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    Wednesday, December 25, 2019

    Assassin's Creed I'm hoping for a more grounded, violent game

    Assassin's Creed I'm hoping for a more grounded, violent game

    I'm hoping for a more grounded, violent game

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 11:23 AM PST

    Been playing this series since 2007, and recently finished Odyssey... I have to say, I'm really not a fan of where the series is heading. While I have enjoyed some of the elements the Origins reboot did for the series, such as the combat and customization, the story and settings have been going in a downward spiral. I know that the games were never really "realistic" but they were definitely more grounded earlier in the series. The Ones Who Came Before were a mysterious force, and being able to slowly uncover the hidden history throughout the early games was great. We were just a human in history, that learned how to become an assassin and use their abilities. But now, we are super-powered demigods, running around with magical weapons and it feels so silly.

    For example, while AC3 is a "love it or hate it" game, most people say that the combat looks great. You can feel the weight of Connor's tomahawks sinking into enemies flesh, or the quick stabs of his hidden blades. You feel like this could actually have happened, like this character you're playing as could have actually existed, and that's what I miss. Running around and doing simple, yet effective parkour. Having to climb a building to get a bird's eye view, instead of... being a bird. Unity captured this feeling well, the parkour in that game was amazing. Climbing inside buildings, scoping out for your target, sneaking around while planning your escape, and then assassinating them was so satisfying.

    TL;DR : Let me be just a normal Viking dude explores medieval Europe and chops motherfuckers in half.

    submitted by /u/uglyworldchamp
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    I’ve always wanted a feudal Japan setting for an AC game

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 05:58 PM PST

    They could go nuts with the weapons/combat and make a great story. I've been hoping for it every year with my buddies for a long time now

    submitted by /u/FLEWIS082
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    Call me mad man but I think AC Unity is (one of) the best games in AC series

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 12:32 AM PST

    Maybe it's buggy as hell, maybe the graphics are not the best, maybe performance is not the greatest too, maybe it is first game after "revolution" in AC series and should be treated as experiment, maybe it is not the most loved game out of whole series but maybe I love it so much because of the time period it takes place, maybe it's because that I find Arno to be one of the most intriguing characters in whole series (together with Bayek), maybe it's because that I find closed city to be much better world for AC game than big open world, maybe it's because it feels like I am real assassin (I can's feel it in Odyssey for instance), maybe it's because I feel that I should sneak because fighting is somehow challenging, maybe it's because I am a little bit outdated and feel that AC should be as much RPG thing as Oddysey and Origins are.

    submitted by /u/Exigoss
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    Here is my version events in the beginning of Rogue.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 02:41 PM PST

    So everything goes the same until Shay causes the earthquake in Lisbon. Once he realises what he has done he is obviously still racked with guilt. However since its implied Shay is either a fairly new assassin or is at the bottom of the pecking order he is too ashamed and can not go back to face Achilles and the other assassins choosing instead to sail to the much closer Ireland (for obvious reasons).

    While in Dublin, or any major port city, Shay is drowning his sorrows one night when he gets press ganged into the service of a ship captained or transporting a high ranking Templar (maybe Monro or Haytham). He and the Templar get talking Shay explains his predicament without getting too specific about being an assassin. All while this sequence is going on Shay is maybe uncovering a plot on the ship similar to Haytham in AC3. This is also when the Templar sense Shay would make a good recruit and begins manipulating him into a Templar using the same half truths and "certain point of view" stuff they use in the actual game.

    Once we get back on American soil the two come clean about who they actually are and have a chase/fight. Shay comes out on top but doesn't kill him because of maybe having his life saved on the ship at some point or just because of their relationship. This is when we return to the homestead. An argument about how to proceed would ensue. Achilles hubris and his heightened bloodlust for the Templars (brought about as a coping mechanism for losing his family) would get the better of him and says the Assassins should still look into the precursor artefacts even given the risk. Obviously Shay disagrees, things get out of hand it ends up much like how they did in canon.

    When Shay is recovering from his injuries he resolves to stop the Assassins plan and he seeks out his companion from the ship having no one else to turn too for help in this. I'd imagine the game would play out in much the same way from here on out.


    This was just something I thought up while replaying the series so forgive if there is any glaring plotholes or if its just a bit shit. The way Shays defection is handled has always rubbed me the wrong way. Like it all relies on miscommunication and assumptions from Shay. Achilles never really get to explain why hes so belligerent that is makes him totally drop the not killing npcs rule.

    Please let me know what you think or if you have your own head-canon/theories cause I love that stuff.

    submitted by /u/Zootanclan1
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    If Ac4 modern day was third person gameplay with actual third person cutscenes as well, it would have been much better received

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 12:46 PM PST

    I really like the idea of an explorable Abstergo. There's even that segment in which you have to get to the CEOs office by climbing the building but in first person just seems off.

    Also I would change the story a bit. After the death of Desmond, something immediately addressed in the first act, the Assassins would have the new modern day protagonist infiltrate Abstergo to research Edward's memories and get info on what the Templars got from Desmomd's body.

    That or a Mr Robot situation in which you are a disillusioned worker angry at society working for an evil Corp. Slowly realizing they are actually the masterminds of control and economic slavery, joining the assassins midgame.

