destroy all of Assassin-dom before your FN five-seven runs out of ammo?

    • Communication: The only story/relationship building we have between characters in the modern periods storyline is through dialogue communication. Gone are the physical movements or subtle changes in demeanor of Lucy Stillman from the first couple games. Layla is a wet-rag. Victoria is a fucking recorder stuck on repeat at the same retarded volume and with no apparent understanding of what is happening. Why are there no conversations? Why do Victoria and Layla not inter-mingle and showcase any affection or closeness of relationship? Why can't Kiyoshi be less racist or not suck ass at his job? (you had one fucking job! watch a fucking cave entrance, and you failed so bad they didn't know they were under attack until 3 guys with fucking swords entered the same room!)

    So that's all I can think of at this time. I'm severely disappointed in how bad, how aggressively bad!, the modern plot is. It saddens me deeply that the ultimate goal of Kassandra is to pass off her power to some wet-rag like Layla. I'm actively rooting for Abstergo and the Templars. Don't even get me started on the bullshit of Desmond and his plot arc or the failure of Juno as a character.

    Edit: I also wanted to point out that Layla punched a man wearing composite body armor and helmet with a bare fist and it somehow did anything but break her fucking hand. I get the staff may help with that but the guy shouldn't have felt a damn thing.

    submitted by /u/mountandbae
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    It’s my first time playing AC Unity and I’m really enjoying it

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 01:16 AM PDT

    I'm partway through sequence 3, Arno has just been sent to kill Sivert.

    I'm currently running around the island picking up collectibles and completing community events and Paris stories. I love how much there is to do. The world feels so full of life.

    The plot, however, does not. It's a bit empty. I don't really get why Arno joined the Assassins. It seems like he joined because he had nothing better to do, but he tells the council he wants to make up for his mistakes or something like that. I also don't get how Arno knows Sivert is the guy who killed Monsieur de la Serre. I really like Bellec, though. He's a lot of fun.

    The combat is very enjoyable too. It reminds me of the Arkham games. I'm pretty good at perfect parries and I suck at dodging, but combat always feels dangerous if you're facing four or five guys. In previous games, you could take on an entire city and not get a scratch. Here, if you're not on the ball, you can easily get killed by a single guard. The combat is also much more fluid and the finishers are better looking than previous games.

    Beyond that, I really like how they revamped the gear system and gave the player so many options for armor and weapons. My weapon of choice is a spear. A bit slow, but it's powerful and the range is great too.

    Overall, I am thoroughly enjoying Unity. The amount and variety of side stuff more than makes up for the "meh" story.

    And where the hell has the "free-run down" ability been all my life???

    submitted by /u/mylegismissing
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    Moving fast into a "full of mountains" SPOILER zone?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 06:17 PM PDT

    How do you move to from a place to another into elysium? Hermes's fast travel are just a way to go up and down, moving through elysium is a real hassle... everytime i try to ride Phobos i have to either climb a mountain or swim through a lake... nice dlc ubi

    submitted by /u/Synoxia
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    update for Origins and Odyssey

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 08:25 AM PDT

    Hey, I've just had an small updates for Origins and Odyssey on PC UPLAY. Anyone know what's going on?

    submitted by /u/Lann_the_First
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    [Spoilers: Odyssey] Odyssey fails because it doesn't go far enough as an RPG, you can't have a conversation about much of your adventure and there is little depth to the world.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 10:27 AM PDT

    When I beat the game I can only get the same dialogue from Euripedes "I hear someone killed Hermippos. very interesting!" and that's it. No acknowledgement of anything that happened after that point. No conversation with Sokrates about your adventures. No chance to explain to Herodotus what has been happening to you. No chance to explain to your mother and father what has happened. No chance to discuss the finer points of the Greek conflict or the failure of a Pan-Greek movement to develop following the threat of the Persians which is again on the rise.

    There is no depth to this world and no interaction between characters outside of a specific quest. Would Herodotus not be interested in news of the Order of the Ancients? Would Lysander and Demosthenes not wish to discuss one another? For a culture that invented dialectics you would think you'd see some dialogue.

    submitted by /u/mountandbae
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    HELP I deconstructed the Wolf's Helm by accident!!!

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 12:29 PM PDT

    The Wolf's Helm is easily the coolest looking helmet in the game. I accidentally deconstructed it along with other common, uncommon and epic gear. Is there any way to get it back? I am level 65 and I don't want to have to start a new game. Does anyone know if the developers are going to make it available in the Oikos of the Olympians or anything? Any help???

    submitted by /u/blackburrrn
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    Assassin's Crees IV Black Flag is a very overrated game...

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 01:40 PM PDT

    I had the game on my xbox 360 back in 2014, and I loved it. So much so that I rebought the game for 20£ on Steam.

    I finally set out my goal to complete my first Assassin's Creed game (100% syncronization), but I am currently on 95%, and I gotta say, I'm dissapointed.

    I already knew the Story Mission we're going to be kinda shit, so I wasn't majorely dissapointed there. But the side quests and stuff like that, is the most repetitive things I think I've ever done in any of the Assassin's Creed games I've played (AC1, AC2, AC3, AC4, Unity).

    Assassination and Assassin contracts, skin some animals, go around some cities, assassinate some peeps and you get 1 out of 5 keys. Next set of missions, defend your friend, help her win something, get a key. But, it's all just running around the same areas, doing assissinations 24/7. And they aren't anything special either, climb onto a rooftop, put the 2-4 snipers to sleep, air assassinate, done. Or, tail the person, then find out where your target is, assassinate, done.

    From an Assassin's Creed game, I expect these kinds of missions, assassinations missions and a tailing mission or 2, but not 6+ tailing missions. Take AC2 for example, it had interesting and different missions. Climb to the top, and kill some enemys on the way. Have Leonardo Da Vinci build an early flying machine prototype for you, an in built hand gun, etc. Unity, had you going through massive crowds of people, hiding in plain sight. Using your crossbow to protect Elisé from snipers whilst running. Catching up to an hot air balloon, doing a trial to join the brotherhood.

    Assassin's Creed 4? Go to an area located in green, use eagle vision, find him. Now tail him for 5 minutes. Then get spotted, you have to kill 4 big bois, and then you have a girl, running for her life to kill them, and know you have to run for 2 minutes to catch up to her. Or, tail a guy for 2 minutes, assassinate him, to take his clothes. Now, go and kill an forgettable villain. Find out at the end of the game, that he survived.

    What about the naval contracts then? Oh boy. Go to the green marked area, find a ship, and board it, take it down. Done. Oh, and it's a lvl 23 frigate... or, give resources to the guy, and if you already have enough, just press E two times and that's an entire mission.

    I still like AC4, the free running feels fun, and running around, assassinating people as you please, and chaining your attacks, it's thrilling. Completing a location feels satisfying. I feel that if they had another year or two, they could easily have done missions with more variety. And for me personally, I'd love to see another AC4 style game, and continuing Edwards story til' his death, or playing as Haytham (looking at the outfits, he did use to have one. But, I guess only a DLC would fit)

    Also, this is coming from someone who thinks AC Unity was the best game, so take it with a grain of salt...

    submitted by /u/ArtoTime
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    Help Me Understand Level Scaling

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 01:07 PM PDT

    So with the default settings, do enemies stay locked at a particular level, whatever they were intended to be in the default game? If you choose the two options below default, do they lock at -2 and -4 (respectively)?

    Also, the setting notes in the game that it can affect the rewards you get. How big of an impact does it have?

    submitted by /u/TheItinerantSkeptic
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