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    Sunday, June 28, 2020

    Assassin's Creed I miss the amount of time it took enemies to die in the first game.

    Assassin's Creed I miss the amount of time it took enemies to die in the first game.

    I miss the amount of time it took enemies to die in the first game.

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    And I could be misremembering this, as I haven't played the first game since it came out, and I was in college, and high af like... all the time. But...

    I feel like I remember the enemies you kill taking a lot longer to die, even after the finishing move. They'd writhe around on the ground and scream and cry and gurgle their dying sounds for what felt like minutes after you incapacitated them, as opposed to the more recent games when they cease entirely as soon as the animation finishes.

    I felt like that added a lot of weight and realism to what you were doing. Realism because realistically, very few people, especially those who die violently, are afforded the luxury of a quick death, and weight because I can remember at the time feeling the impact of taking a (virtual) person's life each and every time I killed someone in the game. If I stood there long enough, I could watch them all flail about like fish on the shore, gasping for breath and crying out in pain before the final release took hold of them.

    I dunno, maybe I'm misremembering, but I feel like that had a big effect on how I felt while playing the game.

    submitted by /u/Stumplestiltzkin
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    EIVOR COSPLAY [Self]. As lalready announce to You, here is the first shots from the professional photoset about my Eivor cosplay. I spent two weeks to create this costume and I think it's quite good, It's also the first time I use a fake beard. I really hope You'll like it :) [PH - DC Photocosplay]

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 02:40 AM PDT

    EIVOR COSPLAY [Self]. As lalready announce to You, here is the first shots from the professional photoset about my Eivor cosplay. I spent two weeks to create this costume and I think it's quite good, It's also the first time I use a fake beard. I really hope You'll like it :) [PH - DC Photocosplay] submitted by /u/Taryn_Cosplay
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    My Assassin's Creed Collection (IG: n.nitsuj)

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    My Assassin's Creed Collection (IG: n.nitsuj)














    submitted by /u/n-nitsuj
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    My first Assassin's Creed 1 Playtrough - detailed thoughts and review

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    As part of my Pre-Valhalla 1st time Oldschool Assassin's Creed marathon, I finally played the original Assassin's Creed game to kick things off, and my adventure trough the Holy Land has found it's end after exactly 3 weeks.

    Normally, you can rush trough the game with ease in less than 10 hours, but I tried to do everything besides the flags, and mostly played one district or target cutscene a day with several days as breaks in between.

    Anyways, I had no idea what would await me after only having played Odyssey and Origins, and the game really surprised me and exceeded my expectations!

    Stunning graphics for it being from 2007, smooth movement to 95% of the time, great mechanics with the social stealth, hiding, blending (even tho it's op) and other minigames. The combat was the key for the gameplay, as it made going trough any district very enjoyable with the badass executions, movement and else.

    Despite all locations looking great, from Masyaf, to the Kingdom, to the 3 major towns in Damascus, Acre and Jerusalem, they were mostly not that special and creative, and rather felt very similar, which has to do with basically having to do the same thing over and over.

    Going from district to district, which don't change that much, were you synchronize stuff, kill soldiers, save citizens and do the same minigames to gather information, the locations couldn't really stand out that much, besides the vibe of them (Damascus bright and sunny, Acre dark and cold, Jerusalem a mix of both), and the different targets you meet there, which brings me to the story.

    After the great opening sequence, which introduces you to the Creed and their rules very well, you get 9 targets to execute - 3 cities, each having 3 districts, not really hard to see what is going on here.

    The "game" story is basically one major fetch quest, but it works.

    The dialogue between Altair (I am too lazy to copy the name all the time) and Al Mualim was always a highlight and was really interesting to follow trough, so were the 9 different targets, all being very different from one another and remarkable as well, with just as good dialogue which sparks some thought for Altair and the player leading to mentioned interesting dialogue between Student and Teacher.

    Once you've eliminated all targets after the showdown vs Robert, the finale kicks off, and what I was expecting actually happened, as Al Mualim revealed himself as a traitor, using Altair for his own benefit, abusing his power, trying to give him sole power with the help of the Piece of Eden, and makes the whole fetch quest storyline much more meaningful, looking at how the targets are connected, and how it affected the sides of war as adressed in the King Richard scene.

    I sadly got the treason spoiled on here during my playtrough, but I definetely saw it coming, he felt suspicious from the beginning on, and it would have ended in a "I KNEW IT, I KNEW HE WAS THE BAD GUY, I KNEW IT ALL ALONG" moment at that point.

