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    Wednesday, February 3, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Anouk Raccoon-Kissed, Valhalla inspired art

    Assassin's Creed Anouk Raccoon-Kissed, Valhalla inspired art

    Anouk Raccoon-Kissed, Valhalla inspired art

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:22 AM PST

    It's almost impressive how miserable this game makes fighting Zealots

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 02:26 AM PST

    There is so much about this combat system that feels off. And I just cannot fathom how people tested it and said, yup, that's fun and seems totally fair.

    Counter Roll feels worthless. Much of the time, Eivor dodges to the side even when it feels like I'm pressing forward. Other times, the hit will land, and then the Counter Roll animation will go. And then when it works, I can maybe get a single light attack hit in. Heavy attacks don't work.

    There also feels like there's a disconnect in the animation versus damage. Like, the game decides that the Zealot will land a hit no matter what I do. They'll close any gap, or I'll fail to dodge or block in what feels like was plenty of time to pull one off. It just doesn't feel like my inputs make a difference. Sometimes my attacks don't even seem register for absolutely no reason at all.

    And the stupid color flash before attacks. There doesn't seem to be any other warning as to what type of attack is coming. The wrong choice is punished with absolutely no room to correct. And there is such little time to react.

    Couple all this with the fact that they seem to have unlimited stamina, can stagger with a single block, and can perfectly track an attack 180°.

    It just wish I could figure this shit out. There has to be something I'm missing.

    Edit 1: Holy shit, did the game seriously auto-save in the middle of a battle and leave me with zero arrows on loading? Fuuuuuuuuuck you, game. 🙄

    Edit 2: Finally got him. The shield guy in Ledecestrescire. Lvl 68. I accidentally found out you can parry as you dodge backwards. That helped tremendously.

    submitted by /u/Raison_Detritus
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    I have just finished playing Origins. . . (spoilers of course)

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 02:30 PM PST

    Incredible. That ending with Bayek and Aya letting each other go and creating the creed. The origins of the logo was mindblowing too, and Ezios theme playing during the scene just gave me chills. I also had to chuckle at how Bayeks finger was cut off too haha, ouch. A lot of great moments that you would miss if you didnt play the others. It all tied really nicely

    Damn what a game. I cant wait to go into Odyssey now. Bayek is right up there with Ezio and Edward for me, great main characters.

    Im interested in the current world story too, Layla was being sent messages through Bayek about the humans origins, and it seems like there is about to be another apocalypse she will have to stop. The message also makes it seem like everything is a simulation... Matrix? 0_0

    Makes me wonder again if we will ever get a current timeline AC game. Im cant really remember all the AC lore, so no doubt ive missed some exciting stuff. Her animus also allows her to view anyones DNA memory unlike Desmonds who could only see his ancestors.

    I think i needed to take a break from AC games for a few years. I did enjoy Syndicate but it just didnt click for me. It also didnt help it came right after Unity which i hated... I was just tired of the franchise but i now have my excitement back for it. Origins is right up there with AC2 and Black Flag for me.

    music was amazing, need to say that.

    submitted by /u/COREY_2293
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    I'm late to the party, but AC Unity is the most frustrating title I've played in the series so far.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:03 AM PST

    I've been going through the AC games in sequence, and so far it's been fun, until the 'changes' made by Unity.

    The combat went from easy to ultra-hard, it feels like AC1 but without counter kills, and also everyone has a gun. You can get surrounded and cut down in seconds. Every mission features armies of guards everywhere. Stealth is almost impossible, guards have cyborg senses and are telepathic, they detect you from a mile away and as soon as you're spotted every enemy within a mile radius knows where you are and comes running for your location.

