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    Tuesday, April 14, 2020

    Assassin's Creed My newest Ezio drawing πŸ˜‰

    Assassin's Creed My newest Ezio drawing ��

    My newest Ezio drawing ��

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    I made Connor’s Tomahawk from Creed 3. All made from wood and animal friendly materials. Even the feathers were found (not taken). Thought I’d share it here.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 12:54 AM PDT

    I want a real crew for the next AC game

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    Every time you have a ship with a crew, only your second man has a personality. I'd like ubisoft to give more importance to the crew and the ship. A few premade characters with its own personalities and stories. And a nice ship that feels like a home. Like the ship in the begining of AC 3, where you can go inside of it, I remembered it felt really inmersive.

    What do you think? Would you like something like that or you think that the ship is only to go from point A to B and a battle minigame?

    submitted by /u/Edllan
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    Bring back the sprinting double assassination in the new AC game

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 10:44 PM PDT

    I just think it's so satisfying when you cleanly assassinate two targets while running, and just keep going like nothing happened.

    submitted by /u/jhall234
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    Game set in ancient Mesopotamia?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    Could a future game be set in Mesopotamia? I think it would be extremely interesting to have one set in the Akkadian empire, which some would argue is the dawn of civilisation, and potentially feature Sargon of Akkad (NOT the YouTuber obviously). It's shrouded in mystery and there's limited written history about it, so there's a lot of creative license there. Despite the lack of knowledge, there are a lot ruins so the aesthetic side of it wouldn't be too bad.

    submitted by /u/theinspector5
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    Assassin's Creed 2 free on Uplay?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 10:02 PM PDT

    Could someone post the link for the free download of AC2 which was supposed to start from 14th (ie. Today)?

    submitted by /u/varunpathak1091
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    Why has magic gotten so out of hand in only 2 games?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    The franchise just keeps getting more ridiculous and ridiculous in terms of how the world of assassins creed uses magic. For all the games prior to origins it was established that magic and such did not really exist That it was caused by ISU artifacts. Which were extremely rare and used by the game developers in some extant, in every ac game

    Origins pushed the boundaries of that a bit by giving us a few trials of the gods mission's which I enjoyed could have been given al little more variety but whatever. It gave us some small amount of Magic in case of bows which was fitting for Egypt. I never did think they would be expanding on this so much.

    But then you move onto odyssey and it just got way out of hand. suddenly I am a fk Demi god with my Spear of Leonidas bulldozing over every mere mortal in my way. Taking out entire armies with my 1000 degree burning sword and my glowing green poisonous axe from my horse that is also on fire I might add On my way to kill the Minotaur myself.

    I mean what even is this?

    And with the new game coming out, people giving odyssey good reviews (for some reason, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion) and teens liking Norse gods so much because of marvel, god of war, etc (which are all great) I think they are going to do this again and make you again be this magical being fighting gods. instead of just a normal human working as an assassin for the brotherhood, like the good old days.

    Edit: you could argue that it takes place long before the other games and that therefore ISU tech is more common than it was in the later games. But, if they indeed go through with this and do Norse gods this theory becomes bullshit, as for the Vikings where around in 800 with Altair reforming the brotherhood around 300 years later.

    There should at least be a huge decline lore wise, but I highly doubt they would do that.

    submitted by /u/monkeyflesh96
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    Leo K, Ideal AC game rant

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    Leo K seems to really get what AC veterans love about the series. They describe exactly what I want in future AC games.


    submitted by /u/TheNeonWhiteOne
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    Has Assassins Creed gone down the wrong road? (opinions)

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    I have played every Assassins Creed from launch day since AC2, I fell in love with the idea of being an Assassin in a mystical war against the Templar order in a sprawling urban environment; however, in my opinion recent games have seemed to sway farther and farther from the games that I fell in love with in an effort to please the main stream RPG players when that is never what assassins creed was to me. If I wanted to play a full pledged RPG I would go play games such as Oblivion or The Witcher. I am not calling Origins and Odyssey bad games I am simply stating that they are bad Assassins Creed games in that they have lost the allure that Assassins Creed had with me. While I appreciate the effort Ubisoft has put forth to improve the quality of Assassins Creed games I feel as if I the games I am playing now are not even Assassins Creed and I have lost interest in the direction they are moving in. I would like to get others opinions on my argument.

    Combat: When I was first attracted to Assassins Creed I loved the idea of being a shadowy figure that could kill anyone with ease as long as I mastered the aspects of stealth the game had in place. These abilities were tweaked and perfected all the way up until Unity (I am excluding Syndicate because it did not necessarily add anything to the stealth aspect while also further emphasizing combat). I take the controversial opinion that AC:U was the perfect Assassins Creed game game-play wise,while I had many issues with its bugs, story, etc. There was not a game since Assassins Creed Brotherhood that truly made me feel as if I was an Assassin and that using the shadows to my advantage would not only be the smarter route, but also the more enjoyable route. Recent releases such as Origins and Odyssey however have turned into a grind fest where by the time you get your hidden blade/bow upgraded enough to stealthily kill enemies there is little to no point in stealth, my issue being that the weapons you posses by the time you hit the "ideal" level for executing a mission via stealth are powerful enough just to break down the very foundations of the fortifications you are trying to enter into, entirely the reason for stealth entirely, my point being that while yes combat was majorly improved upon to reduce the button mashing combat of the older game I feel as if the Hidden Blade and other resources for stealth have been majorly degraded at the same time.

