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    Wednesday, December 2, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Torches are my favorite guilty pleasure.

    Assassin's Creed Torches are my favorite guilty pleasure.

    Torches are my favorite guilty pleasure.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 11:16 AM PST

    Does anybody else absolutely love igniting the different light sources in caves and dungeons or burning the cobwebs for no reason other than they can. I don't know why, but I'll seek out every candle in a room and ignite it if I can and then try to clean it up by burning the cobwebs. I know that everything I just did doesn't serve a purpose and it will be undone the next time I come back, but I still find it enjoyable. I can't be the only one to find this mechanic super cathartic, am I? Has anybody else found any other mechanics that are kind of pointless, but for some reason really feel compelled to do?

    submitted by /u/JacK3mp3
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    Thank you Assassin's Creed Valhalla developers

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 11:45 PM PST

    I have been diagnosed with PTSD that comes with a bad depression and a lot of anxiety. 2 things brought me joy, videogames and my dear and perfect dog. 28.11.2020 was the day she was put to eternal sleep and peace. It broke my heart into pieces. Emotionally I'm very weak and in mirror I see pathetic loser so I was sure nothing can brake through my grief. I don't sleep or eat much and I constantly miss my silly dog. I actively try to avoid any dealings with people. This is my first post in reddit and I don't have Twitter or Facebook or any social media account. But I had my dear dog and I tried my best to give her best possible life since she made my life so much easier to handle. This misery is overwhelming but somehow playing Valhalla I get little breaks for my mind. For this I'm grateful bottom of my broken heart. Since my pre-ordered PS5 won't arrive this year I hope my basic PS4 lasts until my new console comes. I need something that can pull me out of this pain even if it is just small doses for now. Because this game can do it I will forever remember it and be grateful for it. Personally this game goes beyond perfect ratings.

    I'm sorry if It's hard to make sense of my writing. I'm not myself. And English isn't my native language since I'm from Finland. If I'm able to send this post I'm not sure if I can read comments because there might be some toxic people and I'm weak enough to take personally their comments. I know you should just ignore them but I don't know if I can.

    All you dog owners remember to cherish every day you have with them. I would do anything to have one more day with my silly one.

    submitted by /u/TastyWaltz4
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    In Valhalla, I love the raids, but hate the assaults.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 09:14 PM PST

    One of the few things that bummed me out in Odyssey was how the massive 100v100 battles were super scripted, stop for one second and look around and everyone is just locked in a combat animation till you hit them.

    When I found out there would be sieges in Valhalla I got so damn excited. After logging about 70 hours in the game I must say, I love raids, and I hate assaults.

    In raids your crew actually fights enemies and its a real battle with you and your guys against the enemies. Sure, there is no real risk losing men but at least there is a fight amongst all the troops.

    Assaults are super boring in my opinion for gameplay, stop and look around and 80 percent of the troops fighting are locked in, once again, just an animation of a one on one fight until you hit the enemy and disrupt the animation.

    Assaults are even shorter than raids sometimes, which makes no sense. Raids take me on average 15 to 20 minutes depending if I decide to kill all enemies and grab smaller chests.

    Assaults take me like 10 to 15 minutes due to the fact you can sprint to objectives with no real enemies to fight along the way. The only 2 things giving you time to enjoy this massive battle is battering ram segments and eradication segments.

    Just my two cents on how I was fairly disappointed in the massive sieges which seem smaller in scale to raids when sieges are meant to be around 100 soldiers fighting while a raid is my crew of 12 versus like 20 to 30 enemies yet raids feel like bigger battles to me.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/DarkLegendsNeverDie
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    I think the weapon and armor progression in this game seriously hampers experimentation with your equipment.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 02:13 PM PST

    The steep cost of fully upgrading gear and the grind it takes to find the material for upgrading disincentivizes players from trying lots of different gear and combinations of gear.

    Currently, it makes more sense just to upgrade a few pieces of gear that you like or google the best gear and spend materials on that gear.

