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    Monday, May 4, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Cinematic World Premiere Trailer

    Assassin's Creed Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Cinematic World Premiere Trailer

    Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Cinematic World Premiere Trailer

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    Join us as we welcome the new moderators of r/AssassinsCreed!

    Posted: 03 May 2020 09:58 PM PDT

    Hello all you Assassins & Templars! It's been a very busy week here on the subreddit. We reached 250000 subscribers, got a new trailer for Assassin's Creed Valhalla and put out an announcement that we were hiring new moderators. Over 150 applications were submitted for mod positions on the subreddit and for our Discord server. Good thing as the subbreddit alone has seen over 15000 new subscribers in the last week! The current mod team is a bit bleary eyed, but we have made our selections. We'd like to thank everyone who applied, and tell all those who applied but weren't selected, to please apply again next time. The way we're growing, next time might be there sooner than we think!

    We'd like to give a warm welcome to the following:

    Reddit & Discord: /u/nstav13, /u/Saixak (aka Kasaix on Discord)

    Reddit: /u/Lwsrocks, /u/hugvvarts, /u/obeseninjao7, /u/KKingler

    Discord: @Arthur King of the Britons

    Here's a brief introduction of our new moderators:


    I'm a huge fan of AC and have been active in different parts of the community since 2008. I'm looking forward to being a mod and taking on a new role here!


    Hey everyone! I've been a part of the AC fan community since the Unity hype days in 2014. I started the AC Marathon project with /u/Treviso that same year, and worked on a couple of AC podcasts around the Syndicate era as well. I am incredibly excited to join and help out on the mod team. My hobbies include graphic design, screenwriting, and arguing over which AC game is the best. (The answer is Black Flag, and if you disagree, come fight me about it) Welcome!


    I'm a huge fan of AC, have been since forever ago. I'm an avid gamer, and kind of an introvert. It feels good to be a mod. This community has given me much, and I'm happy for the chance to give back. Vittoria Agli Assassini!


    And mine: I'm so excited to be part of this community and can't wait to see all the things to come this year! I'm a recent fan of AC, and I love how easy it was to join this community. P.S.: Connor's my favorite character, so no one's allowed to hate him.


    Hello everyone! I'm super excited to be joining the mod team here! I have been an Assassin's Creed megafan since..... Brotherhood released? And am currently halfway through running each game for the third time. r/Assassinscreed was the first subreddit I ever really spent much time on, and for a long time I have thought that moderating it would be a great way to help grow the community, and I am really looking forward to the Valhalla hype over the next few months!


    Hello there! I'm a newer fan of AC as I started with Origins, but I've been working through some of the older games as well. I'm very happy to be helping out as a moderator, so thank you for having me!


    I love AC series. I love every single one of the games and enjoy playing them on every occasion. I love this community a lot too. There are a lot of knowledgeable and nice people in this community and it's great to be part of the moderation team of it. INSIEME PER LA VITTORIE!!!!111oneoneone

    We wouldn't be growing without all of you! Thank you all for your participation on the sub & Discord, and we look forward to an exciting future of Assassin's Creed!

    Thanks, the growing Mod Team of r/AssassinsCreed

    submitted by /u/WhiteWolfWhispers
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    Valhalla screenshot released by ubisoft that I animated a bit

    Posted: 03 May 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    Eivor has a rope dart on his belt.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 09:57 PM PDT

    Made a vinyl decal for my iPad case. Very happy with the result

    Posted: 03 May 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    Write up on info we have about AC Valhalla gameplay wise.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    All this is confirmed info shared by director of the game.

    1: Content wont be level gated, leveling will be there primarily for unlocking new abilities, and you shouldnt run into unbeatable overleveled enemies anymore. The focus is for players to have freedom, and they shouldnt be forced to do content they dont desire to do.

    2: There will be plenty of skills for both combat and stealth, but they will be more grounded compared to Odyssey.

