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    Wednesday, March 11, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Win a pair of tickets to the AC Symphony show in Toronto [March 14th]!

    Assassin's Creed Win a pair of tickets to the AC Symphony show in Toronto [March 14th]!

    Win a pair of tickets to the AC Symphony show in Toronto [March 14th]!

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    We're giving away two pairs of two tickets for the AC Symphony show in Toronto.

    Tickets are non transferable for any other tour location or date.
    You will get a guest list spot and identification is required at the venue, so make sure to fill the form out correctly.
    Please only enter if you can get there on your own.

    Enter here (Twitter Login Required)

    There are three ways to enter:
    - Follow @rAssassinsCreed on Twitter (required)
    - Retweet the tweet linked above
    - Leave a comment here on this post about your favorite piece of music in the franchise and why you like it the most. To validate your comment, include a permalink to it in the giveaway tool.

    Should you not be so lucky as to win a ticket, regular tickets for the Toronto show are 25% off with the code "EZIO25"!

    Get tickets here

    submitted by /u/Treviso
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    Ah Ezio, some of the fondest memories made

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    Edward Kenway 327th Birthday

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, today is the day of the 327th birthday of our legendary Assassin who lived during the golden age of piracy, I named him Edward Kenway, and for the occasion, I decided to make a GMV to celebrate this special day, hope you'll enjoy it.


    submitted by /u/ZeeFirstDay
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    Playing the Ezio Collection for the first time

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    Haven't played these old AC games since god-knows-when, and one thing I enjoy is the simplicity of games that were made in this time. It's like I'm time travelling and seeing what the limitations of engines, and hardware were beforehand. However, there are some mechanics I'm glad went extinct. Anybody else feel the same?

    submitted by /u/Mattene
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    The Balance Between Combat and Stealth in AC Unity

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    Since a lot of people seemed to be praising Unity lately, I decided to finally play it. I did play it a few hours at release, but just did not like it at the time. The game was really unstable and all that, but since then they've addressed a lot of issues. There's still a few glitches, but nothing really game breaking.

    Playing through this game was really an eye opening experience. The parkour is much better than in the "new formula" (which are Origins and Odyssey), but I completely understand why they went with the new parkour system considering there's a lot of natural climbing instead of being primarly urban.

    What I think really sets Unity apart though is it's combat and stealth systems, and the way each systems complement one another. When it comes to combat, you can get overwhelmed fairly easily in this one maybe even more so than in any other games of the series. When surrounded, a lot of enemies also start shooting you instead of striking you making it harder to sustain the fight. Of course, you can make good use of your tools to mitigate that, but especially early game you run out fairly quickly. I think that this really help delivering a more grounded and let's say realistic gameplay than what's included in the "new formula".

    The combat is not the end all be all of the game nor is it super easy at first. This makes the combat feel punishing in a way that encourages a more stealthy approach without undermining it either if your stealth fails. It might also encourage you sometime to run away and hide instead of killing everyone because it's nearly easier to do so than flee. Making good use of your every tools while sneaking around feels also a lot more useful, even sometime necessary compared to other Assassin's Creed titles. It makes you feel more like a true assassin than the "new formula" games and maybe even than any games of the series.

    I'm not saying that Unity is the best game of the series. It's not a perfect game either. The way I see it, it's a deeply flawed gem. Of course, that's just my opinion. I just wanted to highlight the relationship between the combat and stealth mechanics I've experienced in this title. I'm curious how the Assassin's Creed would be if they went and polished this type of direction instead of going full-on RPG.

    On a side note, the social stealth and crowd density is also incredible in Unity, and adds a lot of charm to the game. It might feel odd at times hiding in a crowd with a long weapon, but it feels really cool nonetheless.

    submitted by /u/PUNchoFruits
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    How close is Syndicate to today's London?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    Does the city have almost all of the landmarks intact still? What about the apartment buildings? I think they have like 6-7 floors in the game. I believe these are flats for normal people to live in. How many floors does an average apartment building in London have these days?

    submitted by /u/Calipos
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    red target at the entrance to masyaf (the traitor?)

