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    Saturday, January 18, 2020

    Assassin's Creed Congrats to the 2019 Marathon Giveaway Winners!

    Assassin's Creed Congrats to the 2019 Marathon Giveaway Winners!

    Congrats to the 2019 Marathon Giveaway Winners!

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 03:05 PM PST

    Odyssey is just more fun when playing Kassandra?!

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 07:09 AM PST

    Alright, so I put about 50h into Odyssey when I initially got it. I played as Alexios on Hard and it was fun for a while but I always thought he was about as likable and relatable as an urinal. For example, the final scene with the Cyclops of Kephallonia (you know the one) just made me cringe when I was playing Alexios.

    Because it's been a few months and because I wanted to eventually play the expansions, I decided to do a fresh run, this time choosing Kassandra as my PC. Now I'm not that far into the game (I only now upgraded my spear on Andros), but basically all the interactions, all the dialogue, even some of the animations feel much more natural to me. And honestly, I think Alexios makes for a better Deimos as well.

    I don't know, all things considered it's not a big deal, but I was surprised how much this choice changed the game for me.

    What were you experiences? Which character did you prefer? Please refrain from spoiling the mid- to late-game.

    submitted by /u/Slevin_Kedavra
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    Why I really hope Layla Hassan doesn't show up in the next AC game (and how I would hope they'd improve her if she does)

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 09:02 AM PST

    So you all might disagree with me on this, and feel free to tell me your opinions on the matter I'd love to hear them but I really don't want to see Layla in the next game especially if its an RPG like Odyssey (I haven't played Origins so my opinions are purely that of someone whose played Revelations, Black Flag, Rogue, Unity, Syndicate and Odyssey, as well as AC China).

    I have a couple of problems with the how Odyssey plays in general, but those a for another post, right now I'll try to explain my feelings on Layla and why I really hope we get away from her at least a bit.

    1- Layla breaks the Animus- with how an RPG works and by the nature of having choices and not having characters that follow the creed we now go from witnessing history to creating our own history. An easy fix would be playing through the next game and then after you complete the main story Layla goes in an basically reviews the 'assassin's' life based on how you played it rather than Layla saying "well we need to do this" and then using the assassin to do this. Sure you could say there was mystical guide (this might be a spoiler to some people I'm not sure so I marked it as a spoiler just to be sure) telling our character about Layla and guiding them, but there is nothing saying that a mercenary would buy into all of that, especially one that isn't superstitious so the whole plot there kind of falls apart.

    2- Layla Hassan: The Person who tells you about the thing you just did- This is one of my biggest problems with Layla is (at least in Odyssey because again, that's what I have experienced), is that whenever she takes off the Animus she goes to a place your character was to do a puzzle and then proceeds to narrate the whole thing back to Victoria(?) and therefore you. Which if you're completely new to assassin's creed sure, but when you already have magic lady explaining to use what the artifacts are we don't need Layla repeating the same thing especially when Victoria is literally monitoring her and we know for a fact (as we see in Unity (if I remember correctly) when we play the nameless protagonist who is being monitored by Bishop) that people monitoring the animus user can at least to some extent see whats going on. Plus she's literally your partner on your mission if she needs this much hand holding and Layla just ignores her anyway why is she even here?

    3-The Legacy of Desmond- Desmond had an actually story going on where we see him as an Assassin interacting with a group of people and their story together, where we get to know Desmond, and he has an actual connection with his ancestors. Now we go to Layla who literally meets her Ancestor face to face and still manages to be an exposition dumping snooze fest. She's a bland character with poorly defined personality traits. Of course this is an opinion, Layla is boring, Desmond was at least interesting if not because of his personality than because we actually had a story arc with him dealing with a antagonist, whereas Layla more so just mentions "well we gotta be Abstergo because they're the bad guys". A great way to tell stories is to show not tell, because by showing you 1- come to understand that they are the bad guys and 2-see why our characters feels that they are bad. The big issue is "The Cult of Kosmos" is not the Templar, sure maybe they become the Templar but you haven't connected those dots well enough for it to have impact. No killing Phoibe doesn't connect you to the templars it just shows Ubisoft can't get over the trope of killing a characters loved ones which is done amazingly in (guess where?) the Ezio arc and Desmonds story!

