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    Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed Syndicate is awesome

    Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed Syndicate is awesome

    Assassin's Creed Syndicate is awesome

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    Have been playing a lot of AC Odyssey recently, but booted up syndicate a couple of days ago. I completed it back when it came out, but playing it again is so dope. The setting, the music, the stealth and parkour in this game is so underrated. Assassin's Creed Syndicate achieved what Unity could not, it feels polished and just overall relaxing to play. What do you guys think? Definately one of the best AC games in my honest opinion.

    submitted by /u/Redneck_
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    While it would be very difficult to make, I'd love to one day see an Assassin's Creed game where you can explore the modern day and ancient settings in-game.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    Imagine if, in AC: Black Flag, you got to visit modern day Havana.

    Or if in AC: Origins you got to venture further outside that cave and see what has become of Egypt in those thousands of years.

    submitted by /u/luckjes112
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    I always feel a major moral disconnect while playing these games

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 05:18 AM PDT

    Assassin's creed is somewhat unique for me as it's the only non war game where you kill hundreds of people while at the same time the main character and side is presented as unambiguously in the right in almost every game, and usually the times where the hero is seen in a moral shade of gray its always more like thier motivations that are called into question rather then their actions. This ins't like GTA where their is no claims of being a good guy or like in most shooters where morality is never brought up at all. Assassin's creed is all about the good vs evil idea, and to me the ideas are so disconnected from the gameplay. Like 95 percent of the time the people you kill arn't even working for the templars, their just some innocent guards working for a third party. So whenever a loved one dies and the game treats it as some big injustice I kind of roll my eyes and this really takes me out of the world.

    Now I'm not moralizing, its just a game, I'm not offended or anything but for such an your face moral story you are always the one biggest killer by far and it just messes with my head if I take any of the story seriously. Now before anyone counters by saying the whole struggle in the games is an actual war, 2 things. first is the assassin's whole ethos is freedom and escape from oppression. Aside from mass murder not helping your victims be free, if the assassin's especially whole goal was freedom for all they should have made this whole conflict public and let people decide which side they agree with. But they don't becuase revealing themselves would hurt them strategically and all either side seams to really care about is beating the other. Ironically I feel that short film Embers is the only place where the severity of everything you do in the games comes across as genuine where Ezio talks about everything assassin's do and live is propagating suffering and how awful a life they lead is. That feels more like how a soldier would reflect on fighting a war rather then how it's always portrayed in the games.

    Again, I'm not being high and mighty and I don't really care, it is just a game so there's no need too tell me to chill out, but there's plenty of players who are way more invested in these games then I am and you guys don't seam to be bothered by the moral disconnect. Idk, I'm just curious as to all of your thaughts on this.

    submitted by /u/Mikecirca81
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    I grieve Assassins Creed

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 05:11 PM PDT

    I've been playing through every AC in chronological order of in game events; so Odyssey, Origins, AC1, 2, Brotherhood, Revelations, Black Flag, Rogue, AC3, Unity, then Syndicate. (I'm not really interested in the side scrollers/platforms so no chronicles)

    My point though is that while Origins has one of my favorite story's and characters of any game and it and Odyssey are inarguably gorgeous and massive; the overhaul of the combat, and refocus on skill trees has made the weight behind every encounter disappear.

    The fights in the first titles are a blast. They feel patient and measured and all the unique finishing animations made every fight a vicious dance that splattered blood everywhere. Sometimes they last 10 seconds or 5 minutes but it's always clashing metal and screams and thuds.

    But the fights in odyssey and origins feel like every other hack and slash third person title where as long as you tap the trigger enough times in the general direction of the enemy's hit box they'll crumple to the floor like a puppet who's strings have been cut. The only finisher you'll ever get is if it's the last enemy standing and you hit him just right.

    It was a trend I noticed way back when Syndicate was first released but the combat was the only gameplay element that felt more cartoonish. Then origins came out and did away with any weight behind your character. The camera was pulled back and your character flys off at full tilt sprint once your stick goes past its halfway mark. Combat was overhauled and became about damage output numbers and bouncing around with 30 foot roll dodges rather then tactical parrying and body placement the way sword fighting works.

    Then Odyssey came out and made your character a demigod. I get it's kind of hard to go to Ancient Greece without getting mythological but the newest God of War proved that fights with monsters and magic are only better when they're presented with some weight and not cartoon violence.

    I understand they're more accessible now and like I said I can appreciate them for nothing else but the impressive ass graphics and maps but I truly believe Assassins Creed lost what made it so special when they overhauled the gameplay. I hope they take a breath and slow down the physics and pacing of the upcoming game but I doubt it very much considering these changes were more about maximizing the time people spend playing and organizing the game around micro-transactions rather then an artistic choice. I'd like to know other people's thoughts though.

    submitted by /u/PaulyNewman
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    The last samurai: assassins creed

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 08:35 PM PDT

    If we ever went to japan for assassins creed i love it to have a similar story to this movie. Start out as an abstergo agent who gets caught up eith the samurai and turns to there side. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/king-shane11
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    It's already March and there's no actual leaks yet for AC Vikings

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 08:35 PM PDT

    Most AC games got leaked (with legit pics and infos) somewhere in between March and early April, but now it felt like they're keeping it quiet for a while than normal, or is it too early to expect anything? Kotaku only revealed what the setting is gonna be and they stop at that, and what we got after was a bunch of unconfirmed details and mixed up rumor regarding Vikings.

