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    Monday, May 10, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Isu Geography 101: A Full Listed Map of Seen & Unseen Isu Sites

    Assassin's Creed Isu Geography 101: A Full Listed Map of Seen & Unseen Isu Sites

    Isu Geography 101: A Full Listed Map of Seen & Unseen Isu Sites

    Posted: 09 May 2021 01:58 PM PDT

    The next games' maps should be MUCH smaller

    Posted: 09 May 2021 03:05 AM PDT

    Don't get me wrong, the maps in ACV are very beautiful. BUT, they are too large. So large in fact, than in some points entire cities were used for 3-4 quests and that's it. Only collectibles remain

    In AC2 the size was perfect, throughout the game you got to know the area and it felt dense. What is the point of a ridiculously large map whose entire segments are useless after a couple of missions. You never get to feel like you know or remember, or even like an area. They are all copy pasted templates

    Anyone else feels the same way?

    TLDR: the map size offers nothing to the game except playtime padding, as the areas are empty one-offs you can forget after 1 hour

    submitted by /u/GiannisD2
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    [SPOILER] Just got 100% sync on Black Flag, my first Assassin's Creed game! Here's some dumb shit I came across in my seafaring adventures.

    Posted: 09 May 2021 07:03 PM PDT

    Best Era for an AC set in Ancient China?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:39 PM PDT

    Currently listening to the History of China podcast (which I recommend to anyone who likes history podcasts) and I've learned about so many incredible/dramatic eras of Chinese history. Which era would you want to see an AC set in?

    I'm torn b/t Three Kingdoms Period, the Tang Empire during the AnShi rebellion, or Kublia Khan vs the Southern Song Dynasty

    submitted by /u/squishyfish1212
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    Have they said what progression point in the main game will let you enter the DLC

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:02 PM PDT

    Just curious if they've said anything about what part of the story you need to be at to enter the expansion on the 13th. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/nobromo18
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    [spoilers!] the helix store packs are getting ridiculous

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:56 AM PDT

    (my post got removed, this is a reupload) i am sorry but

    an m1 garand, and riot armor does not belong in an assassin creed or a Viking game. this is not a call of duty, this not battlefield, this an assassin Viking game. The same goes for a hell god armor set, Sauron armor set, etc almost all of the helix store sets feel so out of place what is supposed to be a grounded Viking game, and it destroys all of the immersion this game has.

    please for the love of all that is holy and good, Yves guilemont get off your damn cocaine.

    submitted by /u/chadlake
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    Why dosent syndicate have an option to start a new save?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 12:13 PM PDT

    Again why don't we have the option to start a new save when other games before had the option

    submitted by /u/mrxzil
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    The way Valhalla should be played vs how it is intended.

    Posted: 09 May 2021 04:02 AM PDT

    I recently started a second playthrough of Valhalla, so I decided to try a little experiment. The settings were very hard combat, default exploration, and default stealth. My intentions were to play the game as if my only option was stealth. Reaching grantebrigeshire, I decided to reload every single time I got detected from stealth. It's impossible! I am currently level 40, 20 levels above recommended for that arc, and yet I can't even headshot people from afar with a bow without either leaving them with a sliver of health, or getting immediately detected. I know that it's not my fault, because its the environment and detection time. First of all, the environment has little to no cover, in most territories, so it's hard to switch to a different patch of grass without being spotted, and if you do get detected, it's immediate, from white to yellow to red in a single moment. Not only that, if you get into the white and duck into the bushes, they still see you. It may seem more 'realistic' that guards immediately spot you, but it simply does not work for a stealth based game.

    If this isn't enough evidence that the next game needs to be a true return to form, I don't know what is. Every other game in the series bases it's environments on stealth game play, even odyssey. The game is not designed as an assassins creed game, despite its name. Ubisoft doesn't want us to be playing an assassins creed game, yet they tell us that's what we are playing.

    submitted by /u/candyman12316
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    Videos I made a couple of years ago inspired by the track Of Life and Death

    Posted: 09 May 2021 04:29 PM PDT

    Valhalla Order Zaelot armor set

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:36 AM PDT

    Did anyone else feel like it's a huge missed opportunity for the Zaelot armor to be obtainable piece by piece as a reward for hunting down the completely uninteresting Order of the Ancients members? It would've given the grind some purpose at least, similarly how it was done in Odyssey (Achilles, Agamemnon armor, etc).

    submitted by /u/Asarandir
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    Wrath of the Druids releases in 3 days and there is absolutely no info.