    Okay, now that I've completely gone off on Layla let me try to spitball how I'd love them to reinvent/reintroduce us to Layla Hassan and just some suggestions as to what I'd hope to see going forward with her character. Again feel free to tell me your thoughts about the matter as well.

    1- Let us out- An easy way to develop Layla is to have things actually happening to here. Let us leave the Animus and actually do assassin vs templar things in the modern day. Have Layla be able to explore an area. If the next game is Ragnarok set in Europe, let us play Layla in modern day Europe and see how she goes about her mission rather then "okay time to go get that relic". Maybe she meets someone who is a templar and trys to turn her to the templar order by showing her 'the good the Templar are striving to create', maybe she has been in the animus too long and when she comes out she has the natural instinct to intervene in conflicts she sees and that's causing her trouble by getting her too much attention if she takes certain actions which could cause the Templar to be able to find them. Make her a human character more than a vessel of a narrator.

    2- Choices are 'canon' and the future is what we make it- As it stand in Odyssey it feels more like Layla is controlling the main character rather than witnessing the history of the main character. The animus is not a time altering device, it allows you to WITNESS history as it happened, not change it. However if Ubisoft wants to keep making RPG style games have the choices we make in the past shape the present. Layla shouldn't have 1 line of dialogue no matter what we do. If we play a Viking and run around being a total ass she should remark on how our character was and ass, not like "wow this Viking was so cool and inspiring". If all the player does in run around murdering innocent NPC's Layla SHOULD react to it while you're out of the animus. As it stands what we do seems to almost happen completely separately from what Layla knows to be true and that shouldn't be the case. The players actions don't have to fit the overall canon story, because its an RPG there can and should be ways to deviate from the written truth just like choosing Alexios rather than Kassandra.

    3-I've been here the whole time Layla you don't need to bore me with the details AGAIN- yes if it hasn't been said please do tell me Layla but if I literally just left a conversation with a celestial being about the exact thing we're off to explore don't. It really kills a characters likability if all they ever do is tell you things you already know. Look at Tomb Raider's Lara Croft for example, if you read everything in the game sure she's telling you things you already know, but because no one is saying these things before Lara, her explaining the significance of something you come across is less annoying repetition and more informative because its the first time you've heard it. Another big difference is Lara actually gives her thoughts on the matter whereas Layla is like "It's fascinating" every time she comes across something.

    SO there you have it. My thoughts on Layla Hassan, feel free to tell me your thoughts on the matter as I'd love to hear what other people think on the matter.

    submitted by /u/CaptainAntiHeroz
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    I hope in Ragnarok they will return the shield to the main character

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 08:57 PM PST

    Despite the fact that combat system in Origins and Odyssey is not the most ideal, playing for Bayek was much more interesting for me. I was very disappointed with the fact that in Odyssey the ability to use a shield was replaced by magical abilities. I liked playing and fending back with a shield in my hands. It looked much more realistic and dynamic.
    I hope in Ragnarok they will return the shield to the main character, because they are Vikings! It would be cool to get rare and exotic shields or costomize them by changing color or adding runes, etc. Having a shield is one of the reasons I love playing Origins so much. And how uncomfortable it was to fight in the Odyssey, knowing that almost everyone has a shield except you. Just because you are some kind of demigod with magical powers...
    All hope for Ashraf. Black Flag and Origins still one of my favorite games in the series.

    submitted by /u/Ujal21
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    Is there any chance at another Assassins Creed back in the Crusades era?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 04:12 PM PST

    Everything about the Altair era is my favorite part of the series, seeing Jerusalem, the castles, Acre, and so on, was the absolute highlight of the series for me and hope I could see it all new in new tech and feel immersed in historical jerusalem

    submitted by /u/buvvitoe
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    Exclusive: Ubisoft revamps editorial team to make its games more unique | VGC

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 11:00 AM PST

    Odyssey - Random NPCs joining fights

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 12:13 AM PST

    I'm kinda torn on this subject.

