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    Friday, April 24, 2020

    Assassin's Creed (Spoilers) AC 3 has one of the best scenes in the entire franchise

    Assassin's Creed (Spoilers) AC 3 has one of the best scenes in the entire franchise

    (Spoilers) AC 3 has one of the best scenes in the entire franchise

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 05:15 PM PDT

    Charles Lee's death scene is honestly one of the best death scenes in the franchise if not one of the best scenes in the franchise.

    Without any of them saying anything you really can kind of tell what's going through their head, Charles knows he can never know peace or sit down and have a drink again because Connor will always be chasing him.

    I love that in a way there's some respect, Charles Lee looks impressed by connor as he's courageble, strong and resillient.

    And Connor in a subtle way thanks him for letting him have his satisfaction and revenge and can let him rest for a while

    The drink exchange is beautiful aswell. Takes guts to share a drink with your enemy.

    AC III is a brilliant AC game. Don't know why it got the hate it did.

    submitted by /u/ironyfeelsjokes
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    I hope they ditch the dialogue options from Odyssey

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 01:52 AM PDT

    CYOA dialog trees are never that great. There are very few games that do them well and Odyssey is not one of them. They sort of avoided the morality problem that plagues a lot of dialog tree games where you get black and white options that are obvious and dumb.

    But my problem is it leads to stiff performances from the VA. Conversations lose the natural beats because the game has to pause every minute to see if you want to give the crazy horny or crazy murderer response. It just makes the writers seem like they lack any confidence in a real narrative and let the players try and cobble together it leaves for a hollow experience.

    It also doesn't make sense for this series that is about exact memories and history. Just give me a straight narrative and invest in that. I don't need options.

    submitted by /u/bluehawk232
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    Would be great to see a AC Netflix/HBO Show

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    With "The Witcher" and now "The Last of Us" getting their own show I'm surprised we haven't seen any talks about a Assassins Creed show maybe focusing on present day rather than the past,maybe following Desmond in between the times he's in the Animus.

    Or another agent working with the team who's more experienced to carry out tasks and Desmond just feeds him the information, I think that would cut down the cost on having to show what's going on in the past and Desmond will be more like a side character 🤷‍♂️ either way would love to see it.

    submitted by /u/Quicksilver_328
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    I wonder why "Ezio's Family" became the main theme of the franchise?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    There's probably a lot of factors (besides the fact that it's gorgeous)

    Did the fans show a lot of love for it and ubi took notice or was it more metaphorical like "all the assassins are connected, we're one big family" kinda thing

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/ku_1213
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    Which AC game had the most immersive world?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 03:17 PM PDT

    I ask this in terms of feeling like you were actually there and with the most quests and stuff to immerse you into the world.

    Call me crazy but I think Paris in AC Unity was the most immersive world. It depicted the era of the French Revolution perfectly. There were so many quests and locations that related to the time period. Not to mention, the crowds of people and riots and crowd events happening all the time everywhere made the game feel so realistic. In addition I think Unity was the peak of the series in terms of playing as an assassin. It still made me feel the most like an assassin because of emphasis on stealth where you had to use the world around you to complete a mission or assassination or simply blending in with crowds to stay anonymous. Sucks it got so much hate bc of all the bugs.

    Sorry for the rant.. what are y'all's opinions and which AC map was the most immersive to you?

    submitted by /u/christianxxxp
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    Stealth across the AC franchise

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 11:17 PM PDT

    I'm currently playing though ACII on my journey to complete all the Assassin's Creed's for the first time (I have played through some of them already, but haven't actually completed them (save ACI of course)), and I've noticed that stealth seems fairly different through the different games. I've played Odyssey, where stealth is mind-numbingly easy and not getting detected is a cakewalk, Syndicate, where stealth is somewhat more difficult but still fairly easy, ACIII, where stealth is relegated to standing around a corner,whistling, corner assassination, and repeat, lest you get caught by the guards with esp, and ACI and 2, where you must pray the guard doesn't turn around as you slowly meander towards him for the kill. Is this a personal experience where I'm not getting something or is this just how the games are supposed to work?

    submitted by /u/Deadfire182
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    I want an actual assason outfit next game

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 07:12 PM PDT

    I know this is silly but I missed the feeling of a cannon outfit in this game the gear system was kinda cool but it felt very in assassin like. I know Kassandra was a mercenary but come on. Bagels felt very cool and awesome for egypt. Also a viking assassin outfit can be really cool

    submitted by /u/Tanner576
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    Assassin's Creed Odyssey: I'm Sorry and Thank You

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    I'm sorry I doubted you.