    Posted: 10 May 2021 12:11 AM PDT

    Was is like that before or, I got the odyssey dlc long after release so this is a bit weird, no trailer, no previews, not even some basic info like a level requirement, am I missing something here or.

    submitted by /u/phoeniks314
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    So where is information on the dlc?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:31 AM PDT

    The dlc supposedly comes out in 4 days from now and we still know nothing about it. Are they going to bomb drop everything at the last minute? Are they going to delay it again? So many questions, so few answers.

    submitted by /u/Nonesuch1221
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    Starting a challenge run of Valhalla because maxing the difficulty was still too easy. What are some rules I should use?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 10:22 PM PDT

    Title more or less says it all. I really like the combat system in this game but it's way too easy, so I figured I'd experiment a little and attempt a run through the game with added rules to make it challenging but fair.

    That said, I wouldn't say I know the mechanics well enough to predict the full repercussions of some rule ideas, like not upgrading any gear past Superior level, never investing in abilities and skills, and so on. Has anyone else tried adding extra challenge rules, or have some fun ideas I could try?

    Any feedback would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/sunderedstar
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    What do you guys want the next assassins creed game to be or like what time period or location

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:20 PM PDT

    Where or when do you guys want the next ac game to be or take place and why. I would like a 13th century ancient China or like a feudal Japan

    submitted by /u/biglakesonny
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    Black Flag: La Dama Negra tips?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 12:57 PM PDT

    For the love of god I can't kill her, does anyone have tips on how to take down this hulking beast of a ship?

    I got my ship basically fully upgraded.

    submitted by /u/Abyssal_Paladin
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    AC Valhalla Orlog (dice game) guide. How to win!

    Posted: 09 May 2021 09:53 AM PDT

    Here is my guide to winning the Orlog (dice) games on AC Valhalla.

    1) Only pick the dice that give you the gold tokens and the ones with the hand that steals the opponents gold tokens

    2) ignore the attack/defense dice if they don't also give you a gold token

    3) save up for Thor's strike to cause largest amount of damage.

    4) win all the games. Don't worry about the other god favors

    submitted by /u/GabeRubsYou
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    Question about the ending (Major Spoilers)

    Posted: 09 May 2021 02:56 PM PDT

    So, just finished it a few hours ago and thought about it, but it seems like I'm missing something.

    When you go to Hamtunscire to meet with Hunwald, King Alfred is there, too. When he left he mocked of Ubba. I was filled with rage for that guy.

    Then, after you end Goodwin, the fight is over, you don't look for Alfred anymore. You go back to Ravensthorpe and (with all medallions) Haytham tells you about the letter of your whistle-blower the poor fellow soldier. You go there and it's King Alfred. And Eivor is friendly?!

    I don't get it, why doesn't Eivor want him dead? Because of his exile? By the way, where does this come from, from Hunwald? I'm confused.

    submitted by /u/Pommesbunker
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    Another take on Ubisoft's Map sizes.

    Posted: 09 May 2021 07:57 AM PDT

    I should start by saying this is all my opinion, so if I'm wrong, I'm not. I started playing the AC series from the start. Each game, in my eyes, has gotten better than the last. Black Flag was a masterpiece. The freedom I felt was incredible. But there was one thing missing. I couldn't sail everywhere. I couldn't go everywhere, there was only so much to explore. Years later, during a time in my life when the franchise wasn't my favorite, I found Odyssey just hanging out in a game store. I hadn't known of the game, it's setting or any changes to the series.

    Lo and behold, after a day or so if learning/re-learning the ropes, and I noticed something. I haven't felt a border. As I progressed, the game and the world seemed to open up. Soon I had a ship and found myself livin' like Odysseus.