    3: There will be no naval combat, the longship we will use will be there primarily for exploration and for fleeing intense moments like raids.

    4: There is improved stealth in some ways, and it will allow us to hide in crowds once again ,but there is unspecified twist to this system.

    5: There is also improved parkour system, which is meant to be more similiar to likes of Black Flag mechanic-wise.

    6: You will be able to create and customize mercenaries that will help you in raids and combat, and they will also start appearing in other players worlds, and if they kill those players, the mercenary will "scavange their resources" for you. Working like the mercenary system in odyssey, but sorta driven by players.

    7: There will be over 25 standart enemy types, not counting any unique bosses. Enemies will have weakpoints and unique abilities

    8: Any combination of weapons will be dual-wieldable, even combination of two shields if you wish.

    9: There will be a settlement that you will be able to upgrade and inhabit with new people, this settlement will also serve as your quote on quote base of operations, and its where all the major events will start, and probably end.

    10: Eagle is replaced by Raven, which all of you prolly know, but this time it will have its own cutomizable skins, and it will have more abilities.

    11: Raven is also meant to be a replacement to some UI functions, to make your screen look cleaner.

    12: There will be larger varienty of animals to ride, including bears, and wolves.

    13: Players will be able to fully explore 4 major england kingdoms, Wessex, Northumbria, East Anglia, and Mercia. Included cities being for example London, Winchester, and York. We will also have access to part of Norway, and players will be able to freely travel between the two countries.

    14: There will be choice of gender for your main character, Eivor, but it doesnt appear it will be situation like in Odyssey, but rather one character for which you choose gender.

    15: There will also be customizable haristyle and tattoes on your character.

    16: Gear should be made up from unique pieces, you shouldnt be able to get multiple variations of a single piece of weapon, and you will be able to upgrade said weapons. Essentialy a weapon you pick up at the very start of the game, can be carried all the way to the endgame if you wish.

    17: I may have missed some things, feel free to add them up in the comments ^^

    submitted by /u/MartRane
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    After Valhalla, what setting/time period would you want to see next?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    Personally, I would love to see the Sengoku period of Japan with Samurai and Shinobi

    submitted by /u/Gieder
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    The fact that we will have buildings from 3 different civilizations in Valhalla tells me it's going to be a very interesting map

    Posted: 03 May 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    One of the mayor points of not liking Greece for a lot of people was that every city looked the same, I honestly think this won't be the case with this game, we will have Viking, Saxon and Roman structures/ruins. This can make every town to look different, some cities will have Christian churches while others Pagan roman temples and viking huts, there are various choices the devs can play with those structures and civilizations so they can make every town to look unique and interesting.

    submitted by /u/andazo122
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    Will Eivor be more brutal than Connor?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    We all know Connor in AC3 has the most brutal fighting style out of all the assassin's we've seen so far, but it will be really interesting to see if Eivor in AC Valhalla will be even more brutal in his fighting style than Connor. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Borteriquish
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    Why I love AC4: Black Flag?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    TLDR: It's exotic. Period.

    BF has a certain allure that the remaining games in the franchise don't have. Even its close cousin, Rogue couldn't capture that. BF manages to hold its own against the newer installments like Origins and Odyssey and manages to be the most "open" world installment in the franchise.

    Personally, I feel it's because BF has that air of mystery in the setting: the Caribbean, although I am not talking about the cities. The cities are well done, they give you the feels with the help of spot-on music; but I am referring to the islands, the sea and the uncharted lands. For example the island, Tulum is quite different from Mariguana while both of them feel different from the main cities. This automatically gives us the feeling that the (game) world is so much bigger than it actually is, the huge sea notwithstanding.