    With the exception of a break for Final Fantasy VII Remake, I've been playing it non stop ever since the quarantine started. The second I finished FFVII I went back to Greece because I missed Kassandra and that world. 110 hours later and I'm halfway through The Fate of Atlantis.

    I've been playing this series since the very first one at a friends house, and I remember just being so hyped by the first AC 2 trailer. The Ezio years were great but the last AC game I pre-ordered and bought day one was ACIII back in 2012. Starting with Black Flag I already felt a bit tired, and so I waited to get that one on a sale later on. Turns out it became my favorite AC game yet. I was still skeptical and again waited on Rogue, which I really liked. By Unity and Syndicate I was still not ready to commit so I just rented them both and finished them in a week.

    With Origins, my skepticism wasn't gone so again I waited on a sale and bought it. I fell in love with the game, but I got it right before Odyssey and saving it for quarantine really worked out for me.

    There are quite a few things I consider too much of a departure from what makes an AC game for me personally, but the pure enjoyment and over a hundred hours of entertainment it has given me can't be overstated.

    I wasn't a fan of the loss of focus on the actual Assassin order, but man I am having so much fun. I think it has more than enough qualities to make it worthy of the name. I know people here debate on Odyssey being a good game vs being a good AC game. From my 13 years of experience with the series, it is both. I'd like to see some RPG elements toned down and a focus back on the Assassins though.

    So, 8 years later after I pre-ordered my last AC game, they've won me over. Just in time for next-gen too. Thank you AC Odyssey for bringing joy in these times of uncertainty. I can't wait for the next adventure.

    TLDR: Odyssey is awesome, worthy of the AC title and the perfect quarantine game.

    submitted by /u/JayCalavera
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    Top 5 Assassin’s skill wise canon.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 10:19 PM PDT

    Rank top 5 assassin's skill wise. # 1 being able to beat the rest. Stick to canon, include books, etc.

    submitted by /u/Cara_Pollen
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    One thing I hate about origins and odyssey is you wanna binge the main story but the game forces you to do side stuff

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    Don't get me wrong I like the side stuff but when the story gets good and I'm actually interested with how the events will play out I don't wanna have to do side stuff to meet a level requirement to do a main story mission. That's so wack tbh and needs to go.

    submitted by /u/greenetta
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    Games and reading order of franchise

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    Assassins creed revelations would have sold better if the cover art was more creative

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    The cover art of revelations looks so dark depressing and gritty to me, it looks like a game that would make you depressed while playing it but in reality, behind the lame cover art is a beautiful game, the world map is one of the best looking and immersive worlds I've ever played, the world just feels so alive and colorful . If they ever remaster or remake this then I really hope they change the cover art

    submitted by /u/Stephan-Wolfgang
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    What assassin's Creed game would you like to see a sequel to?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 11:16 PM PDT

    My dream sequel is Black flag 2, it would continue Edwards story, IT WOULD NOT HAVE rpg mechanics it would be classic assassin's creed. It would be completely open world with no loading screens when you enter a new island, make the map bigger but not too big like odessey and it would be packed with fun pirating missions and black box missions and so much more fun stuff.

    submitted by /u/justjack76
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    Things that drove you crazy or didn't made sense in their worlds (may contain spoilers for the whole series)

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 02:11 AM PDT

    I think we all experienced things during our play throughs that drove us crazy or where we thought "well, this don't make any sense at all". So let's collect and discuss some things that come in our minds. Since I'm replaying the series at the moment and I'm only in AC2 so far, here are my current thoughts:

    • the drunk/mentally ill in AC1 gave me such a hard time. How often they just pushed me into guards, into the water or when fleeing from the guards. I seriously hated them more then everything.