    The first person thingy ruined the MD segments. We needed a new defined character not a floating tablet.

    submitted by /u/Brandomd
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    Happy AC Day - Kassandra (Charcoal Drawings)

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 10:52 AM PST

    Kingdom needs income in the form of liberating camps or claiming land for your Viking clan

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 05:02 PM PST

    I just really want a form of income, like the villa in ac2 or brotherhoods renovation concept. I feel like odyssey should've had this as a liberation thing. I enjoyed the choice between Sparta and Athens but I would've loved if you had just picked a side and could turn all of Greece into Sparta, who would've been your allies. This could've worked as well if you were just liberating places from the cult, and putting in people who liked you and could give you some income. I want this in Kingdom to be like a taking land over from other Viking clans or something, I just needed more incentive to go capture forts and stuff in odyssey and this would be great.

    submitted by /u/PotatoePeanut
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    Just finished Rogue for the first time

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 11:38 PM PST

    I have to say, I'm impressed. Genuinely enjoyed the game all the way through. The writing was a little bit "corny" but other than that, a solid game.

    Probs won't play again though.

    submitted by /u/Die_Like_A_Rockstar
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    Who would love a Balcan setting for an AC similar to the Witcher?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 11:12 AM PST

    I really love the show and the setting and I can't keep thinking an AC in a Balcan/Slavic setting would be great.

    submitted by /u/Whitecat90
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    Thinking of picking up at least one game from this series for my Switch.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 12:01 AM PST

    First off, which ones were released for the NS? III? And the recent 4+Rogue. Apparently Odyssey is also on Switch?

    4+Rogue seems like the obvious choice. But I've played (and enjoyed) both of them years ago. I never played 3 but consensus at the time was people didn't like it.

    The last AssCreed game I've played was Syndicate.

    Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Chaos_LightDark
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    Honestly Full Synch should always) net a reward

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 08:56 AM PST

    Brotherhood and Revelations had cheats and the Desmond outfit for getting Full Synch in sequences. 3 had the Altair outfit (that just didn't look right on Connor because the missing gloves and body frame differences) for 100 percent Synch. So why shouldn't later games have a outfit or upgrade of sorts.

    submitted by /u/DrHazardous
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    Unnamed protagonist in modern days from Black Flag to Unity

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 12:00 PM PST

    Ok i played all games in order - last game i played is Unity. Whats the name of the modern day protagonist starting from Black flag game to Unity? Is he even one person or many? He was templar in the beginning of Black Flag - is he working on assassins after Black flag? really hard to understand story after third game.Trying to understand it without spoilers after Unity

    submitted by /u/Termik1
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    In what order have you played AC games and why?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 09:11 AM PST

    Here's my order:

    AC2, AC1, Unity, Origin, Odyssey, Black Flag, AC3

    Here's my explanation:

    Born in the 80's. [2010]: buy PS3. Discover the franchise by a friend, who borrowed me AC2. Get in love and purchase AC1. [...] Spent 5 years without gaming. [2015]: buy PC and Unity during release date: lag, bugs and crashes. Deception [2018]: 3 years later, PC update. Reconsider give another try to Unity. Get in love again. Buy Origin. Love it. [2019]: Buy Odyssey. Love it. Buy Black Flag. Love it.

    Now I'm playing AC3. Let's see.

    submitted by /u/yeskaScorpia
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    Anyone can gift me Assasin's Creed Origin on steam?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 11:17 PM PST

    I've been wanting this game because of its beautiful world,gameplay and RPG action. I'm still a student and used all of my save money to buy some equipments for school works and recently bought a pc equipment(processor). If anyone who is kind enough to gift me this game.

    submitted by /u/Froexorien
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    What would you like to see in the MD setting

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 07:03 AM PST

    I know many here hate MD and would prefer to get rid of it, but MD Is the true core of Assassins Creed, so I would love to see them focusing on a new Assassin recruit, a diferent Team, under the guidance of Rebecca and Shaun (on the distance), hell a DLC of our main character completing some missions in the present would be nice.

    submitted by /u/Ich_bin_du88
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    What abilities, powers, and/or traits does each assassin have that makes them unique and different from the rest of the assassins?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 07:35 AM PST

    I haven't got to all the games yet , and i'm curious on if the other assassins have any particular things that make them special. A few examples would be:

    - Arno having a heightened sense of eagle vision. In AC Unity, you could locate targets through walls without having to first make visual contact with them, he could find weaknesses in a given situation, and being able to look through someones memories when he killed them. On top of that he also could disguise himself and share his eagle vision with others(in game abilities).

    -Connor had super strength(if i remember correctly) and could turn into or gain the abilities of an animal such as a bear, eagle, or wolf. He also has a fighting style that makes him brutal and tough to beat in hand to hand combat.

    -Altair, haven't played his games but from what I've heard, he was never hit, making him a master assassin

    -Bayek, he is a very skilled, well rounded warrior trained from a young age. He probably has great leadership qualities being the founder of the Brotherhood.

    That's all I have for now, would love to know what you guys think

    submitted by /u/BBQCHICKEN__
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    2nd weapon slot ability (Odyssey)

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 04:14 AM PST

    Does the abilities or passives of the 2nd weapon slot transfer over when I use the 1st weapon slot or is it the only weapon I use that the abilities are active on?

    submitted by /u/Twitter-BonamyInigo
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    can you tell me about the most balanced legendary set in the game

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 04:02 AM PST

    i'm tryna have a legendary set that is a balance between huntet,assassin& warrior,know anything good?

    submitted by /u/JustAredditUser69
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    How do you think Ubisoft will end Assassins Creed?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 07:41 AM PST

    Personally, I think they might finish on a massive Ezio game.

    I know his story is and character arc are complete but I think they'll do a game based around him.

    I can't see them ending on a futuristic game to be honest.


    submitted by /u/Bamonk
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