    The movement/parkour is clunky and Arno sticks to all objects like they're magnetic. Combat is also clunky and unresponsive on top of enemy difficulty. There seems to be a loose correlation, at best, between the buttons I'm pressing and what my character actually does. Honestly, if it wasn't for the graphics and atmosphere, I would have already given up and uninstalled this game. Please tell me Syndicate and beyond are better.

    submitted by /u/SlashCo80
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    Definitely Generic and totally not Altair Assassin Figure I painted for DnD

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 12:04 PM PST

    binary code in the missing file

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 06:00 PM PST

    hi reddit, while playing assassin's creed revelations the lost archive in memory 2 i found this binary code


    Clay created Adam, Adam created Clay

    code 1

    code 2

    submitted by /u/chiwicod
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    I loved the world and character work in Origins

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:05 PM PST

    I loved the world and character work in Origins but seriously, what in the world happened to the story in Assassin's Creed games? Throughout the Desmond saga it clearly had a vision for its plot, now it feels like giant worlds and concepts with a rough draft for a story attached to 80 hours of runnings errands and raiding forts. Agree/disagree?

    submitted by /u/IndependentActivity8
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    Fanmade title sequence for the upcoming Netlflix series

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:13 PM PST

    Assassin's Creed - Netflix Series - Title Sequence Intro - YouTube

    I made this for a final for one of my classes last semester. Thought I'd share it here

    submitted by /u/SouthernOccasion8209
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    Is assassins creed syndicate good, bad or just lazy?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 08:24 AM PST

    Ac syndicate feels like an indie game. Every enemy and ally looks the same literally has the same face and the gameplay loop is annoyingly repetitive which is normal for a "gameplay loop" but you just keep doing the same thing over and over again. There's some really boring missions and they're all very easy. I really wanna love this game but it just feels lazy.

    submitted by /u/sNorkEL_SnOrteR69
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    Found Assassin's Creed Kingdoms placeholder art in the Xbox dashboard

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 05:40 PM PST

    Found Assassin's Creed Kingdoms placeholder art in the Xbox dashboard

    I know this was the "codename" for Valhalla, so I'm assuming this was a placeholder during development that never got replaced with the final art.

    I found this by going to my profile, and looking up previous purchases on my account. (I was trying to remember if I had bought Control, or if I had it from GamePass) I noticed that this was not quite right and thought I would share.

    Apologies for the potato quality, but the original art appears to be fairly low resolution to start with. Also, Xbox only lets you take screenshots from in-game, not the dashboard.

    submitted by /u/KevlarGibs
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    Ezio's Family Music Video / Tribute

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:05 AM PST

    Does the Modraniht Ceremonial Set perks work?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:25 PM PST

    I've been trying a combo set with this set and either the mentor or einherjar set. I just can't tell if the modraniht sets attack increase after a stun finisher kill works because it doesn't get the set symbol. It gets the one for the hel damniation set so I can't even tell if the perk is active or not with the other gear I'm running because my attack stalled at 184 with all perks.

    submitted by /u/FullMetal316
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    [SPOILERS] How well do AC E3 demos represent the final product?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 08:00 AM PST

    Today, I want to show off the differences between E3 Demos and the end products of each mainline AC game, looking at level design, game design, and promises made by the demo. Ratings provided are based entirely on perceived accuracy to the end product based on mission structure, level design, gameplay features, etc; not based on how cool the demo was. For anyone not wanting spoilers, the Valhalla section may lightly cover some events in East Anglia.

    Assassin's Creed

    This game is a little special, as it actually will get 2 demos shown, one from 2006 and one from 2007. In 2006, we see a massive difference immediately. At that time, while not shown, players could use a crossbow (which would be cut due to balance issues and changed to throwing knives), could enter the city of Acre from different and more cinematic points, even riding a horse into the city. Not enough of the city is shown to be sure about the rest of the level design, though it does look a bit different from the final release. William's assassination is also outside the walls of the fort rather than inside. Following the assassination, during the escape, the city gates are closed and the player loses health for being in combat, and desynchronization pushes them out to be Desmond again. Pretty much all of this changed as you can see from this William Assassination; though the 2007 demo is more or less 1:1 with the final game.

