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    Friday, February 21, 2020

    Assassin's Creed The Mender Brothers, why AC Origins is amazing

    Assassin's Creed The Mender Brothers, why AC Origins is amazing

    The Mender Brothers, why AC Origins is amazing

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 09:27 AM PST

    Today I was clearing objectives in Ka-Khem Nome, east of the map, when I was looting a little bandit camp I saw a note that said that they captured one of the brothers because they were robbing the bandits and they were going to interrogate him in a camp south from there, I was curios if that was real of just some random letter, so I wanted to investigate, I went south and I found another bandit camp with a tied dead body and another letter that said that the dead told the bandits that his other brothers were in an island east from there. I went to said island and there were 3 baddies, the Mender Brothers, after I killed them I looted the goods they had stolen and there was another letter saying that they need to hurry because the bandits are going after them.

    All of these I found without a (?) marked, it was so random and so amazing, It really makes the world feel alive, like the npcs are actually doing something, even tho I have played this game a lot I still find new interesting tiny details, I hope Ashraf continues to give us these kind of amazing experiences in the new Vikings game.

    submitted by /u/andazo122
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    (Discussion) In Defense of Assassins Creed Unity

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 06:27 PM PST

    Halfway through 2nd playthrough of Syndicate. Why so much hate?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 03:03 PM PST

    I'm replaying through the whole series and am currently at about 50% in Syndicate. I see people consistently rating it poorly, but I'm actually enjoying it quite a bit.

    The atmosphere of London is great, the music fits perfectly. I'm enjoying the more light nature of the twins. The series had gotten pretty grim and self important. It's a nice change of pace to have some humor. I've always been a fan of the kind of background story weaving through the games when you find things like the Reconstructed Data entries, and I'm finding the story of the Shroud of Eden through the centuries to be fascinating.

    So, why the hate for Syndicate? It's not the best game in the series, but far from the worst.

    submitted by /u/TyrantLobe
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    Alkibiades is a great character. Always love bumping into him and I’d definitely invite him to one of my parties. (Odyssey)

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 11:08 PM PST

    Bring me your finest oil. I'm not sure if I'd let my pets around him though..

    submitted by /u/Ali_6950
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    When should I start New Game+?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 10:45 PM PST

    I've completed Origins and reached max level. Should I continued completing all the side quests and outposts and stuff or jump into New Game+

    submitted by /u/Jibshoo
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    Assassin's Creed modern day

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 11:05 AM PST

    I just loved the modern day storyline from AC1 to AC3. It was a very compelling overarching narrative, up until AC3 just fucked everything up, as they just killed off Desmond....they even had to come up with an improvised way to explain lucy's death, because according to the original script, she was to be with Desmond until AC3....

    The end of the world, Desmond's story, juno taking over the world...it was so ambitious....

    Now they got this new MD protagonist, who just seems unimpressive to me......aw man, I miss the good old days....

    submitted by /u/Ezio_auditore_72
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    Assassin's Creed modern day

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 08:37 PM PST

    I remember at one point of time i was so invested in finding out what happened to our favorite characters in the modern day....i used to solve every puzzle, find every glyph to discover more about the overarching narrative... I don't know why Ubisoft just killed the most interesting narrative I ever found in a video game... Every time I replay the ezio collection, I'm so saddened by Lucy's death: such great character Arc, and they killed her off, posing her as a templar....heck , they even killed Desmond so quickly, as originally according to Nolan North, he was to survive for 6 games, until he became the ultimate assassin...so many interesting subplots about eve and juno and clay...wasted...

    Now they can barely manage to keep up with the modern day storyline...what used to be so enigmatic and mysterious has become so dull nowadays... c'mon ubisoft, just take a look at the original games...we want something like that...the historical concept wouldn't make sense, if there's no compelling modern day overarching narrative to support it......please invest in a good modern day storyline....heck even bring back Desmond and the old gang....

