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    Friday, February 21, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed Syndicate is available for free on the Epic Games Store until the 27th of February!

    Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed Syndicate is available for free on the Epic Games Store until the 27th of February!

    Assassin's Creed Syndicate is available for free on the Epic Games Store until the 27th of February!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 08:07 AM PST

    Origins is so much more enjoyable once you reach max level and do New Game+

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 07:11 PM PST

    It feels almost like a classic AC. don't have to grind crap, you can just enjoy the story at your own pace, go wherever you want to go, do whatever you want to do. There's no artificial restrictions holding you back.

    and Nightmare mode makes it even more enjoyable, feels like an honest challenge on par with Unity (except without all the glitchy frustration). I did my first run on Normal, but NG+ I switched over to Nightmare and I'm having a blast so far!

    submitted by /u/grasscid
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    Black Flag may be the most epic game in the whole series

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 05:22 AM PST

    Just playing Black flag, this game is so addictive and epic

    - Absolute epic music during ship battles

    - Epic story

    - Epic moments like Blackbeard death, i was really sad

    - " "In a world without gold we might have been heroes."

    - Epic characters

    I really start to think its the best game of the series and one of best games i ever played

    Edited : Revelations is maybe even more epic, story, soundtrack, characters

    submitted by /u/1982mathew
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    Killing Desmond wasn't the problem, the problem was not following him an interesting and developed character

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:45 AM PST

    With Black Flag the modern day protagonist should have been third person, the writing should mirror the serious nature of the past and embrace the philosophical roots of the franchise.

    I love this concept of Modern Day AC since it gives us a different spin at espionage and how the brotherhood evolves.

    It has or has the potential to have its own a aesthetic and nature (listen to Modern Assassin by Balfe and tell me it doesn't have its own style and perfectly captures present day AC..) and another, cyberpunk like take, on the philosophical conflict with emphasis on corporate corruption , social inequality due to capitalism and the development of this interesting concept of two opposing brotherhood fighting for thousands of years in search of peace.

    Desmond should have followed by a character unaware of the conflict, working for Abstergo at first but realizing the conspiracy within and eventually joining the Assassins, learning about the instruments of Juno and herself, and eventually stopping her, across a three or 5/6 game arc.

    And I'm not talking about just 5 mins per game but actual missions like AC3 and mini open worlds.

    submitted by /u/Brandomd
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    I'm kinda bummed about the next AC not being the Roman Empire.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 12:05 PM PST

    So back in the dark ages of 2016 the rumours of the next AC were Egypt. We saw the grainy screenshot of what looked like a white Byek staring at a wall with an awesome looking sheild. This is where I became excited. Rumors was Its AC with a better combat system, Witcher 3 styled quests/Exploration system and part of a dubbed Egypt, Greece, Rome trilogy to map out the popular cities of antiquity. AC Origins comes out and I was beyond happy, sure it had its issues and lacks some systems I loved from the older games but it's what I felt AC needed at the time. Also the ending suggested that we would indeed be visiting Rome next or at least soon. Let me state before continuing that I'm a huge Roman nerd. I love everything from the myth of the kingdom to the fall of Constantinople. So back on track, new rumors come around that the next game would be Greece. Cool, who doesnt love some anceint Greece. Odyssey looked like the perfect sequel to Origins, improving the gameplay while giving us a fresh setting. Odyssey comes out, for the most part delivers on all fronts. I'll admit I prefer Origins because Egypt felt more varied and the story of Byek/ hidden ones was more my thing. However great game blah blah blah. Okay here is where my disappointment starts. I just got two of the best games of the generation back to back and up till now the rumors of the "Antiquity trilogy" were coming to pass, so now the logical next step would be a game set in the Empire. All roads were leading to Rome... Now we have all but confirmed that the dream is dead, the next game is set in medieval Briton and will focus on Vikings. I cant help but feel abit down about it. I was finally gonna get my dream AC game but nope Vikings bitch. Now I'm just bitching really. I'm sure it will be great, but I cant help feel that I'll be abit resentful when I'm playing it. No modern recreation of ancient Rome in its prime just me piliging poor innocent templars in some bunk ass boat. Really I just made this post to bitch and I apologise if it's already been done before. I am curious if anyone else feels this way, though at the end of the day it will probably be great and I know alot of you have been waiting on this, so theres that.