    Finally the gameplay elements are quite different. We get all the gameplay options that are there in the previous games but an additional naval aspect that dominates the others. This also plays into giving the feeling that the world is bigger, there are more things to do. Main missions, side missions to complete, contracts to carry out, chests to loot, viewpoints to synchronize , shanties and animus fragments to collect, naval forts to destroy, animals to hunt, harpoon and upgrades to craft, Kenway's fleet to expand, hurricanes to evade, rogue waves to tackle, Templar keys to collect, treasures to dig and finally just marvel at the expansiveness of the sea and at how beautifully designed the game world is. You can easily put in 100s of hours and not get enough.

    BF borderline feels like a pirate game than an actual AC game. There are elements of AC: social stealth, the hidden blade, ranged stealth weapons, the climbing and parkour systems but in a game that have you at sea more than half of your game time, it is certainly different from your traditional AC game settings and that is why it is endlessly fascinating. It's different, but in a wonderful way, if not much too needed.

    Ah, the golden age of pirates.

    submitted by /u/lakkimsetty
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    Is it safe to assume that Assassin's Creed has gone the complete RPG route now?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:50 PM PDT

    • Origins and Odyssey have taken the RPG route. Can one expect Valhalla to take the same route?
    • Just to give context, there was no compulsion or rule in the first place for AC to maintain the same type of gameplay.
    • Without much stealth(social stealth to use in trailing missions and evading enemies), parkour(to assassinate in different ways and traverse the cities/towns) and quick assassinations(to assassinate in crowds in style), is assassin's creed just a history simulator with action mechanics?
    • Is there no love left for the old-school social stealth-assassinations, trailing missions and parkour gameplay? Can't this model be revamped instead of being deleted?
    • Side-note: I observed recently that AC1 had a lot of context as to why things were the way they were.
      Altair's robes were that way to match the scholars and the local's clothes.
      The health bar was a synchronization bar.
      I presume the tenets were applied strictly, breaking them could mean desynchronization.
      Most things seem to be explained by the fact that Desmond was using the animus.
      Did the next games/upcoming games have/had this level of detail?
    submitted by /u/Arigamon
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    Two simple but important advices, imo:If you need long cutscenes at times, then do it, the games are now 50 plus hours long, what's wrong in having 2 or 3h of cutscenes. Also, please do not have over dramatic voice acting

    Posted: 03 May 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    One of my biggest problems with Origins was the cutscenes. How short they were. They felt unreal and gamey, and not like real people talking. The biggest example of this problem was meeting Cesar, presenting Cleópatra to him, meeting Ptolomeu, showing the head to Caesar and having Caesar bond with Cleo.

    All of this in less than two minutes. All of this because probably Ubisof is so afraid of players getting bored. Now, I know this is a game but the result from that and many other cutscenes was me getting annoyed by how unrealistic the scene was and how it forced me out of the immersion.

    If you need to have long cutscenes have them. Just add a skip button for those that don't like them. If you cut them in half the end result will only remind people that this is a game instead of immersing the player in badly written dialogue.

    Secondly, one of the biggest problrms in Odyssey was the acting. This is not a soap opera. Tone it down on the overemotional lines. Alexio was pretty bad. I'm sure the actor is great, don't get me wrong but his direction was bad. We get it, he's a spartan warrior. Can't he talk like a normal calm person?

    If I feel like I'm playing a soap opera instead of an interesting clash between two secular philosophical orders, it's gonna break my immersion.

    Also, accents. If you can't pull off a convincing regional accent just go for generic British one. Like most TV shows do. Instead of forcing actors to try out an accent they can't perform.

    submitted by /u/GreenArrow194
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    Could the Kenway’s be possible descendants of Eivor?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 08:02 PM PDT

    The only support for this theory is because Eivor and Edward are both blonde hair I couldn't get a good look at Eivors eye colour but they seem similar. Obviously that doesn't mean much but they both lived in similar regions so you could connect the two. It is a stretch though.

    submitted by /u/damianesam
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    Did you notice how huge the swords are in Origin and Odyssey?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 04:01 PM PDT


    I just started Origins and a friend of mine just moved to Odyssey, and we couldn't help but notice that the swords are very big compared to what they should be (example: gladius in Origins and xiphos in Odyssey). I come to the conclusion though that the daggers are about the size of the swords of the time (usually quite short).

