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    Tuesday, July 21, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Check our Valhalla Archive, now updated with the latest information from Ubisoft Forward (July)!

    Assassin's Creed Check our Valhalla Archive, now updated with the latest information from Ubisoft Forward (July)!

    Check our Valhalla Archive, now updated with the latest information from Ubisoft Forward (July)!

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    As some of you may remember, a while ago we announced the "Valhalla Archive" - a place for all the information we have for Assassin's Creed Valhalla. We'd like to announce that it has received a sizeable update with the influx of new information from Ubisoft Forward (July), so if you haven't been following the news and watch to catch up, feel free to check it out!

    There are several ways to access it:

    - By using the direct link - https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/wiki/archive_valhalla

    - By clicking on the "AC Valhalla Archive" button the top of the page - should be visible for readers that use the Reddit Redesign and the Reddit app (check the Menu links)

    - Old Reddit users can access it by selecting the "Wiki" option from the drop down menu when sorting posts and then selecting the "Archive of Valhalla Information" at the bottom of the page.

    Let us know if there is something we missed. We hope this article will be useful resource to you!

    - The r/assassinscreed Moderator Team

    submitted by /u/Ghost_LeaderBG
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    Fan art for a game set during the napoleonic wars featuring connor, arno, aveline and shay

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    I think Connor has one of the best outfits

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    Unpopular opinion but does anyone else think Connor's outfit is one of the best of the series. It's has a perfect blend of Native American culture with the chaps and necklace then it also has the "Assassin Feel" with the white, blue/red colour combo. I don't know if just think it really fits the time-period and Connors personality (if he really has one).

    submitted by /u/APC494929
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    Really hope valhalla will not be as repetitive as Odyssey

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 01:02 AM PDT

    I started playing the new Rpg AC games this year(Origins and Odyssey) and I loved Origins. I found the missions in each area sort of unique and different and never got bored. The dlcs were interesting as well and as a result I spent about 90hrs with it and could easily do a new game plus.

    With Odyssey however..The map is huge but they all seem to have the same missions. Kill this spartan commander, destroy these athenian ships, free this man from the Fort.. After 60hrs of this I'm so burned out and I haven't yet finished the game, or touched the dlc's.

    I really hope valhalla will have the combat improvements of Odyssey but with the originality of origin quests.

    submitted by /u/jijo66
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    Hybrid Assassins Logo inspired by u/mcheisenburglar

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 10:09 PM PDT

    I like that Male Eivor's Voice is lighter instead of deep - helps fight Viking stereotypes

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    Vikings have been depicted in western media as being these bloodthirsty conquerors who burned down churches, looted the English countryside, and engaged in acts like blood eagles.

    Of course, there are historical events that give support to some of these actions, but they don't do a fair job to the historical overview of the Norman occupation of England. There's a lot of cultural and diplomatic interactions to the Vikings that gets glossed over.

    I do believe Ubisoft made the right decision to have Eivor not have these deeper, more-generic warrior voice with male Eivor as it helps to show how a viking leader could be more than just a fighter shouting commands- talking, negotiating, making agreements/bargaining are what I'm referring to.

    Anyone else feel this way? I know that male Eivor's voice is a bit of a mixed bag atm.

    submitted by /u/RedtheGamer100
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    Female Eivor

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    If there's one thing that Ubisoft is still the best at, it's trailers

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 03:15 AM PDT

    I mean seriously. How is it that no matter how horrible the game was, Ubisoft will always create hype for a game with just trailers, I mean just look at almost every Assassin's Creed trailer (except Odyssey). They all just look so cool and badass.

    submitted by /u/deathreaper_samu
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    A portrait of Eivor I made after the first trailer dropped. Soo hyped for this game!!