    I would much rather be able to swap gear on a whim and try out something new. I think gear stats could still be changed with runes and that way there is still some need to hunt for those runes, but would take away the slog of grinding materials endlessly. There is a lot of cool looking gear in this game, I wish I could use more of it.

    submitted by /u/CommanderCanuck22
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    I just noticed The Order of Ancient members carrying Yggdrasil symbol with them, like Templars Shay Patrick Cormac and Juhani Otso Berg. I wonder if there is deeper meaning or connection.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 02:30 PM PST

    (ACV)-wearing a mask muffles Eivors voice

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:01 PM PST

    I just started getting into the game the past couple days, found the magisters mask, I think it's pretty cool that Eivors voice is muffled with the mask on, just a little bit of detail we can all appreciate

    submitted by /u/Dah_Ginge
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    Assassins creed games are not about assassins, but their creed/goal.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 12:16 PM PST

    People have some idea of what assassins are, and should be. Sneaking and killing without being seen seems to be a common interpretation. But the games have never been about stealth or assassins as such, other than that they contain these elements.

    They have told the story of one of two (or 3) sides of a great struggle spanning years, and have focused on the side that fights for free will (the creed) - not once did the games promise to be full on stealth gameplay like in thief or styx, or even splinter cell. Those are assassination games, AC games are not.

    submitted by /u/Thorgilias
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    Do others feel the writing/quest design quality in Valhalla is really inconsistent? (Huge spoilers ahead)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:15 PM PST

    I just finished the game and Maybe it's just me but some of the arcs in the game I absolutely loved but others I didn't enjoy at all. Some of the writing felt forced and contrived while others felt really well written. Same goes with characters. Guessing this may come down to having different writers depending which arc it was? Here's a few of my takeaways both positive and negative


    • East Anglia, all the Northumbria (excluding Jorvik), Suthsexe and Sciropscire arcs were my favorite arcs of the game. If the rest of the quests and arcs were as on par with those the game would have excelled in storytelling imo

    • I liked the sort of Big Sister/Big Brother dynamic Eivor had with characters like Hunwald, Ceolbert, and Oswald. Ceolbert was my homie and I honestly was really upset when he died in the game

    • I was delightfully surprised how well Sigurds character arc turned out. It seemed pretty generic for awhile throughout the story but then seemed to salvage it


    • Some characters I expected to have a larger role in the game simply just don't (Looking at you King Ceowulf)

    • Ubba's death was random and stupid, I would have hoped to be in a last stand with him and eivor fighting off saxons until he fell. Instead the game just tells you "Um yeah remember Ubba who you fought across england with and actually connected with him as a character? He just kinda died in a field somewhere"

    • The Hamtunscire arc (the final arc in the game) was incredibly anti-climatic. I expected to storm a huge castle with all the allies I have amassed over the game like with Portcestre but nah you just storm some church and fight a super forgettable character (Goodwin). Also I got echos of The Long Night from Game of Thrones and personally thought the body count of important characters was really low. I did think the send off to those that passed was a nice moment though.

    Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions on this. Also I know that choices can impact the games outcome, so maybe I got an underwhelming ending?

    submitted by /u/TrentonTallywacker
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    People are talking about how good the music is, but where is it ?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:25 AM PST

    I love assassins creed music and I listened to Valhalla's music on YouTube. It is fire. The only music that I have heard in the game is during raiding. Am I doing something wrong?

    Ubisoft Please change this shit. In odyssey you heard the music a lot and it was epic. Even in that fenyx rising game you hear the music a lot . Even the if you were going for this type of lonely feeling sound design, then give us an option to hear the soundtrack.

    submitted by /u/abdullahnawaz9
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    PSA - You CAN hide community photos on the map.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 04:05 PM PST

    On the map screen go to the map legend and scroll down to the Misc section, mouse over to the blue eye and click to toggle on and off. This will hide all photos on the map, including your own. You will likely need to do this every time you restart the game however, same as with Odyssey.

    submitted by /u/pinkempyreal
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    Please Ubisoft, let us use our [Spoiler] gear in England.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 05:59 AM PST

    I just want to say, out of all missing features we've yet to receive out of anything, something so small, so easy, but so welcome, would be to let us use our Vinland gear and weapons in England (and Norway too technically)

    I absolutely LOVE the fact we can't use our other gear in Vinland, it makes perfect sense narratively and is a fun and unique thing gameplay wise, but it really shouldn't be the other way around as well.

    I think Eivor looks AMAZING in the gear set, especially with the cloak, and I personally am just a really big fan of the design and look of the bow, I would LOVE to use that bow in combination with Excalibur, I think it would be awesome.