    • there are way too many synchronization points in AC1. The towns weren't that big to justify that amount of towers to discover everything. They could have cut it in half and it would still be more then enough

    • in AC2 the wanted posters often make no sense at all. I mean, why should they be pinned on a roof or somewhere other higher then ground level? No one would be able to see them at all!

    What are your ideas and thoughts about this, including the following games?

    submitted by /u/Marvellous_MR
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    Leveling Up in New Game+ for Assassin's Creed: Odyssey

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    Is it faster/easier to get to Level 99 in New Game plus? I thought I read somewhere that it was easier to level up in NG+ but maybe I just misunderstood the article?

    I'm level 60 right now btw

    submitted by /u/FeelMyOats
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    Opinion on the Recent Games

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 12:42 AM PDT

    Well, after palying origins and seeing some gameplay of odyssey, i thought of a few things and i would like to address and see if anyone agrees with me.

    1. I think the new dialogue choice feature that was added in odyssey is dumb, it defeats the purpose of the animus to re live history to find out information about a peice of eden ect, so the present day characters can go find it ect. You are not re living history if you can change the outcome of it.
    2. While origins had less of this feature it still annoys me though. The addition of mythological creature boss fights, or god boss fights ect.
    3. The hidden blade has lost it's importance. In origins you had to keep upgrading it, so you could one hit kill enemies and in odyssey it's non existent. I don't see a point if you can't feel like an assassin anymore, at this point it's the same as playing any other rpg game. (GoW, witcher ect) i think ubisoft is trying to copy those games because of how popular they are and ac is loosing it's identity.
    4. Flaming swords, ground slamming seriously though?
    5. Ac ragnarok. God this sounds so dumb being a viking, who vikings basically slaughtered and attacked people because they could and the game will definitely have alot of mythological aspects. Just why? Because GoW was an award winning game?

    I don't want to sound butt hurt but it's just my opinion on the franchise. Im not interested in the franchise anymore and i would like to know if anyone else feels the same. P.s Hope everyone is staying safe.

    submitted by /u/K1LL_xGrimlock
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    (Spoiler) 84 percent done need help to complete 100%

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 12:39 AM PDT

    Just killed Deimos and episode 9 and the epilogue. What else is there to do to complete the main progression.

    submitted by /u/KingAchilles08
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    What's the next AC on Nintendo Switch?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 12:08 AM PDT

    After Assassin's Creed 3, Assassin's Creed Black Flag and Assassin's Creed Rouge does anyone know what/if any more AC games are going to be released on the Switch?

    submitted by /u/JeanHavoc7
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    Ezio is a hypocrite for breaking his own morals

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 12:21 AM PDT

    Ezio said that those who kill without regret or remorse and that they do it carelessly should never be respected once they themselves die yet ezio was willingly to set an entire city ( cave city in revelations) on fire which he actually did with no remorse, regret or anything, he literally burned the whole city down in cold blood, killing hundreds of innocent lives, you can even see bodies of civilians dropping down dead to the floor during the gameplay. He contradicted himself and I've basically lost all respect for him.

    submitted by /u/AdamCumBaby
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    Can someone please explain how to play Fanorona?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 11:03 PM PDT

    Or tell me where to find the most dumbed down explanation possible? Like, I get it, capture all the damn pieces, but HOW?? I was about seventeen when AC3 came out and I'm twenty-six now, and I still don't see any rhyme or reason as to how this board game is played while I'm going through the remastered version. The movements make no sense at all to me, but maybe my brain is just having the worst time understanding this isn't normal checkers or I could just be THAT stupid.

    Anyone have tips on how to explain this game so even a five year old could understand it??

    submitted by /u/MangoShade
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    Which AC game do you think has the best rendition of Ezio's Roman Outfit? (Reference video down below)

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 07:40 AM PDT

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