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    HUD-less Design of Assassin's Creed in 60 seconds

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    A feature/system similar to Cult of Kosmos in Valhalla.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    Do we know from any interviews if we'll get Odyssey's Cult of Kosmos feature/system in Valhalla? I absolutely LOVED hunting down the members of the Cult across Greece. To me, it was the most fun activity in the game.

    submitted by /u/golemhans
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    I want the fear to return

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 06:04 PM PDT

    In the earlier games, at least up to Syndicate, enemies had a chance to become afraid and try to escape. I liked that, and hope to see the mechanic return in some way or other.

    It just feels strange to be straight up CHARGED by a random Greek woman with a broomstick after murdering 3 soldiers and a ptolemarch in 1.8 seconds.

    submitted by /u/Gleothain
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    I HATE jumping into series in the middle. This is my ONLY exception. Help give me what I “need to know”?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 11:28 PM PDT

    So I have had a hard rule for years now that I HATE and REFUSE to jump into series in the middle. I hate doing it, it leaves me confused and jumbled, and constantly feeling like i missed something.

    There have been a very few exceptions to this rule over the years: The Witcher 3, Resident Evil 4, Portal 2, and the soft reboots of Doom and Tomb Raider (cause those don't really count in my mind).

    This is the newest one. I just bought the Ezio collection for PS4, only because everyone says the 1st assassins creed isn't that great anyway, and the important stuff doesn't kick off till 2 and after.

    Having said that: already I got into this feeling lost. The way 2 starts is incredibly jarring going into this knowledge nothing about assassins creed, and while I get that the story in 1 isn't "terribly" important to the rest of the game's, id still like to know "what I missed"

    I tried looking up videos but all the ones I found wanted to spoil future games too, and I'd rather avoid that. Does anyone have anything that can bring me up to speed on everything in 1 without spoiling 2 or other future games? Or just give me a "In the last episode of..."?

    submitted by /u/Reason-97
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    An epic tribute to the brotherhood. Enjoy.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    Can we visit also Scotland, Wales and Ireland?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 05:42 PM PDT

    These three countries were very important during the viking age, and also the map of Great Britain feels weird without them. What do you think? I at least did expect a map that would include all the Great Britain and Ireland and I feel very disappointed at how small the map is this time honestly.

    submitted by /u/FrankHero97
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    I genuinely think Unity's parkour was one of the worst in the series.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    I genuinely hate people who have never played the Ezio trilogy saying "unitys parkour was the best, its so realistic". All the games before AC III have better parkour than the games after AC III.
    For example, in the ezio trilogy, parkour was a tool, you would spend hours trying to perfect it, there were wall jumps, side hops etc. The point is you could become GOOD at parkour, it wasnt just a thing that looked cool, it was an actual game mechanic. You could be BETTER than someone at parkour. And now, you just hold 1 button, whether its W on keyboard, or the stick on controllers, thats all you do. You dont wall jump, you dont side hop, you CANT get good at parkour, because how can you get good at holding 1 button. You cant be faster at climbing a building than someone now, its not a skill you have to learn, its not a game mechanic.

    Think of it like this, imagine GTA driving, and you can get really good at driving there, there is a skill gap, now imagine they released GTA 6 where to drive all you have to do is hold forward, no need to turn, no need to brake, just hold forward, the computer drives for you. Sure it might look cool, but what about the fucking driving, thats the whole point. All you do in ac now is hold forward, how is that "such good parkour omg so cool", dude youre doing nothing.

    People who have never played the games before ACIII, please play them. At first you think "climbing is so slow" because when they got rid of the skill gap in parkour they had to speed up the climbing a bit, but then you realize that you have to KNOW HOW to climb, you dont just hold forward, its supposed to be a skill, not this bullshit.

    Now out of the games with the new parkour mechanics, Unity was still the worst, it was glitchy, it didnt know where you wanted to go, it felt so unpolished. Only thing that was better were the animations.