    submitted by /u/Animosity1987
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    AC4 Black Flag Committed to the Cause Trophy

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 08:41 PM PST

    Ok seriously any tips guys lol the grind is killing me I'm running the WOLFPACK missions over and over like many people suggest and it's just taking forever lol any tips at all?

    submitted by /u/Herbie_-_53
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    Massive Crowds of Assassin's Creed: Unity | How Games Work

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 10:30 AM PST

    Assassins Creed is Losing its Identity

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 07:28 AM PST

    I've been a fan of Assassins Creed for a number of years now and I have to say that looking back on AC Origins and Odyssey they just don't feel like what Assassins Creed is meant to be. Are they both great games? Yes that is unquestionable. Are they great Assassins Creed games? I don't think so (especially for Odyssey). I feel like Odyssey is basically an ordinary RPG game that has had the AC name stuck onto it. I feel like the franchise has lost a huge part of its identity with the new huge, multiple city map RPG style games. I'm missing the pure story driven aspect of the games, the roof top to roof top parkour and quick fire assassinations all within one big, lively and extremely detailed city. I also think the recent games have lost the need for stealth which is a core aspect of what AC is. Now, if you want to charge into an area you can with no need for stealth whatsoever. IMO AC is losing what made it great, and I completely understand the need for change as some aspects of the franchise were starting to get quite stale, but I definitely haven't enjoyed the last two entries, particularly Odyssey, as AC games although they were both good games as standalone games, just not as Assassins Creed games

    submitted by /u/LiamOC1315
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    Aftermath of side quests In Origins

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 06:15 PM PST

    After you complete side quests In Origins can you find them after and if so can you talk with them?

    submitted by /u/DaneCz123
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    Just playing Rogue for the first time and I’m enjoying it more than I thought.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:15 AM PST

    A little heavy on the collectibles. I'm glad they allow skipping the animation of fleet battles cuz ain't nobody got time for that! I must say the sound effect when certain enemies are near is more disturbing that the psychotic voices of Senua's mind in Senua's Sacrifice!

    submitted by /u/rtetreaux
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    Is the assassin killer outfit still available for AC: Rogue remastered?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 06:36 PM PST

    Remember the assassin killer outfit? The one you could get as a Uplay reward back in the original game? Is that outfit possible to get in the remastered version, or is it exclusive to the original one?

    submitted by /u/BlueFist67
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    Origins Phylakes: can’t find the last two

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 03:32 PM PST

    I'm having issues finding the last two phylakes and it's driving me insane. I've made sure to confirm every kill whenever I've killed one, so that isn't my issue. I've also been travelling to each region and setting off the braziers myself trying to draw them out. I can't seem to find any on the map either. I've reloaded the quest objective and done basically everything I can think of outside of starting an entirely new game.

    Anyone else have this issue? Also, you would think they would give you the ability to cycle through locations on the map like you can do in GTA to find symbols better. I swear I've spent the last 3 days looking over the map for one of the red horned symbols and nothing and now I'm just getting pissed off.

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/BHD-360-
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    Assassins Creed Odyssey Legendary Stats and Engravings

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 12:49 PM PST

    I am playing Assassins Creed Odyssey on Stadia. LOVE it.. and its really given me a good bang for the buck.. there's lots to do and I love the characters, choices and history.

    I don't go too deep into the stats, bonuses etc, maybe because I am not a regular gamer, that I don't have the ability to wrap my head around the math, so perhaps someone can help me.

    Right now I have the Spartan War Hero Set. It has a 50% warrior set bonus. But I read many posts that its better to use Epic Gear and put on the engraving that I got with the Set instead. However, I don't seem to have a 50% warrior engraving, just a 15% engraving.