    The final fight and sequences with Al Mualim, the eliminated targets and the end scene were very well done, once again outstanding dialogue, and a great way to finish the main game, which brings me to the modern day stuff.

    It was my least favorite part in Odyssey and Origins, but was well done here.

    An assassin captured by templars, forced to relive his ancestors memorys to potentially gather information on more Pieces of Eden locations being the main story arc for this part of the game, and it works very well.

    Good dialogue, interesting especially, and not as annoying or unfitting like in Odyssey/Origins.

    Straight forward, you know what's going on and why you see what you are seeing, and the ending would make a great cliffhanger for the 2nd game as well and leaves you wondering what will happen next - what happends with Desmond, what happened to Altair after killing Al Mualim - excellent stuff for a series to build excitement.

    Mentioning him again, Altair was a great main character and is such a major different persona compared to Bayek and Kassandra. Both are fighting for vengeance, badass and brutal, yet had many scenes to showcase their humor and different persona, not just being killers, but also humans that had lots of social interacting, allies, tools to complete their tasks + one also being a former Medjay, and the other being a bounty hunter and demi-goddess.

    Altair? Ice cold. You only see one side of him all game long, the same emotion, the same tone when talking, he is nothing but a badass, quick stricking Assassin that executes any target that is given him, but is not a puppet either, asking questions, still deciding for himself.

    No different personas, no emotions, no backstory, just one man, armed up with his blade, sword, and a few knives, born to kill, working in the dark to complete his tasks. Swift in towns, skilled fighter in combat, ice cold killer emerging from the shadows, an emotionless yet very smart and focused embodiment of a human killing machine.

    The contrast to Bayek and Kassandra is an INSANE, and it worked very well.

    The entire game was very good, a story that seems so simple hides such complicated and great writing that leaves you wanting more and hypes you for the following games - a game with no bright sides like Odyssey and Origins, a game that follows the same, dark, cold, brutal and badass route all game long and doesn't get boring or stale, despite similar locations, due to the great gameplay, surprisingly good graphics and intriguing characters and dialogue.

    Can you call this game flawless? I wouldn't disagree.

    If I had to decide between AC1 and Odyssey/Origins, I would still pick the later even after having played the original now, but that doesn't discredit it at all.

    It was a great experience, a very fresh one, especially looking at how MAJORILY different it compares to the new generation in terms of story, length, gameplay and characters, and it makes me want to go ahead and continue my journey trough the series with games following it's route.

    With that being said - onto Assassin's Creed 2!

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/niclaswwe
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    Can someone explain to me why Alexios/Kassandra have superpowers?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    I'm lost on why they can turn invisible, jump off shit without dying, can teleport, turn bodies to ashes, and slow down time. If this wasn't an assassin's Creed sub you would think I'm describing Dishonored lol but I don't dislike the powers just why are they there?

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    I Really, Really want to Love AC3

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    And I almost do. I love the treerunning, the combat, the rope dart, the hunting, the naval missions, and the Homestead. I love Haytham's character and his sequences. I adore the present day missions. I even don't mind Connor, or at least find him tolerable.

    But holy hot damn, the stealth in that game is borderline unplayable and it almost ruins the whole thing for me. So much stuff in it that just doesn't make sense why they chose to include it. Why do stalking zones become useless when an enemy has red SSI on me? Why do I sometimes engage people in combat when they haven't fully detected me yet? Why do enemies sometimes take 3 years to detect me in restricted areas and sometimes take 3 nanoseconds? And the biggest question of them all, why is this shit still in the remastered version?! They actually put effort into this remaster and added new features (even new stealth-related features), so why is this stuff still here?!!

    There's so much about this game that's really good but the lack of a functional stealth system is just so incredibly frustrating. AC3 would probably be one of my favourite games in the series if the stealth wasn't so intolerable.

    submitted by /u/JcersHabs018
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    I think only this subreddit can understand what I feel now

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    I've started my AC obsession with Oddysey. It was so funny, I've never heard about AC games and then we've bought a new Xbox with Oddysey for free. My husband was to sell it (never played before) and I was like "hey I love the cover let me keep this game". I fell in love from the first sight. Game itself was so goddamn beautiful, I really enjoyed many many real places in Greece, I've learned so much about Greek mythology. An ideaof an open world was so cool, I could roam around an ancient Greece for as long as I've wanted every day. I've finished this game crying and saying I'll never play a better game in my life.