    TLDR: Parkour has sucked since ACIII and Ezio trilogy is better in almost every way compared to newer games.

    submitted by /u/DemiVideos04
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    Newcomer to the series, how do you guys feel about the leveling system in origins and odyssey?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 07:23 PM PDT

    So far I've played AC black flag, rogue, origins, Ezio collection and I'm currently playing odyssey. I wanted to ask what do you guys think about the leveling system in odyssey and origins? Personally I don't hate it but I don't really love it either. I'm interested to hear your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/KingCaleb2018
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    Was anyone creeped out by cobras in Origins?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    Was anyone genuinely a bit creeped out by them? They definitely jumpscared me a couple of times. They sounded more like a hybrid of a spider and a centipede and they were unnaturally big.

    submitted by /u/sadsnail99
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    Ezio Trilogy Hidden Blade Questions

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    Question 1) Why did Ezio's father have a hidden blade, but mario does not?

    Question 2) Follow up to question 1, all throughout ac2 you meet these fellow "master" assassins (put in quotes because i cant remember if they are master assassins or just assassins) yet none of them have a hidden blade. Like mario does not have one volpe does not have one antony does not have one etc.

    Question 3) It is not until ac brotherhood that we see other assassins with hidden blades in the ezio trilogy yet the only ones with them are the no-name recruits and not the "master" assassins like machiavelli and volpe, again. How is Leonardo or whoever fashions equipment for the creed able to make blades for all of the new recruits yet the masters do not have their blade? Did they lose them and are unable to get a new blade due to some secret rule we do not know about? Like in ac3 in the opening you kill an assassin with his own blades and he does not have his own pair even though he is still an assassin. I understand volpe maybe getting rid of his since he said that he left the creed, but I do not understand the rest.

    Question 4) in revelations how does the hook blade work? in the sense that it is a blade and a hook? When they use it to they just use the sharp end of the hook? I am not sure how there are two separate mechanisms for a hook and a blade.

    maybe im just dumb but i could not find answers for questions 1-3 and the 4th question was very vague when I found an answer.

    Requiescat in pace

    submitted by /u/Endless-Cycle
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    After almost 130 hours I am finally done with Assassins Creed Odyssey.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    After almost 130 hours I am finally done with Assassins Creed Odyssey.

    I finally have collected all trophy's for both base game and both dlc's, such a wonderful game and I am glad I picked it up when I did. Part of me is sad it's over but everything has to end eventually. I hope Valhalla turns out to be this good.


    submitted by /u/Huckeo
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    an Altair sequel set after the the first game.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 11:31 PM PDT

    does anyone else want an Altair sequel? yeah, most of Altair's life is already known, but it's still possible for Ubisoft to make a sequel for him that wouldn't mess with the lore, like maybe an Altair sequel set in 1194 or whatever, I don't know, this is just my idea, but would anyone else not mind an Altair sequel?

    submitted by /u/TheHood2001
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    Save slots for Unity and Syndicate

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    Why didn't Ubisoft make them possible to begin with and why haven't they put them in since? I'd love to replay those two, without resetting the game

    submitted by /u/FarahZiva27
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    An Assassin's Creed game set in Persia?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    Hey guys. I have been wondering about this topic for a while now. I believe that an AC set in Persia would be amazing, since the first assassin's originate from Persia. The map would also be huge since the Empire was very big. One of the main cities would be Susa, as it was a capital.

    submitted by /u/PapaLevy
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    I played Rogue and Unity out of order

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    And hot damn it makes the ending of Rogue and the start of Unity hit so much harder.

    submitted by /u/Scf090701
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    My experience with AC2, Brotherhood was more than good because I didn't know anything about the game (Good old times, good old Assassin's Creed)

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    I remember It was 10 years ago, I finished AC1 and find out AC2 was already there. I didn't know game was set in Rennaisance Italy, didn't know that Venice was included, Rome at the end...then Brotherhood happened. That's period when I fell in love with Assassin's Creed.

    Now, we are in different time, we get to know everything about the game and you can't resist to see gameplay or info about story. It's still good, but I think back in time, it had some magic.

    submitted by /u/oaleebih
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    Dante Alighieri's assassin robes, FANART

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 02:06 AM PDT

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