    Demo 1 rating - 3/10

    Demo 2 rating - 10/10

    Assassin's Creed 2

    Assassin's Creed 2's demo is fairly similar to the end product, but also noticeably different. The team was clearly shaking up the mission a bit to help show more gameplay variety, but the product is still fairly similar to what is in the released game. They changed the location of the flying machine to be more cinematic and made it during Carnevale, despite that being a bit early in the real game. There's also a minor difference in the cutscene showing Carlo Grimaldi's anticipation of Ezio's arrival. I think this is more likely due to the other minor changes for the E3 demo rather than rewrites or changes to the game between E3 and release.

    Demo rating - 7/10

    Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

    Brotherhood's demo is more or less the same as what we got in the final game. The big differences are that they cut the Caterina sex scene from the gameplay demo, allowed players to navigate to the horse rather than starting them off on the horse, and at the very end, it shows assassin recruits climbing the Colosseum, which they don't entirely do in the final game.

    Demo rating - 9/10

    Assassin's Creed Revelations

    Like Brotherhood, the demo for Revelations is almost exactly the mission in the final game. The only noticeable differences are guards present and some dialogue changes due to cutting the Sofia dialogue for E3 and changing the captain to Piri Reis in the final cut.

    Demo rating - 9.5/10

    Assassin's Creed 3

    So AC3's demo just straight up is not representative of the final product. The level design of the fort is the same, but in the demo, it shows a small settlement in the frontier that Connor visits, get side missions from, and then talks to a soldier before moving into a mission in Sequence 8 to kill Silas Thatcher. This settlement doesn't exist, nor do these quests in the main game. In Sequence 8 in the final game, Connor is imprisoned in New York. Silas, meanwhile, was killed in sequence 2 by Haytham and his associates. A lot of devs have talked about this game, and how Haytham was placed in late, Philadelphia being cut somewhat late, multiple rewrites, and difficulties keeping track of the developers across like 10 studios with insane time zone differences causing leads to be up for 24 hours or more at a time. I believe the cutting of Philadelphia is what caused the rewrites and addition of Haytham, which is why he kills Silas so early instead of Connor. Ultimately the most representative part of this gameplay is the parkour and killing wolves.

    Demo rating - 1/10

    Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag

    AC4's Demo is fairly similar to the actual game with a few minor differences, likely altered to avoid spoilers. The Demo says the setting is 1717 west indies, while the game is 1718 North Carolina. The demo also features throwing knives at a person to "flush out a rat". The biggest difference in the gameplay is contextual animations for blending, something that only came in-game with Valhalla. Plants did move in AC4 but only on the Xbox One and PS4 versions. There are some mild level design changes as well, extending the land mission before the mission ends with Blackbeard's death. The ending cutscene on the demo was also mildly different but again was likely cut to avoid spoilers.

    Demo rating 7/10

    Assassin's Creed Rogue

    Rogue was not announced at E3, instead showcasing itself at Gamescom where this demo debuted. It shows 2 gameplay segments, one open-world ship fighting, which is fairly accurate to the launched title other than Haytham Kenway being a regular part of the crew. The second is Lac Eternel which is again basically the same as the finished product.

    Demo rating - 9/10

    Assassin's Creed Unity

    The Unity demo shows off a ton of features in the game, however, the mission is nonexistent in the final product. Captain Xavier and these public executions and assassinations around them are not in the game, the importance of social clubs and enemy faction control was massively overplayed, and at the end, it shows multiple players joining in, despite the fact that the main story does not allow for co-op play at all.

    Demo rating - 3/10

    Assassin's Creed Syndicate

    Syndicate leaked in December of 2014 and Ubisoft immediately confirmed it, and then waited until May to show off their demo. The opening cutscene doesn't appear in the final product to the best of my knowledge, but the final gang hideout and fight with bloody Nora is more or less the same, as is the gameplay. It's definitely interesting to see how much changed in the 5 months between the Victory leak and Syndicate reveal, but the demo shown was ultimately fairly representative of the final product.