    Worlds: While the giant world spaces of AC:Odyssey and Origins are a beautiful and sprawling landscape my main issue with it is that the selling point of Assassins Creed that hooked me in the first place is now lost, The main reason I picked up Assassins Creed in the first place is that I loved the idea of having the beautiful sprawling historical cities that you could climb anything and discover new and beautiful districts around every corner; However, with Origins and Odyssey this aspect is lost, while still having beautiful historical cities the country side is more abundant than anything in these cities it the pursuits have changed from free running across roof tops to break line of sight and drop to the ground to disappear into the crowds below into a rock wall simulator where you can simply hide in a bush at the top of the cliff.

    Story: I have many issues with the direction the story has gone specifically with Odyssey, while being a wonderful RPG story this loops to my point above that Assassins Creed was not a full fledged RPG when it was conceptualized. Not only has Odyssey seem to lost the picture that Assassins Creed is not a full fledged RPG it also has lost what you were role playing in the previous Assassins Creeds in the first place, an Assassins, not a mercenary. While you could argue that this is before The hidden ones were even forged too which produces the counter argument "Then why are we even in this time period?" The core game itself has no significance to the Assassins Creed Story other than it has a Piece of Eden in it. You have to purchase a DLC to discover the little signifigance the character in the game even plays to the Assassins Creed timeline. while Origins seemed to keep a little bit of the charm of you being an Assassin, all I ever felt like in Odyssey was a mercenary; furthermore, the decision to add in-game choices is simply an effort to cater to the main stream RPG elements this game has force fed to long term fans, also creating the issue that while yes "It would be cool to see what happens if my character does this." at the same time Assassins Creed is a large mesh of lore, a lot of it interconnecting with other time periods. Causing the conflict that Ubi wants it to be an RPG so bad but cannot add any real significant choices to the game because it will either conflict with A. The Story, or B. Historical Accuracy. While my final issue with the story is less significant of an issue when done a few times Odyssey is the worst I have ever seen at doing this, that being artificial game length, while other games have done it Odyssey seems to be the cheapest exploit of it I have ever seen. Grinding in this game is literally ridiculous, reaching a level after 2 hours of grinding so you can finally continue on with the story just to finish that mission in 15 minutes and have to spend another 2 hours grinding is the cheapest way a developer could add length to their game; furthermore, ubisoft didn't even make the grinding enjoyable with endless "Defeat this Fortification" quests and "Help defend this beach". This was not enough for them to add fake playtime into the game however, in the later game quests you receive will expect you to go across the entire map to a region you have not been remotely near to either start a quest, or finish an objective. Its almost like staring at your character ride a horse for 30 minutes is supposed to be enjoyable.

    Now the last issue I have is the largest issue I've had , the only thing that has changed with the releases of Assassins Creed is that its no longer every year "Oh boy another Assassins Creed, I wonder if this one is going to be shit?" it has now become every 2 years thinking "Oh boy Another cliche RPG, I wonder if this one is going to be shit?" while I am not hating the fact that Ubi has chosen to extend development cycles for Assassins Creed I am hating that instead of just delaying it indefinitely until they can come out with the best Assassins Creed to date, they simply chose to extend development cycles by a year so they could flip the fundamentals of the game on its head entirely and push out another RPG every 2 years as if we dont have enough fully fledged RPG's trying to mainstream their games.

    Please leave your opinions below because Id like to know how the community feels about recent games.

    submitted by /u/SuperFlamin
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    How is the character of Alexios

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    I've never played odyssey. Everyone talks about the other protagonists all the time but no one ever talks about alexios why.

    submitted by /u/mclovin54670
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    Replaying AC/Appreciation for modern day story

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    So I just finished replaying the first game during quarantine and forgot how awesome the game is. Everything is great about this game but the thing I especially love and it may be in part because of my nostalgia from playing this as an 11 year old is how intriguing the modern day story is. Even though it's so simple and all you do is read emails of Lucy and vidic and have conversations with them it made me realize that I was drawn into the world of Assassin's Creed because of the modern day story. Every game always left me in awe with the modern day story. I know that most of the games drive the modern story because of what happened in the past and unfortunatly the games haven't been the best lately with modern day story but I would love to see the next one make a return to what was done in the first game. Just my thoughts. Would love to hear others opinions.

    submitted by /u/larsbot333
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    So I finished AC:Odyssey main quest.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:13 AM PDT

    I still haven't finished the cultists (about 2/3 done) and finished the Atlantis gate sealing thing and of course the family quest line. I really want to finish the cultist line and get into the Atlantis dlc, but I am just so tired of this game. It's too big, I don't want to sail my boat for 20 minutes to get to a quest, then fast travel across the whole world just to kill one more cultist when there's like 10 left. I don't want to force myself to do side quests or (extremely) boring bounties to level up to finish the cultist line. (Lvl 47 rn). I do not care about Alexios at all. I really want to finish this game but honestly it's just draining on me at this point.