    Do you think that this game will not get leaked before the official announcement and the trailer being released? because it seems like it's gonna go that way until they're showing it at Sony event.

    submitted by /u/ACmaster
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    I hope the next AC have not „episodic“ dlcs

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 12:13 AM PDT

    I really hope that the next game have full dlcs like origins and the games before and not episodic ones like odyssey.

    They Episodes felt like that they splittend up the dlc just to long the games life span. Also they story got worse with this. The important and interesting things only happen in the last episodes and in between they make cliffhangers trying to make it exiting. They made this that the players return more often to the game and maybe buy more microtransactions.

    DLCs should be a full package and feel like a extension or a little game itself. By cutting them they hurt the quality.

    submitted by /u/JKAC2013
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    *spoilers* just finished the 2nd episode of Legacy of the first blade

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    Just finished it and god was it the worst dlc I have ever played, the missions were fine but the story was the worst I have ever seen, from the forced romance to the "wHuR mUh bAbY??" at the end, I really want to skip episode 3 but won't if there's useful skills to grab, should I just bite the pillow and think of England at this point?

    submitted by /u/loafhimself
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    Just finished AC3 for the first time. Did Haytham let Connor do this? Spoilers.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 06:38 PM PDT

    During the fight between Connor and Haytham, Haytham pins Connor to the ground after a cannon almost hits him, then starts threatening to kill him. This struck me as odd as we played as Haytham, and knew he was capable.

    Did he let Connor kill him, and save his life. Or have i miss-understood what the scene was about?

    submitted by /u/Karax9699
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    Assassin’s Creed 1 best way to experience

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    I have already played all games in the franchise except for the first one, The game which started it all. I've been playing on PS4 because I find the controls for third-person single players games better than keyboard and mouse. The problem is AC1 is not on PS4 and I'd have to go through the horrible keyboard controls if I were to play it on steam. Do you think there is any chance AC1 is going to be Remastered and improved anytime the upcoming years and release on PS4 it should I just pull through and enjoy the story on steam right now?

    submitted by /u/soimn1
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    Xbox gameshare 4 assassins creed

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    gameshare. I can give u Modern warfare 2019 Black ops 4 Witcher 3 Arkham city Arkham asylum Friday the 13th Disney+ account

    Want Assassins creed Ezio Series Or Assassins Creed Ezio collection

    Dm/Pm if interested, If not happily ignore :)


    submitted by /u/carrot390
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    My concept for an AC game of the next console generation

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    We can't be completely sure if the next AC title will end a trilogy, thus giving us a similar gaming experience like Origins and Odyssey, or if, after a two-year break, we will be seeing significant developments. The next generation of consoles, however, will assumedly give us changes in the franchise, given the new technological possibilities (stop smirking, PC gamers). I'd like to talk with you about the direction the games might take, and at the same time propose a concept.


    On this sub, there is a lot of discussion about the settings of older and newer titles in the series. Some love the vast plains of Egypt and Greece, as well as the Caribbean and Mediterranean Seas; others want back dense cities to parkours across a thousand roofs. Given that AC maps have been getting bigger, I'm wondering if they shouldn't connect these three territories.

    For that, we would need a region that not only gives us the geographical conditions, but one that offers a history to connect the locations in a meaningful story. For example, around the year 1800 India and China had a connection through opium trade. India, similar to Egypt in AC Origins, would offer players a large country with different cultures and flora and fauna. The sea route to China would lead players along locations like Siam, Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo and the Philippines; again, different cultures and terrains to explore, as well as conflicting trade powers and pirates to take on in naval battles. And last but not least, China had one of the biggest cities in the world: Canton (or Guangzhou), with a population of roughly 800,000. Judging by the map scaling of Origin and Black Flag, adjusting a gargantuan real-world map like that would be feasible. It would give us the best of all AC eras in terms of territory. Alternatively, they could devide those maps, so that you fast-travel between them through a world map similar to the one in The Witcher 3.


    Another complaint I see on here a lot is over the repetitive side quests, and that those big maps feel empty. Having different regions to explore might already help, as naval battles here, classic parkours and stealth there, and the cross-country experience on top should bring with them distinguishable adventures. Still, another thing I would introduce is more than one protagonist – and I don't mean a choice between Alexios and Cassandra, or (in my opinion) uselessly switching between Evie and Jacob.

    Instead, three areas could need three protagonists. The main story and missions connect them (again, the opium trade is an example, and could be intertwined with the search for Pieces of Eden, and the East India Company being the Templars), but they still have their own stories and agendas to play through. I hope, this could lead to more immersive, story-based missions instead of unmemorable side quests that have us do the same things all over again without a motivation beyond level-grinding.