    Afterwards I've started digging and bought Origins. The world itself was incredibly beautiful but then Bayek's wife was pissing me off all the time. Bloody nymphomaniac and psychopath. I really loved the game anyway, all these side quests, tombs and all.

    After I've finished Origins, I've decided to start from the very, very start. My hubs said "now you'll learn about Assasins". He knows all the story, but never wanted to play any of these games. I was like "meh, we'll see".

    Ezio has become my favourite character. Funny in his own way, charming, brave and noble. I used to hate limited time quests (I hate playing ANYTHING with time, I'm always getting too nervous), but the story itself was i n c r e d i b l e.

    Then, AC III. I didn't really like Connor, but the same itself was again beautiful looking and I really like how they kept an idea about the fight between Assasins and Templars. I got involved in all of this.

    Then Black Flag. Loved it instantly. I'm lost of words at this point, I can't even describe how much I love the story, views, sea quests and when my crew screams from happiness when I'm back on the ship. I've got only one more sequence to go.

    I stopped for a few days to have a thought. I was crying when Mary died.

    I know it's so obvious because it's a popular opinion and many people will say the same thing, but it's awful that Oddysey - the game that started my endless love to AC series - has no bloody connection with Assasins or the story between Templars and Assasins. I feel so sad because it's all lost. Playing Oddysey is fun, but I hate the fact it feels like a random, cool game, not the part of Assasins creed. Same with Origins. You could remove "Assasins creed" from the title and no one could find any connection between the game itself and AC series. I'm also worried Valhalla will have the same vibe of great-random-not-AC-related game.

    I'm really disappointed it ruined my Oddysey experience, but at least I've discovered the whole story from the very start, seen Altair, had my own assasins and all. Jeez, I'm really heartbroken.

    submitted by /u/Natt42
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    Anyone still playing AC Rogue? I think it’s pretty good, even today.

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    I'm finding it quite enjoyable even years after release. Has that nice flashy combat and naval gameplay, not to mention the beautiful North Atlantic area. The story wasn't my favourite but it's still cool. It's nice to play while waiting for Valhalla.

    submitted by /u/Bruhurb69420
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    Just found the HUD on/off switch on AC Unity - Makes me love it even more

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 09:37 PM PDT

    First off, one of my favorite things to do in games is play without the HUD on. Especially great looking games like Unity. I think it really increases the immersion, and lets you appreciate how good the graphics on these modern games are.

    Only issue is you can't track health/equipment, or know where you're going without the minimap - which for obvious reasons makes playing missions/exploring difficult.

    So, for the past 5 years on unity, I'd constantly go to the menu to switch back and forth, and try to customize the HUD to let me have the minimum amount of options that still let me feel immersed (think Health + Map).

    Then today, out of nowhere, I'm playing and I get the notification that if you click & hold the right stick (I play on console), you can instantly switch the HUD on and off... not sure how I'd never seen this before.

    Feel like an idiot considering how much I've played/enjoyed this game. Just sharing in case anyone else likes being able to play without the HUD as well. Think it might have just convinced me to dive back in.

    submitted by /u/BullsIn4
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    Why is Syndicate such a downgrade to Unity?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 10:16 PM PDT

    I finished Unity for the first time ever last week. I love it. Aside from the Ezio trilogy I think Unity is my favorite game. And now I'm finishing up Syndicate and it feels like such a struggle to get through. I know I'm not in the minority here when I say Syndicate just isn't very good. In almost every aspect I just feel like it's not trying very hard.

    The parkour was simplified but it somehow feels wonkier. Half the time I try to climb to a certain ledge and I'll miss it entirely. I'll try to free run down to a ledge and drop down too far. I fast travel more in the game than any other because I hate the traversal so much. The streets are too damn big to promote easy parkour and rooftop travel. The addition of carriage driving is cool but the map design feels worse because of it. The wide roads destroyed the ability to traverse the world solely through rooftop parkour. Even with the stupid rope launcher I just feel like it simplifies everything you do. I pressed the same button a few times and got to the tallest sync point in the game in an instant and it wasn't gratifying at all. I tried not using the rope launcher for a while to remind myself of Unity, but I just felt like it was a hindrance to pacing and that's not a good thing at all. I shouldn't have to free run down a building, run across a big empty road and climb a new building and continue until the next block. And you can tell that was why the rope launcher was added. They wanted carriage driving in the game and knew roads had to be bigger so the rope launcher was the answer to "fixing" that gap. I just don't like how much my gameplay changed because of it. In Unity, though still not entirely perfect I felt in control of Arno's movements and I knew I could get from A to B from anywhere in the city with almost no need to touch the ground and that's on good map design. Running through open windows and doors and coming out the other end seamlessly is just missing from Syndicate and it feels off. Syndicate feels like they built the world around the interior set pieces of the various Bounty/Templar Hunting/Child Liberation sections instead of making a good map with those set pieces in mind. The train stations are literally 200 meters of a big ass building with like two entrances from the roof so I find myself running around on ground level like an idiot trying to find an entrance to go to my destination.