    Even today, I become sad whenever an old fan says he/she just doesn't care what is going on with the series...ah man, miss those old days....

    submitted by /u/Ezio_auditore_72
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    I don’t understand why people say AC unity is trash

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 05:27 AM PST

    Hi there I've started playing Unity a few days ago, after a friend of mine harassed me to do so. It's my first AC game, and honestly I find that Unity is a wonderful game. Paris is quite beautiful, alive, noisy and the feeling of the French Revolution is there. Doing parkour is smooth, there is a large variety of weapons, cosmetics. The story is not incredible but not bad either way. It's is supposed to be an infiltration game, and it really feels like one, but if you make a mistake while infiltrating, you're not too punished because the combat system works well. And the game not even that buggy ! Before playing I heard that there were ton of bugs, 20fps and bad resolution, and that's quite a false statement. Side missions are fine too, and managing the Café-Théâtre is fun and brings life to your place. Why is there so much hate towards unity ?

    submitted by /u/KunkyFong_
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    Assassin's Creed Ragnarok (my wishlist)

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 12:27 PM PST

    1) a good narrative/plot. I'm one of the older fans of the series..been following it from the very beginning...and I think what made AC1 through ACR great was it's narrative driven gameplay design.....there was a kind of symbiotic relationship between the MD and the ancient periods, which seems to have been lost in the way...so want that back..

    2) social stealth. I mean it's a STEALTH action game for God's sake....bring back the social stealth elements...even throw in some fresh ones too....

    3) actual and interesting plot between Assassins and Templars. I mean c'mon, do I even need to highlight this...i wouldn't be an Assassin's Creed game without the fucking assassins in it....

    4)please don't make this another Odyssey... Like I mean none of that fighting the fucking medusa and cyclops and shit....if you need to put in some first civ plotline, then keep the myth aspects to a certain minimal level....

    Also, I would like the devs to explain in the game to us fans all the mysterious plot points in previous games like finding eve and juno and stuff...it really seemed interesting and it would be a shame to leave that plot open...

    Other than that, I don't really care, if my wishes are fulfilled, then at the end of the day, I will remain a happy fan...

    submitted by /u/Ezio_auditore_72
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    Just finished AC3 for the first time, was really surprised how much I liked it! [SPOILERS]

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 01:05 PM PST

    Just finished AC3 for the first time, after years of leaving it on the shelf. I never got into it when I came out, and only got to Sequence 6. But upon replaying it Sequence 7-8 the story surprisingly started to hook me and I wanted to finish it (even though the gameplay made it difficult and tiresome at times). Was overall impressed with this game, and surprised by how much I liked it. Was nice to be back in the main '2012' story and seeing Juno and them, and I missed playing as Desmond. Parts of it I liked even more than in AC2, my favourite AC game.

    Things I liked:

    • I liked Connor a lot more this go around, and thought his story was pretty cool. Also after playing Origins and Odyssey, it felt nice going back to the hidden blades, stealth etc of the older games.

    • the music was really good, not AC2 level but still really good. Especially in the last few chapters and the bits with Juno in the cave.

    • Connor's assassin garb is by far my favourite in the series

    • Connor being a one-man-army, and total tank was fun to play. He's way more brutal than other main characters and the axe was super satisfying to use, almost never changed weapons.

    • the story was good enough, but the assassination conversations (when Connor kills the target and they talk one last time) really stood out to me. There were some really really good lines there- Hickey and Church's last words particularly. Was really impressed by these parts the most. Showed the philosophical differences between Assassins and Templar's, without just making it 'good vs evil'

    • I liked the villains in this quite a bit- Lee and Haytham and Washington are all easy to hate.

    • smaller maps which connected

    Didn't like:

    • glitchy as fuck. Horse would disappear, I'd climb the wrong wall or fall off somehow, glitch through the floor of a Fort when I was about to raise the flag.

    • pretty lame and uninspiring landscapes and buildings

    • missions where you have to walk with a companion and they walk so slowly and don't match your speed. Glad that's mostly a thing of the past now

    • horse was incredibly annoying to control. Have to follow the road or it's just not happening.

    • most of the main story missions were totally forgettable for me and not super fun to play through, and really don't care for the extra challenges to get to 100% mission completion

    • forgot how much I hate tail missions. Especially when I have to eavesdrop too. Some of those I had to try 5 plus times.