    Sure the overall gameplay was repetitive, but my actions around those, defined my experience. If I wanted, I could go in quiet and take care of the issue easily. Or jump in and murder any and all enemies including the other Misthios inviting themselves. Naval combat didn't change much from Black Flag, just refining what's worked for them. But the view? I didn't think I would ever see a semi-decent example of Grecian combat that wasn't made by Hollywood. Not to mention you can swim across the Aegean. Not that it's recommended.

    The point is the size of the map is great. It really captured Greece. How easy could they have made it for you. The horse sprints to your location on its own. The ship's movement is on you, but mostly the sails and parkour is, of course, part of the game's DNA. Oh they also have fast travel if that's too much trouble. I don't meant to be salty, just seems like these complaints were just the opposite for games not too long ago. I still remember conversations about invisible walls in Fallout or Skyrim.

    Listen, while playing as Edward Kenway I felt like a pirate. A strange one who moonlighted as an assassin, but a pirate. Not since Sea of Thieves has another game made me feel like a real pirate. So going into Odyssey, the only expectation I had was in it's name. An Odyssey. And when I think of an Odyssey there's just a few things that come to mind. The story, the adventure and the opportunity.

    In AC Odyssey I ventured through the greek world, not quickly, viciously. Facing hordes of beasts and warriors eager to cut me down. While the particular game's story isn't my favorite, it's what I wanted. And while the choices offered don't affect most of the game, my choices in weapon, armor or lack thereof did. I felt like a greek legend by the end of my time with that game.

    Don't let laziness ruin your adventures, embrace the obstacles, especially if it's not flawed development and parades of bugs. And before you say it, I doubt one of the most profitable companies in gaming is completely flawed, maybe just a little.

    submitted by /u/TheJackBronson
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    This is a Wrath of the Druids rant

    Posted: 09 May 2021 10:00 PM PDT

    I've honestly been so done with AC for the past 5 or 6 years but I really don't think I will ever stop buying into Ubisoft's shit... I just can't. It's literally the franchise that made my childhood as enjoyable as it was (yes that may be sad but it's the truth). The lore and historical consistency has recently been so off and uninteresting, everything is collapsing slowly but steadily. It truly pains me to have to bare witness to the downfall of something so special, something that I once admired so much and even dreamt about as a child. This DLC is yet another example of Ubisoft's failure to retain the interest and appeal to their hardcore Assassins Creed fan base. As a long time fan it deeply saddens me to see Ubisoft continuously use the AC franchise title only as a selling point for their trashy and brainless fantasy RPG's. I pray they at least stray away from dumping their shit ideas under the AC games just because it'll help sell. Every time they announce AC new game, a spark of hope is lit in my heart that believes maybe, just maybe things will be different, maybe things will change, maybe we will go back to the glorious days of AC1-Unity. I miss the lore, I miss the historical accuracy, I miss the intriguing setting, I miss the meaning, I miss the emotional connection to my character, I miss the historical figures guiding me along my journey, I miss the need for stealth. I miss Assassins Creed.

    submitted by /u/xdedonato
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    Assassin's Creed Logic then and now

    Posted: 09 May 2021 10:11 PM PDT

    AC Logic then: "I don't know who you are, I don't care which weapon I have, I just have to counter one of you, then I go to a killing spree!"

    AC Logic now:

    You: "Hmm, let me hide behind this wall and wait for this guard so I can assassinate him"

    Assassinate the guard, but with an under-powered hidden blade

    Guard: "Uhh... huhh... You should have gone for the head"

    You: "Nani?"

    Guard: "ASSASSIN DETECTED!!!!"

    You: "...shiiieeeeet"

    submitted by /u/Rwagapfizi
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    [Spoilers] Can't find certain someone at my settlement?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 12:54 AM PDT

    I have a level 5 settlement at the moment, explored almost the entirety of England and Norway

    I've searched online to find out what Opals are for, and everywhere is saying I should find Reda in my settlement.

    But... he isn't there. Apparently his icon is a Camel? I've searched everywhere.

    Do I have to progress the story a little more? I've literally not done any story beyond travelling to England, I've just been exploring everything and collecting everything I could.

    I did do one of the quests for Velka but that's all

    submitted by /u/sharr_zeor
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