    Please Ubisoft 🤞🏻

    submitted by /u/Flashparodox
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    Some cairn tips in AC Valhalla

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 06:01 PM PST

    Even if you go to the guides, cairn are still really hard to get right. Here is some tips:

    • You can save the game and load it again to get back your stacked cairn.
    • The foundation stone(the very first stone you are using to stack with) is important. You need to make sure it doesn't shake. If it shakes, your cairn is unstable and then your stones will easily topple over. To counter this, you want to have all points of the foundation stones to touch the ground as possible.
    • The top part of the foundation stone must be leveled as possible. If the top part isn't leveled, all the other stones will be slanted as well and then your stones will more likely fall as you keep stacking.
    • Not all stones need to be on the tall side. You can lay them on the horizontal side.
    • Do not drop the stones. Lay them down and position them, you should not see any air gaps at all when you let go. If you drop them, the force might topple the tower.

    I haven't seen any tips for cairn, so I thought I'd make a post.

    submitted by /u/MangaIsekaiWeeb
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    'Kill the Target' contract was...A training dummy?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 02:58 PM PST


    This has actually happened twice for me now, the first time I didn't question anything and just went to the marker, but right after that first time I thought it was very odd that that was the contract. Happened again tonight when I played - just thought it was funny and hadn't seen it posted here yet!

    submitted by /u/that_guy_from_NI
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    {Spoilers}I’m glad I got to kill him

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 07:14 PM PST

    If for some reason you're still reading this and you don't want spoilers you should stop now. Anyways I'm glad I got to kill dag. I'm way past killing him now but I thought I'd take a moment to appreciate my victory. It was so satisfying cutting away at the asshole who'd been giving eivor shit the whole game even though everything eivor did was for the raven clan. The story is much more enjoyable now that he's dead. And the even better part is that it seems like everyone forgot he died. His name was only mentioned like once after his death and that was it.

    submitted by /u/MySticxg
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    So I just came across this trailer again after many years

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 07:28 PM PST

    I just accidentally stumbled upon this legendary trailer and I realized how much and truly I love the way AC used to be and how legendary Ezios story was.

    What was your most fav AC game and why?

    Would you like it if we were to get another trilogy with the same MC for multiple games? Because I sure do. I still remember when Ezio was still new to this whole Assassin thing and he had to learn step by step, then later on after experiencing many things, he had gotten so much wisdom. Was so cool!

    AC Revelations trailer

    submitted by /u/KurderenEser
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    Valhalla is not too long, some of its mechanics are just genuinely unfun.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 05:04 AM PST

    I don't get when people are like "This game is too long" - like, what do you mean? What exactly do you get from finishing it faster? Except that you don't have any content to play again for weeks, months or years to come?

    No, the problem is not that the game is too long. The problem is that Ubisoft designed many of its mechanics to feel utterly tedious instead of fun. The worst of it is the looting. After x chests hidden somewhere underground, after x keys guarded by enemies, after x notes flying away from you it just isn't fun anymore. It feels like work to progress. Ubisoft needs to learn that those filling mechanics needs to be integrated more naturally into their games. And it was never fun to chase for some flying notes, especially with how clunky the parcour is.

    No, the problem is not that the game is too long. The problem is that fighting isn't challenging or fun and has way too few animations. It's that parcour is completely broken and feels clunky as heck. It's that you become tired of asynchrone lip synching and bad character animations in dialogues and cutscenes pretty fast. It's that most of what you do doesn't feel rewarding at all.

    I don't think a game like Valhalla can be too long. There is a huge open world and rich stories to explore and I am more than happy when the game gives me content for countless hours. But that content needs to be fun. That content needs to be well done. And the problems I listed would be the same if the game would be half its length or a quarter. Bad mechanics are always bad mechanics.

    submitted by /u/JohnnyTest91
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    who cares about stuff like this?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 12:50 AM PST

    I just finished Assassins Creed Unity for the first time and here are some of my thoughts (with spoilers )

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 11:22 AM PST

    So due to covid I have been sucked back into gaming this year after around 8 years. So I am catching up on all the stuff that I missed. The Ezio arc is one of my favourite arcs ever and it made me super emotional after I finished Reveleations this year. The gameplay in Unity was one of the best AC gameplays I played. I didnt like syndicate, rogue, odyssey. Odyssey feels more like an rpg than AC and Syndicate feels like itd have been better as a standalone ubisoft steampunk than instead of being an AC game.