    So i was doing a story quest where I had to fight a few cultist and a "boss" enemy. But 1 v 4 fight quickly spiraled out of control when a lot of civilians joined the fight. usually I ignore them when this happens, but trying to kill said "boss" enemy was very difficult when there were 6 civilians stabbing me and getting in the way. But then a few Athenian patrols showed up. so this 1 vs 4 story quest turned into me fighting 3 cultists, a boss, 6 or so Athenians, 2 Athenian polemarch's, 6 civilians, a lion (yes a lion showed up too) and a dog.

    At is point i thought to myself that this is BS. But anyways I systematically started murdering everyone and of course this rose me from 0 bounty to having two mercs on me and of course both of them showed up within 2 mins.

    So after about 30 mins of fighting what was supposed to be a 5 min story fight. I killed 3 cultists, a boss, 2 Athenian polemarch's, 6 civilians, a lion, a dog, 10 Athenian troops and 2 mercs.

    So this is where I'm torn. on one hand and in certain situations, this is cool and makes the world feel more alive.

    on the other hand; this happening in the middle of a story quest where you cant just run away is really really annoying and this was not how the quest was supposed to happen at all.

    What are yall's thoughts

    submitted by /u/NuclearHotdogsHD
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    I started my journey today!

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 07:09 PM PST

    I've been interested in this series for a long time but never had a chance to play the games except 3 when it came out but I was young and didn't understand what was going on, so it's been shelved since 2013. I also briefly had unity and syndicate but unity was buggy and I haven't even started syndicate since I got it back in Christmas of 2015 because I wanted to do a proper play through of the series.

    I picked up AC1 and 2 for $22 and I started the journey I've been waiting to do since 2007. Is there anything I should know going in for the first time?

    submitted by /u/Newkirk_One_Seven
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    Legacy of the First Blade and Canon *** MAJOR SPOILERS***

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 03:45 PM PST

    Hello all,

    I'm just finishing the Legacy of the First Blade DLC and it got me thinking about the choices scenario and the potential impacts with story canon. Now, if you've ignored my spoiler warnings to this point and still haven't played through the DLC, this is your last warning. Big time (like, entire storyline) spoilers coming below:

    First off, I play as Kassandra. I chose the "love" option with Natakas, leading him and Darius to stay with me instead of getting on the boat and leaving. From there, you have Elpidios, and the story carries on. With the death of Natakas and recovering Elpidios then becoming the most critical aspect of the story, it made me wonder- what if I had chosen to let them go? Or going further- what if I was playing as Alexios? Is Natakas a different character entirely? We then go on to finish The Legacy of the First Blade and see Elpidios "grow up", leading to what appeared to me to be the reveal of his daughter (or some descendant), Aya.

    Seeing all this and thinking about it made me start to realize how big the choices in this DLC are, and it got me wondering if there is an "official" Canon for Odyssey on choices and how the story was "supposed" to be played out? I didn't think much about it in the main game as it felt your choices were mostly forced (whatever you choose still leading you on a path to get to the destination the game had predetermined, with a few potential tweaks here and there), but this DLC felt different. Is there a reference that holds the official story canon to reference? I'd be very curious to see it. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/itsthefazz
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    How did Edward Kenway get his eagle vision?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 07:10 AM PST

    In AC4, Edward was a common pirate before stealing the costume of the betraying assassin, then how did he obtain eagle vision?

    submitted by /u/Romlow_1995
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    How often does the Odyssey Helix Store go on sale?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 10:05 PM PST

    Just got the game and noticed I missed out on a 50% sale in the store. Should I wait for the next one or are they rare.

    submitted by /u/HughJanus_1998
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    I finished AC origins and I actually enjoyed it.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 12:02 AM PST