    Did other people notice that, too?

    submitted by /u/Skall_ar
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    Access the Animus found a screenshot showcasing some... interesting... Enemy tactics

    Posted: 03 May 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    The guy who did the voice for the English king in the trailer did a really good job

    Posted: 03 May 2020 04:21 AM PDT

    He really set the mood for the whole trailer i hope he plays a big part in the game and was not just hired to do the trailer

    submitted by /u/trane20
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    I hope you can un-equip the bow in Valhalla.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 08:26 AM PDT

    Does anyone else hope you can un-equip the bow in Valhalla?

    In both Origins and Odyssey, I loved the bow when wanting to play from a distance. That being said, I really wish you could un-equip it when you want to go for a more "up in your face" play through and not as cluttered look. Hopefully in Valhalla, you can un-equip it so you can look similar to the cinematic trailers with just two axes.

    submitted by /u/RyanPro97
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    All Assassin’s Creed games and their Locations and Time periods Plus my thoughts at then end

    Posted: 03 May 2020 05:38 PM PDT

    All Assassins Creed game settings

    Assassins Creed •Location: "The Holy Land" modern day Israel •Time Period: Third Crusade (1191) •Character: Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad

    Assassins Creed II •Location: Florence, Italy •Time Period: Italian Renaissance (1476-1499) •Character: Ezio Auditore

    Assassins Creed Brotherhood •Location: Rome, Italy •Time Period: 1499-1507 •Character: Ezio Auditore

    Assassins Creed Revelations •Location: Constantinople •Time Period: 1511 •Character: Ezio Auditore

    Assassins Creed III •Location: Boston, New York, American Colonial Frontier •Time Period: American Revolution (1760-1783) •Character: Ratonhnhaké:ton (Connor Kenway)

    Assassins Creed IV Black Flag •Location: The Caribbean •Time Period: The Golden Age of Piracy (18th Century) •Character: Edward Kenway Assassins Creed Rogue •Location: North Atlantic •Time period: Seven Years War (mid 18th century) •Character: Shay Patrick Cormac

    Assassins Creed Unity •Location: Paris, France •Time Period: French Revolution (1789-1794) •Character: Arno Dorian

    Assassins Creed Syndicate •Location: London, England •Time Period: Industrial Revolution (1868) •Character: Jacob & Evie Frye

    Assassins Creed Origins •Location: Egypt •Time Period: Ptolemaic period (49-47 BCE) •Character: Bayek of Siwa

    Assassin Creed Odyssey •Location: Greece •Time Period: Peloponnesian War (431-422 BCE) •Character: Kassandra/Alexios

    Assassins Creed Valhalla •Location: Norway/England •Time Period: The Dark Ages of England (9th century) •Character: Eivor

    I'm super excited about the new Valhalla game and the trailer has me hyped. I always find myself thinking about all the past games and their settings and then thinking what games and settings they could do in the future. Let me know you're ideas for new settings that they could do or let me know your thoughts on Valhalla or any of the Assassin's Creed games. I've been a fan since the beginning and have played every main game that has come out. I know there is a big divide out there in the fan base so I will tell you my stance. I loved the old games and what they built for this franchise and all the nostalgia they bring me, however I am very happy with the way they are taking the series in this RPG huge world exploring type of game. That being said I also very much enjoyed the "middle child" games of black flag, unity, and syndicate some of my best experiences were playing these games. Sorry for the long rant here at the end but I hope you got some information or enjoyment out of this post.

    submitted by /u/ArrowheadKnight
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    [Spoilers] AC Odyssey: Legacy of the first blade storytelling

    Posted: 04 May 2020 12:43 AM PDT

    (as said in the flair and title, spoilers ahead)

    Just finished LotFB and gotta say, it's not great.