    I really want to enjoy the game. And I'm honestly so jealous of all of you that do. But it's almost like I can see the way this world is stitched together and getting immersed in it feels impossible. I love Ancient Greece and this game pulls of a wonderful rendition of it mixed with mythology, but the world itself just feels dead to me.

    Do I just need to take a break and finish it later, push through, or forget about it altogether?

    submitted by /u/madden2000
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    AC1 Can't start the game. Freeze after intro video.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 10:55 PM PDT

    I've been using google for the last hour trying to get an answer/fix with no luck, figured I'd try here. Any help?

    submitted by /u/Judge_Ravina
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    Altair’s Assassin’s Creed Remake vs Remaster

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    With the spur of recent remakes (ex. Modern Warfare, FF VII, and Resident Evil 2 & 3) how likely is it that we could see a revisioning of Altair's Assassin's Creed.

    I think if they stayed true to the original story while overhauling the combat system not to mimic the newer games like AC Odyssey but Unity it would be a great way to revisit the Holy Land.

    I may be alone in the next part but I feel like I don't need a sprawling 100 hour game to enjoy it. I would like for them to take time to create side quests that are meaningful and story driven instead of fetch quests. A 15-25 hour game is niche nowadays and honestly I like more manageable games due to my work/life schedule now.

    A couple years ago I wouldn't have thought it possible but with the success of the remakes in the last year I could see it becoming more and more true.

    Y'all's thoughts?

    submitted by /u/bpburgess
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    Any good videos of builds that don’t contain massive spoilers & where you aren’t required to be level 99?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 10:18 PM PDT

    Just can't seem to find any decent ones on YouTube. Seems like most just assume you've been playing this game since launch, beat all DLC, & are level 99.

    I'm currently level 50 & only just got to the Boeotia part of the story. So I only have two full legendary sets of armor, which aren't too good for a warrior build.

    Or do you have tips of your own on how to build a good warrior?

    submitted by /u/Grooveh_Baby
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    When returning to the main map in orgins after beating both dlcs has the time passed?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 08:49 PM PDT

    Im just wondering that when u return to the main game is it like bwfore the dlcs

    submitted by /u/clownin6969
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    Will Ubisoft ever bring back wall running mechanics?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 08:35 PM PDT

    Do you think we'll ever see wall running introduced to assassins creed from Prince of Persia? I personally am baffled that they haven't added it yet, and would love to have that added to my assassin's tool set.

    submitted by /u/DerMetulz
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    How upgraded does the Jackdaw need to be to do the main missions?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    I'm going through the series for the story so I just want to do the main missions really

    I remember trying to finish AC4 a few years ago and there hitting a point where I needed to upgrade the ship more, which I hadn't really done so would take a while

    This time I'm trying to upgrade as I go, are there important upgrades to focus on that will see me through the main missions?

    submitted by /u/not_my_real_name_lol
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    [AC ODYSSEY]Anyone remember whats the message that comes up at around level 42ish something to do with ship upgrades on the right side of the screen when talking to diona on kythera island.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    I missed it and I can't find it anywhere on the web, it had something to do with ship upgrades. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Real_nimr0d
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    When Will We Come Back To More Modern Times?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    After Syndicate, we went to way, way back. To ancient Egypt and Greece. But when do you think we will come back to more modern times? And do you think if we will ever see a game in 20th century?

    submitted by /u/kayrakaanonline
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    Looking to 100% memory sequences on AC4, some questions I have

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    I am playing and enjoying AC 4 so far. I heard people praising the freedom that the ship gives and I have to say that it is real. I am trying to 100% the entire game (I am at 90%ish) and my main problem are now the legendary ships (I still have to do the brothers in arms and the dama negra ones) and the optional objectives of the main story. But I have this questions 1.if I start re playing a memory and I miss a optional objective, can I reload from the last checkpoint before making a mistake or do I have to make the memory again from zero? 2. What does exactly "stay out of combat" means? Do I failed if the enemey detects me? Do I fail if the indicator turns red? Do I fail if the red indicators fills? Does it fail even if I escape before hitting the enemy? Does it fail if I hit an enemy with a berseker dart? 3. If there are 2 optional objectives and I accomplish one, and I want to re play it to complete the other, do I have to make both again or just the one that didn't do? Any other tips related to this are also welcome. Hope you can help so I can complete the game this week πŸ˜„

    submitted by /u/BlckEagle89
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