    I have about 89 hrs into origins and I'm still going around taking in the detail, before origins the last AC game I played was "Rogue". I liked rogue, to me it was "black flag" with a few more weapons and a little more polished . The story line made you justifiably question the Creed, I didn't play Unity or Syndicate ( but I'm eyeballing syndicate right now ). When I saw the game play for Origins I was kinda frustrated because of the hit markers and etc. It didn't look like the Creed games I've known and loved. I randomly brought the game because it was on sale on the Xbox marketplace and after a few hours of playing at first, I admit it was frustrating getting the controls down because it felt like it was a inconvenience to or a task to do fluid fighting situations. But the story was amazing, what drove Aye and Bayek made me overlook the at times frustrating controls and weird fighting mechanics ( also the game looks amazing ). The story line made me care more about the world of creed, yeah they are times were the gods you come across made me feel like I was playing a different game but in context of the game and the fact the "apple of Eden" and artifacts from the "garden of Eden " were used along with the cut scenes from the first few AC games and how mankind came to be to, it wasn't really a big deal. But with that said, I'm not actually looking to play odyssey even though it looks great visually, it does look like something that could easy be associated with a different gaming franchise instead of a product of AC. I hope in the future Bayek gets another entry in the AC even though I doubt it, I enjoyed how ubisoft went back and explained "amunet the legendary assassin " statue that was in ezio's mansion in the earlier games. Even though I respect bayeks decision to be even more in the shadows of the assassins history books ( and lets be honest ubisoft kinda added him into the timeline for the title "ac origins") it would have been cool to see him mentioned somewhere in the previous games considering him and Aya started the creed. Im kinda looking forward to the new Creed game but, I'm going to get my fill of Origins and probably Syndicate before it comes out, thanks for reading

    submitted by /u/camrond_greatone
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    I just want to appreciate the voice actors who do the other languages.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 10:07 AM PST

    I'm currently watching an Assassin's Creed Odyssey walkthrough in Japanese. I don't understand a word of Japanese but I know everything said in every cutscene in English so it's easy to follow. The voice acting is hit and miss with some great voice acting with great emotion and some are very robotic. I feel like I'm watching an anime. Spanish voice actors sound like they're talking at 2x speed. I can't imagine how difficult that must be.

    submitted by /u/CarFreak777
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    If you could combine AC games into one perfect AC game how would you do it?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 02:20 AM PST

    For me it would be:

    Unity: looks and stealth

    Odyssey: Combat and gear system

    Syndicate: gadgets

    ACII: story and parkour

    ACBF: naval combat

    What would be yours?

    submitted by /u/Reclue36
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    Odyssey DLC (Spoilers, possibly)

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 07:31 PM PST

    So I have been playing Odyssey for the last month or so. I know all about the controversy over being forced into a romance in the First Blade trilogy and having a child to "secure the bloodline".

    Honestly that never bothered me. I get it. It's the same necessity your mother and Pythagoras had to deal with. Not that big a deal to me.

    But now that I'm in on the third chapter of the Atlantis trilogy, Atlantis seems to grate on my nerves a bit.

    Elysium shows abusive Isu and you rise up to champion the humans. Great. No problems here.

    The Underworld shows you helping people, dealing with the very bad, or legendary. Not so much of the Isu being the bad guys this time, so much as the Tartaros inmates. Again, no real problem.

    But I've spent a few ours in Atlantis now. I'm supposed to be the Dikastes. My word is supposed to be final. Or at least, that's what they want you to think.

    First quest I complete was the girl who turns into a wolf. Clearly seems like someone gave her an Isu artifact, but from the talk, she was experimented on, likely by Isu. Unless this goes farther in another quest I haven't discovered, it just seems to sort of peter out into nothing really.

    The situation just deteriorates when I start meeting Archons.

    First up, the one in the Arena. This, more than anything, makes me feel like Kassandra being the Dikastes means jack squat. The crux seems to be, do I butcher a bunch of "criminals" with no real word on their crimes, or if they are even guilty. It's just the Isu saying they are.

    If I do it, it appeases the crowd and everything is fine. If I don't do it, the Isu decide to murder the entire crowd. There isn't much choice there.

    So I continue on, and just finish with the second Archon. Scarface has issues with humans. No reason on why they did it. Nothing on the backstory. My options are simply kill them or torch their supplies.