    What am I missing? Did they change something in the game?

    Brain... hurts...

    submitted by /u/saminbc
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    There were too many hints that Bayek or at least Origins were going to get a direct sequel - It started in The Hidden Ones DLC

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 08:23 AM PST

    Bayek: Tell me of your life in Rome

    Amunet: It's a marvelous place. Full of intrigue, deceit and corruption. The perfect city for a Hidden One!

    Bayek: Ha! I expected you to talk about the wine!

    Amunet: The wine is very good. You should come visit sometime. We'll have a taste.

    Bayek: I might do that

    *was going to

    submitted by /u/Ratonhnhaketon_K_
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    What’s your favorite thing to do in Odyssey

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:06 AM PST

    There's so much to do in this game (I love it) but just curious as to what everyone likes to do. Personally I save the main story missions for last and try to complete an entire area before I move to the next. Sometimes I get lost taking pictures all around the world or spend hours in naval battles. By far my favorite tho are exploring tombs just like in Origins. Wbu?

    submitted by /u/BamBriiz
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    A Question Concerning Eagle Vision

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 10:55 AM PST

    So, to start off, I know Eagle Vision is like a sixth sense, and that it's not always literally like we see it in the game. Edward described it as a feeling


    In the beginning of Unity, and Arno is in the Bastille, he sees writing on the walls. We see writing and pictures other places throughout the series as well. My question is: how do people write/draw pictures in books, on walls etc. but make it so only those with eagle vision can see it?

    Is it a special pen or something like that?

    submitted by /u/AnAngryCrusader
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    The one thing I want back in the new AC

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 02:40 PM PST

    The hidden blades, while it was cool and convenient to use Leonidas' spear as our hidden blade it will never be as amazing and feel as good as it did to use hidden blades, and preferably give us 2 again instead of making them all in one tools

    submitted by /u/BearBearKnight
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    Epic Legendary Ship vs El Impoluto

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 05:45 PM PST

    Which one is the most difficult to defeat, the Epic Legendary Ship from Rogue or El Impoluto from Black Flag?

    submitted by /u/FxMxRx
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    Brotherhood on PC is the most frustrating experience

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 12:25 PM PST

    So many glitches. I just spent a good portion of my day trying to complete the flying machine bomber mission. The controls kept locking up and I couldn't steer unless I constantly went to options and changed the frame rate which would allow me to turn once or twice. I almost gave up on the game entirely during the course of that experience.

    submitted by /u/MegaMenehune
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    can we start a petition?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:09 PM PST

    ok i know im extremely late but can we start a petition to get ubisoft to fix the ugly clipping on the skirt and on the breastplate in the hidden ones outfit it's fucking awful and ruins the outfit completely or at least get something closer to what was advertised in the hidden ones art from the store page like fuck the one advertised looks soooo much better

    submitted by /u/Soulreaver235
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    What should I do with animal pelts? - AC3

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 12:34 PM PST

    I have so many pelts, claws, etc. Should I sell them or is it better to keep them for crafting or something?


    submitted by /u/heryea42
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    [Question] My FREE Assassin's Creed - Syndicates won't launch

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:54 AM PST

    [FIXED] SOLUTION AT THE END So Epic Games released the game today for FREE! But I did everything it required me to. Downloaded it, Installed, created an Ubisoft account, linked it with my Epic Games account and now when I press Launch, it just shows running and it doesn't launch. What's seems to be the problem here?
    PC specs:
    Nvidia GTX 1050ti

    16gb of ram

    Windows 10 - 64bit

    SOLUTION: just reinstall your uplay and once u do it, launch it and click locate the game files and it will run!

    submitted by /u/reverseboi
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    I killed a bounty hunter in odyssey but died before taking the loot

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 07:44 AM PST

    A wild animal showed up and one hit me while i was trying to loot her, now after i respawn she is nowhere to be found and claimed defeated in the mercenaries tab, anyway to retrieve the loot without reloading save?

    submitted by /u/dhruvbzw
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