    Demo rating - 8.5/10

    Assassin's Creed Origins

    Rather than a small demo, Origins offered a gameplay trailer showing Medunamun's assassination. The guard paths are a little different, and I've never had Medunamun run away like that before, however, the gameplay shown and level design is more or less the same as the final product. The biggest issue I saw was that the dialogue implies Bayek just entered Siwa and his constant narrations that do not occur in-game. It also shows Bayek with a hidden blade at that point, which he did not yet have.

    Demo rating - 8/10

    Assassin's Creed Odyssey

    The short 8-minute demo is quite a bit different compared to the full 2-hour demo and the final product. The 2-hour demo is more or less the same as the final product other than Kassandra getting sick from a storm, however, this demo focuses on mercenaries, combat, conquest battles, and dialogue options. The gameplay is very indicative of what to expect from Odyssey, even if the story changed a fair bit between demos.

    Demo rating - 8/10

    Assassin's Creed Valhalla

    The demo for Valhalla is 30 minutes long, the longest of any initial gameplay demo. It jumps around between a few missions and pivotal moments to highlight gameplay. While a few weapon placements and ration limits have changed, overall the demo showing of East Anglia shows what you'll get from the final version of Valhalla.

    Demo rating - 9/10

    submitted by /u/nstav13
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    Pink Turtle in black flag?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 08:22 PM PST

    I was just playing black flag and found a pink Turtle. Hadn't seen anything like this before and can't find anything bout it online. This a normal thing?

    submitted by /u/piercethelight88
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    Has anybody found the treasure the map maker wrote about in his letters?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 06:54 AM PST

    The letters found in the map makers house describe a treasure inside a cave which is marked by a rope outside and guarded by a goat. He also mentions he was in the "northern mountains". Has anybody searched for or even found that treasure?

    Edit: Also seems to be halfway up some cliff

    submitted by /u/Clausohnewitz
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    (Spoilers) Things I do not like about AC Valhalla

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:47 PM PST

    It's a great game, but it's quite inaccurate in some aspects (about norse mythology). I'm not going to list everything, just two things. Also addons that I'm writing this on my phone, and that I'm not from an english speaking country.

    Both are about the requirements of getting to Valhalla after death.

    First, you did not have to die with your axe in hand to go to Valhalla, so the choices you make where you choose to send your enemy to Valhalla or not are all invalid.

    Second, you had to die in battle to go to Valhalla. Doesn't matter how much you liked Svend, he won't be found there.

    That was all.

    submitted by /u/KingPig1
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    My review of Valhalla after 150 hours

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 12:38 PM PST

    Hello all, here's my pretty grounded review after finally finishing massive game:

    This one felt better in more ways than not compared to Odyssey. Some things I really appreciated were the varied nature of the side quests and overall open world activities. It does NOT feel like they copy/pasted assets throughout the world like in Odyssey, and you can tell that the people who worked in this game were really putting in a ton of effort into the little things.

    The overall quest writing and story was excellent for me, right up there with the writing in Black Flag, AC1, Origins, and the Ezio trilogy. The bosses and mythical creatures were more challenging than Odyssey and Origins.

    The combat felt more grounded and crunchy than Odyssey which is a big plus if you're setting a game in this gritty brutal world.

    The map was GORGEOUS. This is the most beautiful game I've ever played, hands down. I caught myself fast forwarding time until the sun would rise over the ocean to the East. Such a visual treat.

    Some things I think Ubisoft can improve on for future titles:

    I understand what they were going for with the gear system in this game, but it didn't really land for me. It's hard to get any real feel for the differences between weapons of the same type. How is flail 1 noticeably different from flail 2? I stopped getting excited about new gear halfway through the game since its value is determined by how many resources you pump into it, not by its own merit. Why do we need 8 different light shields?

    The game was TOO EASY. I had trouble with the legendary bear, that was it. I had difficulty set to Drengr the whole game and no aim assist for arrows. I loved the first 40 hours where you don't feel overpowered and there's a real sense of danger in the world. After that, I had zero reason to ever use stealth as I could barge in pretty much anywhere and not have to worry about dying.