    There's less npc's by the thousands in Syndicate. I was always amazed at how many people were in a crowd on Unity during missions. It gave me a reason to be socially stealthy amost all the time and it was great. In Syndicate the city seems dead aside from a few people walking and the carriages on the roads. There's set pieces that have more people but it never feels lived in outside of that. And because of how little npc's there are you would think the game would run better but on the exact same graphics settings I'm constantly running into freezes for well over 10 seconds to load in assets. I never got that on Unity and that game is loads more detailed than Syndicate imo.

    The story was boring. I really like the Frye twins but the story just wasn't catching me. At all. There's so much to love and yet I just kinda dealt with it. Evie is a great character with a great personality and so is Jacob to an extent but I just never felt a connection the same way I did with Arno. We can argue that Arno was pretty one dimensional after he became an Assassin but I still liked his character and story better than the twins at every aspect. I wanted to continue Arno's story immediately but I also wanted to do every little thing with him just to get to know him more. I like the aspect of Jacob being a brawler and Evie being the stealthy one but aside from that I just don't feel anything as a player. I don't care about them as much and idk if its the writing or their shotty animations but I just want the game to be done at this point and that's not good.

    I love Unity. I never played it at launch so I never experienced the bugs it had but from my experience of the game over the last month, I know that it's a damn good game with a great setting, great character and superb gameplay that's league's above everything Syndicate has.

    submitted by /u/MisterOne30
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    Which Assassin would you like to have as a sibling

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    Which Assassin would you like as an sibling, I would like either Jacob or Connor

    submitted by /u/gtavcsrulez
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    My Cake Day Post/Discussion: AC Odyssey

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    I haven't played AC since 2. I got AC Odyssey on Stadia and my mind is blown. I'm taking my time with it, hitting all the locations quests before progressing with the story, so I just arrived at Phokis, but woo!

    This is my favorite AC. It's not saying much since I've only played the first two before this, but as a discerning gamer, I appreciate: - The mercenary system, as people start hunting the player, it really feels like one's actions are affecting the world around the story. - The dedication to Greece, I recently took in a documentary about Greece, and AC really nailed the reliance on sea faring and trade. - The open world play, the context, the feeling of freedom once you get the boat, the quests, it all feeds into that feeling of vastness.

    If you played AC Odyssey, what is your impression? If you like another AC title over this, why? I feel like I'm once again invested and wanting to pick up more AC titles after this.

    submitted by /u/FSThree
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    Thoughts on AC3 and the washington DLC

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 05:03 PM PDT

    I played the crap out of ac3 when it came out almost 10 years ago. It was my fav game and I ended up getting 100% completion and got the platinum trophy. However I never played the DLC.

    I bought the remastered version for the switch about a week ago really looking forward to it but I was left so disappointed. I really wanted to get back into the game after 10 years but I felt like it had no substance and that the story wasn't really compelling as I didn't care for any of the characters. Finished the game in a week and then put it away.

    A week after that I remembered the DLC was included and having never played i decided to have a go at it even though I pretty much ended up disliking the main game and to my surprise I really really enjoyed it! The first chapter was rather dull but the final chapter in NY was lots of fun and I thought Washington's pyramid was great.

    Has anyone ever experienced this before?

    submitted by /u/owtinoz
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    Prince of Persia: Assassins Demo Footage (2004). What Assassin's Creed 1 would have been, had they not changed the IP.

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    Does Assassins Creed Origins give you quest that are a higher level then you are like Assassins Creed Odyssey

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    I played through the first 2 chapters of Assassins Creed Odyssey and did not enjoy it very much and one large factor being that the game essentially forces you to do side quest that barely give any XP. Does origins have this same problem

    submitted by /u/LegacyIcarus
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    ~1745 Jacobite Scotland would be an interesting setting for an Assassin's Creed game.