    While I'm more a fan of the older AC titles, I don't mind RPG elements being given more room. Still, completing bland missions for the sake of levelling-up is not ideal, and neither is crafting yourself to death over some +10% boots. So, I would suggest the characters to gain new abilities and equipment based on the story sequences they complete. To keep combat interesting, I would introduce a greater variety of opponents who, in various combinations, will always present a new challenge. Also, fights would stay interesting for longer if our protagonists could learn more ways to combine basic moves (similar to combos in the Spiderman game). In connection with the mission section above, it might also be interesting to offer (and encourage) different combat styles altogether. Especially for a China-based character it could be interesting to explore unarmed combat.

    Lore and Modern Day

    Some of you miss the canon being an integral part of the games, others find the modern-day bits tiresome, and then some even want an AC title with a sole present-day setting. While I can't claim to know the lore inside-out, I would like a framework of Templars and Assassins in our time fighting over the heirlooms of the Isu to return. Now, one thing I liked about Unity and Syndicate were the sequences in which you are in the same place but in a different time-period. In these two games, those sequences were nothing but gimmicks, but the concept could be used more meaningfully.

    By giving us three descendants to the three historical protagonists, we could explore, let's say, modern-day Mumbai, Bangkok and Guangzhou, and even have the descandants solve/finish missions that their ancestors started (e.g. a historical character could fail finding something, because it was taken away; the descendant could find where it is in present-day, and look for it). The options would bring about a) more variety in the game-routine, and b) exciting, demanding, and memorable gameplay in a modern-day setting.

    I'd love to hear your ideas and expectations about post-"Ragnarok" games, and your input on my combination of what we love about AC.

    TL;DR Where do you think AC games after the next one will go in terms of gameplay and world-building? Would you think a combination of cross-country terrain, the open sea and a huge city would make for a good setting? And how about introducing more than one protagonist to give more room for story-based missions rather than unmemorable ones that only help us levelling?

    submitted by /u/tuppennyupright
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    AC3 Remastered looks incredible

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    Has anyone played AC3 Remastered for the Xbox One X. Cant get over hiw good this game looks when you're playing as Connor in the wilderness.

    submitted by /u/westsideee83
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    AC Syndicate should receive more praise

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    My reasoning is that it has by far the best stealth of the series, and seeing how this is Assassin's Creed...

    submitted by /u/Gr1mTheReaper
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    Assassins Creed Russia Was A Missed Opportunity

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    Think about it: how cool would it be to be a Russian Sniper in 1918? There hasn't been another Russian game, and a sniper would be a great idea for an assassin. Any Russian City could be a good place for it. That's all I have to say about it, it was just an idea that crossed my mind. Please tell me your thoughts!

    submitted by /u/Alkosimus
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    Assassin's Creed: Destiny ( The story of a murderer, the last heir of the Isu and the only hope for humanity

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    Guys I have been working on it for a few years and I would like to show you my story on a hypothetical new AC set during the Roman Empire. If you want more information you can contact me privately.

    submitted by /u/_notcoronavirus_
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    Is there a way to get metal without attacking ships in AC4?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 04:35 PM PDT

    AC Unity Xbox One Active club

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    Are there any more active clubs for unity? Recently started playing through all the games again and want actually delve into the co op this time around.

    submitted by /u/TAMERxOFxLO
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    What do you think of a co-op feature?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 04:55 AM PDT

    Hey, so we all know ac: unity had a co-op but we also know it was really bad. I just thought about how insanely awesome it would be if the new assassin's Creed let's you experience the beautiful world and story with a friend.

    It would be so awesome clearing outposts with a mate or just have fun and let the beauty of the game flow through you and your partner's veins.

    Playing with a friend would give the game a really good and new touch and you always could make a good laugh out of a serious situation.

    Let me hear your opinions.

    submitted by /u/geneticzz2k
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    Odyssey: Legacy of the First Blade Bounty System sucks

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    I'm currently playing the DLC Legacy of the First Blade and I think the bounty system ist totally f**ed up. Every kill is counted as murder, even when killing Persians while boarding a ship or the goons during the fist final boss fight in episode 1. It doesn't take much and a mercenary spawns 20 feet next to me during a fight.

    I almost never had bounty problems during the main game.

    submitted by /u/secret--alt--account
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    Are skill points shared between both twins in syndicate?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 04:34 AM PDT

    I know for the twins their skill tree cannot share upgrades, but are skills points themselves shared? I mean like say I'm playing as Jacob and I get a point but I want to save it up and not spend it right away. Then I switch to Evie later; will I, playing as her still have that unspent skill point? Does it work that way? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Mikecirca81
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    How far am I in the game(AC: Origins)?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    I'm at the part where you look for flavius in Cyrene. At what percent am I on in the storyline? I'm asking because I still haven't explored the lower parts of the map and I don't wanna end the game without completing everything (forts, viewpoints) on every region.

    submitted by /u/neezaruuu
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