    Overall, this game is about an 8.5/10 for me. I love it, just wanted a bit more of a challenge. What are your guys' thoughts? How do you think it compares to Origins and Odyssey?

    submitted by /u/kd_is_a_bitchboi
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    A Quick Summary of Everything Wrong With Valhalla's Combat

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:02 PM PST

    No more dodge-cancel, flash-indicators are now useless but still can't be turned off, stealth is useless, Eivor has a stamina bar but everyone else doesn't, enemies are tanks who never stagger and constantly spam out almost unstoppable combos, its a constant waiting game because some enemies can't be hit or are very hard to hit without parrying them and all enemies will interrupt your combos if they weren't parried, abilities are almost entirely inconsequential, you can't do overpower attacks anymore, enemies who can heal do so infinitely while you can no longer do so, enemies have had most of their climbing ability removed, and good god are arbalests and sprigand operators the most annoying people on Earth.

    submitted by /u/Tg264
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    [SPOILERS] Imagining hypothetical other sages.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 01:07 PM PST

    So, we've now found out that Aita, Odin's Trusted Eight, and Loki were the sole utilizers (for now) of the Seventh Solution — that is, reincarnation via implanting Isu genetic material into the human genome.

    We also know that a few of those reincarnated Isu have become famous, important people throughout history: Bartholomew "Black Bart" Roberts (Aita), Halfdan Ragnarsson (Thor), Harald Fairhair (Freyr probably), and a few other major Aita sages.

    That got me wondering about which other real-world historical figures would match up with which gods in mythologies if they had also been Isu who had gotten to use the Seventh Solution.

    For example, I really like the idea that the Slavic god of darkness and death, Czernobog, was the Isu who reincarnated as Vlad III of Wallachia — better known as Vlad the Impaler, or Vlad Drakula.

    Who is in your Isu reincarnation just-for-fun headcanon?

    submitted by /u/JayArr_TopTeam
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    Trying to find specific shanties in Rogue

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 04:38 PM PST

    So I've been replaying all the games recently because I didn't buy Valhalla when it was new and plan to play it after these, and I'm into Rogue. I remember this game having a lot of collectibles, sometimes weirdly placed, and want to find 3 specific shanties that I remember being in this game:

    Leave Her, Johnny

    The Dead Horse

    Randy Dandy-O

    If anyone knows the location of any of these sea shanties I would appreciate it, thanks.

    submitted by /u/Duckdexx
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    How severe are the lip synch issues?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:11 AM PST

    I was very excited for this game but heard about the lip synch issues shortly after reaching england and have paused the game since. Seeing as the issue doesn't seem to be under investigation, should i keep playing despite the issue? I play these games for the story so it feels like it would be a bummer.

    submitted by /u/Lampuslife
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    AC Valhalla powe lvl and gear quality.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 05:11 AM PST

    -just started playing AC Valhalla- Im just having a bit of uncertainty with the gear system. Does the power level influence the quality of the gear at all?

    I purchased the Huldufold set (which is mythical and can't be upgraded futher at the smiths) as its design and stats are good for a stealth and assassination play style, however i got it at the start of the game and now im worried that as i start to level up. The gears stats and quality will be terrible in comparison to other gear i may find in the world. Im worried upgrading it now will mean it could be weak late game. Is this the case? Or could i be upgrading it all now and new gear will be weak to it in comparison?

    submitted by /u/Devi_snow
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    What are the best Weapon combos in AC Valhalla?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 01:10 PM PST

    I've been playing for around 40 hours now and have accumulated a good amount of weapons. I've been using the black smith's hammer + Housecarl's axe, War Hammer + Black Smith hammer, and Housecarl's axe + Varin's axe combos recently.

    submitted by /u/MemeLordGustav
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    How to make cairns more bearable

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 01:09 PM PST

    So, we all know cairns suck. But I discovered something about them while I was doing the Eurvicscire cairn; their state is saved when you save.

    This means that if you, like me, are getting very annoyed at a cairn, you can exit out of it when you're at a risky point, quick save, and then go back into it. Then, just load your quick save if it gets screwed up.

    submitted by /u/gpg5
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