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    Sorry in advance for any bad writing, I'm not the best with English, though I like to think I'm pretty good.

    I enjoy spitballing ideas and just writing little fictions mostly for myself and my fiance, and my most recent was a small alternative historical thing about the Jacobite rebellions succeeding, though that small fiction has grown as I realised it's impacts in mainland europe, but that doesn't relate to this.

    As I was writing, I just sort of realised that a game during the 1745 jacobite uprising would be quite interesting, and then thought "Huh, an Assassin's creed game set during it could be quite interesting." It could be set just before/during/after the main rising of 1745, or perhaps throughout all of those, though I kind of feel like after Culloden would be best (Perhaps Culloden could be part of an introductory sequence?). As well as that, at the time Scotland had a wide array of items, such as weapons, clothing styles, culture, language, etc. all colliding. From the targe, broadsword and dirk wielding highlanders to the more firearm equipped borderers, and of course the new influx of SASSENACHS... ahem, English/British soldiers to destroy the clan system.

    There could also be ample opportunity for the character to visit parts of France, Spain, the Holy Roman Empire, even the Americas or beyond in particular missions or mission lines, due to the ongoing War of Austrian Succession.

    I don't know though, just an idea I came up with in the spur of the moment like five minutes before writing this post.

    submitted by /u/SirPlatypus13
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    Favorite NPC in the mainline games?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    So who was everyone's favorite NPC, I just loved my meetings with Da Vinci in AC2, as well as every time I got to be around the bumbling ineptitude of Stede Bonnet in BF. I felt they made the Gentleman Pirate look really lame, but he was still a blast to be around. Who personally was your favorite NPC in any mainline AC game?

    submitted by /u/gettinGuapHD
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    will we ever see Desmond Miles' mother?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    is it possible we'll ever see Desmond Miles' mother in a future game or a comic? cause I really want her to show up, and the fact there has been no mention of her in the last few years surprises me, plus, since we had already seen Desmond's father (William Miles), so it makes sense we'd see his mother too, but we haven't yet, which honestly sucks.

    submitted by /u/TheHood2001
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    Can someone please help me out!

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    On odyssey I have 100% of regions discovered but it's not gave me the Hermes homie trophy?

    submitted by /u/Glaswegiantramp
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    You think Ash's departure will affect Valhalla negatively?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 11:53 PM PDT

    Ashraf Ismail made two of the best received entries in the franchise. His departure will certainly have and effect on Valhalla, but how?

    submitted by /u/thezackme
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    RHistory: Assassin's Creed [The history behind the real assassins]

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    Why does every Assassin's Creed Game Fail To Load?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 11:42 PM PDT

    Why does every Assassin's Creed Game Fail To Load?

    I liked AC games, especially Blackflag,

    But when I played Blackflag it took me 2 days to try and start it up because I've reinstalled it 3 times, and every time it couldn't start-up, it was only on the 3rd reinstall that it worked because I installed it on my main disk 'C' where my Windows is installed.

    Within those other reinstalls, I tried to look for solutions and used many but to no avail.

    So now that Summer Sale has come around I've bought AC Origins, downloaded it, and started it up on my game disk 'S' a 2GB/s PCI-e x16.

    Whenever I start the game all I get is a medium-sized starting picture on my desktop:


    I've waited 10 minutes to see if it loads but it refuses to, exactly the same as was my Blackflag when I installed it on my gaming disk.

    Don't bother giving me useless advice like Check your disk or files because I already did, I've run plenty of games off of that disk like: Witcher 3, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, EU IV, CK2, CSGO, Thief, Sniper Elite, MB Bannerlord, Far Cry, Monster Hunter, Ryse, Mafia, Middle-Earth, Dying-Light.

    I hope you get the point that it's clear to do with the franchise itself and Uplay, not my disk

    And NO, I'm not going to install the game on the 'C' Drive because I physically have no space to do so, that drive is only for Windows itself and has no capacity to install a game like AC Origins unless I decide to delete Windows.

    So please if you want to help don't give me petty advice like 'Check your files' or 'Reinstall' it because its a waste of time, Assassin's Creed games are the only ones I ever struggled with and it always resolved to me having to reinstall the game to the 'C' disk but in this case, it's impossible thus I'm asking for any practical/working advice on how to solve this stupid issue with Ubisoft.

    submitted by /u/sSsMroKU
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    For anyone who wants to know, there is a Greek version of “The Tale of Leonidas” in the Spanish audio

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 05:04 AM PDT

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