    I loved Unity because it seemed like one of the integral AC games. I will admit there were lot of unanswered questions left in the story but the fighting system and the parkour felt like the biggest upgrades. I loved exploring the french revolution Paris, and having so many NPCs in the crowd made France even more lively and interactive. Many people say Arno is a weak and immature character and thats where I find the beauty in it. He is not a god, he is not a king he is a regular person like many of us just learning and grieving. Ezio is OP, he is a master assassasin while Arno was still learning and making hasty decisions. I loved our chemistry with Elise and her death hurt me a lot. It made much more sense why she sacrificed herself after I read her letters which again made me emotional how she basically told Arno to not blame himself incase anything happens to her.

    The game did not feel repetitive at all, it was challenging because the difficulty increased with every mission and I had find more creative ways to do the assassinations. Really loved the first one at the Notre Dame confession chamber. That was wild af. The graphics were amazing as well for a 6 year old game. I guess a lot of patches fixed the bugs after 6 years but I did face a few of them like swimming mid air. Which i solved by waiting 2-3 minutes so I didnt have much problem there.

    Anyway, enough of my rambling, Im sure a lot of you disagree/agree. I would love to hear what you think!

    submitted by /u/j2me9
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    AC is long overdue a "Restart Quest" or checkpoint option

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:09 AM PST

    As the title says. It would especially help out with all these game breaking quest bugs. In fact I think that's why a lot of games have this feature to begin with incase something crops up they never playtested.

    Even something simple as restarting the last checkpoint.


    submitted by /u/Zhoir
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    I'm enjoying the length of Valhalla a lot. (Mild setting spoilers)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 12:15 PM PST

    I've seen a lot of posts going on about how the game takes too long or it gets monotonous, but I'm really enjoying it. I'm honestly scared I'm getting close to the end when I want it to keep going.

    I'm about 70 hours in and love the variety of things to do in this game. It feels different than how Odyssey was lengthy. In Odyssey there is an ultimate goal the Misthios is trying to achieve and a lot of level gating on main story missions, so it felt like the game just dragged on forever.

    Its different for Valhalla I think. There is no "main goal" that Eivor is trying to achieve other than securing alliances for the safety of his settlement. Everything there is to do, you can take it in stride.

    I've completed two of the mythological sections of the game, but whenever I was getting bored of it, I would just leave and do something else for a while. I'll go do a story arc for a region to secure an alliance. I'll go do some Order of the Ancients hunting or seek out mysteries and wealth. I'm 70 hours in and haven't even gone to Vinland yet!

    There's just so much to do but none of it feels urgent like I need to be rushing through the story. Its a nice open world, almost sandboxy, Viking simulator. Theres so much to do and I appreciate how long I'll be able to spend on this game with even more content on the way.

    submitted by /u/ohsinboi
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    AC Valhalla's Hadrian's Wall Is a Delight For History Buffs & a Useful Tool For Students

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 12:20 PM PST

    Why is New Game+ not an option at start, wtf Ubisoft?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 12:21 PM PST

    Do you really expect me to start the game ALL OVER again, just to try out alternative choices ingame or explore things I have missed before? Really Ubi, what is your incentive in this? If you really want people to buy your alternative skins and such, at least give them the possibility to play the game twice in a row without losing their progress.

    submitted by /u/MemegodDave
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    I just don't enjoy it at all

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 03:00 AM PST

    I am talking about the Goneril Fight. I am currently around power lvl 130, but I just cannot fucking do this. I do not need any people to tell me to get good or anything, because I know I suck at these boss fights, always have. I play on Hard (the 2nd hardest option, think it was called hard?) and I refuse to lower it for 1 stupid fight. Why do I still get damaged if I dodge her attacks because she has some weird second attack that I need to either parry again or attack her first so she gets stunned? And why do I lose 99% of my HP if I get grabbed by the ghost once.

    Normally I would see this as a fun challenge, but this is just killing my entire enjoyment of this game...

    submitted by /u/Crimsonavenger2000
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