    The gameplay is basically more of the same, except The Cult are now called The Order. You basically do what you did in the base game, in the same locations (which I don't mind BTW since I didn't actually get to see those areas when playing the base game, guessing that's on purpose, they "saved" them for the DLC), it's fine or not if you're looking for more Odyssey gameplay.

    What I find troubling is the storytelling within your larger... odyssey. The first obvious issue is the pacing, where you have a dinner in Macedonia and drunken night in Achaia to decide that's enough to know this is the man (in Kassandra's case) you want to have a child with. It's obvious they needed this to get done soon since the DLC is short, but it feels out of nowhere. Also, I didn't choose to romance Natakas and still did, without even looking I'll guess this pissed off the Internet somewhat at the time. Voice actor for Natakas being bad (IMO) didn't help, it felt really cringy.

    The problem here is also time jumps which come out of nowhere. For example, at start of episode 3, you're sent off to kill some boar for the feast (implied the feast is just about to start), but when you get back (having been 200m away), everybody is telling you they missed you like you've been away for 2 months. Not sure if the implication is I got carried away and went off adventuring or was I really away for 2h and they still miss me like puppies when I step out to check the mail. This could have been fixed with a cutscene or something.

    The greatest problem is how disjointed the story feels to the rest of it. Two examples: 1. I have a son. I have a family (got the "best" ending) and all of them are assigned to Arestia. When I take Arestia to fetch my son from the small island in the final scene, they don't comment on the fact, at all. Myrrine is a grandmother and doesn't comment, doesn't join me to go fetch him, doesn't offer to take him instead of Darius, they don't exist even though they're there, they're puppets. 2. I take the son from Darius, son of Artaxerxes, on the small island. That's the end of the DLC. He tells us his father Artaxerxes is a good king, to make Darius question his intent to kill him. By chance, my next mission is finishing Blind King quest where you find out, no he isn't, he's right there in hiding and his brother is the king. Kassandra, just having talked to his son, doesn't mention this at all.

    I feel these loose ends are why the world feels skin deep. NPCs don't exist, they're just there to dispense quests and dialog, but only the dialog relevant to the quests they're dispensing. Planning for these connections and adding the dialog / reactions / scenes is what separates the world feeling like a play and a living world. It makes all the difference IMO and I feel sad it's not the case in AC Odyssey.

    submitted by /u/dkarlovi
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    An AC game set in Mesoamerica pre Spanish Arrival

    Posted: 03 May 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    How would people feel about this? I'm wondering how this would lend to the lore especially as they wouldn't have access to hard metal, how would the hidden blade factor in? Id prefer Mayan to Aztec and I think that would lend itself to the series better too. What are your guys thoughts? Probably a bad time to be posting this but oh well.

    submitted by /u/HolyRomanSloth
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    A thought I had about the Create-A-Viking in AC:V

    Posted: 04 May 2020 12:26 AM PDT

    I was thinking about this feature they're adding, to send your viking out online for others to use like the Pawns in Dragon's Dogma. I was thinking they're making character creation options for this, and it's probably going to be fairly extensive so that people can differentiate theirs from other peoples', make em unique. Since there's a character creator, and the viking will be part of your crew, wouldn't it be awesome if after you complete the story you could like switch between the MC and the created viking anytime you want at camp, and could just adventure around as them? Maybe when you play as them you can't do any side quests or things that require dialogue or something. I don't know, It's just something I was thinking of, that it'd be cool if you could play as the created viking in some capacity. There's people who ask for character creation in new Assassin's Creed games, and this could be a pretty cool way to please people who want that even though it would never or should ever replace an actual MC. What do you think about that?

    submitted by /u/riposteiii
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    If you were put in charge of rebooting the Assassin's Creed franchise, how would you do it?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    I was thinking about the future directions they could go in, after hearing Narrative Lead Darby McDevitt refer to Valhalla as a "really good capper" for the series thus far. It sounds like the next game after Valhalla could be a major shift in direction.