    It just seems like the recurring theme here is that the Isu are largely dicks, or at least Ubisoft's version of elves, with nothing but disdain and contempt for humans. And despite my being there to try and achieve some sort of balance, so far I'm not seeing anything of the kind.

    It's just Isu butchering humans and looking down on them. With no real dialogue, to this point, to say otherwise.

    I dunno why. Judgment just feels really off for some reason. Five other chapters in the DLC all felt perfectly fine. It's only this one that seems rather screwy to me.

    Or maybe this was just the effect Ubisoft was going for. Given the Animus messing up a bit as I go into each of them. And Layla's issues with the staff.

    submitted by /u/SilverHawke27
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    "Every Story Has an Ending" Quest Chain Won't Start

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 07:18 PM PST

    Hey everyone, I'm having some issues. I've completed the main story, done the post game that are supposed to be the gate to this chain and still nothing. Even went and did the first Atlantis quest but every time I talk to Herodotos all he says is "There is much to do and many unknowns on our horizon." Could any of y'all maybe clue me in on what I might be missing?

    submitted by /u/DruidicStarlight
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    I'm playing Assassins Creed 3, and it got me wondering which side other historical figures would be on

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 08:55 AM PST

    So I'm a fan of musicals, more specifically hamilton. Hamilton made me fall in love with the american revolution. Because I'm a brit it's fascinating to learn history where we are the bad guys. In british history we are taught we are the heroes in everything (we are quite a horrible, selfish country).

    So to learn about the american revolution is amazing, so I picked up assassins creed 3 remastered (never played it during release because i only got into AC starting with unity)

    And despite their absence in the game it got me wondering what side would Hamilton and Aaron burr be on

    Personally I think Hamilton would be a templar, he was very much for himself and a bit selfish. So I see him as a templar whereas aaron burr would probably be an assassin or allied with the assassins in some way.

    What do you think? I would love another colonies game btw, completing 3 means I have played every ac game and i love 3 more than most

    submitted by /u/RocketMan0602
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    AC: Odyssey Pause Menu Theme

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 05:24 PM PST

    Hey, does anyone know what the actual name of the pause menu theme is? Talking about this one is it apart of the OST?

    submitted by /u/iDripAlone
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    The Hidden Blade has lost its weight

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 03:46 PM PST

    inb4 "oh look another post praising Unity"

    In the latest additions to the AC franchise, Origins and Odyssey, I feel like the hidden blade isn't as special as it used to be. Not to mention the complete lack of one in Odyssey, but that's a whole other discussion that I'm sure we're all tired of.

    In the older AC games, and in my opinion especially in Unity, the hidden blade had weight and impact. It was a weapon, in older games you could even use it as a combat weapon (which was BADASS).

    If Unity had one thing, it was spectacular animations, dare I say the best of the franchise. Everything was so fluid, most of all the hidden blade kills. My favourite animation of all is the most basic hidden blade kill. In Unity, when you assassinated someone while just walking or blending with the crowd, there is almost no way of telling that you've killed someone. No stabbing motion, barely any arm movement, just a subtle pat on the back as if you're walking past someone. Once your target drops to the floor, you're long gone.

    To me, that was peak hidden blade kills. Not to mention all of the other variations possible in AC:U. That's how the hidden blade should feel like. In recent games, it feels like stabbing someone with a toothpick.

    submitted by /u/wammes_
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    I’m thinking about buying AC4 Black Flag in PS4 just to play the multiplayer again. Does it has matches going on?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 03:42 PM PST

    It would be the third time I buy AC4. The first one was on xbox 360. The second was for PS4. The third is now for PS4 again (since I sold the disc).

    I love the multiplayer so much, and I'm planning to buy just for it.

    I'm not looking for, just want to know if is there some active sessions at least in the weekends. How is the player base?

    submitted by /u/insanity_sea
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    Alright I'm playing AC4:BF again and I've been seeing conflicting things only SO; Is it possible to run the game any higher than 60hz or is it locked in the engine to 60? I know about the .ini files but most people are saying that it only changes the visuals in the menu and not the actual FPS.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 03:09 PM PST

    Running a 165hz 1440p monitor.

    submitted by /u/CivilHedgehog2
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