    • the 'chase Charles lee' bit in the last mission 🤬

    submitted by /u/Calhalen
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    Loving Odyssey as my first AC game, what else will give me this experience?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 07:38 AM PST

    Hey guys, got gifted Odyssey on PC and I love it, I particularly love exploring and "synchronizing" and coming across enemy camps and slicing through them, it is parallel with the joy i experienced with Breath of The Wild, love exploration, and the game is absolutely beautiful on ultra too..

    what other games in the AC series and otherwise do you recommend? I took a 10 year break from gaming so I am revisiting stuff now


    submitted by /u/Luke4421
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    Best Assassin's Creed Trailer?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 06:23 PM PST

    What is your favorite Assassin's creed trailer out of all of them?

    submitted by /u/MistaIce
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    Scars on Paola's wrist?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 02:35 PM PST

    Okay so I am replaying the whole assassins creed series (well everything up until Origins cuz that's the most recent one i have) and i just started 2. I got up to the mission when you learn how to blend from Paola, at the end of the mission she shows you her wrist and there are scars she says "I too have been betrayed" or something along those lines.


    I was wondering if this was from her years of wearing the hidden blades, because as we find out later she is an assassin.

    submitted by /u/JedHead31
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    Can’t interact in investigation area

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 09:15 PM PST

    So I was playing origins, the 'end of the snake' quest and I'm trying to investigate the last thing in the royal scribes office but it just says item needed to interact but it also shows the triangle button to interact I've tried restarting but it didn't do anything. If so guys could help the would be great

    submitted by /u/Jboyneymar
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    ACIII - How to farm money?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 09:12 AM PST

    Upgrading Aquila costs so much and I only have like 2500e...

    submitted by /u/Baron012
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    How do I aim for "Encyclopedia of the Common Man" quest? - AC3

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 08:50 PM PST

    I've seen online that you need to precision aim by holding L1 but all that does is bring my assassins menu. I'm probably going to feel really dumb lol.

    submitted by /u/heryea42
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    Who provided Ezio his robes in Brotherhood?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 07:34 PM PST


    Am going through the Ezio trilogy as we speak. So I understand that after the Siege of Monteriggioni Ezio is left without his old robes and in some womans care.

    He then wakes up and is told by the woman that was taking care of him that the person who told her to take care of him provided her his new robes.

    The ac wiki states that it is Machiavelli who provided the new robes but when you meet him he is suprised that Ezio is even alive and he states that everyone believes that Ezio is dead.

    So if Machiavelli thought Ezio was dead how did he provide him the new robes?

    submitted by /u/JOJO_302
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    Assassins creed 3 remastered Haytham Kenway

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 03:12 PM PST

    Hey guys i wanna know if in Ac 3 remastered you can play as Haytham Kenway after Finishing the game


    submitted by /u/saposstax
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    Disable shadows in syndicate?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 06:33 PM PST

    So here my problem. The config file doesn't let you disabled shaders completely, setting it to zero does nothing. But it does let you change the pixels size, if I set that to zero, will it just not be able to render them?

    submitted by /u/lt_Matthew
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    Didnt get the platinum trophy

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 11:50 AM PST

    Hey guys, I've recently finished all the trophies on assassins creed 3 remastered, but after obtaining my last trophy, my platinum trophy didnt show up. Did any of you have this same problem, because this is driving me insane, especially after all those hours of work..

    submitted by /u/Yasinn007
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    Assassins Creed Odyssey Horse Sound

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 05:24 PM PST

    So, I was recently replaying Unity (great game, imo) and in the beginning there is a scene where a horse is running down a street - I think in Versailles. The neigh sound seemed to be the exact same as when Kassandra calls the horse in Alexios. Can anyone confirm this?

    submitted by /u/beast19384728294
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    Need help getting All Rounder trophy

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 04:52 PM PST

    Anyone willing to come back and slum it on Ps4 AC4 multiplayer I'm never able to find a match in Wanted

    submitted by /u/Herbie_-_53
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    What do you think about the prologue of Assassin's Creed Unity?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 04:48 PM PST

    What do you think about the prologue of Assassin's Creed Unity?

    A few days ago I felt nostalgic and began to look at the first minutes of Assassin's Creed Unity at YT, and I had forgotten how great the prologue was, when you play on the side of the Templars, the atmosphere is really fascinating. Many people say that the rest of the game is much worse than the introduction, what do you think? I was fascinated by the prologue, especially at the end, when the last minutes of Jacques de Molay's life are shown. I think it's only surpassed by the first minutes of Assassin's Creed 3, when you play with Haytham Kenway.

    Unity prologue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jRq0LA-90g


    submitted by /u/Skoll215
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