    If I were to oversee a soft reboot of the franchise, here's what I would want to do:

    • Keep all the historical stories of the past games canon, but reboot/reset the modern day continuity. It really feels like the modern day story is suffering under the weight of a lot of canon and a lot of whiplash-inducing shifts in priority between titles. Playing the last couple of games, it's hard to understand the state of the power struggle between Assassins and Templars. The early modern day story gave us a real sense of the stakes: scattered, underdog cells of Assassins up against a massive corporate Templar front. Each piece of eden and opportunity to train Desmond held great value. Now, it's hard to tell what the stakes are, or what the big picture is for Layla's story. I would want to tell a new story with a clean slate, keeping the new games connected by an overarching narrative, but one with a lot more forethought and organization.
    • Set it in China or Japan. I'd be really excited about an eastern-set Assassin's Creed, and seeing as it would be the most different aesthetically and tonally from what we've seen before, it'd be a great way to start fresh.
    • Tell a multiple-game story for a single protagonist or family. Combined with making games that are smaller in scope, I feel like a strong multi-game arc for a single character is the only shot Ubisoft has at ever creating a character with the iconic staying power of Ezio. I would also be cool with a trilogy centered around a family, like the Kenway games ended up being. I feel like this gives you the opportunity to explore a number of time periods, but create more satisfying payoffs and narrative threads when we get to see how characters and settings change over a long period of time.

    There are other things I would do if I could make any change -- I'd probably dial back the RPG mechanics and focus on a more linear story as well. But these would be the guiding principles for an Assassin's Creed reboot if I had a say in it! That's just me.

    What would you do if you were put in charge of a fresh start for AC 2021? Let me know in the comments!

    submitted by /u/Lwsrocks
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    So uhh what happened with the parkour?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    Not complaining, just deeply confused. Played some Unity today after a couple of weeks of mainly Odyssey, Origins, and Shadow of Mordor. Unity feels like a kid in a playground. Arno can do some crazy stuff. Odyssey and Origins are fun in every other aspect and pretty much superior imo in other aspects (story especially, Origins is legit a great story, probably better than Black Flag), but the weird vertical rock climbing they do for example, it feels like its on autopilot. Idunno.

    submitted by /u/JaneTheNotNotVirgin
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    I hope the male Voice actor in Valhalla is better than the one in Odyssey

    Posted: 03 May 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    Alexios VA was really bad and has been a common criticism even among Odyssey fans. I hope this time both options have good VA's

    submitted by /u/EUJourney
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    How are they working on Assassins Creed Valhalla?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 06:11 PM PDT

    How are they woorking on the game with all this covid stuff going on? Im curious to know. Are they allowed to work in the studios? Or did they lend the team rhe computers they use to be able to work from home.

    submitted by /u/Amigors
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    [SPOILERS] Mythological creatures in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

    Posted: 03 May 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    Now that we already know that Assassin's Creed Valhalla exists, I have to share this Twitter threads with my shots with photomode of all the mythological creatures that appear in Odyssey as bosses. I also made a thread about the history behind each of the mythological animals, although it is in Spanish.

    Can we expect something similar in Valhalla but with the Norse mythology?

    What do you think about this type of incorporations in the franchise?

    Did you prefer something more realistic or fantasy is justified within the lore (pieces of eden involved)?

    Mythological Creatures

    https://twitter.com/i/events/1256520100737421313 (78 screenshots)

    Mythological Animals with backstory (Greek Mythology)


    Hope you like it!

    Sneak peak here:



    Brontes: The Thunderer

    Arges: The Bright One

    Steropes: The Lightning Bringer



    The Hekatonchires

    Nothing is true, everything is permitted

    submitted by /u/JuanmaWL
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