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    during memory block 2, before your equipment is returned to you - you are sent to investigate a traitor. during this mission, the traitor mentions someone who helped the templars through the gate. and if you use eagle vision outside the gate, one single assassin is marked red. (whilst all others are marked blue)

    submitted by /u/Kyntoku
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    Would a Wild West setting feel too much like red dead?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 12:22 AM PDT

    I feel an assassins creed game set in the Wild West could be awesome but I worry it'd be too similar to red dead redemption 2. I haven't played it or looked into much but it looks really good and I'm not sure if an AC game would just end up being a worse version of it. Do you think they could make it different enough to work?

    submitted by /u/smnw12345
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    How do you think an Assassin's Creed game would look like if it was directed by Hideo Kojima?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    It's an interesting concept I had a while ago but what would you guys think if Kojima took a chance in the AC universe?

    submitted by /u/Ciscoblue113
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    Can I skip AC Rogue (for now)

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 08:56 PM PDT

    I'm playing through the AC games for the first time. I just finished Black Flag and I'm kind of burnt out of the whole ship/islands thing, I've heard Rogue has basically identical gameplay as Black Flag. Does it matter if I skip it and come back to it in the future?

    Odyssey was the first game I played. I loved it so much which is why I'm playing through the series. I'm thinking of playing Origins next, and then continuing from Rogue after.

    submitted by /u/heryea42
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    Strawpoll: Did you finish AC Odyssey's DLC?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 08:24 PM PDT

    Help with the Thames [AC: Syndicate Spoilers?]

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    So the target for reclaiming the Thames escaped. How do I get it to trigger again if I haven't died?

    submitted by /u/Rhia1
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    I love the heir of memories quest but ... [Spoiler]

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    The following modern day segments in the fate of Atlantis were a bit disappointing and it's a shame for all the build up from the introductory quest ( heir of memories ) .

    The heir of memories quest was great for various reasons .

    • Much more modern day content than the main game

    • Exploring ancient tombs is exciting and brings brotherhood's modern day vibes which is considered by many one of if not the best modern day in the franchise thus far .

    • Banter between Layla and her team as well as commenting on their archeological finds .

    • Cryptic and mysterious tone thanks to the connection between Layla , the staff and Aletheia , what's locked behind the door in Atlantis and who is the interloper .

    • The strong connection between past and present.

    All these things made me really hyped for the fate of Atlantis . I was expecting much much more modern day content , new puzzles , having to face abstergo , figuring out what Aletheia wants from Layla and finally witness juno's return ( i still hope that Juno survived from Charlotte's hidden blade and the explosion at the project phoenix laboratory thanks to the power of the shroud ).

    However what we got was such a downgrade both in terms of gameplay and story .

    -We don't get to do parkour , solve puzzles and explore new areas. Instead we get one room with nothing to do . At least we get to fight sigma ( Σ ) team and Otso Berg .

    -The writing is also a bit worse than the main game with Victoria being even more annoying . Like why did she say to Layla that killing those abstergo soldiers was unethical ? They are assassins fighting the Templars . Furthermore doesn't she know what self defense is ? ( This could be fixed if it was revealed that she was a double agent )

    Now let's talk about the main reason many people don't like the modern day segments of the dlc . Layla's corruption. I personally didn't mind Layla murdering Victoria . It was really unexpected and did spice things up imo . The problem is that the writing is not very good so we , the players , can't actually understand if Layla acts cool after the fact because she continues being possessed at all times or the writers don't know how to handle the situation. I want to like Layla as much as i liked Desmond but i can't. Let me clear things up , Layla is an ok protagonist imo ( not awful not great ) but damn , did ubisoft actually leave us wandering if she did withstand the staff's corruption , the indication being her trying to convince berg to use the staff to help his sick daughter and then when having to fight him she spared his life as well as her showing remorse when talking to Victoria's dead body ,or is she turning into a villain , the indication being her breaking berg's spine and not confessing to her team what she did to Victoria ? These questions exist because of bad writing , not something intensional , probably ...

    All these things made this sub Reddit wanting to play as a new third person protagonist in the next game and while i understand the reasons why they want that , i strongly believe that such a thing would destroy the image of the franchise even more in the long run . First we had juno's story being dumped into the comics . Now if ubisoft were to also cut Layla's story from the games then a feeling of distrust would be more apparent than ever . Why invest into future storylines that could even start of great if you know there is the possibility ubisoft to let them unfinished ?

    So for any ubisoft employee reading this please continue Layla's story in the next game and redeem her . It all comes down to the writers not the fictional character . If the writers are skilled they can do what santa Monica studios did with kratos . Evolve the character . After all nothing is true , everything is permitted . As for the rest of you i beg you to give Layla one last chance for redemption :)

    submitted by /u/esiokles
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    The Requiem of Assassin's Creed / worked on it for quite a while, I appreciate the feedback

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 06:18 AM PDT

    It doesn't feel like I'm an Assassin anymore...

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 08:51 PM PDT

    Heyo Assassins (and dirty Templars)!

    So, I just wanted to give some background on my experience with Assassin's Creed. Then I wanted to ask a really broad and general question.

    Skip ahead for Discussion

    I started with AC3 when it launched. I remember.... Thinking it was okay. Way to much time walking, I didn't learn about fast traveling until much later... The gameplay was cool. I remember enjoying the idea.

    I moved on and bought Revelations a while later, wanted to give the series a try again. HOLY MOTHER OF PEARL IT WAS GOOD. Nuff' said. I was an Assassin. It was awesome.

    Then I got confused again... I played Black Flag. The ship stuff was cool, but after having binged Revelations, I felt a distinct lack of assassiny goodness.

    Then I played Brotherhood, LOVED IT. Assassin to the f-in max.

    Then we skip a bit. I played Origins. I liked that it gave me the origin story, but I really didn't feel like an Assassin (which I guess makes sense...).

    Then Odyssey. I spent a few weeks a while ago playing through it. I thought the gameplay was a lot of fun, but that it was once again missing something...

    Now about an hour ago, I finished Syndicate. That was a lot of fun.

    Skip to here for Discussion

    I... I don't feel like an Assassin. Brotherhood, Revelations, AC3, and Syndicate. I felt like an Assassin. I was crawling through the depths. Studying patrols. Planning escape routes. Executing literally everyone so I didn't have to worry about any of that. I felt like an honest to God assassin, and I LOVE IT.

    But... Origins, and Odyssey? It's just a really big hack and slash. And y'all know what I mean, those two are MASSIVE. They feel like I'm just a Jesus with Blades and there is some super vague correspondence to the Assassins and the storyline that I think has been built (Precursors, whatnot, too much to think about).

    Does anyone else feel like that? I ain't saying the games are bad, I just don't feel like an assassin anymore...

    submitted by /u/Karness_Muur
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    Is Black Flag Multiplayer Still Viable?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    Sorry if this was asked before I couldn't seem to find it. I remember having a lot of fun on the multiplayer and I was thinking about downloading it tonight and trying it out. But Im worried its "dead"

    submitted by /u/Ogrte
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    First game of AC?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:55 AM PDT

    What was the first AC game you played? What about it made you want to continue playing AC games? Mine was AC 2 (or 3) and I loved the twists and turns of the story.

    submitted by /u/Leroy5hadowWolf
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    AC Odyssey made my screen darker?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    As soon as I opened AC Odyssey my screen went a bit darker with less brightness and more saturation. I assumed that after I closed the game it would go back to it's normal config but it didn't, I even restarted my computer and it's still the same.

    I've read a few other posts on the steam forums about people having the same problem and I couldn't find any solutions...Any fix to this?

    submitted by /u/Lithiuum
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